The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(220) Volume 23 1 — Low Class Skeleton

Volume 23: Chapter 1: Low Class Skeleton

“Tak! Where is

this place?

Weed grabbed

his rusty long sword and woke himself up.

In the waste

land where even weeds couldn’t survive, there were skeletons wandering around.



Skeletons just

passed Weed without attacking him because his body was also turned into a skeleton. Balkan Demoph’s

Summon brought him here as an Undead.

“So I finally ended up here.”

Weed was pretty

used to Undead regardless of its figures.

As he looked

around calmly, he caught voices of surprised skeletons.

“Whoa, what is

this place?”

“How did we

even get here? I was hunting with my golems…”

“Skeletons? Who

can summon this many skeletons?”

Similar to

Weed, these skeletons near the graveyard were having a conversation.

“I came from a

graveyard near Vitum Castle, you?”

“I came here

while hunting in Xerathium forest.”

“I got dragged

suddenly from Bisbek dungeon.”


forest… Is your name perhaps Jeanne the Necromancers?”

“That is


The skeleton

with a little bit of hair claimed her name to be Jeanne. Jeanne was the

first one to choose an occupation after Weed enabled Necromancers occupation. She was a

famous user as a corpse summoner in Xerathium forest.

Jeanne admired Necromancers. The power of

raising up so many dead bodies and commanding them.

She fell in love

with the Undead plays of Weed, that she recorded the quest and watched them over

and over. After changing

class as a Necromancers, she turned small animals into Undead and swiped the hunting

grounds. As an advanced Necromancers, summoning abundant Undeads and ruthlessly hunted.

“My name is Bohram

the Necromancers.”

“Wow, all

celebrities. My name is Otem. Anyone perhaps know me?”

“Who wouldn’t

know about the golem of Otem? You are one of the best Necromancers as well.”

“I’m Rashi,

just turned Necromancers only one month ago. Nice to meet you all.”


having cheerful conversations often be seen in a coffee shop!

The short,

narrow skeleton introduced herself.

“Hello, my name

is Harien.”

“Didn’t expect

to see you here.”

Harian, was a

female user, who had different bone structures from male players.

“Why do you

think we are all gathered here?”

“We were

summoned for some Undeads out of sudden… But I don’t know what’s really going

on either.”

“Whoa, there is

something wrong with status. Class changed, stats all different. Everyone check


As Otem

finished his sentence, skeleton players brought up their status window.

Weed checked

his as well

“Stat window.”

Character Name







Undead Legion


Resurrected Skeleton















Fighting Spirit






Physical Resistance






Power of Undead


+Death Aura is Active

When becoming Undead, Weed’s

Art, Faith, Charm has been converted to combat related stats.

‘Class seems


Gathered Necromancers

must be surprised.

Because Weed is

the only one with ‘Power to Reject Death’, a skill only higher Blood Necromancers

can get. Weed have revived a lot from death enough to not be surprised at having his class changed.

“Death Aura,


One of Balkan’s

three skills.

The might of

enhancing Undead is active in him.

A skill that

shares a part of life, giving monstrous power!

“What’s with

the class? It says Resurrected Skeleton.”

“Isn’t this

some kind of a quest?”

Then a message

popped out suddenly!

Undead Legion

Outskirt Guard

In the Navir’s wastelands there are many

monsters looking for food.

To protect the Undead Army, take care of the


Difficulty: D

Limitation: Undeads Only

- Quest cannot be refused.

You have accepted the Quest.


“Isn’t Undead

Army the most powerful group among Undeads?”

“Oh, it’s the Undead

Army from Weed’s adventure. Balkan is a man, no, a Lich known as the best among


“Before I came

here I saw a message saying that Balkan is calling… We must be summoned by Balkan.”


finally realized why they were all gathered here. He couldn't blame them

for being so slow. They were fine having fun and hunting, then out of sudden being

dragged to this place as Undead because of Balkan’s summon. It would sounds

absurd to anyone!

Instead of chatting with them, Weed scouted around on the hill of the wasteland.

‘There are so many

monsters wandering around’

The place where

the Undead Army resides is full of atrocious monsters. Monsters like

sharp beasts, rhinos are moving around in a lane. Not far from

the waste land is a river. Way past the

river, there is Vargo Fortress where Undead Army stays.

