The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(222) Volume 23 3 — Kapuas Ghost

Volume 23: Chapter 3: Kapua’s Ghost

Number of Necromancers

players, turned ghost, protecting Kapua village increased.


likeeeee, weeeee, didddd, allllll, theeeee, workkkkk.”

Otem spoke with a

hint of discontent but he didn’t hate it so much because many players looked at

them with envy and admiration.

Magicians respect high

wisdom and intelligence.

It allowed abundant

mana and magic spells that others couldn’t use!

In case of Necromancers,

it was directly related to the number and types of Undeads that could be


Summoning dozens

of Dullahans or Death Knights in rank and file seemed much better and awesome

compared to an unorderly line of skeletons and zombies.

Number of ghosts

that swung skeleton sceptor along with companion golems increased in Kapua


Weed promoted

again, becoming Untangible Slayer.


Monster Assault of Kapua completed


Furgol’s invasion was repulsed.


Undead Army will revalue the existence of Ghosts.

Revaluation: Still noisy, annoying and useless but

can be helpful sometimes.


Fame +101


Power of Undead +14


Gained experience.

Obtain permission to enter Kapua Castle.

Since other players

weren’t talking about entering the castle, it seems like Weed was the first


“Battle supplies

are stacked in the castle…”

An expectation

that it will be filled with full of Undead weapons and equipment!

But Weed couldn’t

leave the village this easily.

Less than five players

chose to become ghost knight so he stood out.

Not only did he

battle atop his phantom horse, his mettle and charisma made monsters shiver in


It wasn’t that

much when he was a human but now that he was a ghost that spread terror, weak

monsters couldn’t even fight back.

The scene of

monsters trembling in fear of death when Weed was simply staring at them on top

his phantom horse!

Other Necromancers

couldn’t help but get curious.



Therefore Weed

went to the castle by mixing in with monsters when the battle was about to be



Monsters hammered

on the castle gate with steel hammers.

Skeleton soldiers

in the castle killed the monsters by shooting arrows and pouring boiling oil on


The battle wasn’t

easy even with the increased number of players and summoned Undeads.

As more supplies

head to the castle, more monsters were attracted to it.

‘Oh you lovely

experience and items.’

Monsters that managed

to reach the castle were fairly high in level.

Green creatures

with their heads bulging out like crocodiles, they were either Furgol’s

mid-commander or assault captains.

Every time Weed

swung his sword on his horse, these Furgols fell spraying green body fluids


Loveeeeee, youuuuuu, exxxxxxxx, periiiiiii, enceeeeeeee.”

Weed made a confession

and killed them without any hesitation!

As a Warrior and not

a Necromancer, his stamina didn’t drop at all.

On his horse, Weed

rushed forward with 15 chain strikes.

It was extremely

hard to hit with a continous pin point accuracy when riding on top of the phantom horse running full speed and passing by the monsters.

It required

terrifying focus, momentary judgment, wide vision, and control of breaths.

‘Items, items,

items, items, items.’

Weed slashed

continuously in a rhythm.

15 chain strike

cannot be stopped in the middle. Therefore you need to handle your horse


His phantom horse

wasn’t a legendary horse but it gave absolute obedience to him as a high-rank

ghosts and also enjoyed the slaughter.

So it followed Weed’s



Maximum charging speed reached.

? With speed the enemy

cannot resist you have inflicted a critical hit.

? Attack increased by 245%

Because he was

slashing monsters at while moving at a high speed, most of attacks lead to

critical strike with additional increase in attack points.

Spear on the other

hand could release a super strong destructive power with a penetrating force

but it was not useful for a continuous attacks.

The sword slashed

the monsters around in arcs was a truly beautiful sight to behold.

Increasing the

mana consumption and energy he slayed any monsters near him, riding in synchronization

with his horse.


Weed and his

horse, united as one, ran towards the steel gate.

He could get fatal

damage due to the crash!

