The God Of Power

Chapter 81 - 81

Chapter 81: Chapter 81

Stepping through the gateway to the next level/ 3rd Eternity of the Dungeon Of Seven Enterinities , Noboru braced himself for another realm of infinite eternity. However, nothing could have prepared those who enter apart from him of the sheer vastness and the shift that greeted him. Gone was the fiery inferno of the previous floor, replaced instead by a boundless expanse of water that stretched into eternity in every conceivable direction.

This new realm was an ocean without shores, a sea without boundaries, where the concepts of distance and size lost all meaning. Above, the sky was a tapestry of shifting hues, reflecting the endless waters below in a mesmerizing dance of light and color. Below, the depths whispered of mysteries and secrets, hidden in the darkness beyond the reach of the sun's rays.

The water itself was alive, a dynamic and ever-changing entity that moved with a purpose all its own. Waves rose and fell like the breathing of some colossal being, their crests sparkling under the light of a sky that seemed to hold every star that ever was. Each drop of water was a Hierarchies of infinite ascending containing layers which had Dimensional Hierarchies in it which with the Hierarchies where each layer saw the one below it as fiction with in these layers were Multiverse that contained an infinite amount of universes which contained infinite galaxies that had infinite solar system that had infinite suns, stars and planets with stories that had their own parallel stories based on a different outcome, each ripple a story, intertwining and flowing in an eternal ballet of creation and dissolution.

Noboru found himself gazing into this beautiful oceanic expanse, where the horizon was an ever-receding line, always just beyond grasp, a reminder of the realm's incomprehensible scale. It was as if he had stepped into a world that defied all logic, where the very essence of water had been distilled into its most pure and infinite form.

Amidst this endless sea, colossal leviathans glided, their forms obscured by the depths, casting shadows that played across the waters like dark, fleeting thoughts. Schools of ethereal fish, their scales shimmering with iridescent light, darted through the waters, weaving patterns that spoke of ancient rhythms and timeless cycles. Each drinking in these hierarchies laying waste to civilisation at a scale hither to undreamt of.

The air was filled with the sound of water, a symphony of waves crashing, water droplets falling, and the distant calls of creatures unseen. It was a sound that resonated deep within Noboru, a call to the very core of his being, reminding him of the fluid nature of existence and the perpetual flow of life.

Noboru knew the challenge in this level was not just to navigate the endless waters but to understand them, to find a way to move forward in a world where directions held no meaning, and progress was measured not in distance while defeating any adversary in the way.

The water the longer you stayed become a force of nature itself, shaping the water to it's will, creating whirlpools and tidal waves to help leviathans of the deep deal with the other adventurers.

As Noboru walked through these infinite seas, Noboru realized that this floor of the dungeon was more than a trial; it is meant to be tiring, making you get relaxed and more tired by listening to the sound of the rain. Noboru ignored that option to learn the art of how the water flow, of how each droplet is moving with the currents of life, adapting and changing with the ever-shifting tides to see if he can use this as an advantage to defeat upcoming beasts he knows he will face..

And as he moved through the water, becoming one with the infinite sea, Noboru knew that he was not just a warrior battling for survival. With each stroke, each breath, Noboru moved deeper into the heart of the water realm, his spirit undaunted by the vastness that surrounded him. For in this endless ocean, he found a reflection of his own boundless potential, a reminder that within him flowed the same infinite power that shaped the world around him. And with this realization, Noboru pressed on when suddenly Aqua Serpents, creatures of pure water emerged, their bodies flowing and reforming like liquid, making them nearly impossible to grasp or strike.

Noboru steadied himself, his Earth Aura flaring to life around him. "Earth Shield!" he bellowed, and the water around him parted as a barrier of solid earth encircled him, repelling the serpents' fluid attacks.

But the Aqua Serpents were only the vanguard. Behind them came the Tide giants making Noboru sad as compared massive beings that seemed to draw the very sea into their wake, creating whirlpools and tidal surges with every movement to Behemoth the Giant that was the leader of the Giants of his kingdom and a good friend. Noboru began to get angry but calmed down knowing he needed to play the game by the dukes rule if he wanted to meet the king to get a alliance make sure his friends are safe and see Ayame-Chan again. The Water Giant roars sent waves crashing to him and were deafening and relentless.

Noboru gritted his teeth and dodged trying to stay clam after being reminded of his kingdom he created that was destroyed by the demons and the other humans kingdoms, realizing the futility of being angry and trying to face this endless onslaught head-on. "I need a different approach my heads not in this because of my memories," Noboru muttered to himself, his mind racing through possibilities. "If brute force won't work, I'll have to use the environment to my advantage."