Witches, Death

Knights, Ghosts, army of Slayers born to battle. Order of

Bentler, once a glorious order that came back from the grave after being

abandoned by the king and annihilated. Because Undead

Army was the best army among the Undead, they consisted of many legendary

knights, sorcerers, and monsters from Versailles Continent.

In Vargo

Fortress, the Bone Dragons from the Valley of Death were seen. 3 of them!

‘Anyways, what

I should do right now is…’

Monsters as big

as rhinos. Morghis and

Nukalis were drinking from the river, and some were moving to the place where Undead

Army fortress stood.

‘It must be to

block them.’

Skeletons near

the river found monsters. Raising up their rusty long swords, they ran towards

Morghis and Nukalis.


As they

advanced roaring out loud, other skeletons ran toward the river as if something

was swaying them.

“For the great


“Undead Army,

kill them!”

Weed was able

to see the scene from afar. Skeletons ran,

getting rammed by Morghis and Nukalis, flying in the air. Morghis and

Nukalis ware very vicious gigantic grey beasts! They stomped

skeletons and lifted them with horns. But as long as

their body isn’t completed crushed, they stood up again and ran in!

“What the, a


“The quest

started already? I’m not even prepared…”

About 450

skeletons, all Necromancers players, reacted as well. It’s hard to

see a single Necromancers in a castle and village but when all of them from the

Versailles Continent are gathered, they are relatively many. They didn't even get to see each other. They only knew or heard some famous Necromancers. While they were

busy talking about Undead and Necromancers, the skeletons already started a


“Shouldn’t we

fight as well, for the quest?”

“Let’s go!”


joined the battle at the river.

“I’m unable to

cast any magic…”

“It’s because

we are skeletons now. What should we do?”

“Let’s slice

them with swords.”

Necromancers were

in the form of standard skeleton Undead, therefore they have to fight with basic swords. Necromancers

had characteristics of normal magicians. But because

they fight alone along with golems or skeletons under their orders, they learn

basic swordsmanship. Because it’s

hard to get the very first corpses and sometimes enemies break into the rank of

Undead, Necromancers were also excellent in running away!


was once a best occupation because they could quickly hunt but monsters were adverse to Necromancers. Because enemies

swarm in with such a hostility with intent to kill, Necromancers required

combat skills and responsiveness.


Players attacked but they got rammed in and flew for a moment due to the Morghis and Nukalis. Some succeeded

giving damages with swords and the monsters were soon surrounded by players and


“Block them!”

“If they get

through, we all die!”

On the other

side, unsurrounded Nukalis were going rampage. Out of chaos, skeletons were

swinging long swords!

“They are fighting

pretty well.”

Weed didn't

join the Necromancers group rashly. It was more

convenient to fight alone and it was advantageous in picking up items. He hated

non-party people having to compete for drops with each other.

“If I accepted

Lich Shire’s quest…”

It wouldn’t

have turned out like this. He would have

lead Undead Army’s overall strategy and tactics as Lich the commander not

joining the battle as low rank skeletons of Undead Army.

Maybe he shouldn't step into a battle like this.

“Regardless, I

should participate in this quest.”

Weed picked up

the rusty long sword as if it was a treasure and stepped out


Following other

skeletons, he moved toward the monsters. One thing he

was different from others is that he didn't leave the other rusty long swords

lying on the ground! Rusty

longsword’s attack point varies by monsters and active poison or curses. But

they valued at least 3~4 golds. If Weed uses

his smith skills to melt it, cleanse with fire and forge a new sword, he can

get 1000 golds.


You obtained a

Rusted Long Sword.


You obtained a

section of a Skeleton's rib.


You obtained a

Rusted Long Sword.


You obtained a bone from a lower limb.

It was vital to

pick up any items around. From his past

experience as a skeleton, he knew that when you take damage, your life gets

reduced along with losing bones. By filling in

with other skeleton’s bone you can heal some portion of heath, and it can be

used for a unique skill, Bone Throw. It’s nothing

compared to arrows of archers but in a short range, it’s very powerful!

Weed ran next to the monsters, butting them from sides and slashed with the Rusted Long Sword. Morghis and

Nukali become more violent when they take many damages but they get narrow

sighted at the same time. Watching how

other Necromancers players and skeletons fight, figuring out monsters’

weakness, and attacking Morghis with their life barely gone was hunting 101 for



You gained experiences.


