The God of Sky and Earth

Chapter 743: Qin San at Lingbao Pavilion!

Chapter 743: Qin San at Lingbao Pavilion!

"It looks like we'll have to think of another way to get you into the auction."

Xi Wuqing felt a bit embarrassed. He had thought that he could bring Su Yi with him into the auction. After all, he had an invitation letter. Little did he know that in the end, he would have to go in alone.

"Big brother, you go in first. If I can't go in, it's fine."

Su Yi shook his head. Today's auction was extraordinarily lively, and it seemed like all the major powers had come. Getting in wouldn't be easy.

And Xi Wuqing was determined to obtain the Star Cloud Ganoderma today, so he absolutely couldn't afford to miss it.

Xi Wuqing was also troubled, his face filled with a look of difficulty. In the end, he could only force a bitter smile and said to Su Yi, "Then I'll have to go in first."

Su Yi nodded and revealed a slight bitter smile. Originally, he had come to the auction just to broaden his horizons. If he couldn't get in, there was no way to do anything about it, and he wouldn't lose anything either.

Xi Wuqing nodded, feeling somewhat helpless and embarrassed. Afterwards, he entered the auction.

More people continued to step forward, showing their invitations. Some even presented a shiny silver card in the shape of a triangle, adorned with exquisite patterns, to gain access to the auction.

Su Yi, wishing to leave, was unable to enter the auction. However, he could wander around the city and, looking at the card, he was suddenly moved. It seemed familiar, as if he had seen it before.

Suddenly, Su Yi took out the space bag. After a brief search, a shiny black card appeared in his hand.

This card had a cool and smooth texture, just like the silver shining cards that were being continuously presented, except for its different radiance.

All the cards that were continuously presented were silver, but Su Yi's was black, though everything else was almost identical.

The cards were in the shape of triangles, exquisitely designed, with many beautiful patterns engraved on them.

However, the black card in Su Yi's hand had even more intricate patterns.

Holding the black card in his hand, Su Yi carefully examined it for the first time. It had a jade-like texture, seemingly indestructible, and felt cool and smooth to the touch, emanating a sense of mystery.

This was the black card that Su Yi had received from Lan Yulian in the Forest of Demons' outpost. She had said that with this card, he would be able to enjoy discounts on purchasing medicinal herbs and elixirs within the Lingbao Pavilion in the future.

As Su Yi looked at the black card in his hand, he couldn't help but notice its striking resemblance to the silver card shown by those people. The two Lingbao Pavilions shared the same name, and Su Yi couldn't help but wonder if there might be some connection between the Lingbao Pavilion in the Forest of Demons outpost and this one. Perhaps this black card could also grant him entry there.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Yi approached once again, with a curious and adventurous spirit, to give it a try.

"Sorry, I don't have an invitation letter, so I can't come in."

The slender middle-aged man from the Lingbao Pavilion spoke again when he saw Su Yi. Surprisingly, his attitude was quite friendly, considering that the disciple from the Divine Sword School had just shown respect towards the young man.

"I just asked, I wonder if this black card can be used to get in?"

As Su Yi's words trailed off, he cautiously extended the black card in his hand towards the thin middle-aged man.

And when the black card appeared, the thin young man instinctively glanced at it, causing a tremor to ripple through his otherwise plain face. His eyes were suddenly filled with an electric-like shock, and his body shuddered intensely.

With trembling hands, the thin middle-aged man received the black card from Su Yi. He carefully inspected Su Yi's black card, and his expression underwent a complete transformation.

And as he looked back at Su Yi, the thin middle-aged man's gaze was filled with astonishment and reverence. He respectfully bowed and said to Su Yi, "Please wait a moment, sir. I'll be right back."

After giving a few instructions to the disciples of the Lingbao Pavilion to stay by his side, the thin middle-aged man hurriedly departed.

"What is happening? Why am I not being allowed in?"

The entrance of the auction was instantly filled with people, and several disciples of the Lingbao Pavilion respectfully surrounded Su Yi. Others who held invitation cards were temporarily blocked outside, causing a lot of discontentment among the crowd.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Please wait for a moment," a disciple of the Lingbao Pavilion spoke in a polite tone.

"What's going on..."

Su Yi was very puzzled. It was clear to see that the middle-aged man from the Lingbao Pavilion was very surprised after seeing that black card.

Soon, there was a commotion inside the Lingbao Pavilion auction. Several figures walked out, looking shocked, and hurriedly approached Su Yi.

More than ten people approached, led by a man in his sixties. He had a plump figure, a round face without any wrinkles. His face was rosy and shining, giving him a vibrant appearance. His eyes were especially bright and sharp, showing intelligence in them.

"I apologize for not knowing that the esteemed guest has arrived. I am Qin San, the assistant shopkeeper of Lingbao Pavilion in Central Region. You may also call me Qin Lao San. May I know the name of the honorable guest?"

This plump old man hurriedly approached in three big steps, clearly aware that the black card came from Su Yi.

Looking at Su Yi, Qin San's gaze showed a hint of surprise, but soon returned to normal without a trace.


Su Yi was very surprised, studying Qin San in front of him. Despite his plump appearance and hidden aura, based on the powerful individuals Su Yi had recently encountered, he could be certain that Qin San was undoubtedly a formidable expert at the Yuan Emperor Realm level, and probably not just an ordinary one at that.

Among this group of people, there were several faint auras at the Yuan Emperor Realm level, while the rest were at the Yuan Void Realm level.

The line-up of Lingbao Pavilion left Su Yi in awe. Compared to the branch palaces of Yutian Palace in Central Region City, it was no less impressive. It appeared that Lifetaken Yama Xi Wuqing had not exaggerated in the slightest. This Lingbao Pavilion was extraordinary.

Su Yi looked at the formidable experts from Lingbao Pavilion in front of him. Even the shopkeeper came forward personally. Su Yi speculated that it was undoubtedly caused by the black card he had just obtained moments ago.

"I beg your pardon, my lord. I have been ignorant and failed to recognize your esteemed presence. I had no knowledge of your arrival. Please accept my sincere apologies."

The slender middle-aged man from Lingbao Pavilion, whose face had turned pale, kept apologizing. How could he have imagined that the young man before him would actually have the black card of Lingbao Pavilion? He was actually a VIP with the black card.

"I seem to have no connection with the Lingbao Pavilion. Are you sure you haven't mistaken me for someone else?"

Su Yi, on the other hand, was more perplexed than anyone else at this moment. He couldn't help but wonder if Lingbao Pavilion had mistaken him for someone else.

Qin San, too, was a bit perplexed. Could this young man before him really possess the black card of Lingbao Pavilion? It seemed somewhat unbelievable to him.

You see, a single black card from Lingbao Pavilion could attract countless powerful individuals.

Anyone who possesses the black card of Lingbao Pavilion is likely a true heavyweight, a dominant force, a powerful Soul Tamer, alchemist, or weapon refiner.

One could say without exaggeration that even the elders of the major sects and schools in the Central Region, such as the Five Sects and Three Schools, don't qualify to possess the black card.

"Is this black card owned by the grown-up?"

Qin San asked, taking out the black card that Su Yi had just given him, wanting to make sure.

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