The Hunter Who Does Not Age Is So Strong

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Dreimoor (2)

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How much is it?

Kim Bongpal asked the merchant after examining the manual. He had just bought a magic item containing translation magic. To buy this, Kim Bongpal had to return to the entrance of the black market. At a glance, only things with strange powers were traded in the black markets deep areas, while items imparted interpretation and translation seemed easier to manufacture than expected.

Its 40,000 M.

M was the unit of currency here. It was a world without money, as he understood it, so it was hard to compare, but anyway, it was a calculated value of the amount of mana possessed by a Mana Stone.

Kim Bongpal took some Mana Stones from the subspace bag and handed them over. It wasnt just an Earth-made bag with subspace in the name only, but a bag with a real subspace. Of course, Mesut obtained it for him. Come to think of it, perhaps the most valuable thing he stole from Johan was this bag.

Besides that, Kim Bongpal purchased some items that seemed like they might be helpful in the future, such as interpretation and pathfinding. So far, Johans token has played that role, but he intended to leave the token in Dreimoor.

It cost an additional 210,0000 M to buy them, bringing the amount spent to 250,000 M. Kim Bongpal didnt know how much this was worth, but it was less than one-twentieth of the Mana Stones taken from Mesut.

With those bought, he headed deeper into the market. He could now read the Otherworlds characters, and that meant he could now find what he wanted. Martial arts, spells, magic.

Is there a place that sells books here?

W-what kind of books do you want?

Kim Bongpal had a guide as well. Not a professional guide, admittedly, but all he had to do was catch a young Black Wizard passing by, show him Johans token, and ask him to guide him in the market. From what he heard, he was a servant of Mesuts disciple. The mana he emanated was insignificant, though it held the peculiar energy unique to Black Wizards.

Kim Bongpal was also able to recognize the energy after a few encounters.

Books about martial arts, spells, and magic. It would be nice to know how to deal with them.

Oh! Then theres a place I know.

The first thing Kim Bongpal found in the store he was led to was a book that would help him understand the various abilities of this world. The second was a martial arts technique book he could use. He didnt look for a spellbook because it seemed difficult to use magic.

Of course, as it was often described in Wuxia novels, the martial arts here were usually spread exclusively within a faction or sect, so a buyable technique book wasnt much to get his hopes up for. Still, finding something that was useful should be achievable. And even not, he had another reason.

Just as Kim Bongpal was ignorant of the power of the other worlds, those of Moorim and Lupaine were also unaware of Earths strength.

Hey. Do you know anything about the Moorim people?

I only know as much as others.

The book he decided on was labeled the Mind Technique. It illustrated a first-class Qigong Control Technique, Unity of Mind, and subsequent commentary. It was the most valuable martial arts book sold on the black market as far as he could tell. It consumed a considerable amount of the Mana Stones from Mesut, so that must be true. However, the level of first-class wasnt satisfactory.

Then, if its a first-class, what level is it compared to the Blood Mages?

Uhits difficult to make a one-on-one comparison, but its probably a little better than the 4th Blood Mages.

That was one level lower than Wan Yue-chuan. He and his sect brothers were like A-Class hunters on Earth, maybe a little higher given their skill in combat. In other words, the Unity of Mind was suitable for B-Class hunters.

Its worth a lot more because it allows you to handle mana without being an Awakener, though.

Of course, even a B-Class Mind Technique was helpful. Kim Bongpal knew the differences between the Earths hunters and the Moorim and Lupaine Otherworlders. Those people had been dealing with mana since the dawn of their civilization. In fact, regardless of the level of their martial arts, it was enough to inspire Kim Bongpal.

Anyway, he was finished here.

Right. Give this to Mesut.

Yes? Huh! T-this is.

Kim Bongpal handed Johans token to the Black Wizard, who served him as a guide. Now, all his business in Dreimoor was concluded. But then, he could feel someone drawing close while exuding his energy.

