The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Chapter 95


Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



It was already a well-known fact that when the children of the Taylor family came of age, a bloody wind would blow within the family.

No one could become the family head without bloodshed.

There were those who failed to become the head even as only children, and if there were siblings, someone was bound to die.

This twisted family was the empire’s only ducal house.

The fact that it still maintained its status was likely the result of this cruel meritocracy.

Of course, there were certainly those who thought negatively about it.

But in the end, the problem was that they had failed to become the family head.

If those with such thoughts had become the head, perhaps things would have been different, but the fact that this tradition had continued until now…

It meant that it was time for some change.

Even if I became the family head, I didn’t think that kind of chaos would be necessary for the Taylor family going forward.

Thinking back on what I had experienced myself, could anyone else endure it?

If a sibling like Yuria tormented someone again, it would simply result in one person’s life being ruined.

If I didn’t put an end to it now, this vicious cycle would continue.

Breaking this cycle would only be complete once I became the family head.

What I had gained from meeting the Crown Prince was tacit approval.

It meant that there would be no interference in my fight with Yuria, so at least I wouldn’t need to worry about other factors.

All that remained was ascending to the family head position.

As I was lost in such thoughts while walking, a familiar voice called out from beside me.

“Oh, did you come all this way to see me?”

When I looked up, I saw Miragen.

She was leaning against the wall, waving her hand, and then approaching me with a smile.

I shrugged my shoulders at the sight.

It seemed her house arrest had been lifted.

It had been over two weeks since we met in the South, so it was about time it was lifted.

I slowly opened my mouth towards Miragen as she approached.

“It seems you were waiting. I’m sorry the conversation took so long.”

“I wasn’t waiting. We just happened to meet. I didn’t wait in front like last time, this time it was really a coincidence.”

So she was admitting that she had been waiting last time.

Judging by how she spoke, it seemed this time really was a coincidence.

I remembered she had said there was something she wanted to give me if I came to the imperial palace, but I was quite busy today.

I didn’t have much time to talk with Miragen.

I smiled slightly at her expectant gaze, and carefully brushed away the hair that had fallen on my shoulder as I answered.

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay with you today. I have someone I need to meet.”

“…Anyone listening would think I was the one expecting something. I knew this would happen.”

“That would be fortunate if you did, but your inner feelings don’t seem to match that.”

Her protruding lips clearly showed Miragen’s true feelings.

She still couldn’t lie well, so I smiled slightly and walked forward.

Miragen followed, complaining but still coming along.

She composed her expression and spoke again.

“So who are you meeting? I heard you met my brother today.”

“Well, it’s no one special. Just someone I had to meet eventually.”

My nonchalant answer seemed to pique Miragen’s curiosity.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking about who this person could be.

Before she could figure it out, I spoke first.

“I’m going to meet my father. You know, the head of the Taylor family?”

At those words, her footsteps stopped.

Her eyes met mine above our simultaneously halted feet.

She had a very different gaze from her usual smiling one.

Of course, such a reaction was natural upon hearing that I was meeting my father.

After all, meeting the family head at this time could only mean one thing.

“…So you’re starting now. I had hoped the rumors I heard before were false.”

“It was inevitable. Well, at this point, telling the young lady to become the family head… hasn’t she crossed the line too much?”

Miragen was not a fool.

She probably understood well the meaning of my father and I meeting, and what would happen this summer.

That’s what the name of family head meant in the Taylor family.

When all the children born came of age, and the current head began to grow senile.

At such times, the mention of the family head’s name was certainly closely related to blood.

“You’re free to support or oppose me. His Highness the Crown Prince said he would turn a blind eye no matter what happens.”

“That’s an easy thing to say. Do as you please, but you do know I’m the princess, right?”

“I know. That’s why I also know you’ll have to think about our family.”

I didn’t want to force her to choose.

At first, I had certainly approached her with a purpose, but at some point, our relationship had continued with a different meaning than that purpose.

There was no need to use this relationship now.

Miragen silently looked at me, then let out a deep sigh and walked forward.

I followed her for a while.

Without saying anything, we walked for quite some time until we reached the entrance to the imperial palace.

Miragen stopped again.

“What would you like me to do?”

“I’m not sure.”

“At times like this, if you just asked for help, I could help you. As I said before, you do know I’m the princess, right?”

I did know.

I knew that if she openly supported me, it could cause a major shift in the current situation.

However, now that the nobles had sided with Yuria, even Miragen’s support for me could lead to the nobles taking some kind of offensive against her.

After all, since Miragen was already isolated within the imperial family, attacking her wouldn’t give the nobles any meaningful damage anyway.

I had created a connection with Miragen to receive help in situations like this, but somehow I hesitated.

Perhaps many things had changed now.

Yuria had moved more hastily than expected, and thus revealed many vulnerabilities.

