The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(262) Volume 27 1 — Sculptures Made From Earth

Volume 27 Chapter 1 — Sculptures Made From Earth

“Could this place really have something? I have not seen anyone enter this place at all.”

Inside the cave, Weed held a magical stone which releases light. Although he could use a torch, if that place that he came in was actually the correct one, the heat from the fire might undermine the ruins.

Weed walked inside the cave.


You have found Montvertruria, the sanctuary of the Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs!

You have arrived at the cave where different races had lived together and overcame challenges before they scattered around the Versailles Continent. The origin of this place was said to be the remain of a blessing from the gods.


Fame has increased by 12,000.

You have received the ‘Adventurer Who Explored the History of the Continent’ title.

You can report about this discovery. Nobles and knights can’t afford to hide this great discovery, you must directly report to the King.

– Due to the adventure, all stats have increased by 7.

– Courage has increased by 12

– Due to this historical discovery, Intelligence has increased by 9

Finally, the cave in which the four races lived has been found. His Sculpting Master Quest to find Montvertruria after Ratzeburg has led to a successful discovery!

“Kehehehe, I have come to the right place!”

Using the magical stone, he found his way in the dark and found out that the interior was pretty broad and forked off to a six-branch path.

“I’m going through all of it. Not going to every path would be ridiculous.”

His Sculpting Master Quest has been advancing swiftly so far and he was also interested about finding something about the history of the races. It was better than he had expected.

As if Weed got a winning lottery ticket, his imagination ran wild as he became anxious about what’s going to happen with this life changing event.

‘The first cave contained gold ingots while the second one gave out ancient diamonds and lots of rubies. Rubies have also increased in value lately. The third cave contained various weapons and minerals. The fourth one gave out silver ingots. Well, it would’ve been great if the silver was not tarnished. And now the fifth cave…’

Even one antique vase would already have a tremendous value itself.

“I did not know I would be selling antiques for money. Life is blind once a lot of money has been coming in. Kehehehe.”

Weed’s heart palpitated and trembled.

“The Sculpting Master Quest has never been this good. Going here first, even beggars could get rich on robbing this place.”

This is the oldest place on the continent, naturally, he’s going to sweep everything and leave nothing behind since one wouldn’t really find anything here except for best treasures.

Weed saved the largest one among the forked paths for the last. If one relied on his instincts rather than greed, this would naturally be the better choice.

“I think that in there, it will just give me gold. But anything is also fine.”

Jewelry, gold, silver, antiques and ornaments! Any of those, unless there are also other valuable goods.

Clink Clink!

However, there was only a little that remained in that cave and only one broken steel weapon was left on the ground. The greedy Orcs took everything when they migrated from Ratzeburg. It was as if a moving company was called and left it desolate!

Weed was not yet done. He looked at the whole cave and tried to find a secret passage that might also contain goods.

“Still, I haven’t even entered on a lot of caves. I’m just going elsewhere. In here, there isn’t even any bowls or chopsticks for me.”

Hope has slightly decreased.


As they ate meat in Vargo Fortress, Geomchi decided that they needed to get stronger!

In the Yuroki Mountains, Seechwi was enjoying her date with Geomchi2 when Yurin arrived hastily using her Picture Teleportation. Geomchi along with the idiots from Geomchi2 to Geomchi5 were then gathered together.

Geomchi said.

“Let’s take a monster subjugation quest.”

“Yes master, let us prepare here then.”

Geomchi2 having seen the Orcs in Yuroki Mountains, found out how important it was to have a proper tactics and combat readiness.

With the current experience of the dojang instructors, they would be able to easily wound those weak Orcs.

Geomchi shook his head.

“At most, I would just see and calculate your abilities on fighting monsters and whatnot here. Let’s go to another place.”

“The Master’s words are right. I was wrong.”

Geomchi, the instructors, and the practitioners went to the gates of Vargo Fortress, heading for a dungeon. They traversed the rough terrain carelessly and headed forward.

They always fought this way because only by going through big risks would one be able to usually win big.

Martial Arts was a profession where you must overcome your limitations. One must have the courage to jump down from a cliff in order to get stronger.