You obtained a Morghis' skin.

Weed didn’t

stop, he continued moving. These monsters

are fast and rammed a lot so it’s important not to face them from the front. This place was

flat area near the river but because there were so many skeletons, it wasn’t so

smooth for the enemies.

“Quadruped Run!”

Even if he

ended up a skeleton, he was still able to use his movement-type skills. Circling around

the outskirts instead of being at the centre, Weed assaulted the damaged monsters! He joined the

battle a bit later but achieved the most. Not to mention

120 Rusted Long Swords and bunch of bones.

In a place only

known being closed to the Undead Army. Skeletons

succeeded in killing all Morghis and Nukalis.


“For our

father, Balkan!”


picked up rusted swords, broken swords or pebbles and roared in triumph.

Weed followed the

skeletons, and Necromancers did so as well.

Immortal Legion Outskirt Guard Successful

Monsters wandering around the wasteland has been eliminated.

Skeleton’s can get some rest now while standing guard.

-Fame risen by 71

-Power of Undead risen by 19

-You gained a bit of experience.

-Promotion of rank in the Undead Legion.

Your new rank: Rotting Skeleton

Depending on your rank it is now possible to get weapons,

armours, and magic skills.

As Weed completed

his quest with the other skeletons, a captain skeleton appeared.

“Well…Done… A

new… Battle… will…begin…”

With his jaw

clattering, the Captain Skeleton spoke annoyingly slow. He said that

until next battle begins, they could rest.


players sat down on the ground.

“Phew. We

barely won.”

“I thought I

was almost dead, although physically I’m dead since I’m Undead.”

Even though you

get used to the battle, it’s hard to adapt to the energy used during a fight

where your bones got crushed in close range. Although it’s was

piece of cake for Weed.

“Based on

position, I can get better items huh.”

Weed was

interested in the item itself rather than his new rank Rotting Skeleton. Of course he

can create his own weapon, but who wouldn’t like free weapons?

Even after the

battle was over, Weed scouted the movements of other skeletons. Most of them

were roaming in certain range but some entered a crater leading to a basement. Dragging his

rusty longsword, Weed infiltrated in the group and walked toward the crater.

‘Even if I put

my head into lion’s mouth…”

As long as you

focus, you can get lion’s skin. That’s a famous quote among Dark Gamers.

--- Tombstone:

Soldiers’ Graveyard ---

It was a huge

graveyard these skeletons were entering! Inside the

grave, skeleton guards were standing as well as skeletons selling stuffs.

“Hurray for the

great Balkan! You are skeletons with sands still sticking.”

If you are

looking for something, come and look.”

Weed looked


Traditional Rusted Spear:

Durability: 13/23

Attack: 9~31

Sword that survived over 100 years.

The body is bent a little, the centre of gravity isn’t balanced.

Because of low durability, don’t be surprised when it breaking


In the hand of an Undead user it will gain poison attributes.

Restriction: Undead

Option: 3% poison damage.

Dugged up Axe






axe was discovered after it has been buried in the ground for a long time.


blade is as old as it can get and no longer function as a weapon.


you are better without this.


When you have dual handed axe skill attack will increase by 230%


of Undead 4%


Shield of Misfortune






usable shield.


long as you can watch out for the holes, you can still block arrows.


unknown there is a feeling of misfortune coming from the shield.




-15% Luck


resistance against magic


Rusty Armour






and full of cracks


be equipped for battle but not safe.


become the laughing stock of all.


20 Strength


Decrease reputation, charm and charisma.

Of all the

shops he’s been through, he has never seen such useless items.

Despite all

those garbage, there were some better-looking weapons with unexpectedly strong

poison and curse attributes on them.

‘It really is

for skeletons.”

As Weed went in

without buying anything, a ghost handed him a breastplate.

-You must be the

skeleton with most contribution. Take this.

The breastplate

these ghosts gave was little bit better than what can possibly bought from

these store.

Besides rusty

parts, the steel shined a bit!

‘I guess I’ll

be given better items if my position elevates more.”

For now he is a

skeleton but if you can at least become Dullahan or Death Knight, you can get

much valuable equipment sometimes.

