The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro!

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ji Zhiyao turned his head back with doubt.

The stats analyzer caught them and exchanged a look with Mo Huaifeng before explaining, “We always said that Mix battleteam had been reassembled. Cabbage was Mix battleteam’s jungler, also one of Mix’s original members who made it into the previous international league.”


Then this person was really a somebody.

The stats analyzer continued, “I only found out about the make-up of their members yesterday too, that’s why I suggested inviting this team for our first training tournament. NoHomo is a newbie, we’ll let him try his hand first, for the rest of the positions, things can be easily arranged, we’ll handle that next time.”

Mo Huaifeng nodded expressionlessly, suddenly saying, “I’m going out for a smoke.”

He stood up with his cigarette case and lighter, then walked out of the door without turning back. Though Ji Zhiyao did not know what had happened, but he could sense that Mo Huaifeng was in a really bad mood.

He couldn’t even remember how long it had been since he last saw Mo Huaifeng smoke. He only vaguely recalled that the last time was when Xiao’s hand was injured and they were scathingly criticized by haters, Mo Huaifeng stood by the street, the smoke rings that he blew out were as cold as his expression.

Was it because of Mix’s ex-jungler, Cabbage?

Ji Zhiyao looked towards the rest who had been quiet the whole time since Mo Huaifeng stepped out to smoke, and listened to the stats analyzer continue to speak. Half-heartedly, his mind was about to fly to Mo Huaifeng.

The stats analyzer briefed, “About Cabbage, his vision of the overall situation is very good, very strong in the ability to roam about the lanes. What you guys must take note, is to try your best to not let your own become a paired lane for the opponent, be sure to be cautious.”

Ji Zhiyao was deliberating about things when the stats analyzer suddenly called him, “NoHomo, you especially need to take note of this point, do you hear?”

Ji Zhiyao nodded, yet his eyes involuntarily darted in the direction of the outside of the villa. After keeping quiet for a moment, he took the initiative to ask, “Anything else about the rest?”

“It’s only this point about Cabbage that needs to be noted, I’m not sure about the other positions, I would have to wait till after you guys play against them.”

“Okay, I got it.” Ji Zhiyao said, “Then... I’ll go out to check on Captain first.”

The rest also looked towards the outside of the villa, appearing to be preoccupied with troubled thoughts. The stats analyzer commented, “Back then Cabbage... It’s only right that Captain is in a bad mood, remember to help urge him, go on.”

Ji Zhiyao nodded without a word.

Walking out of the villa, Ji Zhiyao walked towards the bench in the backyard.

As expected, Mo Huaifeng sat on the long bench, looking down, traces of sparks in front of him.

Ji Zhiyao walked over and sat in the spot beside him. He found that there were already three cigarette butts on the floor, the one in Mo Huaifeng’s hand was probably the fourth.

It wasn’t right to let him continue smoking like this, Ji Zhiyao opened his mouth and called out, “Mo Huaifeng?”

Mo Huaifeng threw a glance at him, because he was in a bad mood, his voice was slightly cold, but he still replied, “Mm.”

“I kinda wanted to listen to a story, want to tell me about it?”

Mo Huaifeng curved his lips slightly, “It’s not like I’m a reading machine.”

He became silent for a few seconds before starting, “Cabbage... we joined the team in the same batch, his results were excellent. Back then the club specially promoted him to be the co-captain as a form of encouragement.”

He was that good huh.

Ji Zhiyao asked, “Then?”

“Then we clinched the championship title of the national qualifiers together and charged into the international league. But in the second match of the seeding games, because of a mistake, the team was eliminated.” Mo Huaifeng recalled in a low voice.

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