The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 39: This is gonna suck

Jewel looked away in sadness before returning her gaze to me. "I had failed to get impregnated by your seminal fluid my love, I wished not to tell you as I assumed you did not wish to have spawns yet."

I opened my eyes wide in surprise 'thats what they wanted to hide from me? the fact my baby batter isn't strong enough to survive in her body yet?' I thought in misunderstanding "Its ok my love I expected something like this to happen" I said to console her. "You did? Jewel asked in confusion cocking her head to the side. "Sure I did.

I mean the strength gap between the two of us is still astronomical to put it lightly sweety, you are practically a living god. For me to able to breed with you, I still have to get a lot stronger. Fortunately for us, we have all the time in the universe." I said bringing my hand up to her cheek, which she nuzzled into.

"Orchid thinks you have misunderstood something Apollo-love." Orchid butted in after calming down enough due to hearing one of my powers manifested because of her. "And what have I misunderstood sweetie?" "The queen failed to be fertilized because the passive psionic energy she emits destroyed your nectar when she switched bodies not because your nectar was too weak in general."

"Oh." I did not have anything to say on the matter I had made a whoopsie in my thinking. Oh well those things do happen. Looking back to Jewel who was now showing a different kind of concern I asked "So is that all you were worried about? Not telling me we could not have little kiddies about?

while I may still be pretty young I'm not fussed we can have children whenever you want." I said to Jewel making her smile sadly

"While that makes me happier than anything to hear you say that my mate, What you said about the difference in our strength does make sense. While I did make this body to satisfy your every want and desire and to be able to produce offspring with you, I did not take into consideration our current strength gap.

While I could still get inseminated, your genetic influence in the spawns would not be able to keep up with mine and would die as thing currently stand. This is an unfortunate revelation." Jewel was saddened currently her current plan of the last 16 years was as follows, create offspring with mate, create offspring with mate ,create offspring with mate, etc.

But now that plan would have to be put on hold until her most precious Apollo is strong enough to the point his genetic code can interweave with hers with no problems.

I could feel the room becoming glum. Psionic users can affect their surrounding with their emotions and with one as powerful as Jewel the room literally felt glum so to cheer her up I decided to tell her about my duel with Orchid. She lit up immediately as stories about me were always her favourite thing.

Jewel became elated with pride when she heard I was able to disarm Orchid that she grabbed me and hugged me between her breasts.

They were deceptively small I had always thought if they were on a normal female human the size would probably be B cups or close to that but with her large stature they had more mass and my head could still get suffocated in them.

One she let me go and I was denied a glorious death, I continued my story of what happened between then and when she woke up once she was all caught up I decided to ask her another question as I did not want her feeling blue thinking on the reproduction issue." So then, when Is my mind going to be my own again?

I would usually be spending this time training it so now I feel a little restless." Upon hearing my question Jewel dove into my Mindspace easily passing through my defence to re check the answer she gave me previously.

knowing exactly where my origin was at this point It did not take to reach there. upon arrival she had found Onyx kneeling there concentrating but no Origin. "Where has my loves Origin gone stalker Onyx?" Jewel stated in confusion. "Greeting my queen your presence during the Origins metamorphosis has made it shy and has activated a psionic camouflage.

The origin may be Psychokinesis bordering on Omni-kinesis but its still in its infancy and does not wish its lover to see it in this state. For a lack of better words Its currently embarrassed." A shock of energy spread over Onyx as she said this causing her to spasm uncontrollably for a moment. Her focus on maintaining her energy towards the invisible origin did not dissipate though.

"You can shock me all you want you know I like it just don't act out in embarrassment or I will tell your main body you are nothing but a big baby." this caused the protest of the invisible origin to stop and allowed onyx to continue.

"sorry my queen my foresight allows me to bond with Apollos origin rather well as It has seen what it needs to become and tell our darling he will be able to enter his Mindspace again when we arrive home." she takes a small pause looking into space "precisely when his right foot leaves the ship."

Jewel cringed slightly with how nonchalantly this stalker uses the Psionic gift of foresight. There is good reason she does not use this ability herself so seeing the stalker use it for such specifics made even her other bodies skin crawl. Onyx seemed to pick up on this but said nothing.

"Thankyou for your Work helping our Love stalker Onyx I shall leave you to it." "Thank you my queen." Onyx responded not really paying attention to her anymore.

It only took a second in Realtime before Jewel exited my mind one more. "You will be able to access your Mindspace one more as soon as we land and are off the ship my love. For now why don't we just try to improve your current abilities." "What do you have in mind love?" I asked.

"Well as you know you have been training and increasing your Mindspace defences and strength to improve the power of your damaging psionic powers in the future. Despite not yet receiving any such powers yet you still have access to your psionic bullet which I taught you so we will start with that." Once she said this Jewel got up and went to the end of the room.

"I want you to shoot me with your bullet right here." she said pointing just above where her belly button would be If she was created naturally.

I didn't complain or show worry when she said to shoot at her. I could chop of my sweet Orchids hand no problem so shooting Jewel in the stomach would be no issue. There's that and also the fact I knew for a fact I could not penetrate that skin with anything but Zircon if I tried as I currently am and even with Zircon It would still be a very shallow stab.

I moved to stand parallel from the delicate looking yet indestructible being Infront of me before raising my hand. In the future I would probably not have to use my hand to aim my shots but for now it helps me stabilise the bullet. The bullet formed slowly compressing and gathering more energy at the same time.

I had already gone well over the amount of energy to pierce the armour from the shield warrior variants from the other week but still kept going. I could create the bullet so large as I am not only pulling from my psionic reserves but also from the ambient energy around me.

Around a minute later and my arm began to shake slightly the bullet although the same size was beginning to become unwieldy with the sheer amount of power inside of it was too much for me to handle. I took aim and released the bullet. Fortunately for me Psionic energy in its nature breaks laws so my ears were not bleeding from the discharge of sound it would have made were it ballistic.

It did not take even a fraction of a second before the pent up energy exploded out and made contact with Jewel. all the energy from the bullet was just soaked by jewel like a sponge on steroids doing absolutely nothing.

If a human were to be hit by that attack the energy would pierce the body and from inside explode leaving nothing but red mist.

"A very well done shot my Love, Orchid what do you think?" Orchid looked over the attack in her mind before responding. "It was a very well taken shot my queen, the power behind it could have ruptured my old bodies thorax and done fatal damage but the time it took was too long and a prey who took that long would already be consumed."

"I concur with what Orchid has just said my love, so from now until we return home we shall train this ability of yours to decrease the time."

I said nothing as my brain was hurting from the amount psionic energy I just expelled. I could only think 'this is gonna suck.'

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