The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 164:

Chapter 164:

Chapter 164

Yu-hyun felt something touch his back, but he gave up trying to figure out what it was. 

The important thing was that Seo Sumin, whom he thought had left him, had followed him.

And she had revealed her true colors in this deserted place.

Yu-hyun slowly raised his hands, showing with his body that he had no intention of harming her.

“Please calm down a bit. Let’s talk peacefully.”

“Talk? That’s a joke. How dare you talk after you tried to spy on me?”

Her tone had changed. 

More importantly, Seo Sumin knew that Yu-hyun had looked at the book.

‘I thought she reacted sensitively, but she knew. This is too unexpected.’

Yu-hyun had to somehow change Seo Sumin’s hostile attitude.

“Does Yura know about this?”

“Don’t mention Yura’s name.”

Her reaction was slightly fierce, which meant that she was not just pretending to be friends with Yura.

If she was sincere about this, it would be easier to talk.

“I think you’re friends with her, but I’m also close to Yura. We’re not just ordinary friends.”

Yu-hyun claimed that he was close to Yura, hoping to win Seo Sumin’s favor.

“Hmph. It seems like you approached her because you coveted her talent.”

“That’s too much. I knew Yura before she awakened. And I gave her various advice. I don’t deserve to hear such words.”

Yu-hyun said outwardly, but inwardly, he analyzed Seo Sumin’s attitude.

‘Her tone has changed. It became more oppressive. Is it a habit from her previous life, when she was a transcender? She sounds like someone who had a high position in the past. Then I don’t understand even more. Why does she live like this when she must have enjoyed a lot of power?’

He needed more clues.

Yu-hyun deliberately provoked Seo Sumin.

“Rather, I’m more suspicious of you, who hid your power while being friends with Sumin?”

“Shut up.”

Her aura exploded from behind him. 

Her energy pressed hard on Yu-hyun’s shoulder.

Yu-hyun bit his lip slightly.


This was the power of the one who possessed the rainbow-colored book.

She was not called a transcender for nothing. 

Even though she had not shown her full power after reincarnation, she was exerting physical force on Yu-hyun with just her aura.

It felt like a mountain was pressing on his back.

Even Seo Sumin, who was using all her strength to emit her aura, was slightly surprised.

‘He endured?’

He was Yura’s brother and worked in an industry related to collectors, but she never thought he would withstand such energy.

She had felt something unusual about him from the first impression.

‘That’s right. He’s not an ordinary human, is he?’

She still remembered the uncomfortable feeling of being looked into by him. 

He must have a hidden secret that others don’t know.

Seo Sumin added more force to the shark-shaped pencil case that aimed at Yu-hyun’s back.

“…Do you intend to cause trouble here?”

“I can end it before that.”

“I’m just staying still, but I can also buy some time if I want.”

Yu-hyun gauged Seo Sumin’s skills.

She was a transcender in her previous life, but she lacked a lot of power in this life.

If she was a complete transcender, he wouldn’t have been able to resist at all, but Seo Sumin was not.

“…Fine, what did you do to me earlier?”

Seo Sumin changed the topic as if she knew it would not be good for her if Yu-hyun acted up. Her voice was still stiff as a hedgehog’s quills.

“I peeked at your talent.”

Yu-hyun vaguely answered. 

To be precise, he tried to see her past actions, but it was not a lie.

She had a good sense, so she would notice any blatant lies. So he only told part of the truth.


“I have a peculiar ability. I can estimate someone’s talent to some extent.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“You will believe it if you have a ‘previous life’.”


As Yu-hyun mentioned the previous life, Seo Sumin’s aura became incredibly strong.

He felt his skin tingle from the pressure behind him. 

It was different from before when she simply warned Yu-hyun with her aura.

This time, it carried intense emotions.

‘Did I touch a nerve?’

Yu-hyun clenched his fist as he thought he had barely persuaded her, but the situation got worse.

