The Law of Attraction

Chapter 518: What A Way To Bully

Chapter 518: What A Way To Bully

At Yu's Building

Luo had a serious face that morning when Sarah arrived at Noah's office to report to her first day of work. It was delayed because Sarah said she needed to take care of things first and Noah allowed her.

"Meet my wife… She's the lawyer that you will assist for now most of the time because of her condition," Noah introduced and Sarah gladly offered her hand for a handshake that Luo accepted.

"Oh, you're the one my brother-in-law recommended," Luo commended with her bright smile. Only Noah knew how deadly his wife's smiles could be.

"Brother-in-law?" Sarah unconsciously muttered.

"Oh yeah… Liam is my brother-in-law since Lana is my sister. You see not everyone is aware of it but I'm sure everyone will soon know about it… just like you..." Luo nonchalantly commented, enjoying how Sarah's face paled.

"Oh, I also heard a lot of praises about you, such as how hard-working and reliable you are. Liam even said you're a key person so I and Noah are absolutely grateful to have you here. Come follow me, I will show you around and introduce everyone along the way while walking you to your new office…" Luo commented and signaled Noah that she would take care of Sarah.

Sarah suddenly felt dizzy thinking about what could be waiting for her in the future. Luo first introduced her to the important and high ranking staff in each room before they finally went to her so-called office.

Sarah was sure that Luo was aware of why she ended up at Yao firm and about what happened between her and Lana because she could sense the cunningness behind that beautiful smile of Lana's sister as she followed her down the hallway.

To be honest, she wanted to meet Lana and personally apologize to her after reflecting on her actions on how she did the latter wrong with her harsh words but whenever she tried to contact Lana's number it was always either busy or not reachable. She also heard from Daryl that Lana and Liam were very busy so she thought she would try to contact Lana again after they settled everything regarding Bill's case that the Sy Law firm was now handling.

She sighed at the thought of missing in on the action for that case. It was a monumental case and the whole country was following it. It was frustrating for her that she was not part of the team that was bringing down a big criminal like Bill Grey.

"Here we are…" she heard Luo's enthusiastic voice, opening the door for her office.

"You will have your own secretary soon. There's just a small delay of three days because of her family matter… I believe you can manage things on your own for three days right? I heard that you're a very competent and independent lawyer who is very hands-on in her case so it won't be a problem right?"

Sarah heard Luo's comment and only answered with a nod and a half-smile. The woman was praising her more often than she would like.

'But why do I feel that something bad will follow these praises and smiles?' Sarah confusingly pondered.

"Alright, I will leave you alone now. My assistant will soon knock on your door to give some cases that I rejected because I'm pregnant and can't get exhausted too much. I hope you can aid me more often Attorney Jung," Luo winked at her before she turned around and left.

Sarah heaved a long sigh as she looked at the interior of her office. It was as big and spacious as her office at Sy Law firm and she liked the interior decor too. She comfortably sat on her swiveling chair and opened the laptop on her big desk.

"Why is my desk a bit too big?" she murmured.

After some time, she heard the buzzing on the intercom and it was Attorney Luo's assistant so she said, "Come in…"

The man entered with a trolly full of folders.

"Good morning Attorney Jung, Ma'am Luo said to put all these files on your table. These are the cases you need to review for her and analyze within the day. She told me to apologize to you in advance for all the work but she also said that among everyone here you're more capable to work on this."

Sarah gulped and ended up only nodding before she quickly dismissed Luo's assistant.

"Seriously?" she mumbled with a crumpled face as soon as the assistant left. Her eyes fixated on the files on her table.

"Is this why my table is bigger than it should be?" she helplessly voiced out. She was not naive and she could sense that Attorney Luo, the Boss' wife, and unfortunately Lana's sister, was doing it on purpose.

"What a way to bully me indirectly…" she mumbled as she grabbed the file at the top. It had been only a few hours since she started working at Yao firm but it felt like she was back to her internship days with the number of files that were given to her to analyze.

It was not like she could complain since she loved her work right? And there was no other firm she would want to be in if not the Sy's but at least Yao law firm is better than the other firms. These two firms were the best to work at for newbies like her.

It was too early to feel disheartened so Sarah took a deep breath as she started to analyze the file on the top.

"Alright, Sarah… Let's start working and show that Luo woman what you're made of…" she cheered herself as she began to work.

Luo on the other hand came back to work in her husband's office. She was smirking whenever she recalled Sarah's awkward face. Noah handed her the hot chocolate he prepared and sat beside her on the couch of his office.

"You look like a villainess in one of the dramas you're watching with that smirk," he teased.

"Well, I will play that role for a while and I will not stop until she apologizes to Lana for the mistake she made. Let's see how sharp her tongue will be in front of me…" Luo beamed with a lopsided grin.

Noah shook his head. His wife was a generous woman so he was not worried because Luo knew her boundaries and Sarah would not be harmed at all.

"Ahh!!! Our baby just moved!!" Luo suddenly burst and Noah quickly touched her tummy.

"Oh, she's kicking you hard, telling her mommy not to be a bad girl…" Noah teased.

Luo's face crumpled as she brushed his hands off.

"Hmp! She's cheering me on telling me to punish those who harm her auntie… But wait why are you calling our baby a she?"

"I don't know, it was just a slip of my tongue… Maybe I want her to be a 'she' and grow up to be a strong woman like my wife?" Noah whispered before pulling Luo in his arms.

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