The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 507 Two Walls

Amidst the moonlight, the cries of the monsters created a symphony. Eachoeing in the open area, surrounded by luster forest from three sides and a wall from the remaining side.

No mercy was given to any of the monsters, especially the ones with brown fur. The ones taller and more muscular than the black-furred ones.

As if their final cries were music to his ears, the masked figure repeatedly killed them.

With each death, their tails disappeared until there were no tails left. Extra lives were useless when the opponent was just way stronger than you.

No matter how many lives an ant has, it only takes one extra stomp to end it.

Looking at this god of war, covered in crimson blood with a darker shade, The ones at the top of the wall were falsified.

Never in their lives had they felt that they would feel sympathetic toward these monsters who massacred innocent civilians.

Each one of them standing on top of this wall had lost someone closer to them because of these monsters.

They had seen them devouring the corpse of someone precious to them to satisfy their hunger.

What was worse than losing someone was not being able to see his corpse from close.

To not take that corpse to their family and let them mourn before it, to not bury it after praying for the one that had passed away.

This was how brutal they felt toward the masked figure. Maybe the saying, 'You have to become a bigger monster to defeat them,"

The masked one, holding swords in both hands and looking at his opponents with a crimson glow in his eyes, looked no less than a reaper to them.

He changed the more he eliminated, while they were lucky not to be able to see his devilish smile and deadly expressions.

His laugh still sent shivers down their spines. A giant red eye appeared behind him. It made the monster shake at their place, not daring to approach him.

Some of the weaker ones even lost hope and passed away. Unable to differentiate between real and virtual death.

Some might argue that if death is fixed, why not die in a less painful way?

Those who died this way were lucky, thought the remaining ones. Those who felt the pain of each of their bones breaking one by one until they stopped moving

Or the other ones got a cut on their neck and had to wait for some time before they passed away.

This was nothing the passing soul of the brown-furred monster would say; dying one time was underrated for him.

Ask him how it feels to come back to life only to be eliminated again with even less effort; however, that is not all. They had to come back to life again and face the terrifying eye of this reaper to die again.

The extra lives they were proud of all their lives appeared to be a curse to them.

If they had a choice, each one would have found it better only to die once.

'Roarr,' A loud noise that was more of a sonic attack interrupted the masked figure. The monster finally sighed; finally, the one they had waited for had arrived and stopped this ruthless executioner.

"Why do I find that I have seen this scene before?" asked one of the soldiers.

"Me too; it's as if time is repeating itself."

"I don't even care; I am tired of this shit."

They looked toward the direction of the roar, and what they saw was something that made their bodies shake.

It made goosebumps appear all over their bodies; even when they had prepared their hearts, this was just too much for them.

A giant beast could be seen approaching the battlefield. The trees around him were shaking.

'Thump', 'Thump'

Even its regular walk was enough to create shockwaves in the earth. It had long white fur that draped over his body.

Its big red eyes and large vampiric canines were enough to freeze the blood of anyone looking at it.

Complementing its terrific face were long black horns similar to the antlers of deer.

It walked at its regular pace; it had two giant arms so long that it looked like they could touch the ground at any time.


Even someone passing by could tell it was not in a good mood. Why would it be when it saw his mighty army crumbling before a mere human?

It sneered at them in disdain as if they deserved this fate for making him intervene.

The large, crimson eyes then shifted toward the one that had caused this mess, a thorn that had appeared in his path.

If there was something that he hated, it was getting disturbed while hunting. He planned to fill his belly and enjoy the feast.

The wall was the only thing that stood between him and the feast. This was a joyful occasion.

He had acted to celebrate the birth of his child; to enjoy this moment, he decided to let everyone get a taste of the tender human flesh.

Especially for the younger ones, their tender meat went past the neck without any effort.

The smell was captivating enough to make one mesmerized, and his mouth started watering as he approached the battlefield.

Looking at the wall, his heart rate rose. 'Why not get a little taste now that I have already arrived?' he thought, licking his mouth.

How he looked at the wall made the onlookers uncomfortable at the top of the wall; his gaze made them more uncomfortable than a pervert's gaze would to a woman.

While they felt sympathetic toward the ones who faced these problems daily, this was not the time to rectify it.

They were in the middle of a battlefield, and all hopes had been lost when the big one arrived.

Bathing in sweat, they felt weak. The weapons they trained with all their lives fell from their hands, their bodies asking them to move their feet as fast as they could.

Few gave up on their intrigues and ran away; morals only mattered when you had a life. A dead person was dead; did it matter if he was good?

Especially in this situation where their fate has been sealed as if the heavens themselves have decided their time is over.

Most stood in their place, not because they were brave or because they had no fear of death.

The reason was because they knew there was no way back. There was no time to run away; they couldn't outrun these monsters.

Between them and their deaths was a wall—not the one in which they were standing but the one standing below, staring at the opposite in the eyes.

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