‘I have no choice.’

Yu-hyun immediately gathered his energy. 

The power of the story flowed through his body and wrapped him in a strong armor.

The story [Knight without Honor] was activated.

Yu-hyun didn’t have time to regret leaving Baek Ryeon behind. 

He quickly spun his body and swung his arm.

He didn’t intend to hit Seo Su Min. 

It was just a feint to deter her. 

He wanted her to back off a little.


Yu-hyun’s right arm slashed the air. 

He realized that he couldn’t see Seo Su Min. 

Did she retreat?

‘No. She went down.’

Yu-hyun swiftly raised his left arm to protect his vital point. 

The next moment, he felt a powerful impact on his forearm.


Yu-hyun’s body was pushed back. 

His left arm, which was reinforced by the power of Knight without Honor, hurt so much.

What hit Yu-hyun’s arm was a pencil case shaped like a shark.

‘He hit me with that?’

How could such a thing, which had no edge or strength, cause such a shock to his arm, which was covered by the armor of Knight without Honor?

Was it because of her?

Yu-hyun realized that Seo Su Min was a transcendent.

She dodged his attack without flinching and counterattacked in an instant. 

Her experience and combat sense were overwhelming.

‘Is the only thing that makes me better than her right now my physical specs?’

Yu-hyun stepped back a little and created some distance.

“Can we stop here? I don’t like unnecessary fights.”

“Are you expecting me to believe that? Tell me. Who sent you?”

‘Who sent me?’

Yu-hyun sensed something strange in Seo Su Min’s words.

He thought her attitude changed when he mentioned her previous life, but now he realized that Seo Su Min was mistaking him for someone else.

As if she thought he was someone’s target.

“I think you’re confused, but I’m not someone who was sent by anyone.”

“How can I believe that when you know about my previous life?”

“Hmm. Something happened in your previous life?”


Seo Su Min closed her mouth at Yu-hyun’s question. 

Instead, her eyes became more fierce. 

Yu-hyun had hit a nerve.

If the situation worsened like this, it would be irreversible. 

Yu-hyun showed with his whole body that he had no intention of fighting.

Seo Su Min didn’t trust Yu-hyun.

 She approached him as if to say, do whatever you want, and stabbed her pencil case toward his face.


Yu-hyun didn’t blink an eye. 

He stared at Seo Su Min without wavering.

The pencil case that Seo Su Min thrust stopped right in front of his nose.

After a brief pause, a strong wind blew Yu-hyun’s hair.

‘That was close.’

It looked like a cute pencil case that suited a girl’s taste, but it was a terrifying thing that could separate bones and flesh with a touch.

It wasn’t the problem of the object, but the person who wielded it.

If Yu-hyun had shown even a slight hesitation, this pencil case would have pierced his head.

She made it possible with this thing that had no edge or strength.

“Do you believe me now?”

“Tell me. Who are you?”

“I’m Kang Yu-hyun, an agent of Celestial Company and a teller.”

“A teller?”

Seo Su Min didn’t expect Yu-hyun to be a teller at all.

That was because when he was with Yura, he only said he was an acquaintance who worked in the collector industry.

Yu-hyun smiled bitterly and raised his hand to gently push away the pencil case that aimed at his face.

As he tried to do so naturally, Seo Su Min hardened her expression again and pointed the pencil case at him.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stay still. So you cleared up the misunderstanding?”

“…Fine. I understand that I might have misunderstood something. You’re not one of those people I thought you were.”

“Something happened in your previous life?”

Yu-hyun asked with shining eyes. 

Seo Su Min right now was not the ordinary girl he met through Yura’s introduction. 

She revealed her true self as a transcendent who lived in her previous life.

Seo Su Min gave him a cold look.

“You don’t need to know.”

“You don’t need to know? Even after you’ve been reduced to this state?”

Yu-hyun thought this was his chance. 

