The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 758

Chapter 758

[Don’t make me laugh! How dare you use such tricks to summon a Spirit King?! Know your place, human!!!]

A blade-like wind shot toward Davey at the cry of the enraged Wind Spirit King Sylphid.

Davey had never summoned a spirit using the normal method, to begin with. Just like before, the spirit that he had summoned was the Wind Spirit King that Spirit Queen Yuriana had signed a contract with.

Fwoosh!!! Slash! Slash!

The attack, which looked like it could cut down anything and everything within its path, shot forward along with cold and piercing wind. But Davey remained calm despite the threatening display of power—he had never intended to play along the Spirit King’s rhythm from the start.

“Are you going to do it?”


The sharp side of the broken bottle began to shine.

[What the...?]

“Or are you not going to do it?”

Hurry up and decide.

A cold sweat dripped down Sylphid’s forehead at the cold and vicious smile that flashed across Davey’s face.


Wind Spirit King Sylphid, who looked like a dodo, was sporting a black eye. He rubbed his hands together in a servile manner as he floated beside Davey.

Davey was currently riding on a wind bird created by Sylphid. He was crossing the ocean at a tremendous speed that was similar to the speed of a Spirit King—something he found to be quite satisfactory.

Contrary to popular belief, floating magic was very difficult to use. Using such magic for long periods of time would place a huge burden upon one’s body—and, of course, it was not fast. When Megalodria and the divine beasts could not be mobilized, the most efficient method of traveling would be with the help of a wind spirit. If a person wanted to summon a spirit, then just summon one and use them, no?

Davey, who was leisurely sitting on the wind bird, glanced at Sylphid.


[Yes... Yes?]

“If you try to drop me, I will make sure that you will regret it completely.”

[I-I know! Who dares to do that? Not me!]

The flustered Sylphid cried out, his hands waving around as he spoke.

Seeing the Spirit King acting all servile made Davey feel a sense of distance from reality. But there was nothing new about it. Even if a Spirit King was confident of their powers, there was a limit to how much they could use here. After all, this was not the Spirit World.

Also, Mencius once said that there’s nothing about someone that a good beating can’t solve[1].

[C-Can I go now...?]

“Can’t you go faster?”

[Oh... Of course. You don’t need to say it twice. Yes. If you want to go faster, then we will go faster.]

Seeing the confident and arrogant Sylphid turn obedient in front of Lavatein made Davey feel that this guy had suffered through the passage of time. However, this guy was quite treacherous as well—he would switch to one side or the other depending on the situation. A dodo. Yes, that was what this guy was like. Even if he had such a greasy, frivolous and treacherous nature, his abilities were guaranteed. After all, he was a Spirit King.

The moment he reached land, Davey felt Eclipse’s uniquely terrifying and overbearing force—it was as if she were openly saying, ‘I’m here!’ Davey could not help but wonder how long mankind would last on Earth if she went wild. Perhaps a few days at most? With power that could instantly turn the vast lands of Alf Online into a desert, was there even any uncertainty?

The face of DodoSylphid, who was bringing Davey in, grew pale as the wavelength of Eclipse’s power grew stronger.

[What the hell is this...?]

Even a Spirit King was left shocked and dumbfounded by Eclipse’s power.


Around five or six fighter jets flew past Davey as if they had been waiting for his arrival. When he turned his head to look, he caught sight of one of the pilots. The man, who was sitting in the cockpit, gave him a silent thumbs up.

‘What are they doing?’


The fighter jets flew alongside Davey and followed him to the place where Eclipse’s wavelength could be strongly felt. After a few moments, the fighter jets leaned away as if they were doing some kind of acrobatic maneuver in the air and started heading somewhere else.

From what it looked like, the fighter jets were sent by the United States’ Department of Defense as support when they learned of Davey’s arrival. However, could the military’s firepower even have an effect here?

In the first place, Malicious Spirits all carried a certain resistance against fire—it was some kind of special characteristic on their part, and in the case of the creatures of the Abyss, they all had different characteristics. As for Eclipse? There was nothing more to say about her.

Davey, having decided to follow the fighter jets, was led back to the ocean once again. There, he saw a huge aircraft carrier on standby. There were also dozens of fighter jets being inspected and countless soldiers, with several men and women wearing special uniforms standing at attention. They seemed to all be ready to leave at a moment’s notice, only waiting for his arrival.