Since Weed can

melt, remove impurities and recycle, this can be a business beneficial in many


“So this is the


“Let’s see if

they hand out some materials.”

As Necromancers

players came in, the shops became crowded.

Some players

saw Weed wearing a breastplate and pointed out with fingers.

“He already has

a breastplate. Is that skeleton a player as well?”

There were no

reason to keep distance between them, so Weed tried to say hi to them.



Continuous Battle at the Outskirt

- More

enemies appeared at Navir’s wasteland.

- Either

kill the monsters looking for prey or drive them out.

- This is

a tough mission for skeletons but if you kill many monster you will be acknowledge

more in the Undead Army.



Restriction: Undead Only

- Quest cannot be refused.

- You have accepted the Quest.

Another battle!

With his

breastplate, Weed swung his rusted long sword and fought among the skeletons.

At first, he

only knew Death Aura but around this area, Balkan’s Undead summon magic Dark

Rule was widely spread.

Taking corpses

as nourishment, more and more skeletons arose.

“Bone Throw!”

With waves of

monsters coming, Weed gained substantial experience. Because this

was not some hunting party in a safe dungeon with teammates, you need to look

at the whole forest, not a single tree. To obtain a

lot, one needs to figure out either the formation of skeletons or monster’s

main attack paths.

While busy

fighting and picking up items, Weed saw Necromancers players taking an active

role with decent achievements. They took out

monsters by forming a party among themselves, protecting each other, attacking

together. Although their

appearances looked all the same, these Necromancers players spent money on

almost every rusty equipment in the shop!

When they

succeeded driving these monsters out, Weed’s position got promoted. Not only was he

able to obtain a bit bigger sword, he picked up a cape.

“It’s going to take a lot of sewing to fix this.”

He didn’t get

any hopes up for skeleton equipment. It is

impossible for lower rank skeleton to be wearing high class equipment.

But because

monsters continuously came to Navir’s wasteland, it was overflowing with


Monter’s levels

varied from late 200 to early 300 and it was well distributed.

Every time he

succeeded the quests, he gained decent experience and rewards so it was

becoming a better hunting ground for Weed.

Also he was

able to get information about Undead Army that went to Morata, which he had

vested interest.


strength to turn human city into a ruin right away.”

“Undeads with

about 4 armies’ worth.”

“Sufficient to

make sure humans breaths doesn’t touch the great Balkan’s land.”

Relatively well-shaped

skeletons talked easily about what he knows.

Their pride as Undead

and loyalty to Balkan was extraordinary.

“This is going

to be a pain.”

Thinking about

all the Undead that went to Morata made him sigh.

According to the skeletons, about 4 armies worth. Then it was going

to be approximately 120 thousands Undead. Even though

most of them are going to be skeletons or zombies, it’s still huge. Too much army

for trying to punish a single individual Weed.

“But Morata will

be able to defend.”

They had Sculpture

Lifeforms and an army guarding the area. Players will be

safe and by the time the Undeads arrive, the Holy Knight from Freya order

should be there too. As long as highest rank monsters like Hasilis isn’t

coming, it’s fine.

Hasilis who is

the same rank as a weakened Balkan, is currently leading battles against united

army of dwarves, elves and fairies.

“Undeads are

super strong when gathered together, but without a Necromancers to command them,

they are bound to fall apart easily. With priest and holy knights at the

centre, they will be able to defend.”

Weed was

relieved. If Morata turns

into ashes by Undeads, he wasn't the only one that would be doomed. Thousands of players

will fall all together and the trade network in the northern continent would be destroyed.

Hermes Guild’s

combat army stayed more than a day’s distance from the Undead Army. Even for them,

keeping a close distance between Undead Army is too risky. They sent a

scout to see their movements from an unnoticeable distance.

“So Weed isn’t


“We haven’t

heard from him yet. If he went past, someone would have noticed him.”

“The lord said

he hasn’t come out for two days now.”

“Two days… it’s

too short to be certain.”

Since he’s

class is a sculptor, he could be stuck in a small room making a sculptor, or

wandering around continent focusing on his pieces. Leaving straight

after the order from the Hermes Guild’s executives, Polon was worried if he was

wasting his time as afterwards he heard news about Weed travelling the

continent, making sculptures.


all Weed didn’t have to accept the

quest from Undead Army.

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