The God Of Power

Chapter 86:

Chapter 86: Chapter 86:

The air in the Stadium was thick with anticipation and tension as the fighters gathered on stage, awaiting the proctor to signal the start of the first and final showdown of the tournament. Each contender stood apart, with Haruka Satou, Daichi Tanaka, Renji Mori, Hiroto Tsuchi, and Kane Kuroiwa on one side, and Noboru Chikara on the other. They were all lost in their thoughts as their motivations varied and flashed in their heads as the paths that had led them to this moment.

Haruka Satou stood with a quiet intensity, his gaze fixed on the ground before him. His village had once been a peaceful haven, but that peace had been torn by the greed and cruelty of a tyrannical Baron from a town close by. He had used his forces to forcefully take control of the village, and what followed was a hell for the citizens; women were torn from their families to serve in his harem, including his best friend Jina. But that wasn't all; the men were condemned to the darkest pits of the mines, forced to work until they died, never leaving for anything, or they would be killed. Haruka, at 16, had always been the strongest in his village, seeing the noble title as his chance to liberate his people and restore peace to his home. The weight of their hopes and dreams rested heavily on his shoulders, fueling his resolve to win.

Daichi Tanaka, on the other hand, leaned against the wall with a nonchalant air. To him, this tournament was a ticket to a life of luxury and fame—a way to escape the limits of his current poor lifestyle and indulge in the pleasures that wealth could afford, like women, food, land, and more. The noble title was his golden key to a world of pleasure and wealth, where every day promised new delights and freedom.

Renji Mori paced slowly, his eyes gleaming with fierce determination. To him, the tournament was the ultimate test of his abilities, a battleground where he could measure his strength against the best of the best of the North Domain. The noble title was a secondary reward to the thrill of the fight and the satisfaction of pushing his limits further than ever before.

Hiroto Tsuchi stood apart from the others, his expression one of quiet determination. Living in the shadow of his father, Baron Akira, had always been a source of silent frustration for him. The tournament represented a chance to forge his path, to earn recognition for his merits rather than his lineage. The noble title was his opportunity to step out from under his father's legacy and prove his worth and strength.

Kane Kuroiwa looked at Noboru with his back straight and head held high, radiating a confidence that showed arrogance. For Kane, the noble title was a means to ascend to the highest echelons of power and prestige. His journey to this point had been to achieve his ruthless ambition to be the strongest, to dominate, and to claim the most desirable prizes for himself. His eyes had been set on acquiring a noble's daughter to cement his status, but upon seeing Emiko, the most beautiful and unmarried woman in all of Terravale, his desires shifted. Yet, he knew she harbored feelings for Noboru, a fact that stoked the flames of rivalry within him. Noboru's display of power had forced Kane to reconsider his approach of fighting Noboru head-on for Emiko. Instead, Kane decided to rally up the other fighters under the guise of teamwork, all while plotting to use them as pawns in his quest to eliminate Noboru and claim Emiko for himself.

As the proctor stepped forward, his presence commanded the attention of the fighters and the audience alike. He cleared his throat, and the coliseum fell silent, the anticipation palpable in the air.

"Contestants," he began, his voice echoing through the vast space, "you stand here today not just as fighters, but as symbols of the hopes, dreams, and ambitions of all who have supported you on your journey to this moment. The path to the noble title is fraught with challenges, but it is through overcoming these challenges that true strength is forged."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "Let this final battle be a testament to your courage, determination, and the unwavering spirit that has brought you this far. Remember, it is not just the title that you are fighting for, but the chance to shape your destiny and leave a lasting impact on the world."

"Start," the proctor said as he signaled the beginning of the match. The fighters took their positions, each lost in their thoughts yet united by a common goal—to emerge victorious in the ultimate test of strength and will.

The air was charged with anticipation as the fighters braced themselves for the onslaught ahead. Noboru was calm as ever as he took on a defensive stance, his gaze scanning the stage, taking in each fighter's position.

'This shouldn't take long,' Noboru thought as he let out his aura, a tangible pressure filling the arena, a manifestation of his immense power that seemed to weigh down the very air itself. The contestants, already tense with anticipation, felt a shiver run down their spines, an instinctual reaction to the overwhelming force emanating from Noboru.

