The God Of Power

Chapter 70 - 70

Chapter 70: Chapter 70

Noboru, Layla, Sky, Yumeko, and Fire General Kai were in the Aquatic Capital City. Noboru led the group towards Mizuki's castle. Layla, Sky, and Yumeko were excited, while Fire General Kai and Noboru were on guard.

"Wow, Noboru, look how large this place is," Sky declared in excitement. Layla nodded in agreement as Yumeko smiled, happy to be with Sky and her friends. Fire General Kai looked around to see the citizens looking scared and depressed, wondering if Mizuki was responsible.

Noboru, observing the area, saw that many Water Aura users were afraid. 'So not everyone rebelled against Mizuki, but they are still treated like trash. I wonder if I will be the same to the Phoenix Kingdom,' Noboru thought, before he quickly shook his head, realizing he needed to focus.

"Noboru, we are here. Mizuki is somewhere inside his castle," Sky declared.

"Sky, Layla, Yumeko, are you ready? This will determine if Mizuki can join us. We will see if he's good; if he isn't, well then I will have to do something else," Noboru stated, as Layla, Sky, and Yumeko nodded.

"I will destroy him and make him pay if he for rebelling," Yumeko vowed, surprising Sky with her change in demeanor. She was usually sweet and caring, even willing to help an enemy, but now Yumeko was serious, no longer the same naive sweet saint as before. He wondered what could have happened. On Yumeko neck behind her a Trident shaped mark glew.

Noboru found this odd and looked at Yumeko before he saw a trident-shaped mark. The same mark Water God Suijin placed on his people. Noboru narrowed his eyes as he closed them and focused on the Trident mark, trying to sense something. Suddenly, his face turned to one of rage. Sky, Layla, and Yumeko, seeing his angered look, couldn't help but get frightened. Fire General Kai saw this and wondered why Noboru was mad, but soon he realized something: if Noboru could turn a void energy attack into nothing, and if he was angered just by something in Yumeko, he wondered what Noboru could do if he was truly angered.

"What's wrong?" Sky asked nervously as Noboru calmed down and quickly told Layla, Sky, and Fire General Kai why.

"That's not Yumeko," Noboru said, as the Yumeko in front of them started to sweat and shake.

"Yumeko?" Layla asked, only to see a water claw form from said Yumeko and try to stab Noboru, shocking everyone. Sky and Layla's jaws dropped. Fire General Kai was shocked and speechless. Yumeko felt fear as Noboru before her didn't even flinch. It never even pierced the air around him, showing his mere presence was above all Aquorans.

"Who are you?" Sky yelled, mad and worried for Yumeko. Layla got mad, seeing the Yumeko imposter, as Fire General Kai just waited as Noboru spoke.

"It's the real Yumeko in body, but Water God Suijin put a mark that will allow him to puppeteer her body if he died, using her as a way to continue living, using water Aura. I should have erased his existence, but his mark still links back to him. Sky, Layla, and Kai, back up. I will take care of it," Noboru ordered, as Layla, Sky, and Fire General Kai nodded and did as told.

"What are you?" Water God Suijin asked in Yumeko's body, scared of Noboru but surprised he sensed her so easily. "You shouldn't have known until you killed my son Mizuki, and I could stab you when you least expected and felt betrayal dying to a friend. After that I would proceed with taking back the trident and putting my other son Kawa on the throne," Suijin yelled in Yumeko's body as Noboru got mad. He hated Suijin and his existence. He was to similar to Hiroshi. Noboru for a fact knew if Hiroshi could he would have done the same thing. He will need to check in case Hiroshi did. It was unlikely but Noboru has learned expect the unexpected.

"Your Water God Suijin, that bastard who's like my father. This time I will erase your existence, even if I have to destroy this kingdom if I have to," Noboru growled, as a red and black coloured omni energy began to form around him, shocking Sky, Layla, Fire General Kai, as the city shook scared of his power.

'I haven't used this power in a long time,' Noboru thought, thinking back to every time he used the Transcendent State, but he snapped out of his thought and focused back on Suijin in Yumeko's body.

'Noboru's angry, and his power is like nothing I ever felt. It feels like I can't breathe, and like the world itself fears him,' Sky thought, scared his breathing and heart beat quicken.

'Noboru, his anger, it feels like an angry god of vengeance about unleash his wrath,' Layla thought as her eyes trembled she couldn't stand her legs gave out.

'Just how powerful is Noboru? Is his power this great? How could he hide it?' Fire General Kai thought, as he feared Noboru's power. He was close to passing out just being near Noboru

Suijin, who was puppeteering Yumeko's body, backed up in fear. He felt this power reach him wherever he was when he was dead. "Soul erasure," Noboru said, as Suijin, where he was, screamed as he faded to nothing. The Trident mark on Yumeko's body faded away and turned to nothing. Yumeko passed out, her body exhausted. Sky quickly caught her, as Layla and Fire General Kai ran towards Sky.

"Sky, is Yumeko okay?" Layla asked, scared, as she looked at Noboru, Layla crying, scared of her friend passing out. Sky calmed her down.

"It's okay, Layla. Noboru erased the link Suijin had with Yumeko," Sky said, as Layla, Yumeko, Sky, and Fire General Kai looked at Noboru, seeing him calm down.

"He's right. I erased Suijin from existence. Now he's gone, not dead, but gone, never existed. The mark's gone. When Yumeko wakes up, she will be her usual bubbly self," Noboru said, making Layla, Sky, and Fire General Kai sigh in relief. Sky asked Noboru how he knew.

"When I saw the way she was acting, talking about killing Mizuki in a similar manner to Suijin, I knew something was wrong. Maybe Suijin was using some mental manipulation on her, but then the moment I saw the trident mark, I knew Suijin must have planned something, so I sensed Yumeko and saw a mark connected to the dead Water God Suijin. He must have put it on her before I killed him," Noboru explained, as Fire General Kai spoke up.

"Noboru, we should enter the palace now. Mizuki will get impatient. Yumeko should wake up in a bit, so Sky, Layla, and you can carry her and follow me. I know this palace well," Fire General Kai declared, as Noboru, Layla, Sky, nodded.

As they arrived outside the palace Layla, Sky, and Yumeko could not help but be amazed at the wonderous sight of the castle.

"Wow, Guys, look how beautiful and enourmous this place is," Sky declared in excitement as he looked at the grandeur of the main royal palace of Aquora. The palace stood as a majestic testament to the union of nature and architecture. Its towering spires seemed to reach for the heavens, adorned with intricate carvings and embellished with aquatic motifs. The palace was constructed from luminescent coral-like structures that glowed softly in the moonlight, casting an enchanting radiance all around. Elaborate bridges and walkways connected the various parts of the palace, weaving a mesmerizing web over the crystalline pools that surrounded it. At the heart of the palace, a massive, opalescent dome glistened with an otherworldly luminescence, and it was said to be the very heart of Aquora where water itself was born, first formed.

"Let's go," Noboru declared, as they entered Mizuki's castle and found him standing on the Throne.

"So you have arrived, you deadbeat disgrace of a father. Today I will show you the power of the powerless granted to me by the void queen Yami herself and get revenge... Who the hell are you?" Mizuki said with anger, but when he spotted Noboru, Layla, Sky, Fire General Kai, and a passed-out Yumeko, it turned to confusion.

'Who are these outsiders? How did they get in my father's palace, and how did they get the Deadbeat Disgrace's trident? No matter, I will take it and bring back Void Queen Yami,' Mizuki thought.

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