In the end, the pilots of the fighter jets that Davey followed silently pointed downwards before flying away. It seemed like they wanted him to stop for a moment to listen to what they had to say. The wind bird carrying Davey slowly landed on the aircraft carrier’s runway.


With a huge gust of wind, Davey slowly landed on the ground. All eyes turned to look at him.

“Prince Davey.”

“Oh my god... He really came.”

Both relief and delight appeared on everyone’s faces.

“Welcome to the United States of America’s Seventh Fleet. I am Isaac Nelson, the captain of the United States Navy’s Seventh Fleet.”

Davey nodded at the man, who spoke politely and courteously to him. In response, he said, “Davey O’Rowane, a member of Tionis Continent’s Rowane Kingdom.”

“Thank you so much for coming here. Please let me escort you to the cabin so we can talk about the details...”

From what it looked like, the U.S. military and their country’s Awakened seemed to be preparing something to fight against Eclipse even before Davey’s arrival.

Davey, who followed behind Isaac silently, could see the nervous looks on the faces of the military officers as he passed by.

“I’m sure you’re well aware that we don’t have much time.”

“Do... you know anything about that monster?”

“I don’t know the exact details.”

‘Even if I know, I don’t intend to tell you anything.’

“However, I have fought against her once.”

Joy erupted on the faces of the officers at Davey’s words.

Oh. Then...”

Their words were now filled with hope as they thought about how maybe Davey could deal with the enemy. But Isaac Nelson, the captain of the fleet, had a stiff expression on his face.

“You’re quick-witted, huh?”

“You... couldn’t kill it?”

“Strictly speaking, I just robbed her. It was quite refreshing, to be honest.”

The heated atmosphere immediately cooled down.

“So. May I ask what you’re doing to go against Eclipse?”

Ah... That... Her power is beyond anyone’s imagination. Even the team of the world’s greatest Awakened with our strongest military unit, who we sent to subjugate her, were wiped out in an instant.”

It was only to be expected, all things considered.

“If she is left alone, it will only be a matter of days before the Earth is destroyed. I’m sure some of the people here are aware of that, no?”

To incite public opinion and sour his reputation, the Malicious Spirits circulated a video across Earth of Davey fighting against Eclipse and destroying Alf Online.

“That video... is real?”

“Yes. Eclipse is a monster that can turn hundreds of kilometers of fertile land into desert in just an instant. So you were saying...?”

Ah. Let me continue. The current Secretary of Defense has concluded that fighting her on land would incur too much damage. So, we instead plan to lure her out to sea...”


“We plan to use nuclear missiles and mana suppressor bombs.”

It seemed like they did not intend to only use a single nuclear missile. They must have been planning on dropping hundreds of them on Eclipse. Davey wondered for a moment—how would they deal with the radiation that would be left behind after the explosions?

“If those things exploded at sea, then radiation would definitely be a serious headache for you.”

“About that... It’s a military secret...” Isaac trailed off, his words clearly asking for Davey’s understanding.

Davey just waved his hand at him. To put it simply, what the United States of America wanted to do was to lure Eclipse, a monster that they could not deal with, into the ocean.

“Thankfully, she has found the U.S. Military’s fighter jets to be interesting. She’s been casually following them and has now passed over Florida’s beaches.”

Sylphid, who had been hiding by Davey’s side, cautiously stepped out.

Clack!!! Clack!!!

Shocked, the soldiers all raised their guns and pointed at him.

[How dare such lowly human beings aim your weapons at me!!!]

Swooosh!!! Clatter!!!

A fierce wind blew and smashed all of the windows in the cabin, sending the equipment and documents inside flying wildly. Seeing the people nearly being blown away by the powerful wind, Davey raised his hand and pressed on Dodo Sylphid’s head.

“Don’t make a fuss, Dodo.”

[Yes, sir!]

The frightened soldiers, who had fallen down and turned pale from the fierce wind, were stunned when Sylphid immediately shut his mouth and turned meek with one command from Davey.

“Sorry. He’s a Spirit King, so he’s bound to be arrogant.”

“N-No. It’s fine.”

[Ex... cuse... me. Contractor?]


[C-Can I go back now?]

Sylphid asked cautiously, his pupils shaking in trepidation.