Haruka Satou's thoughts raced as he felt the oppressive weight of Noboru's aura. "Is this the power that dismantled the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities?" he questioned internally, a mix of fear and awe gripping his heart. His resolve to fight for his village's freedom battled with the primal fear Noboru's presence evoked. "No, I mustn't falter. My village, my people, they're counting on me," he whispered to himself, trying to steel his nerves.

Daichi Tanaka, ever the carefree soul, couldn't help but swallow hard as Noboru's aura washed over him. "So, this is what real power feels like," he mused, his usual confidence shaken. The thought of the luxurious life he dreamed of seemed distant now, overshadowed by the immediate reality of the challenge before him. "Well, ain't backing down now. Might as well enjoy the ride," he muttered, forcing a grin.

Renji Mori, the thrill-seeker, felt his blood run cold for a moment before a wild excitement took over. "Incredible... So, this is the strength that surpasses all," he thought, his fighting spirit igniting at the prospect of facing such a formidable opponent. "What better challenge could I ask for? Let's see how far I can push myself against the unstoppable force that is Noboru Chikara."

Hiroto Tsuchi's determination wavered as the reality of Noboru's power settled in. "I wanted to prove myself, to step out from my father's shadow... But at what cost?" he contemplated, doubt creeping into his mind. "No, I mustn't think like that. I have my own strengths, my path to forge. This is but another step."

Kane Kuroiwa, filled with ambition and a burning desire to claim Emiko as his prize, felt his confidence falter under Noboru's imposing aura. "This... this is beyond anything I've prepared for," he admitted to himself, his arrogance giving way to a strategic reconsideration of his plans. "Perhaps direct confrontation isn't the answer. There must be another way to turn this

situation to my advantage. Noboru, your power may be immense, but it won't deter me from my goals."

As the proctor said, "Begin!" and jumped back, Noboru recalled all his aura in him and stopped using it. 'Let's see if you can even force me use my power,' Noboru thought, this was unknown to the fighters who were focused on beating Noboru.

The fighters sprang into action, their movements synchronized in a display of coordinated aggression. Haruka Satou fired a series of attacks in rapid succession, his fists and feet coated in earth, lashing out like lightning strikes. Daichi Tanaka unleashed a flurry of earth mud beams, each infused with Earth Aura. Renji Mori's sword shone with a dangerous light as it became coated in earth aura, enhancing its weight to that of several Ignarock-sized countries stacked upon each other, and he swung it with deadly precision. Hiroto Tsuchi channeled his Earth aura to create a giant earth monster armor and tried to punch Noboru. Kane Kuroiwa turned his sword into a staff and rushed towards Noboru, launching Earth-based attacks at Noboru with every step, with earth and earth energy flowing through his body.

The attacks were met with a wall of unimaginable force, something akin to an invisible barrier, stopping all attacks from getting near Noboru.

"Impossible! There's no way anyone can tank so many high-level Earth attacks at once. It's like our attacks didn't even hit him!" Haruka Satou thought as he saw his attacks stopped midway.

"What is this power? Is this truly the strength of Noboru Chikara?" Daichi Tanaka questioned as he felt the invisible barrier stop his attack.

"No matter what I try, my attacks cannot seem to reach Noboru Chikara. Is this the difference between us?" Renji Mori pondered as he tried in vain to land a hit on Noboru.

"So this is the power Noboru wields. The sheer weight of it is like nothing I've ever felt before," Hiroto Tsuchi mused as he witnessed their attacks being halted by Noboru's unmatched defense.

Kane Kuroiwa gritted his teeth as he saw his attacks stopped dead in their tracks. "No! No! No! This isn't how it's supposed to go! My plan was perfect. We were supposed to overwhelm Noboru with our combined strength, and I was going to swoop in at the last second and finish him off while he was worn out. This power is unlike anything I've ever seen. How did I not realize?" Kane thought as he paled at the reality of Noboru's strength.

As the fighters struggled against the invisible barrier of Noboru's impenetrable defense, Noboru watched the scene with mild amusement. "You think this is my power. No, I am not even using my Aura yet. I just let it out in the beginning to scare you, but what is blocking your attacks isn't my aura or any type of energy I have; it's mere presence, the mere wind pressure of my being is too strong, your attacks are like nothing to me. I can't feel them," Noboru said and did not move; he was going to test these fighters, not move till he could use 0.1% of his power just to see what happened, then he would decide from there.

The audience was stunned by Noboru's words, his raw power on display. "Is this really just a fraction of his strength?" Yumeko wondered, her mind racing with possibilities. "To think that there's so much more hidden beneath the surface, just waiting to be unleashed... Noboru, what secrets do you hold?"