But Weed and his

phantom horse turned into mists and passed through the steel gate.


You have the right to enter Kapua Castle


The castle defenders will not attack you.


You have passed through the thick castle gate.


By passing through an obstacle, health and mana decrease by 2000



Beyond that castle

gate, he could see ghosts of skeleton soldiers in a line.

It looked like they

were in a defensive formation just in case the gate was penetrated.

Weed pulled the bridle

with full force gradually slowing down the phantom horse to a stop.


After riding hard

the horse breathed heavily, snorting and clopping the ground with his hooves. The

skeleton ghost soldier approached and spoke, raising his broken rusty sword.

“Welllll, comeeeee,

toooooo, Kaaaaaa, puuuuu, ahhhh, caaaaaa, stleeeeee.”


Taking a look

around Kapua Castle, Weed was able to see all kinds of ghosts.

From ghosts of

noble and dukes to ghosts knights, soldiers, archers, and villagers.

Even a ghost of a

maid was moping a hall.

“Ittttt, keepssss,

getttt, ingggg, dirttttt, eeeeee. Mayyyyy, beeeee, Iiiiiii, donttttttt,

haveeeeee, tooooo, moppppp, ittttt?”

It was annoying to

listen to them but Weed strive to converse with the maids and the villagers.

Soldiers kept

complaining about monsters invading and the duke was getting all warmed up for

battles at the king’s command.

In this context,

the king was Balkan Demoph, the King of Undeads.

‘I thought they

were all screwed but having ghosts defending the castle, the Undead Army is

pretty an amazing force.’

Weed felt sorry

for a bit as with several quests he may have been able to take all of this if

he came here as Lich Shire.

It wasn’t an easy

decision to give up a quest that was assigned to only one person, Weed.

But the possibility

of Shire’s quest being tilted to the evil side was most likely.

Even though he was

fighting for the Undead Army he could still stop and quit any time.

The body of Undead

could be fixed by benediction at the Freya order.


hunting grounds here, flood with monsters, were excellent and Undeads were

constantly enhanced due to Balkan’s Death Aura.

For Weed, he was

able to wield much stronger power and that was reason he was still continuing

with this quests and hunts.

‘It’s definitely

not because of the money I have to pay to the Freya order.’

Weed went up the


Seemed like

monsters were invading as there was an ongoing battle.

If monsters got

through the village, their next objectives would become this castle.

If the castle collapsed

completely, the chain quest would failed, and who knows what would happen next?

‘Anyways, I should

get back to the village after a quick look.’

There were more

opportunities of fighting monsters in the village than inside Kapua castle.

You couldn’t let

your guard down just because more players were showing up.

As battle supplies

were piling up in the castle, more and more monsters swarmed toward the village.


In the village, players

hunting the monsters were having a conversation in their party chat room.

Bohram : I haven’t

seen the ghost skeleton guy since a while ago.

Harien : He chased

the monsters going towards the castle but I guess he hasn’t come back.

Varenna : I don’t

know what that guy is thinking not choosing a class with Undead summoning

skills when he is a Necromancers. But he seemed pretty strong.

Bohram : Still,

that’s a wrong decision. It looked like he hasn’t been able to hunt that many


To be honest,

these players didn’t really have a chance to spectate Weed’s hunt.

First of all, they

had to make sure that their summoned Undeads don’t act as they please and

obstacles blocked their view of Weed.

Also there were

many ghosts in the village so they couldn’t keep their eyes specifically on


If there was a

cleric who is supposed to grasps the party members or battle situations, they

would have noticed Weed’s sneaky movements but Necromancers just had too many

things to do.

Harien : By the

way, Jeanne is truly amazing. She is performing more than two of us combined.

Bohram : I just

saw her summoning seven additional Death Knights, meaning that her Necromancers

skill has reached intermediate level 4.

Gruzed : the

golem-related skill level looked high as well.

