The God of Sky and Earth

Chapter 740: Half Human, Half Beast!

Chapter 740: Half Human, Half Beast!

A moment later, Su Yi and Xi Wuqing silently appeared in the bustling street, without anyone noticing.

In this crowded street, nothing special was happening at the moment, and no one would purposely seek out these two individuals for recognition.

Even if the two people knew each other, it was highly likely that they would miss each other in this sea of people, face to face.

"Is there something different about being a half-yokai?"

Curious about the young man with scales, Su Yi asked Xi Wuqing.

Su Yi knew a little about being a half-yokai, and Mu Yao was one herself.

"Being a half-yokai means being the offspring of a union between the yokai and human races," explained Xi Wuqing.

"The offspring born from the union of the supernatural beings and humans."

Su Yi was baffled. Could it really be possible for supernatural beings and humans to unite? However, he couldn't help but remember the enchanting beauty of Ling Qianxue when she took on a human form. Few men in the world could resist being captivated by her. Recalling Mu Yao's terrifying strength, he continued to ask, "If supernatural beings and humans come together, would their offspring be incredibly powerful?"

Su Yi pondered, "Supernatural beings are all incredibly powerful. I imagine that the offspring born from the union of supernatural beings and humans would also be extraordinary, perhaps even more formidable than ordinary humans.

"You think the union of supernatural beings and humans is a good thing, but it is difficult to be accepted by both the entire human and supernatural communities. It is said that among the offspring born from the union of supernatural beings and humans, only one out of a thousand can be considered normal. The remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine either die prematurely or become half-beast creatures. They don't possess any special abilities or talents. In the underground black markets and similar places, they are often bought as livestock or playthings," said Xi Wuqing.

"This...," Su Yi was genuinely surprised.

"Half-beast in form, part human part beast, but not many possess the talents of the demon clan. The union of humans and demons has always been difficult for both clans. Occasionally, there are powerful half-demon beings that emerge, garnering attention from the major sects. The humans, in particular, turn a blind eye to these formidable half-demon beings, as it is a widely accepted attitude. After all, everyone wishes to have a powerful half-demon body. However, the demon clan has always been unable to tolerate this."

Xi Wuqing paused briefly and then continued to speak to Su Yi, with a slight expression of confusion. He said, "That person we just encountered can only barely be considered a half-demon being, or perhaps just close to being a half-beast. However, it's strange, as if there is some connection to the scale-armored demon clan, yet also somewhat different."

"Can the demons and humans really not come together?"

Su Yi murmured, and for some unknown reason, he thought of Ling Qianxue within his mind. The combination of demons and humans would actually come at such a heavy cost, and it would be intolerable for both the human and demon clans.

"That's not entirely true. When the demon race and human race intertwine, the result is a true half-demon body, which usually possesses extraordinary beauty and talents."

Looking at Su Yi, Xi Wuqing said, "There is a legend that if someone from the demon race can reach that powerful realm, they would undoubtedly surpass the human race. It would be no problem for them to unite with the human race."

"Which realm?" Su Yi asked curiously.

Xi Wuqing glanced at Su Yi and said, "That realm is merely a legend. With your current cultivation level, it's better for you to focus on practicing first. It seems like there are quite a few dark horses in this upcoming Saint Martial Assembly, and many powerful individuals with exceptional talents from various factions!"

These past few days, while Xi Wuqing was away, he also heard a lot of news. Among the various factions, many exceptionally talented and powerful young individuals emerged. Just like Li Qingwei and Gong Qianxing, who were tested in the Yutian Palace two days ago, they were all outstanding.

Upon hearing this, Su Yi's gaze also quietly changed. Among the younger generation participating in the Saint Martial Assembly, there were indeed many formidable individuals. Gong Qianxing, Qingwei, and others were not ordinary. Su Yi estimated that although Ouyang Jinwei was strong, it was not certain that Li Qingwei and Gong Qianxing would be inferior to her. Most importantly, those two young men who were present on the Sacred Mountain, especially the young man with long, light green hair, might be formidable opponents.

There was also Xu Chen, whom Su Yi had recently met, his depths unfathomable. It also stirred something inside of Su Yi. This Saint Martial Assembly was unlikely to be too calm.

Su Yi pondered in his heart, realizing that after the Saint Martial Assembly, he also needed to find a way to quickly cultivate the Void God Sea. He must swiftly step into the Yuan True Realm. Without successfully cultivating the Void God Sea, he would not be able to truly step into the Yuan True Realm. In this Saint Martial Assembly, there were surely many young talents who had already stepped into the Yuan True Realm. Although Su Yi's combat power might not be inferior to those at the first stage of the Yuan True Realm, he didn't dare to have a hundred percent confidence in whether he could emerge victorious. He faintly felt that the young man with long, light green hair and Xu Chen were currently the strongest opponents.

"We have arrived!"

Without realizing it, they reached a grand entrance. Xi Wuqing stopped and looked up at Su Yi, speaking softly.

At this moment, the place strangely appeared much quieter. They had left behind the bustling and noisy main street, but there were still bustling crowds forming lines.

A massive circular structure, like a colossal dome, descended and rose from the ground in the Central Region. It stood several tens of zhang high, incredibly enormous, quietly nestled in a corner of the city.

The entire building was crafted from pale-colored giant stones, adorned with intricate ancient carvings. The grayish-white floor was uneven, with delicate cracks, giving off a weathered and ancient atmosphere.


Su Yi looked around the place. The entrance was grand, with a massive circular building. It lacked the gaudy extravagance, but had an aura of grandeur and antiquity. As he gazed at it quietly, an inexplicable tremor ran through his heart, as if he was facing a colossal ancient creature in slumber.

"Don't wander around and look everywhere. This place is not ordinary. I have set up the Fantastic Gate Soul Realm here."

Looking at Su Yi's curious gaze as he examined everything around him, Xi Wuqing softly spoke.

"Fantastic Gate Soul Realm!"

Su Yi's eyes lit up instantly. It was no wonder he had felt that something was not quite right about this place. The atmosphere was elusive, and his heart started to tremble for no reason.

"This is an auction, and the items being auctioned are precious enough to ensure safety. At least, no one dares to take action in person at the scene. Moreover, this is the territory of Lingbao Pavilion. Anyone who wants to take action should also weigh the consequences beforehand," Xi Wuqing said.

"Big brother, you say, this is the Lingbao Pavilion!"

Su Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows. Lingbao Pavilion, could it possibly be an actual Lingbao Pavilion?

"Of course it's the Lingbao Pavilion, don't tell me you don't even know what the Lingbao Pavilion is?" Xi Wuqing looked at Su Yi helplessly, wondering if this young man had no idea about the Lingbao Pavilion.

Su Yi looked up, gazing at the massive circular building in front of him with a grand entrance. On top of it, a purple-gold plaque hung, shimmering brightly with the words "Lingbao Pavilion".

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