The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin

Chapter 20.1: Hold It In

Chapter 20.1: Hold It In

Liu Ji was a little worried. Considering how hot the weather was, he couldn't help thinking about the table full of food he had just left out on the table in the open…

Hmm, if we don't take long, perhaps the food might just be stale. But if this trip takes a long time, the whole table might turn moldy…

But… If the birds come, wouldn't they leave behind a lot of droppings? I wonder if there is any spell to conveniently clean up bird droppings…

Just as Liu Ji was lost in his habitual inner thoughts, he felt a poke on his face.

Turning his head, he saw Yaine looking at him, her burrows furrowed as if somewhat worried.

Upon getting Liu Ji's attention, she gestured slightly and asked how his body was doing using words he could understand. After all, it was dry and scorching in the desert, and she was concerned that Liu Ji might not cope well.

Liu Ji didn't feel anything out of the ordinary and gestured to let Yaine know he was fine and that she didn't need to worry about him.

He wasn't pretending to be tough; he really felt fine. Although the sun was intense, for some reason, he felt very comfortable when the hot sun shone on his hair.

As if he was undergoing photosynthesis…

Hmm… Whoa, could there really be chlorophyll in my hair?

"Speaking of which," Osar suddenly spoke up, "Yaine, we're losing sight of Mervant's dust trail. Is that really okay?"

"If you're worried, you can go catch up to him." Yaine shrugged. "But if I were to go at his speed, you would probably have to carry me after a while."

"That's true…" Osar scratched his head, glanced at Liu Ji, and, as if suddenly remembering something, said, "Oh, right. Doesn't this lad turn into a bear? How about having him transform into a bear and carry us?"

"Having a person be a mount? That's rather disrespectful." Yaine's mouth twitched. "And even if he didn't mind, did you think a bear is a camel? Bears are large and furry; he'd overheat and pass out before long in this desert."

"Oh, that makes sense." Osar stroked his chin.

"Alright, less talking. I'm already feeling a little parched," said Yaine, raising her water skin and taking a sip, which she kept in her mouth. This method used the least water to keep the mouth moist as long as possible.

When she had had her sip, she passed the water skin to Liu Ji, indicating that he should also take a sip.

Liu Ji noticed her slightly pursed lips and understood, mimicking her by taking a small sip and holding the water in his mouth.

Osar, on the other hand, was a bit awkward since his mouth structure was different from humans, making it hard for him to hold water. So Yaine poured some water out and froze it into a small chunk of ice for him to hold in his mouth.

Liu Ji felt a twinge of envy seeing this; he really missed the feeling of eating ice pops right now.

It would be great if I could learn some ice magic when we get back, Liu Ji thought to himself. Even though I have no idea how to make ice cream, I could at least make some shaved ice…



"Fresh melon shaved ice, please enjoy." The man with ash-white skin smiled as he placed two cups of shaved ice before Calidora and Girunini. "The whole roast lamb is in the oven, but it will take some time, so please enjoy some dessert first."

"Ah, thank you…" Calidora gave a smile of gratitude. "Um, who exactly are you?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, how rude of me," the man said, pulling up a chair to sit across from them. "My name is Myza, and I am the lord of this city."

"The lord of a city in the desert?" Girunini asked.

"Yes, a lord of a city in the desert." The man who called himself Myza nodded. "Is that surprising?"

"More strange than surprising," Girunini muttered. "After all, it's the Desert of Burials we are talking about…"

"Mm, yes, it's called the Desert of Burials now." Myza leaned back in his chair, sighing. "Actually, a long, long time ago, this place was also a rich and beautiful land."

"How long ago was that?" Girunini pursed her lips. "It must have been thousands of years ago, right?"

"Thousands of years? Oh, perhaps, haha." Myza rubbed his nose. "I didn't really keep track. So, it's been this long, huh?"

Hearing Myza say this, the other two exchanged astonished glances.

Did it mean that the man before them had lived for several thousand years?

Even the longest-lived of the Rock Turtle race had lifespans of only a little over a thousand years…

Noticing their astonishment, Myza just smiled, seemingly uninterested in explaining further. Instead, he asked, "So, why did you decide to venture into this desert? You must know that almost no one who enters here comes out alive."

"Haa, while that is the case, it's still a little unsettling to hear you say that," Girunini muttered to herself.

Calidora shot her a wry look before saying, "Actually, we're well aware of the dangers here, but we had no other choice but to take the risk and cross the desert…"

"Are you ladies being hunted or something?" Myza leaned forward, seemingly interested. "If that were the case, if it were me, I'd probably just duke it out with them."

"Haha, if there was even the slightest chance, we probably would do so, too." Calidora sighed helplessly. "Mr. Myza, have you always stayed here? In this ancient city within the desert?"

"That's right." Myza nodded. "And you might have guessed it by now, I've been here for thousands of years."

Despite their speculations, hearing it confirmed directly from Myza himself shocked the two ladies.

"Mm, you must be curious as to how I can live for so long, right?" Myza was slightly amused seeing their astonished expressions. "Actually, every visitor who happens to come here is curious at first. Many of them don't believe me, but…"

Myza gestured toward a spot nearby where several neatly arranged, exquisitely crafted tombstones stood in the sand.

"Sooner or later, they will all come to believe," he continued. "Because they witnessed my immortality with their own lives…"

A chilling silence fell after he said that, causing the hairs on their necks to stand on end.

Calidora's eyes darted uncertainly between Myza and the nearby tombstones, while Girunini's eyes emitted a faint red glow.

Myza observed, staying completely silent.

The silence continued…

Finally, he couldn't hold it in and burst out guffawing.

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