Since these Necromancers

had same occupations, they were more a competitors rather than co-operators. So

they were busy spectating the best Necromancer, Jeanne.

Bohram : Is it

just me did the experiences increased a bit?

Harien : I had the

same feeling. Even the items, they are more useful items drops now.


Lee Hyun wanted to

yell out in joy.

‘Finally it’s


With the last exam

taken care of, it was the start of the winter breaks.

The campus was

covered with romantic white snow but he was just happy that he didn’t have to

come back here until spring.

Other students

were chatting in the hallway.

“How was it?”

“Introduction to

virtual-society was way too hard. I totally messed it up.”

It was all irrelevant

to Lee Hyun.

‘As long as I

don’t fail.’

He was pretty

optimistic about his grades.

Lee Hyun saw Seo

Yoon sitting on a bench as he was trying to head home in a hurry.

Even in her winter

outfit, her beautiful looks drew the male students toward her.


lineage, outstanding looks, attractively tall and guaranteed future lying


Lee Hyun didn’t

feel at ease hanging around with Seo Yoon.

“Some freshman

named Lee Hyun in faculty of Virtual Reality is having a meal with her?”

“He is a freshman

but I heard he’s a little too old to be a freshman.”

“Why in the world

is she hanging out with guy like him?”

There were so many

rumors floating around the campus.

Even the seniors

in the faculty of Virtual Reality looked at Lee Hyun with discomfort.

But Lee Hyun wasn’t

someone who gave in to these kinds of views about him.

He just hoped this

dream of her wouldn’t last so long.

‘She doesn’t

deserve a guy like me.’

Someday, an

awesome guy that would be perfect for her will appear.

All he had to do

was making sure she talks and protect her until she did not fear human

interaction anymore.

Seo Yoon spotted

Lee Hyun and stood up.

She walked toward

him with rosy cheek perhaps caused by cold weather.

“Were you waiting

for me?”

Seo Yoon nodded at

his question and then spoke.

“Because of the

winter trip.”

Her words were

becoming more natural.

Lee Hyun didn’t

mind it so much but to her he was the very person who grabbed her hand and

pulled open her heart to the world.

Every time Seo

Yoon spoke to him, she embraced the expectation and romance.

“Yeah, trip, huh.”

Lee Hyun clearly

remembered what he said before.

Seo Yoon said she

want to go on a trip with him.

It was a simple

trip heading to seashore but he told her it would cost a million Won, which was

complete nonsensical excuse to avoid the trip.

“Well, promises

exist to be kept.”

Seo Yoon nodded in


“Yes, that’s


“I wanted to take

a trip anyway. Plus I’m on a break now with plenty of time.”

She smiled in a

happy, yet awkward way.

Of course Lee Hyun

was planning to devote all of his time in Royal Road.

The hunting speed

in Kapua Village was super fast compared to any other hunting grounds.

With plenty of

quests, it was the best place to raise experience.

Lee Hyun continued


“A promise is a

promise. I’m just as sad as you are but I guess I’m going have to give you a

rain check.”

Lee Hyun was

trying to delay this trip indefinitely.

Suddenly, Seo Yoon

opened her bag and grabbed out money.

“I earned expenses

for the trip.”

It was at least

6 million Won.

To think that she

earned this much in just little bit more than one month!

“Did you sell your


He didn’t think of

it when he made his promises but if Seo Yoon sold her equipment in Royal Road,

it would be a piece of cake to earn that much.

“I earned by

selling packed lunches.”

Seo Yoon earned

this money purely with labour.

On her hand where

she was showing the money, he could see blisters.

And some scars

from getting cut and burning herself while cooking.

A woman who never

had a hard time got hurt and exhausted for money.

“Will you go with


With mixed

feelings Lee Hyun couldn’t possibly reject her.


Lee Hyun decided

to go on the trip after 4 days.

Now that he was

really going, there were so many things to pack.

“A frying pan, a

pot, a burner… It would be nice to make Kimbap and boiled eggs in advance. And

sikhye in a plastic bottle just in case we become thirsty.”