“There are dangerous places nearby. Once we enter, there will be Barbarians that we have been always hearing about. There will be also a lot of monsters that will emerge.“

“Then, let’s enter!”

Even though the Barbarians were just outside the Hairen Nest, they still did not risk going in.

However, Geomchi led his disciples and went in without hesitation.

“Kill all of them!”

They only chose monsters which looked strong when they fought.

During their beginner days, a lot of them died since they lacked barley bread.

“Why are you leaving yourself in a good shape when your mind is having hardships.”

“Do as the Master says!”

When one’s mind is poor, the body also suffers. Conversely, if the body is weak, the mind will also suffer.

Since ignorance could always be attributed to being more courageous, Geomchi watched the monster army with a pleasing smile.

“Hehe, these guys are unbelievably fast and strong.”

“Refurbish your skills. Sword-cloning Skill!”

“Concentrate your attacks!”

The Geomchi practitioners struggled and fought from their respective positions.

However, monsters still continued to emerge and jump out of Hairen Nest.

In the surrounding areas, hunting didn’t occur that much that’s why those monsters have already bred for a long time as they flock in like bees, causing a slight uproar.

The monsters who attacks Vargo Fortress to obtain food were only the ones who are small and weak from their herds. Because of that, the level of monsters that they were currently hunting has already entered a whole other level of monstrosity.

The Geomchi practitioners then realized that they were not really experiencing a lot of danger that often.

Eventually, the practitioners died one after another. The seniors risked themselves in saving each other; at least they still have their spirit even if they had lost the battle. Even though they had their Sword Cloning skill, it was still very difficult for them to deal with the monsters. Because of their low mana, they could only use this skill a few times.

“Well, I guess that we need to invest a little more stats on Knowledge and Wisdom in order to increase our mana.”

Every time the practitioners level, they were putting only one point on Wisdom.

Although they had underestimated their skills, continuing on fighting was something that has been actually quite helpful to hone their body to some extent.

Geomchi5 shouted that enemy scouts that went out before already came back.

“Master, monsters are coming!”

“What? Then let’s go and find a good place to defend.”

The Geomchi practitioners from Vargo Fortress ran away towards the surrounding ridge and hid under it. A group of hungry monsters who just came back from the outside had flocked towards the instructors.

“Eat the humans!”

“They are fools to have come out of their city. Also, their weapons are mine!”

The monsters’ drool dripped down as the black land surrounding them was covered by it.

The Geomchi practitioners felt a surge of tension and excitement.

“To be able to fight wholeheartedly. This is a new experience of fighting monsters.”

Even the Geomchis that had sustained severe injuries still went in and fight.

“Keh! Human, die!”

“Take of their skins and eat them… Curse of the Serpent!”

Monsters shoot poisoned arrows and even used magic.

Suddenly, people suddenly emerged from the ridge around them and out came a surprise.

It was the Geomchi practitioners that were located on the surrounding ridges.

It looked like a warzone as the fighting broke out.

“Seniors, go ahead already.”

“We’re coming!”

And again, the practitioners died one after another.

This time, there were a total of 143 who died. If you consider the current strength of the Geomchis, they sustained enormous damage. After the battle ended, the surrounding corpses and loot that piled up could already fill the surrounding mountains.

“Master, should we pick the items on the ground?”

“Just bring those which looks like sellable.”


The merchants who would hear this conversation would be shocked.

Usually, the Geomchis only takes swords and weapons that look good and the rest of it will just be left because they were too tiresome to bring.

“And also, look for rings and necklaces. Be sure that I will get the one with the most Knowledge and Mana.”

“This is so that we could at least use our skills more than once. Let’s pick them up and wear them so that we would become stronger.”

Geomchi was a man who ignored rings, necklaces and other accessories that he wore until now. There were even rare jewelry items among the things that he abandoned since it did not get his interest. The collected value of them was actually already enough to buy a collection of luxury villas in Morata.

“Master, I have seen Barbarians around a dungeon entrance .”

“The let’s not just watch and go find it.”


