The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 86: Prohiden (5)

Chapter 86: Prohiden (5)

“This isn’t as easy or convenient as I make it out to be, you hear?”



A powerful shockwave erupted from one of the panels floating near Karlstein, sending nearby Kaiju flying back.


Then, another panel crackled with energy, emitting a stark white magnetic field.


The two Kaiju Karlstein had targeted were pulled into the magnetic field.


He lightly swung his spear, lopping off the heads of the Kaiju.

“I do admit though, they’re handy to have around.”


Red electric current sparked from three more panels, firing lasers that raked the ground.

Fwoosh- Fwoosh- Fwoosh-

The thick, scorching lasers left nothing but ash in their wake. And as if taking turns, more panels started to shoot lasers, ravaging the area.

Kaboom- Zzzzt- Fwoosh-

The 24 panels hovering around Karlstein were all working busily.

“But these are controlled only through Telepathy, so I bet it’d take you guys a while to get used to.”


ㄴlook at ‘em go.

ㄴis this what one-man party hunting is all about?

ㄴhe’s controlling all 24 himself?

ㄴSword Intent?

ㄴOradge-sensei has his gear do all the work for him.

ㄴDidn’t those things shrug off missiles like nothing? They’re just melting, aren’t they?

ㄴpersonal gear that’s stronger than a space battleship…?

“That battleship is a speedboat type, so it’s a bit on the weaker side.”

ㄴmy guy… if a spaceship that shoots thousands of missiles is weak then…

ㄴWhat kind of Kaiju survives getting hit by those?

ㄴspace kaiju, obviously lol

ㄴBut isn’t it slightly lacking for an AOE?

“Well… they can do this kinda thing too.”

The 24 panels gathered together, centering on the spear Karlstein held, and formed a massive cannon barrel. He grabbed the handle, pushed in Ether, and a sphere of tremendous energy began to form before him.


The asteroid Karlstein stood upon cracked, and pieces of rock flew up.

ㄴit could combine as well lmao

ㄴWhat can’t it do? It even helped him move earlier.

ㄴautomatic platforms that can go all directions…

ㄴthat started out as a shield lolol.

ㄴA shield attached to his spear at that.

ㄴis it some 15-stage transformation shield or what…?

A red light erupted from the gun barrel.


The recoil was powerful to the point of throwing Karlstein backward, and the blast was bright enough to completely block his vision.

Thousands of Kaiju along the path of the light were consumed by flames, rendered to ashes.


It took moments before the light finally died down, destroying the heart of a colossal Kaiju hundreds of kilometers long.

ㄴwhoa, it’s falling, it’s falling!

ㄴ1 shot. KEK

ㄴnow you see it, now you don’t.

ㄴayo wasn’t that a huge mfing kaiju?

ㄴI didn’t notice because the perspective is a little off… but wouldn’t it be the size of the average country?

ㄴIf that appeared in our world, it’d be the end.

ㄴthe heck, but didn’t he kill it easier than licking icecream?

ㄴIsn’t it just big?

ㄴainnoway bro lmao

ㄴso, Mister Oradge! are you not selling that 15-stage transforming shield?!

ㄴcan I get the equipment Oradge uses if I gacha hard?

ㄴwhat do you think lololol

ㄴshit, and here’s me needing to put on a shit show to kill a single ogre.

ㄴYou don’t even need 24. If you had just one of those…

“Hmm. A 15-stage transforming shield… that’s not exactly wrong. It can even do this.”

Karlstein let go of the cannon barrel and it split apart, each piece starting to attach to his full-body armor.

Clank- Clank-

Whir- Clank-

Karlstein appeared to have doubled in size. Starting from pauldrons, the panels formed a breastplate, vambraces, greaves, and even wings on his back.

Thump. Thump.

The ground cracked with each step he took.


ㄴIt’s a combining robot this time…?


ㄴiIt’s kinda childish… but the power is insane…

ㄴR O M A N C E.

ㄴikr lol why is it’s performance so good.

[Switching to Speed Mode]


The panels attached to his full-body armor changed into a streamlined form, revealing boosters.

Blue light burst from the boosters, signaling their activation.


ㄴLOL boosters LMAOOO

ㄴbro’s got it packed with everything lol

ㄴand you wouldn’t buy it? kek

ㄴrofl i’ll bark like a dog if he sells

“Mm. Don’t know if your eyes can keep up.”


And then he was gone.



ㄴuh. So this is how Oradge views the world?

ㄴI think he’s living in a different timeline?

ㄴcan’t see anything

ㄴyo Oradge fix the camera! i can’t see shit!

Kaboom- Boom- Pfff- Boom- Rumble-

As Karlstein began to move, it appeared as if the Kaiju were being wiped out by an eraser.

ㄴholy shet. I pity the Kaiju.

ㄴI’m from the Kaiju Rights association. Please cease this massacre.

ㄴM A S S A C R E.

ㄴStop! I can’t see a thing!

ㄴHow fast is he moving?

ㄴat the speed of light..?


ㄴisn’t he teleporting?

The Kaiju poured in endlessly, yet there was absolutely no tension in the air.


ㄴReinforcements are here.

ㄴLook at those numbers.

ㄴOradge’s minions.

ㄴThey’ve done absolutely nothing but following him since before.

ㄴThose guys are something else too. When the ships catch up, he sets off like he’s running away, and then the chase continues.