If he was on a

trip alone, he could just bilk a restaurant. He didn’t want a way-too-luxury


She earned the

money in a hard way. He couldn’t possibly have the luxury of wasting it.

Sesame oil,

kimchi, seaweed, fresh vegetables and a fishing rod should be enough.

If he catches some

fish on the spot, then meal was ready.

“I should prepare

some more just in case I think of something.”

Even in a deserted

island, it was more than enough to survive!

Leaving your house

was suffering, it also costs money.

He couldn’t

possibly understand why she would want to take a trip but to save as much as he

can, 4 days later was just ok.

“Monday should be

less expensive avoiding the weekend peak prices.”

After he arranged

everything, he went into the capsule.

It was time for

Royal Road.


Weed spotted scibbles

while wandering in Kapua castle.

.I saw something


.Why are there… so

many things that humans enjoy, dumped?

.There is a path

next to the bookshelf…

It was an

enigmatic scibble about hidden treasures in the castle.

If you can solved

the mystery then you could find the treasures!

‘I guess it’s

worth coming here first.’

Before other players

came, Weed scouted the castle.


information from maids and servants, finding treasures in chimneys, sewer, and


These relics were

as old as it can possibly get so you can call it antiques if you wanted to!

Treasures worth hundreds,

thousands of gold gave great satisfaction to Weed.

‘Ghost’s body is

just perfect for a scavenger hunt.’

As long as you

knew the exact location, it was easy to find it since he could just go through

any obstacles.

He found items in

between bricks and behind a staircase using ghost’s specialty.

.The girl I saw at

dawn, what did she lose that she cried so sadly?.

With this quote in

mind, he met a female ghost child running down the hallway fast.

And by finding her

lost doll, he got an enchanted necklace in return.


Necklace of the Undead

Durability: 29/43


Necklace that contains strength of Undead’s growth

Restrictioin: Necromancers


Option: Necromancers

skill level +1

Effect of Summoned Undead +8%

Items that

benefits Necromancers were very rare.

That was why Necromancers

often equip magician’s equipment but Weed just obtained an item that increase Undead

summoning skill.

After sunrise,

Weed turned into human and came back to Morata with Yurin’s help.

After making sure Kapua

castle was safe, he used Picture Teleportation in a small room to move about.

But as he gained

more Power of Undead, he stayed as Undead longer even after sunrise.

“Power of Undead

increase a lot with the quests and battles.”

Weed didn’t

consider Power of Undead to be a burden except when he was making sculpture it

was a minor discomfort.

But in fact, it

was truly dangerous stat that made the Necromancers special.

He learned exactly

what the Power of Undead did in a conversation between Necromancer players.

“My Power of

Undead increased again.”

“Already at

maximum? At first I thought it was an awesome stat…”

“The dizziness

made me fail Undead summoning spells.”

Not only does Power

of Undead enhance Undeads, it strengthens the power of dark magic.

Dark magic was

much stronger and complicated compared to normal magic.

That is why Warlocks are treated with more respect among magicians.

In case of Weed,

it enhanced his strength and agility when he was hunting as Undead.

Superior stat that

grows on its own with quests and battles!

Necromancers had Powe

of Undead and Warlocks living in their own world had authority of darkness.

That made them much stronger than normal magicians.

But both Power of

Undead and Authority of Darkness causes serious curses and illness if it exceed

one’s faith and willpower.

In worst scenario,

one became wicked, raised up Undeads without being able to control their own

spells and body and hurt those around them.

In case of Dark

Mages, devils could steal their bodies!

When one reaches that

point of ruin, not only did they loses substantial amount of mana, they suffer

from all kinds of curses that were hard to cure.

That was why you

need to raises stats such as health, strength, willpower for overall balance.

If you didn’t

raise enough faith and willpower thinking it was a waste of points, it would

seem fine at first but as time goes, side effects will be critical.