The practitioners split up and found the Barbarians along with the dungeon entrance based on the description.

“Let’s consider it first.”

“Let’s go in!”

You have discovered a Dungeon, Favlo Mountain Den.

This is the borders of Barbaric Kana Tribe.

This monster den is very important to the monsters. Stories says that this place contains hidden treasures of the monsters, but someone has yet to enter and discover it.

If you conquer this dungeon, you will receive honor from the Barbaric Kana Tribe.


Fame has increased by 1980.

Double experience and item drops for one week.

The first monster to be killed will drop out the best item.

The level of the monsters living inside was very high to the extent that their levels were even higher compared to the normal Dens.

“Let me see your battles. Inside is the lair of the monsters so until you beat them, meat is prohibited.”

“Yes, Master!”

Geomchi1, Geomchi2, and Geomchi3 explored the interior of the den and led half of the practitioners into battle.

Geomchi4 and Geomchi 5 along with the rest fought with the monsters who were going to come to the entrance of the den.

From an early age, even if they did not attend school, they were still able to regularly eat more than three meals a day.

Even if they had bad exam results, they ate their rice as those practitioners remember the warm memories of their parent’s compliments!

Whenever they were dungeon hunting, they weren’t eating meat and sometimes, even rice. However, even with these hardships, they were overcoming their battles.

“I will take the lead.”

“Master, we’ll follow right behind you.”

Geomchi1 along with Geomchi2 and the practitioners, head straight and fought all the monsters that emerged.

The levels of the practitioners were not very similar. In particular, some were low-level people. However, the instructors and seniors watched each others back and perfectly cleaned up the dungeon with only 47 deaths.

“Well, a lot died.”

“I’m sorry, Master!”

If you compare it to the difficulty of the dungeon, what they got was actually just a minor damage. They fought without a priest and just used bandages to cover their wounds and they still did an incredible performance.


You have cleared Favlo Mountain Den.

You will be respected as a true warrior by the Barbarians of the Kana Tribe.

– Fame has increased by 2.

– Charisma has increased by 1

The practitioners did not insist on using swords during hunting. Basically, using swords was an excellent idea. But, Martial Arts with the Weapons Master skill made it possible to use all kinds of weapons.

If they have a long range opponent, they could use bow and arrows to attack while if the opponent is tough and has a high defense then they could use axes as a weapon. This way they could take advantage of the weapons whenever they are needed. That was their huge advantage.

The Geomchi practitioners could change their equipment to become different types of combat professions so that they can do a precise hunting when fighting Bosses.

“Is it already the end?”

“Yes! The treasures have also been taken already. It turns out that these monsters have quite a lot of weapons and coins that piled up from the fortress of the Niflheim Empire.”

“Among the equipment, is there anything I can use?”

“They are all very old stuff… Just a bunch of armors. But it looks like it could be fixed.”

“Let’s just show this to Weed later on. Now to eat rice, let’s go to the next dungeon. There must be at least one strong one there.”

“Yes, Master.”

The Geomchi instructors and the practitioners just ate barley bread to fill their stomach. They went on to another nearby dungeon without even going back and repair their equipment at Vargo Fortress.

And again, 39 became victims of the place after cleaning up the dungeon.

“There are really a lot of good monsters and dungeons around this area.”

“It seems like they are for us, Master.”

“Also, where is the next dungeon in the vicinity?”

“According to the words of the barbarians, it is located straight ahead.”

“If it’s close then let’s go so that we could eat rice.”

The Geomchis entered into a nearby dungeon again. This was the third dungeon they have entered and also the hardest one yet.

In this place, 53 people died while 130 people were wounded and it would be difficult for them to battle for the next 2 days unless treated by divine magic.

“Send the injured kids to Vargo Fortress, we are going to the next dungeon.”

“Yes, Master.”

Geomchi wanted them to grow stronger that’s why he decided they continued on.

Since most of their levels had already exceeded 300, it would be a great loss if they died.

Many of the victims were practitioners so they have to cooperate more

So far, the monsters that they were fighting were far stronger than the average monsters.