Everyone above a certain level hid their mana here in the black market, even Kim Bongpal. However, this new person strolled about while letting it all hang free. Naturally, Kim Bongpal shifted his gaze toward them.

Kim Bongpal found that not only he but most people in the market were looking in the same direction. Only except for those who were trying to sneak away.

A strong man with a body red from head to toe approached. He looked pretty young and exuded an aura similar to Wan Yue-chuans. Meaning that he must be a Blood Mage. But had his whole body turned red because he was a Blood Mage?

Kim Bongpal asked the Black Wizard next to him.

Who is he bragging about like that?

The Black Wizard was startled by that outrageous remark. He whispered back.

One of the Three Blood Masters of Dreimoor.

One of the Three Blood Masters of Dreimoor, huh? Well, that was easy to guess. The man had eyes that Kim Bongpal knew well: the gaze of the strong. These were the eyes youd see when a person thinks youre weaker than them.

Whats his name?

Shi Wu-yuan. Hes Lord Shi Wu-yuan.

Kim Bongpals brow furrowed. Even worse, that was the teacher of the Blood Mages he killed.

Kim Bongpal examined Shi Wu-yuan a bit closer now. His body was trained, and a single-edged sword hung on his waist. It seemed more likely that he used martial arts over spells, though he couldnt rule out the possibility that he could also handle them.

Kim Bongpal naturally measured the mans strength. In other words, whether he could kill Shi Wu-yuan or not. He didnt mean to start a fight with him, but it was instinctive behavior for a hunter.

Wellif youre done with your business, may I go?

Oh, yes. Good job.

Kim Bongpal nodded to the Black Wizard, now eager to leave with Shi Wu-yuans appearance. He was also now ready to leave Dreimoor.

The items he bought to use for navigation could take him to the Evil Alliance and the Celestial Demon Cult. Among the two, Kim Bongpal planned to visit the Evil Alliances territory first.

It was then.


Somebody landed in front of his path. It was Shi Wu-yuan, of all people.


He raised a red hand to point at Kim Bongpal. Then, with the same arrogance as earlier, he checked him up and down before saying:

Stop there.

Itd been a while since Kim Bongpal heard someone bark a command at him.

Who are you?

Shi Wu-yuan asked. Kim Bongpal didnt respond.

A few thoughts went back and forth in his head at that moment. But what broke Kim Bongpals pondering was

Huh. Thats so arrogant of you.

Shi Wu-yuans following words. In response to that.


Kim Bongpal snorted a little. Yeah, since when did he just let this kind of thing go? He felt that one emotion that used to dominate him bubbling in the back of his head. It was like a dam that had burst.

From El Plades to the Gate and from the Gate to Dreimoor. It was as if the countless things Kim Bongpal endured had finally piled past a certain point.

What the fuck?

What the hell was wrong with this bastard and his fucking eyes? The interpretation of magic seemed to adequately convey his feelings.

Their noisy surroundings quickly became quiet. The Black Wizard hadnt yet left and was standing next to Kim Bongpal, who broke the silence after several tense moments.

M-Mr. Kim Bongpal.

Was it because of his loyalty to Johan? Or was it because he worried that he might get involved? He hastily tried to dissuade Kim Bongpal with his hands shaking.

By his standards, Shi Wu-yuan was one of the citys absolute forces. On the other hand, he knew nothing about Kim Bongpal except that he was a guest of Johan. Of course, he wouldnt be weak since he was Johans guest, but could that be compared to a Blood Master? For a Black Wizard whod spent most of his life in Dreimoor, this idea was difficult to comprehend.

O, Blood Master! This man is Lord Hagars guest! Please.

The Black Wizard sputtered, but Shi Wu-yuan interrupted him.

Thats weird.

Shi Wu-yuan continued with his gaze fixed on Kim Bongpal. Was he trying to examine him, just like Johan did?

Why does Johans guest smell familiar?

Shi Wu-yuan, who came closer to Kim Bongpal, spoke again.

Its the smell of Yue-chuans blood.

Kim Bongpals judgment was quick.


The one who strikes first wins.

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