When Davey looked at him, he felt like he could see the words “I am scared!” stamped on Sylphid’s forehead. Perhaps it was because he was frightened by the overwhelmingly powerful wavelength that Eclipse was releasing and suffering from its aftermath.

The humans did not seem to know or feel it yet, but Davey and Sylphid could clearly feel the wavelength of Eclipse’s power. In fact, the aftermath of such terrifying power was not only making goosebumps rise all over their bodies but also making them feel numb.

“I don’t care. You’ll stay by my side even if you die.”

[N-No! You can’t do that! Y-You can’t! I already did everything that you needed me to do!]

“I still need your help.”

Sylphid ran wildly all over the place when he heard Davey’s words. Unfortunately for him, Davey did not intend to let him go.

“If you ever try to run away, I will personally go to the Spirit World and stab you with Lavatein.”

[V... Vicious human!!!]

“Yuriana had already beaten you once. Do you think you can do anything to me?”

Sylphid stopped in his tracks when he saw the smile on Davey’s face.

[You... How did you know her...]

He was acting all greasy and frivolous up until a while ago, but now he looked quite different. Davey ignored Sylphid, who was now staring blankly at him, and turned to look at Isaac. But just when he was about to say something to the man...

“There’s a blip on the radar!!! Target is approaching!!! Target’s speed has suddenly accelerated!!!”

The air around them instantly cooled down at the cries of the officer that was monitoring the radar.

“The Fifth and Eighth Fleets should have been on standby, right?! What happened to them?!”

“We’re now printing the satellite pictures!”

Then, a few pictures were printed out using a special device. When the picture came out, everyone was rendered speechless.

This was because a living hell could be seen spreading around the girl wearing a gothic dress and jumping around on the sea. Burnt fragments from what was believed to be two aircraft carriers and countless frigates could be seen in the process of sinking into the ocean amidst the billowing smoke.

“Just... I just received a report from them that everything was fine five minutes ago...” Isaac murmured blankly.

Davey grabbed Sylphid’s head and said to Isaac, “That’s the monster that you’re going to fight. Get the fleet away.”

“P... Please wait! Prince Davey! If you go alone, then...!”

“Don’t let the innocent die a meaningless death. Also...”


“You’ll only be a hindrance.”

Isaac went silent when he heard the coldness of Davey’s tone. It was definitely a blow to their pride—the United States’ Navy was hailed as the most powerful navy on Earth, but two of their fleets had been wiped out in an instant and they were being treated as an unhelpful disturbance.

“Honestly ask yourself. Eclipse is a disaster—no matter how strong your fleets are, you can never stop a rain of falling meteors, can you?”

“Then... are you saying that you can win against her, Prince?”

Davey paused for a moment. Then, he opened the cabin door and said, “I don’t know.”


Eclipse was flying across the ocean heading straight toward where Davey was. The reason why she picked up speed despite playing around before was simply because she felt Davey’s presence.

Everyone thought that Davey would leave the aircraft carrier right away and intercept Eclipse, yet he didn’t. Because of that, everyone on the carrier, including the soldiers, officers and Awakened, looked at Davey in confusion as he stood there silently watching the ocean.

“E-Excuse me! Saint of Tionis!” One of the soldiers called out to Davey and cautiously approached him.

The soldier managed a bright smile as he handed a cross to him. “This is a cross that my mother gave me.”

“Why are you giving it to me?”

“May God protect you,” the soldier said, the smile still plastered on his face.

Davey grinned. The soldier looked like he was a bit older than him, around the early twenties or so.

This young man, who was still only at the rank of a private, smiled brightly and said, “Actually, I wasn’t supposed to be on the frontlines this time. I was originally set to be discharged from the military, but as a soldier I just can’t step down when there’s still an enemy to deal with.”

“Why even stay here? You should have gone home as quickly as possible. If you die just like that, then who will avenge you?”

“I am a soldier. Once everything is over... I will definitely go back to my hometown and farm with my mother. Maybe even marry Emily, who lives in the village...”

“Zip it!” Davey cut the man off with a glare. “Are you crazy? Do you want to die so badly?”


“In the movies, the person who says those lines always dies.”

The soldier laughed helplessly when he heard that. “Saint of Tionis, you may not be from Earth, but you sure sound like you are.”

