The Law of Attraction

Chapter 494: The File

Chapter 494: The File

Lana was stunned when she heard Kyle speak in such a disdainful manner. Her eyes widened with shock and then a bitter smile appeared on her face. She had already regretted trusting him so much, but the way he spoke and stood up against her now, hurt her very deeply.

'Lana, why were you so stupid enough to trust such a vile man in your life?' she couldn't help but think.

Kyle felt really bad when he saw the beautiful face which he loved deeply lose its colour and her eyes showing a hint of hatred for him, but some steps once taken could not be retreated. He had to continue on this path and there was no looking back!

Kyle looked at Lana mockingly and said, "Ms. Huang, did you forget that everything you say needs to be proven with evidence? Unless you have any evidence to prove what you just said, your words hold no value. What do you think you will gain by slandering other people?"

Lana smiled faintly and looked coldly at Kyle. "What are you trying to say, Mr. Kyle?"

"All I'm asking for is to see the evidence supporting everything you said, which I really doubt you have any." He replied.

"Evidence? You worked with me for more than a year, yet here you are asking me for the obvious. I am sure you are not going to like what I will show you next." She hatefully retorted.

Lana signalled her secretary who immediately moved and took out a stack of files from the bag she was holding and distributed it to all the board members sitting there.

Lana held one such file in her hands and in a very solemn voice she said, "The first page in this file has every information regarding the performance of the new sales head, Mr. Kent, from his first-ever job till today. The second page contains the information of Mr. Oliver, our best performing sales head from his first job to his current job.

I want to ask which person among you would hire such an unworthy candidate? Any person with good intentions for the company would never do that. An employee who constantly had declining sales and was even fired from his previous job because of his incompetence is never a good choice.

Now I want you all to look at the third page, this is the market capture data of our rival cosmetic brand, the one that always trailed behind us but today they are trying to capture all our market share.

After this brief summary of a few things, I would request you all to kindly turn over and see the last page of this file."

The board members were already enraged by this sales data. Though they once heard from Luo about some reckless changes happening in the company's staff, no one paid attention to Luo's complaints as they did not consider her as someone important. Many of the loyal and rightful board members regretted their lack of interest in handling the matters of the company.

When Lana asked them to open the last page of the file, they followed her instruction and all were shocked to see the information. It was the appointment letter of Mr. Kent which was duly signed by Jay Zhao. They all looked at him with questioning eyes, silently asking why he appointed such an underperformer in the company.

Jay Zhao was stunned and as he read the information in the file, his eyes narrowed and he started searching for words to save himself and retort back to this insult in front of all the board members.

He gnashed his teeth and looked at Lana with hateful eyes.

"What does this even prove Lana? I am a member of the Huang family and as one of the heirs of the founding members of the company I have full rights to appoint people in the company. And I did try to get information about him but at that time I was not able to fork out all this negative information regarding him so I appointed him in a hurry.

But how can you say that I wanted to wrong the company simply by appointing one person?" He almost shouted at Lana.

"Exactly! Ms. Lana Huang, one can make mistakes while appointing someone in the company. But how does that prove the intentions of that person are bad? You are simply beating around the bush Ms. Huang. Nothing that you said or showed us till now proves that someone else is responsible for the losses the company made!

Are you still stubborn in proving your point or would you like to finally accept that your negligence and bad reputation has led the company to face so many losses?" Kyle looked at Lana with squinted eyes and lashed out at her.

Lana smirked seeing the agitated faces of Kyle and her so-called uncle. Kyle, her legal help who once used to help in finding evidence for her before was enjoying all the slandering she faced today. She shook away these depressing thoughts and exhaled loudly to gather herself.

Lana then signalled Loli once again who quickly moved and distributed another file to all the board members. Everyone was already a little shocked with the way things were turning out in front of them and they were hoping that the new file would unfold some more eye-opening truths now.

As Lana held the same file in her hands she urged them to open the file and read the contents of it till the last page.

Jay Zhao who was fuming with anger opened the file along with everyone and the entire meeting hall was filled with gasps and murmurs of the board members.

They all shot a look at Jay Zhao while some had a look of disbelief on their faces. Few of them were finding it difficult to accept everything that was written there, but there were even a few pictures and some signed agreements which were the perfect evidence that it was all true!

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