With a deep breath, Noboru concentrated, extending his Earth Aura deep into the ocean floor. "Subterranean Spikes!" he commanded, and the seabed erupted in a forest of jagged stone, catching the Tide Behemoths off guard and impaling them from below.

Yet, for every endless amount beast that fell, it seemed as though infinite more took its place, a never-ending torrent of creatures spawned from the very essence of the sea. Noboru found himself being swarmed, the Aqua Serpents reforming faster than he could dispatch them, and the Tide Behemoths seemingly undeterred by his attacks.

In the midst of the chaos, Noboru's voice said determined. "I am Noboru Chikara, and I will not lose now, not never not like back in those days!" With a surge of power, he unleashed his next attack. "Earthquake Tsunami!" The ocean floor shook violently, sending shockwaves through the water, disrupting the beasts' formations and buying Noboru precious time.

The relentless waves of enemies did not deter Noboru; instead, they steeled his resolve. "This is more than a trial; it's a test of will," he said through gritted teeth, his Earth Aura pulsing with every beat of his heart. "And My Will is Absolute he yelled.

As he fought, Noboru realized that this battle was a mirror of the ocean itself – endless, unfathomable, and constantly changing. Then realization dawned upon Noboru that brute force alone would not grant him victory in this domain. Instead, he would need to use the earth to embody the very essence of water..

After calculating a new strategy in mind, Noboru Smiled and shifted his approach. "Mudslide Torrent!" he shouted, combining his Earth Aura with the water by breaking earth into small rocks having it blend with the water therefore making it controllable by earth aura and using the muddy water he formed around him to create a massive wave of mud, sweeping through the ranks of Aqua Serpents, disorienting them and using their fluid nature against them.

Yet when the aqua serpents fell it seemed the ocean seemed to have an endless supply of guardians. From the abyssal depths of the ocean, arose the Kraken Wraiths, spectral entities that commanded the currents themselves, their tentacles reaching out with terrifying precision.

Noboru was unfazed as he called upon the earth's deeper layers. "Continental Divide!" With this, he split the beyond countable infinity called the ocean floor, creating vast chasms that swallowed the advancing Kraken Wraiths, trapping them in the earthen grasp far below the waves as he split the ocean floor like it was nothing..

The battle raged on, each moment an eternity in this infinite sea. Noboru's voice echoed across the waters as he unleashed his arsenal of earth-based attacks, against any monster or beast that stood in way killing them. His reserves were not even phased thank Omni Energy he had infinite stamina even though he was not using it. People back were home they believed Omni Energy was a limited power source but that is not the case because after what Noboru learned using infinite to describe Omni Energy would be a insult and a downplay on levels indescribable. Omni Energy was is an Beyond description source of everything and nothing what people back home sensed was not reserves of Omni Energy but potency, how potent their Omni Energy which was a mixture of many things Noboru would not get into right now. . "Boulder Barrage!" "Canyon Crevice!" "Stone Cyclone!" With each call, the ocean responded, bending to his will, even as it sought to overwhelm him with its infinite amount Sea Creatures that faced him.

As the conflict reached its high ppint, Noboru's mind raced, seeking the key to turning the tide of this endless battle. "Alright i have had enough It's time to end this," Nobrou said as a resolve like none other struck him.

With a deep breath, Noboru centered himself, his Earth Aura pulsing in harmony with the ocean's rhythm. "Erosion Whirlpool!" he called out, his voice steady and calm. Around him, the water began to swirl, mimicking the natural process of erosion. The Aqua Serpents, caught in the current, found their fluid forms destabilized, dissolving into the very water they emerged from.

The Tide Behemoths, too massive to be swept away, were eroded at their bases, their once-mighty forms crumbling under the relentless force of the whirlpool. And the Kraken Wraiths, their spectral forms ill-suited to resist the physical force of erosion, faded into the deep never ending water abyss from whence they came.

As the last of the water beasts succumbed to Noboru's counter offensive he aimed his hand at the source of water level. "Mud blast." He yelled as the earth and water mixed making mud and blast it self at the core of the source of water destroying it, the ocean calmed, the infinite horde vanquished by his adaptability and resilience. Panting, Noboru surveyed the now-peaceful waters, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

"Now its gonna get serious. But lets see how hard this can be," he whispered to himself as he sensed the power of the next floor, a small smile breaking through his exhaustion. "But this is just the beginning. The Dungeon of the Seven Eternities holds more trials, and I will face them all, no matter what form they take."

With renewed determination, Noboru prepared to advance, knowing that each step took him closer to his goal, but saw two dead bodies. Noboru decided to take a break and eat after that he made his way to the next room. The audience were speechless.

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