“Earth has its own unique charm. The internet is really good too—that’s the biggest reason why I’m staying in South Korea.”

“Oooh. South Korea, huh. Yes, their internet speed is really fast.”

Davey quietly accepted the cross that the young man, who was filled with pride about being a soldier, gave him.

Countless religions, including Catholicism and Buddhism, were on a decline after the appearance of the Neltarid Religion. This was because a god had truly made an appearance this time.

“Although God’s existence has become a bit unclear these days, it’s very difficult for me to abandon the religion that I have believed in all my life.”

“First of all, I am the saint of another god. Yet you still chose to give me a symbol of your god?”

Aha... Yes.”

“Well, I’ll make sure to keep it with me.”

“If you need anything, then...”

“She’s here.”


A light flashed on the other side of the ocean. Then a black spear, flying at a ridiculous speed, shot toward the young man standing right next to Davey.


Despite the loud and terrifying sound, the spear... failed to stab the young man.

‘As expected. It’s the real deal.’

Davey threw away the spear. He could not help but look at his hands which were still shaking from the force of the weapon that he’d caught.

Aaack?! W-What the hell is that?!” The young man collapsed on the ground. He just realized how close he came to death.

Waaaaang!!! Waaaaang!!!

Not long after, the radar detected an enemy and the sirens began to ring loudly.

“Relay these words to Captain Isaac.”

The trembling young man looked at Davey.

“Turn the fleet around and run away as far and as fast as you can,” Davey said as he clapped his hands while using Fly magic to float in the air.

“Gnoass. Ellaim.”

The two Spirit Kings appeared at Davey’s call. A giant made of earth appeared from underneath the ocean while a huge woman made of seawater formed right in front of him.

[Contractor. This is suicide.]

“Goddess Freyja’s divine power is still here. Even if it’s not easy for us to win, we won’t let that shake our resolve.”

In the first place, Davey wasn’t here to kill Eclipse.

[Give your command.]

“Make me an island,” Davey said as he released a vast amount of divine power.

Gnoass closed his eyes, then his gigantic body scattered and turned into piles of dirt that disappeared in the ocean.


At that moment, an earthquake erupted and created a very shocking sight—a huge island rose in the middle of the vast ocean where there was previously nothing but water.

[You did not call for Ifrit, so it seems like you’ll take care of it yourself. What about me, then?]

Davey smiled at Ellaim. Then he said, “You? You wait there.”

Davey flew toward the island. The moment he landed on the island’s sandy beach, he saw a little girl walking gently on the ocean from a distance.


Davey looked at the smiling girl for a moment before closing his eyes. This was not a fight that he could win, but he would definitely find a way to use her and save Perserque. Davey would definitely be in trouble if Eclipse died, but before anything else...

“Long time no see?”

...he had to make her pay for what she did to him. Using telekinetic blade control, Davey sent Red Ribbon, Blue Ribbon and the hundreds of blades from his pocket plane to the sky.

[Large-scale Telekinetic Blade Control.]

Hundreds of thousands of weapons aimed at Eclipse, who was jumping around on the other side of the island.

“Brother! Play with Eclipse!”

Davey heard that she had a huge fight with Katshi, but she looked much better than he would have expected—judging by the ferocious energy emanating from her, the fight didn’t have any impact on her at all.

“Well, before anything else, let’s increase our energy so we can start.”

Wasn’t this situation similar to that famous game? Pocket Monster? That game where one had to drain the opponent’s energy first and throw the monster ball at them?

Boom! Boom!!! Bang!!!

Davey twisted Divine Spear Longinus, a weapon made with a god’s ore and the sturdiest of his weapons, into the shape of a woldo. Then, he said, “I’ll go first.”

Wow... Brother, you’ve gotten a lot stronger!”


The remaining divine power left from when he took it away from Freyja soared from within his body. With a swing of his hand, the woldo ripped apart the protective barrier covering Eclipse’s body.



Eclipse, who failed to finish her words earlier, looked at Davey with wide eyes as she reflexively raised her hands. At the same time, gigantic dragon paws appeared in the air and swiped at Davey following the swing of Eclipse’s hands.


“How is it? It hurts a lot, doesn’t it?”

The situation was completely different from before.

1. It's unclear if Mencius actually said it. It's just to a way of comedy to make it sound legitimate. ☜

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