It sends down a chill to their spine when they think that their level and proficiency in Weapons Master will decrease. However, as a lot of people have been dying, the practitioners have to cooperate even more.

Even if they were showered with arrows, if they still have plenty of health remaining, the 4 hyungs will still plunge in and attack.

“The 350 of you, retreat to the sides!”

One of them was injured badly on the ground and one senior still helped him as they were attacked from everywhere! The teachers and practitioners stepped in and used their skills in battle. They should become more cautious when they are hunting inside the borders of the monster den; but instead, they still fought riskily and hastily.

When they see a weak point on the monsters, even though no one is saying anything, they would unite and focus their attacks until they break through. Geomchi2, Geomchi3, Geomchi4 and Geomchi5 with the teachers, other geomchis and the older practitioners cooperated their attacks and broke through like they were sharp fangs.

With years of sufferings with each other, they could just exchange glances and they will never lack anything in battle.

“Geomchi2, Is it hard?”

“No, Master. It’s actually quite fun. Let’s go to the next dungeon.”

“Let’s go!”

Geomchi was then followed by the instructors and practitioners as the mood changed. They got excited as their enthusiastic selves remembered the fights that they’ve fought.

This was the Geomchi way.

In Royal Road, when monsters die,they don’t really die. In reality however, people die and knowing it will help them to move one step forward.

Inch by inch and step by step, they tediously hunted and collected EXP to build up their proficiency on their skills. They also trained masochistically but, they practiced like this in order to become stronger.

Despite of having an impossible battle, they still adapted to the situation very well. And their crazy hunting speed was already enough to give goosebumps! Even though they have injured legs and there are monsters at a distance, they still tried to fight.

The Geomchi practitioners did their best on fighting as they increased their levels.


Weed was currently at the entrance of the forked path and just came out from the fifth cave.

Even though there was only one place that contained gold and silver, the other rewards made him smile that it was already enough to reach the heavens.

Weed then ran into another cave as soon as possible.

The entrance to the cave was a little smaller this time so he guessed that the ones who lived here are no other than the Dwarves.

“If it is the Dwarves, what they have will probably be something expensive. I only expect the best from these races.”

Although the entrance to the cave was quite narrow, the space that it was connected to was significantly larger. Inside was dug up places and stone pillars etc. The foundation for the whole cave was also inside.

It was the first city in the continent that the Dwarves created and in there, was a miniature version Ratzeburg.

As a sculptor and a person who owns a city and a castle, having sufficient artistic and archeological knowledge by observing the shape of the city was enough for him to build buildings and areas from the ancient times.

Buildings from the ancient times require a shorter construction period at a low cost. With its high historical value as well as its cultural aspect, even if one’s city development is low, this will help raise it.

Rather than creating a new building, he could restore the shape of a building that once existed and its properties should also be granted.

You can now build Special Ancient Buildings.

Art, Knowledge, and Luck has increased by 13

The Dwarves would stand and look at this miniature version of the city of Ratzeburg that was made.The Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Orcs lived in harmony because the model showed that they used a variety of different buildings and structures.

Maroon Colored Street

The paved stones in the city will make it easy to move.

Helps horses and people move quickly.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 3580

Artistic Value: 498

This helps promote commercial development.

Orcish Bathtub

Sometimes after going to battle, the disgusting Orcs go home early and use this while dressed.

It is even wide enough to drag it down to the river for a swim.

It ‘was’ great pride for the Orcs to finish having their baths and looking respectable.

You might die if you use this with low health.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 1935

Artistic Value: 179

After bathing, your physical recovery rate will increase by 45%

Orcs increases their Charm by 3.

The Ancient Ampitheatre

This was made so that the races could discuss the threats surrounding them. But soon, it turned to a place where the Orcs and Dwarves boast their strength. While the humans create musicals as the Elves showed their proudest Elemental Magic.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 7410

Artistic Value: 2930

This will cause a significant impact on culture and local politics.

Increases the loyalty of the people.

The Great Trees Square

This place symbolizes the unity and prosperity of the four races.

This is a square with fruit bearing Kota trees at the middle.

