The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 18: Bondage (not that type)

I awoke some time later, The first thing I noticed on awakening was that Orchid was not enveloped around me like usual. This would be the first time in around 6 years, so I was a tad bit worried. Looking around the room I noticed why, Orchid was standing between my floating sword and myself. She looked on guard and I could understand why.

The Queen of another hive has survived being turned into biomass, survived over 75,000 years in that state and to top it all off survived being created into a weapon. They say bugs can survive nuclear fallout, but this is like 100 times more impressive.

Looking up to Jewel, I say. "So what's the plan? Is my sword going to be destroyed? And how in all that is Psionic did the other queen survive like this?"

"That is a good few questions my Apollo, from my past memories against my rival, it had a special psionic power which allowed her body to fully takeover another of bio forms instantly. It would fight on the frontlines and when my bodies devoured it, the biomass was rendered useless. Only when we destroyed every single bio form it had, did I manage to kill It.

I never got her unique psionic power from devouring her and it seems now I understand why. She can even survive becoming pure biomass, her psionic Mindspace hidden deep within every atom of it. Truly impressive."

Listening to Jewels explanation of The rival queens ability was shocking. Psionic powers truly come in all flavours. The rival queens ability was borderline immortality as long as a piece of her or her former hive existed.

"As for the swords destruction." Jewel turned her head so her faceplate was 'staring' at the queen-cum-sword." I can feel that during the Psionic-forging our love for you was ingrained into the sword accidentally. As such it poses no threat to you therefore it may live." "FOR NOW." She said towards the sword causing it to shudder in the air.

Walking over to Orchid before stroking her back. Causing a small jolt of surprise. "At ease my dear, you heard Jewel. My sword is as obsessed with me as the rest of you." Orchid reluctantly lowered her sword guard. Standing in front of my sword now I wondered "So a fully conscious being is inside my sword?

I don't know if thats cool or not." Even to this day, forgetting that I basically have more than 1 person I'm my head at any time, Jewel responded. "While I said my old rival was still alive, being biomass for 75,000 years does have its drawbacks. Her mental functions have deteriorated greatly. It is basically now just intent, emotion and instinct.

It does not have any full thoughts and cannot converse or think. It only followed you in here because its instinct is to aid and protect you nothing more nothing less.

I mused for a moment staring at the sword. Its had a rough 75,000 years for it even if it was Jewels old rival, that had nothing to do with me. I've already decided that in the future I would mostly play the neutral party in her wars. she is a grown ass hive she can do what she pleases, I'm not going to tell her who she can and cant eat.

I may join some wars of hers in far off galaxies for research into my war tactics but not against my home galaxy as I want to explore that fully before the inevitable.

In that regard I felt no bother in wielding her old rival as my new companion. I reached out to grab her and I felt a pulse of pleasure run through me again.

"Interesting" Jewel commented at the psionic pulse. "It seems my old rival here is trying to bond with your Mindspace my love." "What do you mean?" I questioned.

"From the basic emotion coming from her psionic frequency, it seems It wants to connect with your Mindspace so It can better understand your wants and needs while I would never do so with you as your beautiful head would explode, I would not be against this bond." Pondering for a moment, I had a couple more questions for Jewel.

Although I trust her unconditionally, at this point I still like to know what would happen if I did bond with her.

And once again reading my mind ,its quite convenient to be honest, Jewel happily responded "There are a few different types of Mindspace bonding the first is a lesser being with full psionic capabilities wanting to become a greater being object or pet. In doing so they become fully in tuned with their new masters wants or desires.

I would do this with you as all I want is to feel everything you are everyday for all eternity." She said going a little crazy for a moment. "Alas as I said, your head would explode having me inside of it."

"The second type is a parasite bond. This type our bio-cult infiltrators use. They blend into prey's populations then slowly take over.

They do this by having them eat a special type of Psionic hive poison which then turns into a psionic parasite which attacks their Mindspace just enough to alter their thoughts converting them into our puppets even though they still think they have free will, in order not to arouse suspicion from their defensive castes.

When the time comes for invasion, sometimes half a planet could revolt and aid us in the conquest before we also consume their biomass."

I let out a small shudder at that one.

"The third type is the opposite of the first one a greater being imposes its will on the lesser and turns it into a slave I believe that is the term. It sound like becoming like us but with extra steps. Apparently this type is very taxing on both the greater being and the lesser being and the lesser being will always die afterwards due to their mind essentially becoming ruptured."

"As you have probably already figured my old rival wishes to invoke the first type of bondage. If you choose to go through with it, I shall oversee the entire ordeal before resuming my research."

I didn't need to think on this the bondage between me and the sword had no downsides on my end in fact the sword, no the former queen was basically abdicating its new freedom and giving it to me. Despite being a sword I gave it a warm look as thanks. Its blue fuller hummed with energy in response.

"Ok lets do this."... "How do I do this?" Smiling at my enthusiasm, Jewel responded. "You need not do much just lower your mental defences and that pulse you have been feeling will enter you Mindspace. My old rival may be a fraction of what it once was, but its instincts are still more impressive than my drones when they have no commands. Let it do what it needs to do once its inside your mindscape."

Nodding my head, I lowered my defences the sword pulsed again. As it entered my Mindspace, the pleasure I got from it this time caused a moan of pleasure to escape my lips. The creature commonly known as Orchid grew flushed at the involuntary act. Jewel was faring better, knowing that I was only a child she could restrain herself, but still squirmed a little.

Inside my Mindspace was the sword. It was transparent and slowly floating towards the centre of the space. Once it got there chains sprouted up from goodness knows where from the white water like floor and wrapped themselves around the sword. The chains were not there so bind the sword, it was more to anchor it into my mind.

I could tell whatever was happening was working as the sword was becoming more corporeal until it was fully so.

Once the sword was fully present in my mind i could feel it out of my mind as well like a sort of link. I thought that everything was done and dandy but then, a huge shadow permeated from behind the sword. it was 50 meters tall it had 3 spiked legs a large chitinous thorax and a large bulbous head with 2 compound eyes and large pincers.

It would have looked as imposing as Jewel if it was not riddled full of holes. in fact there was more hole than shadow. It loomed for a second before dissipating back into the sword.

looking around my Mindspace for a second to see if anything was wrong I sighed in relief when everything looked in order. Before I left I looked just outside my Mindspace to what Jewel called psionic plane and saw something so terrifying. A being with uncountable eyes with an unmeasurable body was looming over me.

I didn't even think and just activated my defence before the creature turned into jewels standard 80m tall body. I had never seen her psionic might without my defences up even in training its only ever been cracked.

"I forgot how scary strong the hive actually is." I muttered before leaving my Mindspace.

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