Necromancers and

Warlocks become stronger quicker than normal occupations but they are moving

back and forth on a dangerous border.

Weed felt it was a

waste to invest stats into faith or willpower so he collected floral and grass

leaves and built a sculpture.

Petals weren’t a

fit material for a sculpture.

It was too tender

and it withers fast. But if Nature Sculpting was used, materials’ freshness

stays unchanged for a very long time and it challenge Weed with a new kind of


“Looking at just

the materials, this sculpture is harder than any of my previous works.”

During night, he

hunted and in the morning he sculpted.

The completed work

created with such an effort was a real-sized chariot led by eight horses.

Even horses and

horseman were decorated with pretty petals. It expressed a beauty that only

existed in a fairytale.

Inside the

chariot, he sculpted his little sister when she was a little lady.

The finished

sculpture was truly romantic and beautiful.


Set a name for the sculpture you just made.

“Birthday present

for my little sister.”

He created this

piece of art as a birthday present for Yurin.

It will be

unforgettable birthday present when she rides this chariot in Morata.

Of course

production cost of this sculpture made of petals and leaves was zero!


‘Birthday Present for my Little Sister’, correct?



Magnum Opus!

You completed a

‘Birthday Present for my Little Sister’.

? Sculpture made from the

petals of wild flower spread around Morata!

? Created by connecting

leaves with excellence patiences, it was a sculptor who knows how to use the

power of nature.

? Creativity is

outstanding but due to the characteristics of the materials, it will be hard

to maintain for a long time.

Artistic Value: 9, 814


Anyone who see this

piece will have 30% regen of health and mana for a day

All stat increase by +15

Elegance and charm +45

Once a day, an

extraoridanary luck will occur.

Movement speed in flat

area increase by +25%

Increase propagation of

wildflowers used in this sculpture.

Talking to someone about

this sculpture you intimacy will increase.

Maximum life of

sculpture: 3 months

After expiration, this

piece will be recorded in the history of sculptures

Number of Magnum Opus created: 7


Advance Sculpture Mastery reached level 8

Your sculptures will now

become amazingly delicated and detailed.

Your insight for arts

broadened, wisdom and intelligence increase by 37 each.

Charm increase by +62

Using Nature Sculpting,

affinity with nature increase by +31.


Handicraft skill improved


Fame increase by +1,841


Art stat increase by +13


Endurance increase by +9


Fortitude increase by +21


Charm increase by +7

Weed’s sculpting

skill level finally reached advanced level 8.

“That was really


With every skill level the requirement for the next level of proficiency

increased exponentially, the master piece he created now only increased his

proficiency by 3.7%. Even then there was still 2 level left until Sculpture


“Once I sculpt Helium, I

won’t be too far!”

If your reputation

hits high by sculpting, you can easily receive sculpting quests from nobles and


By gettint these

quest they gave best materials to work with and will be easy to increase his


“Also, I will be

able to increase with Disaster Sculpting or Elemental Creation.”

He will soon be

mastering sculpting skill, hardest skill to increase among arts-related skills.

“I couldn’t have

done it if I tried to get this far if it was all for arts.”

To make the pieces,

he collected complicated materials through many adventures and quests.

He devoted a long

time on sculpting his work, suffering for creativity.

It was all thanks

to money that he got this far.


“Finally… our hard

works will come into fruition.”

“This moment will

be broadcasted on gaming media for at least one month.”

“Thousands, no millions

will see this.”

Villagers and players

of Morata stopped working and came out to streets, square and roofs.

They were holding

hats and flower petals.

Players with wood

and stone plates on their back came from outside the city.

With sweats

pouring down, they moved step by step.

Last materials

need for the Grand Cathedral and Library. Just a few steps away from the finish


“Cheer up.”

“Just a little bit


Cheering each

other, they head to the Square of Light and Bingryong Square.


materials were stacked up and where villagers and players have been working

together, there was the sight of the Grand Cathedral and the Great Library.