At this point, I could probably turn the tables without anyone’s help.

Receiving help would certainly make things easier.

I could probably advance much more easily, gaining more benefits than I thought.

“It’s alright.”

I decided to be a fool once again.

I didn’t need Miragen’s help anymore.

Although that had been my initial intention, now I didn’t want to cause her any harm.

Even if others might see me as a fool for not taking the advantage right in front of me, even if they might be disappointed in me for hesitating again after saying I would use any means necessary.

“Your tacit approval is enough.”

That was the path I had chosen to take.

It was enough if only I got hurt and suffered, but others shouldn’t have to.

Even if it was difficult, there was still enough of a chance for success.

Miragen frowned at my carefree smile.

She seemed quite frustrated by my persistent refusal, but I couldn’t help it.

Even if it were Adele or Adriana saying this now, tacit approval would be enough at this point.


Miragen let out a small sigh and messed up her hair carelessly.

She closed her eyes tightly, then opened them and looked at me intently as she moved her lips.

“Don’t regret this. I’ll really stay quiet.”

“Alright. When I become the duke, I’ll visit the imperial palace.”

“Can you really do it?”

I stared blankly at Miragen asking that, then grinned as I answered.

“Of course I can.”


The reason I had sought support from the North, the imperial family, and the church was simple.

It was to avoid suspicious gazes when I ascended to the position of family head.

When someone with little power becomes the head, those below are always bound to be skeptical and it was to make Yuria aware of my support base.

When I had garnered the support of these three powers, even Yuria wouldn’t be able to take me lightly, would she?

That was probably why she was now trying to directly make a move against Father.

But since that hadn’t worked, Yuria might move even more hastily now.

In any case, Father’s position was indeed precarious.

While the family head had turned a blind eye, Yuria had done quite a lot.

She had drawn most of the central nobles to her side and taken control of every part of the Taylor mansion.

It meant there was nowhere within this territory that she couldn’t do as she pleased.

Perhaps by now, the title of family head itself was nothing more than an empty shell at this point.

It was a time when the young lady’s status had become almost equal to that of the family head.

Of course, if Yuria simply became the head, it would be a natural progression, but I was her competitor.

I was no longer as weak as before, and in fact, I had the potential to pressure her with even greater power.

Of course, I had no intention of making such moves openly.

Intervening from elsewhere while using the Taylor name wasn’t very favorable.

It could blur our standing, and even if I obtained the title of family head, we might not be able to serve as the focal point for the nobles as before.

…Indeed, intervention wasn’t necessary.

That was why I had only asked for tacit approval from the imperial family.

While their intervention would benefit me, it would set a precedent for future imperial interference in Taylor family matters.

This was something I had to resolve on my own.

As I straightened the crumpled collar of my shirt, I slowly walked forward.

It had been quite a while since I had dressed so formally.

Rather than clothes easy to move in, I wore refined attire befitting a noble.

I wasn’t meeting Father now as just a son.

I was meeting the family head as a member of the Taylor family qualified to become the next head.

The sound of my shoes clicking echoed on the street.

As I passed by numerous people, I walked along the brilliantly lit streets under the darkening night sky.

The Duke’s schedule today isn’t very complicated.

He’ll attend to state affairs until the afternoon, then go out alone in the evening to the restaurant he always visits.

I think you know, but there’s a place the Duke always frequents.

The schedule Renold had sent me was something I already somewhat remembered.

It was natural, since I had accompanied him a few times in my previous lives.

It was quite a humble place for a duke to visit.

I knew the layout in detail from having been there several times before.

No one would expect the Taylor family head to come to such a place.

It was probably Father’s own sanctuary of sorts, but I couldn’t let him rest easy in this situation.


The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.

As I took a step towards the dark basement, I saw a small tavern with just a couple of tables dimly lit.

The bartender’s gaze briefly met mine as he wiped a glass, but more noticeable than that was the gaze of an old man staring at me.

“…So this is where you were.”

With each step, the old wooden floorboards creaked.

With every step I took closer, I felt my heart pounding.

I had met Father in many lives, but it was my first time meeting him in this position.

He was the family head, and I was the usurper.

No matter how nicely one tried to put it, in the end, parent-child etiquette disappeared in this situation.

Father’s gaze turned to me as he set down his large glass.

I smirked at those cold eyes, so different from Mother’s, more like Yuria’s.

The slight tension that had been present completely dissipated.

If I was going to accomplish something, wouldn’t it be today?

“I have something to say. I came to talk about it today, but I’m not sure if you have time.”

I quietly added to the old man who was still silently looking at me.

🚨 Important Notice 🚨

› This text was ripped off from .

› Please only read it on the official website.

); }



[Translator Notes]

[ma boi boutta oust this hoe to the streets of hell]

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