The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Chapter 116: The Fox and Protagonist are on bad terms!

Chapter 116: The Fox and Protagonist are on bad terms!

Chapter 116: The Fox and Protagonist are on bad terms!

Watching the scene before his eyes from the tree branch, Bai Lung’s eyes narrowed with cheerful expectation, with a smile tugged perfectly on his face.

The foolish protagonist had refused to surrender the powerful magic artifact he possessed, which further attracted the anger of the beautiful yet dangerous spirit fox woman.

Bai Lung was happy, he was feeling great.

This was shaping up to be a wonderful turn of events that Bai Lung could exploit to his advantage, it was a good chance for him.

Perhaps, these two aren’t supposed to be friendly at the moment, maybe… Just maybe, the story of this protagonist has just started, Bai Lung thought in his mind.

There is a very good chance, that all his power and heavenly halo come from that green item he has on his fist.

Knowing all this, Bai Lung seemed to have figured out what can this protagonist do… He is sure, all this protagonist can do is rely on that strange artifact to support him.

He used his sharp brain and connected every single dot regarding the situation, the beast raid, the protagonist, the protagonist walking with treasure.

It’s a no brainer that this chosen one stole something from these beasts probably to heal someone.

Also judging from the way he held the artifact and unwanted arrogance, Bai Lung can easily conclude, that this chosen son of heaven stole this from these beasts, or that foxy woman, if we become specific.

Also, it’s a simple knowledge that he wanted to return this artifact, he must be scared of his action and its consequences

However, seeing the sudden change in his arrogance, Bai Lung’s face sank as he guessed, that this protagonist had realized the blessing provided by that artifact.

‘ Oi system… What is that thing? Can I steal it and use it for my own, ‘ Bai Lung asked.

[ Ding! That thing is one of the three treasures of the Divine light ]

[These artifacts of Divine light possess supernatural power and protect their host. The three treasures of Divine Light are:

1. The pearl of Earth: The one you are seeing

2. The pearl of the universe

3. The Pearl of Heaven

[ And nope… Only the chosen one can receive their protection, however, rest assured, that guy hasn’t fully refined that treasure ]

Listening to System, Bai Lung couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

To think that such treasure can only be posted by a chosen one and not others is completely unfair.

However, things are as it seems, if he can’t then he can’t.

‘ How powerful are constellations? Are they weaker than heaven? ‘ Bai Lung raised the question.

[ Haha! Constellations are the pinnacle of all existence, with a mere thought they can completely erase your existence, they are far superior to heaven, heavens ain’t with mentioning in front of them, ]

‘ Oh! Really? ‘ Bai Lung raised his eyebrows while his lips curved.

[ Hmm! Hmm! The heaven isn’t worth mentioning in front of constellations ]

‘ Then, why don’t you ask them to change the rules… How come only the chosen one enjoys all the treasure? ‘ Bai Lung asked.

System: “…”

[ But, you already have a treasure like me, what’s the point of having such useless artifacts? ]

‘ Artifact? Pffft- are you seriously saying you are more useful than that treasure? Have you even seen your face in the mirror? ‘ Bai Lung chuckled.

[ Hmph! It is the truth… That thing is just junk in front of me, hmph… You don’t know the worth of the system, ]

‘ if you are that useful then why don’t you go and steal that junk? Let’s see who is the real junk here. ‘ Bai Lung crossed his arms near his chest and closed his eyes.

[ But I can’t do that ]

‘ You see… ‘

“Do not be a fool,” the spirit fox woman hissed, her honey-colored eyes flashing with deep anger coming out straight from her heart.

“That treasure does not belong to you. Hand it over, or face the consequences of your action.” she roared while a powerful brown aura surrounded her body.


Ling Fei stood his ground while gripping the glowing green pearl even more tightly in his fist.

” Deeply sorry but I am afraid I cannot do that. This power is the only thing keeping me alive against your powerful brutal attacks, as such, I don’t wish for my demise, ” he speaks.


Heeding this,

Bai Lung suppressed a dark chuckle, watching the confrontation with full attention.

The protagonist’s stubbornness would only serve to further anger the otherworldly beauty before him.

With the power of the mysterious artifact at stake, the conflict was sure to escalate in ways that would benefit Bai Lung’s scheming the most as he calculated out how to play each piece.

Bai Lung recalled an old saying from a wise one; Just because you can’t have it doesn’t mean you should let others have it.

The protagonist was wise, he refused to hand over the treasure, if Bai Lung was in the same shoes, he would have chosen the same.

Matter of fact, every talented individual would choose the option to keep the treasure, unless you have some kind of problem in your mind.


” Y-You… Then so be it,”

the spirit fox woman declared with her words dripping with venomous resolve, looking at her, one could easily tell how angry she was.

Baam! Boom! Bang! Baam!

Swoosh! Swish!

Surging forward, she unleashed a flurry of strikes,

her fists and kicks were glowing with powerful spiritual energy.


Ling Fei braced himself. The protective aura of the artifact was shielding him from all her attacks.

As the clash of power reverberated through the air, Bai Lung observed from his hidden vantage point, formulating a plan to seize the coveted treasure for himself.

That’s right… Bai Lung can’t use it doesn’t mean he can’t keep it.

As long as that thing is in his hands, Bai Lung can be read assured that, the protagonists aren’t much of a threat.

[ hmmm… Trust me, system is really better than that piece of junk, the system is wise, powerful, and merciful ]

‘ Shut up! You are a useless piece of junk, only show me your face, when you figure out; how can I use that pearl ‘

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