Emiko's eyes were wide with awe and admiration as she thought, "Noboru-kun, you never cease to amaze me. This is what it means to be a true legend. I can't believe he's not using his power, just his mere presence, the air pressure he creates by just existing is stopping my brother Hiroto and the others' attack."

Layla clutched her hands together as she whispered, "Please, Noboru-Kun... Be careful. Don't be too cocky." She knew that Noboru had immense strength, but she couldn't help but worry. His opponents were equally determined to win, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Sky, ever the observer, analyzed the situation with his usual keen eye. "This is a turning point for all involved. The fight has barely begun, yet its outcome seems to be a foregone conclusion."

Fire General Kai was silent as he looked at the scene. "This is a battle that will echo through history, one that will be etched into the annals of Terravalean legends. No, not just Terravale but all four kingdoms. It is the birth of a legend."

Baron Akira felt a complex mix of pride and trepidation as he looked at Noboru. "Noboru, please don't hurt or humiliate Hiroto too badly or I won't hear the end of it."

Haruka Satou grit his teeth as he launched another barrage of attacks against Noboru's defense. His fists collided with an invisible wall that was Noboru's presence alone, the wind pressure that was created by him existing with no other power felt as solid as steel. "This is unreal. The pressure is like nothing I've ever felt before. Even at the height of my attack, I'm pushed back."

Daichi Tanaka couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief as he tried in vain to break through the wall that was Noboru's Wind Pressure. "I can't believe it. His presence alone is holding all five of us off. How do I even begin to fight against a foe like this?"

Renji Mori huffed out a breath as he swung his blade with all his might, only to be met with an immovable force. He gasped as his sword snapped when it connected with Noboru's air pressure of his existence. "No! Impossible! This can't be happening. My sword was forged from the strongest metal in the realm, and it shattered on contact with Noboru Chikara's presence's pressure," Renji Mori thought as he saw his sword shatter on contact with trying to hit Noboru.

Hiroto Tsuchi raised his armored fist and brought it down upon Noboru. The resounding impact echoed through the arena, sending shockwaves rippling across the ground. But it was to no avail. the fist was stuck in the air a few meters away from Noboru and it was not moving despite Hiroto Tsuchi's best efforts. "This is beyond comprehension. The very air around Noboru Chikara seems to resist all attacks, creating a barrier that is impenetrable."

Kane Kuroiwa drew his weapon and swung it with all his might, only to have it stop in mid-air like the others' weapons. "Damn it! Why can't I get past his defense?" Kane Kuroiwa cursed as he struggled against the invisible barrier created by Noboru's presence alone.

As Noboru's opponents tried to break through the air pressure generated by Noboru's presence, the audience couldn't believe their eyes.

"Incredible... His presence alone is enough to withstand their attacks," Layla whispered as she watched in awe.

Emiko looked on in fascination, her fan fluttering

rapidly. "It's as if the very air around him refuses to allow anything to pass through. Noboru-kun, you continue to surprise me."

Yumeko smiled softly, her gaze fixed on Noboru's calm demeanor. "This is the power of a legend. Nothing can stand in his way."

Sky, the ever-present observer, was in deep thought. "What are Noboru's intentions? Why doesn't he use his power and end this already? There must be something more at play here."

Fire General Kai was speechless as he saw the spectacle before him. "To think that his mere presence could block their attacks... Each attack could wipe Aeritha, Ignarock, and Aquora from existence, but they can't even manage to get through the wind pressure Noboru's presence generates by Noboru just existing. Noboru truly is a force to be reckoned with."

Baron Akira wore a look of pride and worry as he witnessed Noboru's display of power. "Noboru, your strength continues to astound me, but please be careful. Do not underestimate your opponents. Even though they may not compare to you, they are still formidable in their own right."

Haruka Satou was drenched in sweat as he tried in vain to break through the wall of invisible force that was Noboru's presence alone. Daichi Tanaka felt his muscles aching from exertion as he futilely tried to destroy the barrier created by Noboru's existence alone. Renji Mori gasped for air as he swung his broken sword over and over again against the shield that was Noboru's air pressure alone. Hiroto Tsuchi roared with rage as he punched the wall that was Noboru's body several times with his armored fist. Kane Kuroiwa hacked and slashed with his weapon in a frenzy, his eyes wild with desperation. The fighters fought on, their wills tested like never before.