The Grand Cathedral

was magnificent, with colorful beauty and the Great Library had solemnity and


These great

architectures in huge scale had been built by the village’s own people and players.

They placed

decorative trees on empty spots in the garden and placed refined block of


At last, with last

materials finding its own places, the Great library and Grand Cathedral have

been completed.

The completion

date has been deliberately managed to finish the buildings jointly to make it a

commemorative day.

Not only Morata players

have been waiting for this moment, but many tourists as well who came from

northern and other area.


* Grand Building, Freya

church’s northern continent Grand Cathedral has been completed.

Total construction period: 5

month and 11days.

Cost of construction: 1 million

678 thousand 291 gold and 25 silver.

Number of participated worker:

299 thousand 362 people.

* Building Value: 189, 614


From the Cathedral the religious denomination

will spread in the Northern Continent.


The gaze of Goddess Freya is focused here,

chance of a golden harvest increased, natural disasters will be prevented.


The priest and paladins of Freya in the

Northen Continent will receive a greater divine force.


Priest’s can now be placed in the 2nd tier,

Cardinals can now be elected.


Paladins will now live in the Cathedral,

suppressing monsters in the vicinity.


Morata residence are now qualified to

participate in Freya churches business.

* Grand Building, Morata’s

Grand Library has been completed.

Total construction time: 5

month and 11days.

Cost of construction: 1 million

074 thousand 412 gold and 78 silver.

Number of participated worker:

218 thousand 302 people.

* Building Value: 127, 939


Can collect adventure related text. Can help

with the recovery of lost magic through the excavation of dungeons.


Magic and academics will develop faster.


If you display or publish found items, maps,

historic facts, monster records, you can receive fame and compensation.


For the need for library archives a quest has



Archeologic quest is now possible to find

rare records.


As the archives grow, the residence knowledge

will increase.


“It’s finally


“From now on let’s

party all night!”

There was no need

to mention the greater convenience thanks to the completion of Northern Cathedral

and the Great Library.

A message popped

up for players who participated.

- For participating in the

construction of the Northern Cathedral you have received an achievement and

experiences points.


Proficiency in building skill increased.

- You gained knowledge of special

building, stats will increase.

- For the achievement of

leaving behind a painting in the Grand Cathedral


Fame increased.

- Proficiency in related skill


Due to the religious

experience, however marginal you can now paint Freya churches holy figures.

- For the achievement of

leaving behind a sculpture in the Grand Cathedral


Fame increased.

- Proficiency in related skill


You can now sculpt Freya

churches holy figures. But you have to use the wood blessed by Goddess Freya.

* Morata’s Freya church

influence has risen


The intimacy with Morata’s residence increased.

- The people who participated in the

construction are now religious.

The 2 Grand building will now represent


By telling stories about the

Northern Cathedral and the Grand Library in faraway cities and castles you

can receive fame.

They were rewarded

fairly for participating in the construction of great buildings.

And a message

popped up only visible to the lord.


Morata’s regional political influence



Morata’s regional fame increased.


If the conditions are met, three special

product of Morata will spread fast through word of mouth.


Villagers looking at Freya Cathedral can find

peace in their heart.


Public order is increased.


Plague is suppressed.


Morata’s culture is being spread throughout

the continent. This helps the art created in the city to gain additional fame

and influence.


Tourism industry is developing, wealthy

tourist will come to the city.


Due to the Northern Cathedral the number of

art orders increased.


The contribution to the Freya church

increased by 1,639.

? You

can now receive the title, ‘The Call of the Goddess’. If you receive the

award you can now represent the Freya churches paladin.


Elegance, charm, faith, charisma will


Weed felt mentally

exhaustion while working on the construction.

“I never imagined

it would cost this much…”

It was impossible

to build the Grand Cathedral and the Great Library as planned with the assigned


Weed assigned a very

wide area for it to be built on and suggested high quality materials. So it was

impossible not to have gone over budget even with astronomical budget of

900,000 gold and 700,000 golds for the respective buildings.