A lot of Orcs, Humans, Dwarves and Elf mothers spent time to care for the children. When a mother is raising a kid, they need to give them meals. They very much do anything from selling their unnecessary stuff to helping on hunting and construction.

The most enjoyable sight that happens here is when husbands get in trouble and their wife scolds them that tree.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 9340

Artistic Value: 689

The Kota tree is needed for construction. This showed a very large impact on the formation of the earliest commercial cities. Helps in stabilizing peace and order and reduce conflict.

What Weed wanted was that yellowish gold.

But instead, what he acquired was knowledge about a lot of buildings and structures in Ratzeburg. The ancient city buildings had low cost. Whether it was culture or technology there were no limits overall. So rather than creating new forms of architecture, the buildings were just restored and in addition, will also have historical value.

Weed then recalled the content he has seen in the information boards post in the past.

“Historical Value of a city… They found a lot of ruins of a city called Antika.”

Ratzeburg is already beyond comparison to the human city of Antika which was built far off to the future. Having historical value on a city brings tourists from all over the continent. Depending on its commercial development, the cultural growth will also be faster.

“Anyways, where is that hidden gold?”

Weed looked all around the cave of the Dwarves and it looks like there’s nothing to grab there. Except for the miniature scale of Ratzeburg, there are only vague traces where a furnace was installed.

“I’m pretty sure there’s no treasure here. No! It’s too early to conclude it. There must be something that I missed, they might have left a map or something.”

Weed used his hand to touch and observe the walls and ceilings. He also looked at the material the stones were made of. Perhaps because he was blinded by jewelry that he did not abandon his expectations until the end.

He held on and just grabbed onto his will to not give up!

“I’m sure. Clearly, there’s no way that this place will have no remaining items anymore.”

Weed walked away from the model of Ratzeburg. He took a stick and walked as he poked the ground.

We do not know if someday there will be another sculptor that would come and discover this cave. How depressing would it be if he would hear a rumor that something else was discovered here that Weed missed. It was more terrifying than having chicken and pizza past its expiration date along with undercooked pork belly then riding a public transportation with a sick stomach.

Tung Tung~

At that time, something rang on the ground.

“What’s in here.”

Weed carefully dug the ground and looked. He found 12 kegs that were sealed.


Aromatic Dwarven Keg

Durability: 4/25

This drink is made by brewing different fruits and grain. Back then, it was forbidden for the races make liquor and the Dwarves sneakily brewed and drink some.

The barrels were made of elven wood that’s why over time, its deep flavor permeated into it.

But since too great of a time have passed already, the question was whether the alcohol actually tastes delicious.

“It’s alcohol. But I don’t really know if I want to drink that.”

For Weed, everything that’s free is quite a good thing. But this was really just as much as rotting already.

Even if he sold it to others and they accidentally died, he could just deny the facts and eat their insults. What only prevented him from doing it was having a lot of people being ripped off, tarnishing his reputation.

“I’m just going to see the seniors and give this to them.”

The Geomchis would not possibly regret it, even if they died due to drinking.

There were several caves where the Dwarves stayed, but he only found some pieces of broken bowls in addition to the barrels. Other than that, his other discoveries weren’t really that important.

“If anything else, these barrels… are gonna be worth the same as great antiques.”

With this, Weed’s face finally brightened up a little.

The barrels was made from Elven wood so he could assume of its archaeological value. While the material of the barrel is good, the materials used on the alcohol was fresh so it’s also expected to be good.

Weed having a lot of background in alcohol making learned the recipe which corrected some of his assumptions about alcohol making and increased his cooking skill level.

This ancient treasure that the Dwarves made, could help him reap huge profits using the recipe. It could also allow his cooking skills to level up and gain more popularity.

“The alcohol, I would’ve immersed it a lot if it was me.”

Weed had collected fruit while he was hunting on certain regions. He had a lot of experience on manufacturing alcohol because he was using those fermented drinks to sell or give them to the Geomchis.

Especially when there is a need to increase the amount of alcohol, a suitable ratio of water is needed to dilute it perfectly. In the Versailles Continent, no one was able to best him in this.

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