"Well, is that all? I'm not even using my Aura." Noboru said. 'Or my Omni Energy,' Noboru mentally added. "But still, you can't even get through my presence." Noboru adds as he lets out his aura, and the entire world began to tremble under the sheer force of it. From the infinite size of Aeritha to the uncountable infinite size of Ignarock, to the even bigger uncountable infinite size of Aquora to the farthest reaches of unreachable infinity-sized Terravale, the sheer magnitude of Noboru's power was felt by all as everything shook as if the world itself feared Noboru.

In Aeritha, Wind God Kaze Hayashi stood atop the tallest tower, his robes fluttering wildly as the wind picked up around him. His eyes, sharp as the gales he commanded, widened in recognition. "This... This is Noboru's aura," he muttered, a mix of astonishment and respect coloring his tone. "To shake the very world with his presence alone, and yet, he restrains himself. Remarkable."

Fire God Ignis Braveheart in Ignarock, amidst a field of eternal flames, paused in his dominion. The fires around him seemed to dance more fervently, as if echoing the disturbance that rippled through the world. "Such power... It can only be Noboru," he said, a grin spreading across his face. "The boy continues to surpass all expectations. To think he holds back such force, he could rend the world asunder if he wished."

Water God Aqua of Aquora, her form shimmering within the depths of her aquatic realm, felt the currents shift unnaturally. "The world trembles... Noboru's doing, no doubt," she spoke, her voice a serene melody amidst the chaos. "Even the seas acknowledge his might. Yet, he chooses control over destruction. A true master of his power."

Back at the battlefield, the opponents found themselves unable to stand, the gravity of Noboru's aura forcing them to their knees in submission. Despite their resolve, the sheer pressure of his presence made it clear that the fight was beyond their capabilities.

The audience watched in a mixture of awe and fear, the realization dawning on them that Noboru's power was not merely formidable—it was godlike. Whispers and gasps filled the coliseum, a collective understanding that they were witnessing a force of nature personified in one individual. They watched as Noboru's opponents dropped to their knees on the stage, feeling fear of whatever intent Noboru had directed to them.

Noboru himself had turned off his ability to erase those who fear him from existence as he had done whenever anyone hasn't felt fear, but still exists. Noboru didn't like that ability but knew it was an aspect of Omni Energy as the origin source of all. It scares users of branch energy sources to erase themselves for standing up to it, but this time, and maybe a few times before, Noboru had turned the effect off.

"It's over... We can't even begin to oppose him," Haruka Satou admitted, his voice barely audible over the roar of Noboru's aura.

"We're at his mercy," Daichi Tanaka conceded, his earlier bravado vanished in the face of undeniable power.

"This... This is beyond the scope of any fight I've imagined," Renji Mori said, awestruck and humbled.

Hiroto Tsuchi, despite his initial determination, could only nod in agreement, the weight of Noboru's presence a tangible reminder of the gap between them.

Kane Kuroiwa, his ambition and schemes rendered moot, simply bowed his head, a silent acknowledgment of Noboru's supremacy.

As Noboru observed his fallen opponents, he felt no pride in their defeat. Instead, there was a sense of responsibility—a recognition of the burden that such power carried. "It seems like I win," he said, his voice carrying across the silent coliseum. "Know this, me beating you was not personal. I have a mission I must complete."

The Proctor walked up after Noboru calmed down, finding his strength to walk onto the stage. "The winner by complete submission, Noboru Chikara," he says as the audience stayed quiet still trying to process everything.

The Duke of the North, witnessing the scene, knew that this tournament would be remembered not for its battles, but for the moment the world recognized the true extent of Noboru Chikara's power. "Today, we've seen the birth of a legend," he announced, his voice echoing with a mix of solemnity and respect. "A power that could shake the world to its core, yet chooses restraint. Noboru Chikara, you have not only won this tournament, but you've also shown us the true meaning of strength."

The coliseum erupted into cheers and applause, not just for the victory, but for the lesson Noboru had imparted as soon as they regained their composure, which was when the duke spoke. As Noboru stood amidst the accolades, he knew that this was only the beginning. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but with his friends by his side and a world that had just begun to understand his potential, Noboru was ready to face whatever came next, always mindful of the power he held and the responsibility it entailed.

"It is with great honor I give Noboru Chikara the title of..."

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