The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Chapter 107: The reincarnated knows Taboo

Chapter 107: The reincarnated knows Taboo

Chapter 107: The reincarnated knows Taboo

‘ Have I been reincarnated? What is this? ‘ Li Fan thought while he looked at his body, his hands.

He was in the fresh body of an 18-year-old kid.

‘ Good! It seems heavens doesn’t want me dead, ‘ he thought while he clinched his fist as tight as he could.

The sudden anger gushed through his heart thinking about his wife, who betrayed him, he had succeeded in lightning tribulation… Yet, he was… Sigh!

Just the thought of that old man smiling at his death makes his blood boil.

He doesn’t know why would his wife kill him nor he knows what she meant by thousands of years ago, where he slaughtered villagers in a village.

It seems she was manipulated into hating him, and that was done by none other than that sly old man.

The Sect Master of Da Bixiu sect. The Diamond rank sect and one of powerful sects.


” Argghhh~ ”

Suddenly, lots of memories flood in.

‘ Huff!… It seems I was reincarnated into the body of a boy named Li Fan, one of the orphan villagers who lives with his sister, ‘ he thought while he looked at the girl in front of him.

Li Fan took a deep breath, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of new information swirling in his mind.

As he looked at Lin Fen, his younger sister, he felt a surge of protective instincts rise within him unknowingly.

Perhaps it was his body’s reaction, the will of blood flowing through his veins.

He may not remember that much about their life together before his rebirth as he only obtained a few memories, but he knew that keeping her safe was now his top priority.

He doesn’t know but…he just wanna protect her.

” Hey, sis, ”

Li Fan said softly, attempting to sound casual despite the turmoil raging inside him.

” How have things been around here?” he asked.

Lin Fen eyed her brother curiously, sensing something different about him today. ” Things are fine,” she replied hesitantly.

As Li Fan listened to his sister’s reassuring words, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that danger was lurking just around the corner.

He knew she was lying.

He needed more information about their current situation and any threats they might be facing.

If he is correct, Li Fan has been sleeping around for 4 days.

” Sis,” Li Fan began slowly with a calm voice,

” Have there been any strange occurrences lately? ”

Lin Fen furrowed her brow, considering her brother’s question. ” N-Nothing… Everything is fine, ”

Seeing her like this, Li Fan knew something was wrong.

However, he didn’t ask more. He just nodded his head.

“That’s good… ” he said.

With that, he sat crossed legged, however, to his surprise, his Dao heart was shattered.

The source of Qi, The necessity for cultivation… The Dao heart, it was shattered.

His face sunk turning darker as he realized there was no hope for him.

His thirst for revenge, his desire to know the truth… they were all shattered.

He turns out to be a cripple, a useless ant, waiting to be slaughtered.

” Brother, are you okay? You seem… A little off, ” The girl couldn’t help but ask seeing the brother who had an ugly face at the moment.

He seems to be deeply shocked.


Li Fan forced himself to regain control of his emotions, knowing that showing weakness in front of his sister would only put her in greater danger.

With a determined effort, he managed to compose himself and offer her a reassuring smile.

” Don’t worry about me, sis, I’m just tired and feeling energyless, ”

Lin Fen studied her brother warily but eventually accepted his explanation, relieved to see him return to his usual self.

Despite the crushing blow dealt by the discovery of his crippled Dao heart, Li Fan refused to give up hope entirely.

“Hmph! You have been sleeping for the past 4 days, of course, you will feel energy less, let me cook something for you, ” she utters while a pout forms on the corner of her lips.

” Haha… ” he laughed seeing her like this while he nodded his head. ” Umm! ”

After she left the room, he got up from his bed while he had a sad face.

He clenched his heart while he cussed his fate, Dao heart is a magical heart, a heart that is connected to the soul instead of the physical body.

It seems the Dao heart of this body was weak and when he possessed this body devouring the previous weak soul, his Dao heart shattered.

The Dao heart once shattered can’t be repaired. Once a cripple, you are forever cripple.

However, there is a legend that says you can repair your dao heart if you cultivate the peak of any other cultivation such as body, mind, sword, etc.

Body cultivation is out of the way.

He doesn’t possess profound consciousness so, mind cultivation is also out of the way.

Since he isn’t a monster or beast, he can’t cultivate core either.

The only path for him is the path of the sword however for that too you need a secondary sword soul.

However, he doesn’t possess the sword soul either.


He sighed, he doesn’t have powerful Meridians for body cultivation, he doesn’t have profound consciousness for mind cultivation, his Dao heart is shattered weakening his spiritual root for his soul cultivation, he doesn’t have a core so, he can’t cultivate core too… He can’t cultivate anything. He is destined to die a mortal death.

However, just then an idea struck.

If he can’t take a good path he can always take a good path.

His goal is only revenge so, he can always take the Devil’s path… A taboo in cultivation where you cultivate mysterious energy by devouring the souls of others.

[ Note: demonic and devil cultivation are different ]

His evil smirk grew wide because he had obtained the taboo script of the devil cultivation technique.

He clearly recalls, first of all, you need to go through a ritual of sacrificing a virgin girl to the devil itself.

With that, you can walk on the path of Devil Cultivation.

Just then,

” Brother… Here, I have boiled the chicken soup for you,” The little sister came back holding a small bowl.

Looking at her, his smile widens.



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