ㄴI thought Oradge was being run down by those space battleships.

ㄴhow could they even keep up at the speed he’s melting the Kaiju lolol

The number of viewers in Karlstein’s equipment demonstration was exploding. He drew enough interest to begin with, being such a mysterious figure, but with a demonstration like this?

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that most of the online Integrated Dimensional Community had flocked over to watch.

-It’s gotta do at least this much to be called gear, right?

ㄴand here I was giggling about the staff I blew bank on recently…

ㄴGuys… I watched from the start, and what he’s showing now is actually pretty normal.


ㄴfr lol

ㄴI thought it was fake at first.

ㄴdoubt people would make SF movies like that haha

ㄴwhere’s the balance in this kek

ㄴWhat the hell does Oradge even lack?

ㄴIf he’s an emperor who has everything, shouldn't he be a pot-bellied old man?!

ㄴWhy, God, why….

ㄴI feel sorry for the Kaiju instead.

ㄴit’s a total Kajiu slaughter stream.

The Oradge introduced new equipment one by one every time the donation points reached a certain threshold.

-Showing off a reaction is a bit embarrassing as the Oradge, don’t you agree? Haha.

The viewers tried to ignore his half-serious joke, however…

ㄴUhh. aren’t the donations practically piercing through the sky?

ㄴNot just the sky. It’s about to punch through space.

ㄴSeems like all the bigshots have come out of hiding.

ㄴlook at Oradge getting all the attention.

ㄴWell wouldn’t you be curious? Lol

ㄴThat’s what qualifies as SF gear?

ㄴiI doubt everyone uses that kinda stuff. iIt must be high-end since he’s an emperor.

ㄴThose cyberpunk martial artists got good stuff themselves, but this makes theirs look basic af lmao

ㄴAren’t you misunderstanding something? The opponent just can’t compare. It’s like the difference between a steel sword and a nuke.

ㄴlol for real let’s not get the wrong idea just cause Oradge can steamroll

ㄴPeople would die by the masses trying to take down a single one of those Kaiju.

“Let’s stop the gear show here. I think it’s going to get a little hectic starting now.”

Upon spotting several Named Entities, Karlstein deactivated his armor form and switched to shield form.

ㄴWhat? Starting now? I think we’re about to lose our minds already.

ㄴbro still got more equipment to show lol

ㄴHow much is all that donation…

ㄴmy life… what is the meaning of my life….


ㄴyo, so will you sell it to us!! don’t just keep showing off!!

ㄴI heard he’ll release a few later if he’s in a good mood.


ㄴat a bigass premium yeah ROFL

ㄴWill anyone… buy it?

ㄴThere are plenty who want to buy. It’s just not many can afford.

Encounters with Named Entities had been rare, but now they began to appear.

Boom- Crunch- Krch- Booom-

As if he had been playing around to this point, Karlstein began to move with a ferocity he hadn’t shown before.


The image of him tearing apart a monster with his bare hands was transmitted to the screen in graphic detail.



ㄴthats gotta hurt like shit.

ㄴOradge tears monsters apart barehanded~

ㄴi can’t tell who the Kaiju is here.

ㄴthis is depressing….

Karlstein headed deeper and deeper among the enemy. In his focus, the chat window was completely out of his mind.


Waves of Kaiju were pushed back as he launched his spear.

Rumble- Boom-

The Kaiju were deleted by the horde. One giant Kaiju exploded into pieces.

Krrclang- Clank-

Karlstein used his full-body armor to block an incoming Kaiju’s teeth.

Poww- Pzrk-

His movements were almost mechanically simple yet dynamic. Karlstein destroyed any foe that entered his path, making him look like a black hole that sucked in Kaiju.

His various mechanical devices provided assistance, firing off all kinds of lasers and bullets.

The Community users gradually fell silent at the spectacle.



ㄴthat’s nuts

ㄴsuch a killing machine

ㄴI don’t know who the machine is anymore?

ㄴdont mess with him kids.

They stared slack-jawed at his massacre. It was almost beautiful!

However, Karlstein didn’t have time to check the Community’s reactions.

“This is taking too long.”

[Judging from the level of resistance, it seems we have come to the right place.]

“That’s a relief, but…”

Booom- Flash-




The Kaiju launched themselves, trying to slow him down, even by a little, while the Named Entities mixed among the common pack attempted long-range attacks from time to time.

Booom- Flash-

Even for someone like Karlstein, it was impossible to avoid losing time, bit by bit.

Then, after thinning the ranks of Kaiju with a toss of his spear, something amidst the enemy entered his vision.

It was that bastard.

“…Aria. Did you see?”

[Yes. I saw clearly.]

It was No. 17 Prohiden, riding an ultra-large Kaiju, leading a pack of Higher Order Entities out of the battlefield. It even had two M-Sights on it.

Karlstein only saw its back, but how could he not recognize who it was?

“Where do you think you are sneaking off to…”

He grinned, drawing on the Ether within his body. The M-Sight’s communication jamming waves momentarily flickered.

[Clear the way.]


The fleet that had followed behind Karlstein to this point started to change formations.

ㄴhey, Kaiju! Run!


ㄴOradge has gone berserk!

ㄴwhere are you runnin!

ㄴhahaha the kaijus screwed. caught trying to escape

ㄴKaiju: How tf I got caught?

ㄴaah! Oradge’s approachin!

The whole Community was making a huge fuss, just like how they usually were.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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