A chance to somehow connect with her. Now that he had cleared the misunderstanding, he had to win over Seo Sumin’s favor.

More than anything, Yu-hyun realized another fact about Seo Sumin.

“Your movement just now. It was a footwork technique, right? Are you from the martial world?”


Seo Sumin did not answer, but Yu-hyun thought he was right. 

He saw her eyes waver for a moment.

‘I guessed correctly.’

The attack that Seo Sumin tried to launch at the end. 

Yu-hyun did not miss her movement and examined it in detail. 

Her footsteps. 


And the way she stretched her arms and legs.

Yu-hyun had seen and heard a lot. 

Of course, his knowledge was quite different from that of an ordinary person.

‘The movement that Seo Sumin showed just now was clearly a footwork technique. And more importantly, the black energy that I saw for a very brief moment…’

He also used the best of his abilities at this level.

He did not think that Seo Sumin’s body had the power of the story. 

That meant only one thing.

‘It’s a skill that she has been using since her previous life, literally ingrained in her soul.’

The use of footwork technique was a definite answer to what world she came from.

“Which faction do you belong to?”

“…You talk as if you know everything.”

“I actually do know. Considering your talent, you must have learned a very powerful martial art, right?”

“You don’t need to know.”

“Was that the best you could do with your current level? Hmm. That’s a bit disappointing. The technique you used was rather mediocre…”

“That’s nothing compared to what I have… Huh!”


Yu-hyun’s eyes sparkled at Seo Sumin’s flustered attitude. 

She realized her mistake and bit her lip, glaring at Yu-hyun.

It was common sense that if someone said something about their martial art, they would react fiercely if they were from the martial world. 

Yu-hyun provoked her on purpose and Seo Sumin unwittingly blurted out the truth.

“Forget it.”

“How can I?”

“Do you want me to make you forget?”

“It’s too memorable to forget.”

Yu-hyun smiled slyly and continued to echo Seo Sumin’s words. 

Seo Sumin bit her lip.

How can he not give up on anything!

She realized that she could not do anything with words.

But she was not sure if she could overpower him with force either.

‘I can’t suppress him with my current level.’

She had a great power in her previous life, but it was different now.

Seo Sumin was in such a weak state that even a little bit of excessive movement would strain her body.

Yu-hyun wondered how strong she was when she was strong, but from Seo Sumin’s perspective, it was like that.

“So where are you from?”

“Why don’t you try guessing with your smart mouth?”

Seo Sumin said sarcastically, but Yu-hyun took it seriously and nodded.



“Hmm. First of all, considering your skill and talent, you must have been a very high-ranking person in an organization. You are a transcendent, so you must have reached the peak. Then you must be the leader of an organization, and an organization with a leader. It would be more of a huge group than a sect.”


“But you followed me and tried to subdue me just because you doubted my behavior a little bit. That doesn’t fit with the ideals of justice and chivalry at all. Rather, your actions are pragmatic and you know how to use your head. And your blunt speech and behavior too. But it doesn’t seem like you are from an evil faction or the Black Forest either. You seemed to have much more powerful strength than them.”

Especially the pure darkness-like energy was a decisive clue.

Yu-hyun came up with one answer.

Neither righteous nor evil, but another existence.

And the group that he seemed to hear their name once in a while in situations like this.

“The Demon Sect.”


“And a very high-ranking person.”


When her identity was revealed in an instant, Seo Sumin stuttered and repeated herself without saying anything. 

Her wandering eyes reflected her feelings well.

That’s right.

Yu-hyun thought about the Blood Sect as well, but he eliminated them because they usually used more sorcery.

In the end, Seo Sumin put away the pen case that she had pointed at Yu-hyun’s face.

What’s the point of hiding?

She sighed and admitted to Yu-hyun’s words.

“As you said, I was from the Demon Sect.”

To be precise, she was a Heavenly Demon.

She gave up everything and revealed her identity to Yu-hyun.

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