The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 14: First Promotion Test, Day 3

Chapter 14: First Promotion Test, Day 3

Big Brother

Kunon is blind.

That is why he is sensitive to changes in his surroundings.

Today is the third day of his life at the noble school.

The exams were easy, and the environment was fresh and new.

I could not help but think that I could have gone to school normally if this was the case.

However, the fact that there were so many people meant that there were people with all kinds of ideas and thoughts.

Kunon thought to himself, This is going to ruin what had been a generally peaceful day.

When Kunon, Milica and Ixio came to the cafeteria, about six students were standing in front of them.

The peaceful atmosphere around them has disappeared, and the tension is rising.

The lunch room, which had been a lively place every day, became quiet and still.

Then I heard Milicas voice saying, Big brother.

It seems that her acquaintance with whom she has a history has gotten involved.

Milica. Is that your fiane?

The person who called out to her was a large child.

His voice was intimidating.

His voice and demeanor were high-handed, and his arrogance was apparent.

whatever he is, if Milica doesnt like him, its safe to say that Kunon doesnt like him either.

What can I do for you, Your Highness, Lyle?

His brother Ixio stepped in front of Kunon.

Kunon, who had been planning to go over there if his brother didnt answer, had no choice but to let the situation play out and see what happened.

What is it, Gurions son? I did not give you permission to speak. Youre being disrespectful.

Status is not supposed to matter at school huh?


No, there was no need to see what happened.

Kunon is hungry, and he knows that the time he can spend with Milica and Ixio at school is scarce and precious.

He didnt want to be disturbed, no matter who it was, much less by someone that would make Milica and Ixio nervous. It wouldnt be good.

He manipulates the water ball A Ori, which he crushes into small pieces until it is invisible, and collects it in one place on the pants of a large child who called out to him.

One by one, the spot gets wetter and wetter, soaking into the pants and creating a stain.

What? Whoa!

The first one to notice was Ixio.

Milica noticed it next.

The reaction of the two seemed to have made him aware of this.

So Kunon said it quietly.

"Huh? Is he peeing in his pants?

noise spread.

The people around, who didnt know what was going on, buzzed in disbelief.

No, no, no! No, this is not right! No, I didnt pee my pants!

He covers his pants with his hands and gets very upset.

Milica and Ixio were the only ones who understood that Kunon had done something.

Hey, Kunon


The intruder left.

All six of them retreated in a panic. They decided that there was nothing they could do about it no matter how much noise they made here and now.

Ixio and Milica look back at the person who did it, but.

What do you want, brother? Ill have a hamburger!

No, no, Kunon. Hey, Kunon. You did it right?

What do you want, Milica? Ill have a hamburger!

Thats right. Its Kunon, after all. Theres no point in messing with it now.

Is that how His Highness perceives too?' Ixio thought, surprised to hear Milicas resigned statement.

I had thought that they were similar, but Kunon seemed to be far. you know.

Apparently, Ixio had underestimated his brothers transformation.

It seems that he has become much brighter and stronger than I imagined.

Im not even sure if I should call it getting brighter and stronger.

So, who was that earlier?

In the dining room, filled with the usual friendly atmosphere, the three of them took an empty table.

Kunon, who had a change of heart, ordered a sandwich.

Kunon, who can recognize colors, has learned good table manners and can now eat soup and salad without any problem.

However, sandwiches are still the easiest to eat.

He wants to be able to eat without worrying about anything.

That was my brother. Lyle Huglia, the sixth prince, one year older than me.

Milica answered.

He is a half-brother, so We dont really recognize each other as brother and sister, but he is definitely my brother with the same father.

The king of the Kingdom of Huglia has had many children over the generations.

Im not sure for what reason, but it is said that the royal family has a high probability of producing valuable magicians.

Well, if we talk about that, Kunon also has a very thin bloodline of royalty, so I guess its highly credible.

However, because there are so many children, there is not much attention paid to the lower levels.

The third in line of succession to the throne is taken care of, but the children below those who are not magicians are treated as if they were the children of ordinary nobles.

Milica and Lyle are not allowed to have an escort at school, and life in the royal castle is rather simple.

What? Is he really your brother? Like brother Ixio to me?

Yes. My mother is different, but he is my brother.

Youre lying, right?

Its true. Whats wrong with that?

I mean, what kind of brother doesnt care for his sister?

I hope youre right.

What? Really? Are you sure, brother, that what Milica highness is saying is true?

Its true.

Ixio lost a little bit of appetite after his brothers assault, so he went light: a large portion of beef stew, salad, and bread.

It will be a big deal if they find out, and I hope they dont find out until Kunon graduates at least.

Its true. Well, Im sorry about that then. If he really is Highness Milicas brother, then he is my brother too so.

In theory that is true.

And Ixio was relieved to see that his brother still had some decent feelings for others.

So, why did my brother-in-law stand in front of us, not even trying to hide his maniacal and violent nature?

Ixios voice was ignored, Dont talk like youve encountered a demon .

Its probably because my position has been raised. They must have come to check me out.

Your Highness position? To check out?

Yes. My future husband has the Heros Scar and is also a magician. Thanks to that, my position as a member of the royal family has skyrocketed.

Im sure it would have been fine if that was all, but Kunon, youve come out in the open like this, havent you?

This will strengthen our position in the future social circles as well. Brother Lyle probably doesnt like the idea of me being in a higher position than him.

It doesnt matter if the position of the princes and princesses who are at the bottom of the pyramid rises a little, Milica concluded.

Its kind of complicated, isnt it?

Yes, it is. But you really dont need to worry about it.

If we both were as for instance close to first or second in line of succession, wed have a lot of karma to deal with. But neither I nor brother Lyle is much of anything.

I have no clue about Royalty and social circles.

This is because I have no intention of getting involved.

The tutor taught me only the bare minimum of knowledge.

His father convinced him that the reason he was coming to school was because he would be needed in the social world.

Im sure there are a lot of factors involved that Kunon doesnt understand.

But for now.

I want to apologize to my brother-in-law."

Stop it!

Kunons wish was immediately rejected by Milica and Ixio.

Its better not to let them see each other again.

They had come to the same conclusion without a meeting.

I dont know what Kunon will do if I let him see him again. Thats what really frightens both of them.

What? Why?

The only one who doesnt know is Kunon himself.

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