The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro!

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ji Zhiyao turned back and saw Mo Huaifeng standing behind his chair, his expression serious as he looked at the results of the match on the screen. Sensing his gaze, he even asked lowly, “Am I right?”

“It wasn’t considered reckless, I did it after accurately grasping their respawn time.” Ji Zhiyao closed the interface, lifting a brow as he asked casually, “Captain you done eating?”

“More or less.”

Mo Huaifeng threw a bottle of water his way. Ji Zhiyao moved his hands to catch it, twisting it open and took a few mouthfuls and asked, “Want to play together, Captain?”

Yesterday when he was playing alone he continuously met acting teammates, and lost quite a few stars, now that a pro was here, it was just in time to hug onto him and rank up.

Mo Huaifeng pulled back the chair, sweeping a glance at the camera on the table that had been taken out, the knuckle of his index finger knocked once on the surface of the table as he lazily lifted his eyes and signaled to Ji Zhiyao.

Ji Zhiyao nodded, ignoring all the fans in the comments requesting for a longer livestream and closed his livestream room.

Stuffing the camera back to the behind the computer once more, Ji Zhiyao seemed to have thought of something and said, “Captain, it just occurred to me, since I joined Mix battleteam, my little disciple hasn’t contacted me anymore.”

“Your little disciple who? What does that...” Mo Huaifeng paused, his eyes went around then looked towards the confused Ji Zhiyao, as he continued in a casual tone, “I’ve talked to him, you’re busy with training, I have no time to guide him.”

Ji Zhiyao smacked his lips, looking regretful. “Your nephew was especially obedient, and talented, it’s really a pity to not be able to guide him.”

Mo Huaifeng was a little annoyed. “What’s there to pity, he didn’t get anyone else to be his master. Didn’t we agree to play together? Do you still want to play?”

“Yes yes yes!”

Two hours later, the duo was dismissed. Ji Zhiyao looked at the more than two hundred points that he had gained and nodded satisfied.

Mo Huaifeng was continuing to play alone, K, Heng and Nuo were playing altogether. Ji Zhiyao didn’t really feel like continuing and went right to the stats analyzer for videos and information on Wan Ning battleteam.

“All packed and sent to your computer, there are both documents and videos, you can study them properly.” The stats analyzer tapped his shoulder and said, “Change your game username, it’s better if everyone is standardized during the training tournament.”

Ji Zhiyao thought of his own username, his expression looking like he had a lot to say.

He returned back to his seat with a dark expression, logging into the game as fast as he could and changed his username to “Mix.Yao”, then opened the attachment that the stats analyzer had sent earlier. Inside, even any particular tendency of the members were detailedly written, Ji Zhiyao first roughly went through the documents, then found the videos and began to study.

By the time he had finished watching three of Wan Ning’s competitions, the notebook on Ji Zhiyao’s table already had two pages fully filled.

His right hand let go of his pen and grabbed the mouse, preparing to find a video of Wan Ning at the national qualifiers to watch. However, the moment his elbow relaxed, the notebook was taken out by the person beside him at once.

Mo Huaifeng held onto the edge of the notebook, skimming through it from the front to the end. The handwriting was very delicate, put possibly because it was more casual, it came slightly with some hastiness. Whereas the content did not have much logic, written down wherever his thoughts went.

He looked through a few more pages, then replaced it on the table, saying indifferently, “Next time after you watch a tournament, write notes according to person, clearer for reading.”

Ji Zhiyao refused, “Too troublesome.”

Facing Mo Huaifeng’s slightly cold gaze, he still refused to relent, saying firmly, “Writing words is too tiring, I wished I could write pinyin.”

“Heh,” Mo Huaifeng sneered, ” ‘Shocking! The only primary school student in the eSports scene amazingly appeared in Mix battleteam’ ?”

Ji Zhiyao kept a fixated gaze on the screen. “Captain, if I lose the tournament this weekend, you take responsibility.”

Mo Huaifeng “hmph-ed” coldly, then gave him a few more looks, before slowly turning away.


After forming various teams under the arrangement of the stats analyzer and intensely practicing for a few days, Mix battleteam finally welcomed their first team training tournament after receiving a new member.

In the custom room, both teams had chosen their respective champions and waited for the countdown.

“Don’t be nervous, NoHomo, this is nothing.” K chewed on bubble gum and consoled Ji Zhiyao who was currently taking deep breaths, “Look at how indifferent Captain is, later on just give the creeps up to him and hug his leg and wait to be carried to a win.”

Ji Zhiyao: “The jungle is the last of a jungler’s dignity.”

Heng: “Hey, what dignity are you talking about with us!”

Ji Zhiyao: “So Captain, if I give them up to you I can be carried?”

Heng, K and Nuo were silent.

Mo Huaifeng: “You can try.”

Ji Zhiyao: “I choose to stay alive.”

The few of them finished loading the game in laughter. When the heroes valley appeared, in a split second, the room was if a silencer button had been pressed, even the sound of breathing could be heard.

They all knew that this was an extremely important tournament.

It might concern just how they could fly hereafter.

Wan Ning came to counter jungle once the match began, this was a strategy that they consistently used. Ji Zhiyao and Heng used a mid-laner and jungler team up hiding in the bush, attacking the two opponents here to counter jungle till they only had shreds of their health left and dejectedly ran back.

At the top lane, K was very stable as always, facing two players from Wan Ning, he remained firm and hid beneath the turret, wretchedly developing. Whereas at the bottom lane, Wan Ning’s top laner met Nuo and Mo Huaifeng who knew how to use dirty tricks, he didn’t last long, being finished off the moment they came across each other, Mo Huaifeng successfully drew first blood.

With the first encounter, Wan Ning sensed that they weren’t that easy to deal with and began to use a slow and steady strategy, contently killing minions to develop.

Heng staggered back to his middle lane, Ji Zhiyao finished taking the first wave of creeps, then opened the statistics map to take a glance, then his vision swept across the mini map as he made his way towards the opposite jungle sticking in the bushes.

Because they tried to steal his jungle earlier, the opponent’s jungler was half a jungle’s worth of gold and a level beneath him, as long as his handling was stable, now was a good opportunity.

Indeed, Ji Zhiyao stealthily went forward, while the opponent was not paying attention, a set of swift handling successfully allowed him to get a kill with himself only having half his health left.

His health wasn’t full, hence he didn’t wander, directly returned to their own middle lane, circling around Heng and stole the minion gold from the middle lane.

Heng: “My house is most unfortunate, what sin have I committed. NoHomo, your daddy is at the bottom lane, if you want to snatch go snatch from him.”

Ji Zhiyao had an amused expression but didn’t retort, while his fingers made no movement of pausing, clicking away on the mouse, finishing up the last few minions under Heng’s grieving look.

The new wave of jungle creeps happened to be respawned, Ji Zhiyao retired after having his work done and plunged into the jungle once more.

The harmonious atmosphere between the two teams lasted for more than ten minutes, up till Ji Zhiyao and Mo Huaifeng teamed up and took down the little dragon while three people from the opposing team rushed over, then a small team battle took place out of the blue in the jungle.

Ji Zhiyao who had half his health left was exchanged for the opponent’s mid-laner with full health, Mo Huaifeng finished off the remaining and returned to the bottom lane with almost full health.

Taking advantage that the opponent had lost their mid-laner and ADC, Heng and Mo Huaifeng pushed down two turrets at the middle and bottom lane one after another.

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