The Great Ruler

Chapter 1541 - Demonic Calamity

The flames of war blazed, bringing along a dispute as life and death broke out on the various lines of defense.

In just a month, the border of the Great Thousand World has turned into a meat grinder with experts from two sides pouncing forth like a swarm of locusts, even Heavenly Sovereigns seemed weak under this battle’s scale. Heavenly Sovereigns and Monarchs were falling on a daily basis from the war...

That was the brutality of war.

But both sides had no intention to stop, since the two factions couldn’t live in harmony. One wanted to take over the entire Great Thousand World, while the other side wanted to protect their homes.

Since that’s the case, they determined that only one side could survive the war.

Amidst the intense battle, not even the inner territories of the Great Thousand World were spared from it.

In the sky of a continent in the Great Thousand World. Space was suddenly torn apart as a demonic aura swept out like a cloud of smoke, along with a howl that resounded throughout the heavens and earth with countless demonic beings charging out.

When those demonic beings appeared, bells resounded across this continent with innumerable beams soaring into the sky as they looked at the demonic group with fear in their eyes.

“Tsk, tsk, kill them all! Reduce the entire Great Thousand World into a river of blood!” Along with demonic howls that resounded, the locusts of demonic beings swept out.

“Stop them! Send the signal and call for reinforcements!” Hollers resounded from the continent as all the experts soared into the sky with boundless Spiritual Energy spreading out. At this moment, everyone has disregarded their differences to face the enemy.

As the boundless auras clashed together, an explosion erupted that swept the entire continent into chaos.

At the same time, spatial cracks started to rip open with members of the Fiend Clans pouring out as they tried to create chaos in the Great Thousand World.

Hence, the flames of war lit up in the Great Thousand World.

When the Fiend Clans invaded, many silhouettes stood in a majestic palace and were permeating with powerful Spiritual Energy fluctuations. At the same time, everyone’s faces were drained of color as they watched the Fiend Clans launching their assaults from the palace.

“Patrol teams, heed my orders and form groups to sweep the rear!” Standing before the palace, two silhouettes stood with the leading one being a white-haired old man, while the other one being a bewitching man.

Facing the two of them, no one in the palace dared to show any dissatisfaction, since one of them was the Master of the Flame Emperor, while the other being the sworn brother of the Martial Ancestor.

They were naturally Yao Chen and Lin Diao. At this moment, they were the Commander and Vice-Commander of the patrol teams, responsible for keeping the frontline assured about fighting the Fiend Clans.

“First team, will be led by the West Heaven Battle Emperor and will head to the southwest region!”

In the hall, the West Heaven Battle Emperor wore a grave expression as he cupped his fists. “Roger.”

“Second team...”

“Third team...” One set of troops after another were swiftly being formed under Yao Chen and Lin Diao’s orders. They then summoned their teams and left through the Teleportation Spiritual Array.

“Thirtieth team...” Yao Chen looked at the three familiar silhouettes in the hall and said, “With Luo Li as the leader, Xiao Xiao and Lin Jing as the Vice-Leaders, gather your men and head for the northwest!”

“Roger!” Luo Li held onto her sword that flickered with a gloss and her tender voice echoed out, causing many people in the hall to turn their heads over with splendor in their eyes. After all, it was tough for anyone to not be attracted by such an outstanding lady.

But it was a pity that her heart already belonged to someone.

Xiao Xiao and Lin Jing also cupped their hands and received the orders. The two’s eyes were blazing with excitement. They were having a tough time keeping themselves restrained.

The three ladies did not drag about, but gathered over a hundred experts and headed for their destination.

They would also be personally participating in the war.


While Luo Li was leading the team to a continent that was blazing with the flames of war, shrieks filled the horizon as demonic beings attacked cities and the stench of blood permeated the air.

“The Fiend Clans there are led by three Monarchs.”

Luo Li swept her gaze over and found which one was the strongest amongst the Fiend Clans in this continent. She then turned to Lin Jing and Xiao Xiao. “The three of us will deal with those three Monarchs, the rest will go save the cities.”

“Alright!” Lin Jing was already burning with excitement as a cold expression flickered on Xiao Xiao’s face.

“Roger!” The other teams immediately acknowledged.

“Move out!” When Luo Li hollered out, hundreds of silhouettes flew out. Luo Li had also turned into a beam and flew across the horizon. In just ten-odd minutes, she had already set her target at the strongest Monarch on this continent.

That was a Profound Monarch, comparable to an Immortal Heavenly Sovereign. With his strength, there wasn’t anyone that could rival him on this continent, which was the reason why the experts of the Great Thousand World were so swiftly being defeated under his leadership.