“It would have

been ok to take out some steel frames and unnoticeable pillars…”

Weed desperately

wanted poor constructions.

However, Morata’s

architects tried to build sturdy buildings that could last hundreds of years.

Because so many

people were participated, workers made frequent mistakes.

Rain leaking through

the roofs was nothing.

Often, pillars would

tilt and stone plates would collapse.

Every time this

happened, construction cost increased and even if they did fund raising in the

city, the projecct always lacked money.

Morata’s three months

worth of taxes had to be put into the construction budget.

“It’s ok. It’s at

least completed now.”

Weed looked at the

buildings and let go of any lingering attachment.

It was a grand

building built by a decent architect Parvo along with noob sculptors and

painters and a lot of novice players’ efforts.

Because of the leakage

in the roof, the artwork on the ceiling was partially blurry and engraved

corner parts on the walls were shattered.

There would be

hundreds of things to find fault with but the Great Library and Grand Cathedral

looked awesome and majestic overall.

“Not bad. In fact,

it will be a building with history and tradition after a long time.”

Weed grinned with


It’s because these

great buildings will bring a lot of money in.

His Power of

Undead grew and his title became much higher in the Undead Army.

Death Knight!

It was a high rank

in combat ranks it would be similar to a commander.

“Hehe, I guess

I’ll be getting more tax income.”

Weed, the Death

Knight, cackled evilly in his castle while looking at the Grand Cathedral.


“Let’s begin the


“Light the


A bonfire was lit

in the square and bards performed on their instruments as celebration of

completion of Grand Cathedral and the Great Library began.

As it got darker,

the lights and music made the city Morata even more beautiful!


Morata’s residence started a commemorative



The residence are praising their hero Weed.


All credit are given to the lord for the

religious race, solid public peace and food production in the Northern



They do not doubt about the bright future of



The Villages crime will drop by half.


The children’s academics increased.


The productivity of the Village residence

will increase by 330% for one month.


The residence are happy, they can now get

better jobs.


You can participate in the festival.

There were several

festivals in Morata.

But players from Central

Continent considered a festival in a city to be weird.

There isn’t a

single place in the continent where villagers’ loyalty and moral toward the

lords are so highly maintained.

In the Square of Light

and Bingryong Square where the Grand Cathedral and the Great Library stood,

people continuously gathered.

“Here comes the

wild boar and deer.”

They roasted them

on bonfire, seasoning them with salt, and shared it with the onlookers.

“Those who

participated in the transportation of wood, please come here.”

“Grass porridge!

Grass porridge!

“We Grass porridge

religion is leaving for a group hunt in two hours. No level or class

restrictions. Those who want to join, come to the east gate after two hours.”

While players were

having fun, merchants were devastated.

“I should have

bought it early…”

“If I built a

building this side, it would have been a jack-pot.”

“This area will

continuously increase in population.”

As more players

and villagers increased in Morata, there is no doubt it will lead to greater

commercial supremacy in the region.

It was nice for

merchants but the only lingering attachment they had was on the lands near the cathedral

and the library.

Priests and paladins

would visit the Grand Cathedral often and people preparing for adventures and

quests will visit the Great Library frequently.

It was obvious

that people will come to the Great Library for information about quests, maps

and monsters.

“They said these

lands are already owned by someone. Who in the world has the ownership of these


“The land is just

way too good…”

While merchants

were dispirited, buildings popped up suddenly from the empty lands next to Grand


Rapid construction

in Domestic Affairs Mode was something only the lord could perform!

The Original Northern

Cathedral Priests Shop

Original Paladin Store

Cathedral Souvenir


Also, buildings popped

up next to the Great Library

Pre-adventurers Closest

General Store

Dungeon Exploration


The landowner was

Weed who was waiting for the right moment for to strike.

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