The God Of Power

Chapter 68 - 68

Chapter 68: Chapter 68

Noboru, Sky, Layla, Yumeko, Fire General Kai, Suijin, and his Navy Marines had crossed the great sea. Noboru knew he could teleport there but decided against it. As Noboru walked he couldn't help but feel his rage boil being the mere presence of a man similar to Hiroshi. He felt like enjoying the adventure but couldn't because of Suijin remonding him of Hiroshi. On the other hand he was becoming friendly with Sky, Layla, and Yumeko. They were his age. It was then he saw a boy no older than 5 running towards them, screaming for help. Water God Suijin and Enkai were about to go and help him, seeing he wore the mark of the Trident, from which Noboru learned that they branded children with Water Aura to show they had absolute power over and were superior to people who never had the mark as they were powerless. Noboru used an ability he learned, which was sensing, and felt the boy had no life, no Aura but was completely Void Energy unlike the Disciples who still exerted life energy. Noboru, thanks to omni energy, could sense all energies. Noboru quickly appeared in front of him and neck-chopped him as the boy poofed away. Noboru sensed several Void Energy signatures nearby.

"Get down; it's an illusion made by the Disciples Of Darkness!" Noboru yelled as they ducked down and beams of Void Energy were fired from all directions. Noboru then felt a surge of Void Energy gathering above a faraway city, which Noboru could only assume was Mizuki preparing a void invasion as soon as the Trident which Suijin had entered the capital.

Suddenly, Robed figures jumped down. "I am High Priest Kashin. You have killed many of our people who wish to free the beautiful and ever-glorious Void Queen. Therefore, by order of Mizuki-sama's decree, we will execute Water God Suijin if you hand over the trident and yourself for execution. We will let your men live, but if you refuse, we will kill your men, these Aerithans and Ignarockians who are helping you, and take you and the trident to Mizuki-sama ourselves," Kashin declared. Suijin and his marines showed no remorse, but they looked afraid.

'These Disciples of Darkness were powerless, mistreated just like Mizuki, and they now have Void Energy like Mizuki's. It seems like they are choosing the path of vengeance. Am I going to have to fight that out of them?' Noboru thought. Suijin was seething. "You are all powerless; you should listen to your betters," Suijin proclaimed, his voice filled with rage as Enkai and the rest of the marines laughed at Kashin and the disciples' threats.

"Do you really think we will let you hurt Water God Suijin-sama?" Enkai said arrogantly making Noboru raise his eye brows from what he was sending was hostile intent from Enkai but it wasn't aimed at his group or the Disciple but to Suijin. Noboru heard Suijin and the Marines arrogantly laughed and gloated at Kashin and the Disciples Of Darkness.

'Oh Suijin you and your people are so Naive you can't tell one of your own is...' Noboru was brought out of his thought as he saw Layla, Sky, and Yumeko looked disgusted who were next to him, along with Fire General Kai looked like he was ready to leave Suijin and his marines to their fate. they knew it was only because of Noboru that the Marines weren't hiding like before they were told about the Disciples' goals, plus they couldn't fight Void users well. Suijin can for a bit, but would be overwhelmed because the Void could negate all aura-based powers, and it can erase the existence of anyone and anything it touches, unless it's spirit aura, red aura, or Noboru Chikara.

'Why don't you just go and anger someone who can kill you?' Yumeko thought sarcastically.

'Such arrogance, just like Lord Baron Jaeger,' Sky thought back to the dumb noble that used to live near his mother's house. Thinking about it made Sky realize he hadn't gone back to it since that day.

'God save us all if he's going to be part of the alliance,' Layla thought.

Noboru almost sensing their thoughts decided to intervene. "Don't we might be able to enact the plan quicker than we initially planned well atleast the first part of it." Noboru whispered, catching their intention.

"This isn't going to end well," Fire General Kai murmured as Noboru nodded his head in agreement but knew that what the Fire General said was only in the case of the Water God and his marines But that didn't matter he's only here to get to the capital and watch over Sky, Yumeko, and Layla. After they reached the capital, he planned to help Mizuki and put his plan into action while Sky and his group took care of the Disciples Of Darkness but his plan had changed and it was all because the Enkai showed a bit of malice towards Suijin.

Kashin simply smiled. "Oh, we will, and we are going to kill every Marine you have with you," Kashin declared, angering Suijin and the marines. "Attack!" Kashin yelled as Void Users surrounded them. Void Energy attacks were being sent towards Suijin and the marines. Noboru simply protected Layla, Sky, Yumeko, and Fire General Kai with a barrier made of omni energy using a mere hand gesture while the Water God Suijin and Enkai protected themselves. Noboru saw several marines be hit and turned into nothing as Suijin and Enkai defended themselves alone. The fight soon turned one-sided with Void Energy negating Water Aura, killing several marines as Noboru sensed their deaths.

Enkai quickly took the trident from Water God Suijin, which infuriated him. "What do you think you're doing," Suijin demanded, enraged. "What is the meaning of this?"

"It's my time to rule now, Suijin." Enkai spat. "Your family has destroyed this kingdom; your own flesh and blood is the reason we are running like cowards. It's my time to be king now; your failure of a line should change occupations. You are not worthy of being the Water Go! Your eldest joined a terrorist group.," Enkai yelled. As he said this, Enkai used the trident and Water Aura and manipulated the marines behind Suijin into attacking Suijin. Suijin quickly retaliated and turned his Water Aura Dragon towards his men killing them. Noboru, sensing this, decided it was time to interfere.