But just when this Profound Monarch felt that lady luck was smiling on him, he suddenly felt threatened. Luo Li was targeting him.

Practically without any hesitation, that Profound Monarch soared into the sky and wanted to flee.

But just when he moved, space distorted and an ancient scroll appeared with a spiritual radiance that enveloped him and isolated him from the world.

As the demonic aura condensed into that Profound Monarch’s figure, he looked at the radiance that enveloped him with an unsightly expression. From the surface, he could sense a dangerous fluctuation.

“After creating such a big mess, you want to leave?” A cold voice resounded and Luo Li appeared, looking down at the Profound Monarch.

“Heh, what a beautiful lass. Watch how I’ll capture and trample you!” Looking at Luo Li’s figure, that Profound Monarch had greed in his eyes and his countenance turned sinister. Although he felt threatened by that scroll, this girl before him wasn’t that powerful, and he could escape the imprisonment after capturing her.

As the Profound Monarch soared, he turned into countless demonic figures and clasped his hands together. A dense demonic aura gushed out and engulfed towards Luo Li.

Facing the assault of the Profound Monarch, there wasn’t any ripples in Luo Li’s eyes. She just gently flicked her finger.

After the Ancient Spirit Diagram trembled, a beam descended in the next moment. Although that beam wasn’t brilliant, it had a unique point about it being boundless Spiritual Energy...

It was something that even the Profound Monarch felt fearful of with astonishment on his face.

As the radiance swept over the Profound Monarch’s body, he howled and a torrential demonic aura gushed out of his body in an attempt to resist.

But the Ancient Spirit Diagram was comparable to the Great Spirit Sage Body, containing near-limitless amounts of Spiritual Energy. So his resistance only lasted for ten-odd seconds before he screamed out in despair.

As the spiritual radiance descended onto the Profound Monarch’s body, he was slowly reduced to nothing.

Standing in the sky, Luo Li only watched this scene indifferently. The power of the Ancient Spirit Diagram was something that even an Initial Phase Saint Heavenly Sovereign would have a tough time dealing with. So how could a Profound Monarch resist it?

Along with the death of that Profound Monarch, the faces of the Fiend Clans were covered with astonishment as they started to flee.

The experts of the Great Thousand World had also grasped onto this opportunity and chased after them.

Looking at this scene, Luo Li felt relieved before she turned her gaze over and looked at the other location with torrential Spiritual Energy fluctuations, where Lin Jing and Xiao Xiao were fighting the two other Monarchs.

This entire expedition lasted half a day before it ended with the Fiend Clans being slaughtered. As for those remaining, it was enough to leave them for the experts on this continent.

So after stabilising the situation, Luo Li only waved her hand with those experts rushing over from the continent and they headed towards another continent.

For the next half a month, Luo Li, Lin Jing, and Xiao Xiao were like firefighters as they rushed towards the various battlefields to expel the calamities.

Under their effort, the calamities were gradually extinguished. But with every calamity resolved, another disaster emerged.


In the Abyss Wind Continent. This entire continent was covered in ruins and even the mountain range had collapsed, looking like a scene out of an apocalyptic movie.

Standing on the mountain, Luo Li looked at this land with a cold expression. The damage to this continent was extremely grave. By the time they arrived, the entire continent was littered with corpses.

So even though they arrived, they spent a great deal of effort before they managed to suppress the calamity.

“Captain, all the Fiend Clans are cleared.” A voice resounded as Lin Jing, and Xiao Xiao walked over. After half a month of the massacre, the two ladies have significantly changed, with Lin Jing having the most significant change of all. She no longer had that immature nature and had a hint of killing intent on her face.

After all, the Monarchs that died by their hands numbered more than the fingers on two hands for the past two weeks.

“You guys have had it tough.” Luo Li turned around and nodded her head towards Xiao Xiao and Lin Jing.

Even they couldn’t endure the constant battles for two weeks. They were showing exhaustion on their faces.

“Do you guys need to rest?”

Hearing Luo Li’s words, Xiao Xiao shook her head. “I’m afraid we don’t have that luxury of time...”

“What’s wrong? Another calamity?”

Lin Jing nodded her head.

“Where?” Luo Li locked her brows and asked.

As Xiao Xiao and Lin Jing exchanged a glance, they answered, “In the Northern Heavens Continent. It is said that the calamity there has reached the highest level, and it’s extremely dangerous.”

“Northern Heavens Continent?!” Luo Li was briefly stunned before she narrowed her eyes and her hands trembled. Her face turned cold. “Shit, it’s the Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy!”

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