The Law of Attraction

Chapter 522: No Right To Condemn

Chapter 522: No Right To Condemn

Sarah never felt as tired as now in her entire life. She moved her neck left and right then stretched her arms before preparing to leave the office.

She was inside her car when she received a call from Kenzie.

"Sis, can we have dinner together? I hate to eat alone and I'm feeling annoyed because of work…" she heard Kenzie complained.

Sarah chuckled and said, "Alright, maybe we can also have a drink after since I'm also annoyed because of work…"

She and Kenzie surprisingly became close when they worked together on Kenzie's case that would end next week. She was confident that they would win it and those men who tried to molest Kenzie in that in-house party would definitely pay greatly for what they did.

She was actually glad to find a good friend and a sister in her. Kenzie was someone who was really clumsy and funny but she liked that most of all she was a genuine type of person. She could be immature at most but in an adorable kind of way.

She arrived at the resto-bar Kenzie told her and saw Kenzie excitedly wave her hand as soon as she entered the door.

"Look at this kid…" she murmured with a grin. She felt like she was young again whenever she was with Kenzie who was twenty-one. Well, not that her being twenty-eight was old but somehow it would be too awkward if she acted as a happy-go-lucky girl like Kenzie.

Kenzie hugged her and rendered her usual cheek to cheek kiss and informed, "I already ordered our food."

"What happened?" Sarah asked as soon as she was seated.

With pouty lips, Kenzie beamed, "Nothing happened! Daryl is giving me a hard time to make me quit as though he can win against my determination…"

Sarah laughed. Kenzie told her everything and she knew that Kenzie was too determined in pursuing Daryl.

"You see Daryl is different. I think he doesn't like being chased… Well, I had heard before that he particularly emphasizes that it should be the man who should chase the woman and not the other way around. How about you just focus on studying business and work in the company like your father wants instead of trying to chase him?" Sarah suggested.

She had known and worked with Daryl for almost six months so she could tell as much.

Kenzie's eyes narrowed at her as she suspiciously uttered, "I bet my dad talked to you about convincing me to quit and start working in his company right?"

Sarah chuckled because it was true. Senior Chua approached her and asked for that favor.

"Well, yes. But what I'm saying is also my opinion… You're still young Kenzie so maybe you should try focusing more on establishing yourself. Who knows? Maybe you'll get Daryl's attention when you become a more mature woman?" Sarah voiced out.

Kenzie's shoulders dropped and with a sigh muttered, "But… I love him. I want a man like him. He respected me regardless of what happened. I was literally throwing myself at him that day but he did not take advantage of me.

I feel so secure whenever I'm in his arms… I mean you know that feeling of not needing my bodyguards to protect me because being with him alone is enough? If I don't try to woo him and let him go someone else will try getting him.

Daryl is a good catch so, what if someone comes into his life while I'm busy working in the company and takes him away? That's why I want him to fall in love with me first before I concentrate on the family business…"

"You mean you want to secure him for yourself first?" Sarah pointed out and Kenzie nodded like a child.

"Besides, he's not turning me down yet you know so I feel like I have a chance. I just need to break his walls and be more involved in his life… I want him to get used to my presence so that he would miss me when I'm not around… "

"Annoying presence?" Sarah teased making Kenzie scrunch her face. Sarah hit the spot with her words because it did feel like Daryl was irritated by her presence.

Their order finally arrived so the two women began to eat while they continued to banter. After eating they ordered some drinks.

Sarah went to the restroom for a while and was walking back to her table when she halted as she saw a familiar man calling for the waiter.

"Kyle?" she whispered but then she ignored him thinking that Kyle might be with someone.

She went back to her seat and would occasionally look towards Kyle's table. It seemed to her that Kyle was drinking alone.

Kenzie followed her gaze and commented, "You know him? He looks problematic but he's handsome."

"Yeah… I mean, I know him… He helped me twice when I was in a mess…" Sarah commented. Kyle indeed looked problematic.

"I think he needs a companion to talk to. How about you go and talk to him? I feel like sleeping soundly and to recharge myself for another battle tomorrow so I will go first." Kenzie commented as she stood up.

Sarah chuckled and kissed her goodbye. She was also about to leave the resto-bar but for some reason, she had the urge to approach Kyle so she walked towards his table and sat opposite him.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Kyle tilted his head and replied, "Oh it's you… Would you like to join me for a drink, Sarah?"

He was obviously drunk already given his stuttering and drunk voice.

"You look like you're having a problem" Sarah commented. Kyle gulped his beer straight before answering, "Yeah… I don't know what to do. Maybe you can help me…"

Then, Kyle began talking…

"He finally acknowledged me as his son and it feels so good… You know, I've been waiting for it all my life… For him to notice me and accept me as his son…"

Sarah gulped as she continued to listen. So Kyle was Bill Grey's son? No wonder Kyle introduced her to Bill as his girlfriend before. She knew it… something was off that day… She felt like Bill Grey and Kyle were not merely acquaintances.

Then she could not help but feel sorry for Kyle…

"My father noticed me for the first time… Appreciated me for the first time… Are you also going to condemn me for having a weak heart and helping him somehow? For trying to show him that I'm a son who will stay by his side no matter what?" Kyle breathed.

Sarah heaved a long sigh and said, "I have no right to condemn you… I avoid judging a person without understanding their situation now since I already learned a good lesson about it… Do what you think would make you feel at ease Kyle…"

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