'Now's my chance to get rid of this corrupt trash.' Noboru thought as he wasn't surprised Suijin was turned on by his elite guard he sensed Enkai's intentions and it seems the fool acted on them.

'It seems like the Marines were now just liabilities now.' Noboru though as with a hand movement, killed all Marines present, shocking everyone.

"What have you done my men, First i loose my castle to my son, Then i loose my Trident to this traitor and now you traitors kill my Navy Marines and make it easier for my failure of a brat Mizuki to stay in power. I knew it you do work for him don't you? It's why you were angry when i badmouthed him." Suijin roared out.

"Noboru, that wasn't part of the plan. We need Suijin alive as back up incase you can't convince mizuki ," Sky said, panicking.

"Don't worry I got it handled." Noboru replied but saw as the three got nervous.

"Noboru, I understand Water God Suijin is the scum of this world, but we need him alive," Layla said, fearing what Noboru did.

"You're wrong; he's lost his power now. The chance to attack and end this scum. Our plan was always going to kill him, be it by forcing him to change by changing role in story effectively killing this variant or by force. It was going to end today," Noboru said, which was shocking to Sky, Layla, and Yumeko as they were informed by Noboru that he never planned on leaving Suijin ,Enkai and the marines alive and now he managed to think of a way of getting the Trident. This was a chance to take the Trident from a corrupt leader not Like Wind God Kaze or Fire God Ignis.

"Remember, we just need to protect the Trident, not Suijin. Water God Suijin and his marines were liabilities and will only stop an alliance with the other kingdoms," Noboru sai, as Layla, Sky, and Yumeko stopped questioning and agreed.

"Noboru, weren't there any innocent?" Yumeko questioned.

"They weren't; you can agree with me, Sky, can't you? As the son of two powerless, the way they treated the powerless half of their people... They didn't deserve to live; they are no better than that Baron Jaeger from your mother's area who used, extorted, and abused the powerless. They are not better than Meiyo Kouki and the rest of my family for how they treated the powerless and how they were going to kill Layla, Yumeko, and you for being Aerithans and the Fire General for being Ignarockian. Tell me, are they really innocent?" Noboru asked, shocking everyone. Layla, Sky, and Yumeko could not find an argument against Noboru.

Fire General Kai then spoke, "He's right; this alliance would have never worked out." As this was said the trio remembered what Noboru had told them back in the camp about what the water god planned to do to them.

'They were planning on capturing me. Suijin wanted to use me for pleasure and give Layla to Enkai just to break Sky,' Yumeko thought, recalling what Noboru told them back at the camp. 'Noboru... Noboru's always saved us. He never once demanded I return the favor. I will one day'

'Noboru saved Layla, Yumeko, me, and my kingdom. The least I can do is trust him. He did the same when he saved Yumeko and Layla from my red version, plus I after what he told me Suijin was gonna do to Yumeko and Layla I agree with him,' Sky thought s he got angry remembering Layla and Yumeko's faith if Suijin beat Noboru.

'Noboru saved me; and he's done it againI,' Layla thought as she shivered at the thought og being used by Enkai.

Kashin started to laugh. "Turned on by not only your elite but also the Blackstar knight. We knew you were scum if even the Blackstar Knight hates you, but you just proved we were right, Water God Suijin," Kashin declared, laughing.

'You're next, Disciple. Only Mizuki lives, and then I will rewrite the story of this kingdom/realm, not not just that but this entire world, to give him the life I couldn't give him. Well, at least I will try. If I can't, then I will at least try to give you the life I couldn't have," Noboru thought as his mind momentarily flashed back to his past before refocusing on the present and the future.

"This is our chance, attack," Kashin yelled as the Disciples Of Darkness attacked the now alone Water God Suijin. However, before they could even move, Noboru teleported in front of Suijin, gripping him by the neck.

"People like you disgust me. You are exactly like my father, and I'm happy I can finally kill scum like you without backlash," Noboru said as fear spread throughout Suijin's body. Noboru punched his chest, breaking bone but stopping before he could kill him.

"I'm not going to let you die that quickly; I will torture you like what my father had the kingdom do to me. You and he are the same," Noboru said as he was about to slam Suijin into the ground but stopped when he heard a voice call out his name.

"Noboru. No, just kill him please. Don't become a monster like him. You don't need to dirty your hands," Sky pleaded, not wanting Noboru, a man he saw as a hero, to become a monster. Noboru simply looked at Suijin, instilling fear he had never felt before, as Noboru dropped Suijin.

"Fine, you're right. There's no point in torturing him. That will be saved for them," Noboru said as a single thought went to his family before he turned to Suijin, and with a single glance at Suijin, Noboru saw Suijin disappear, fading into nothingness as fear overtook him. The three Aerithans, Sky, Yumeko, and Layla, sighed in relief. Don't get them wrong; they were scared but happy Noboru wasn't a monster.

Noboru then turned towards Enkai and, before anyone could see, the last remnant of Suijin's army faded into nothing. Noboru teleported beside Enkai, grabbing the trident. The Disciples Of Darkness turned to Noboru.

"Hand over the trident, you nuisance. We need it to complete our plans," Kashin declared, angering Noboru. Noboru chuckled.

"Come here and get it," Noboru said.

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