The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



ASTRID wanted to touch his hair but stopped himself. It felt like he would hear the voice of Aurora Bliss shouting at him to stop. He was subjected to the other's 'care' for the past four hours. And when he was finally dressed, with all the make-up and the hair done, she kept on reminding him not to ruin her art work. She said it so many times that until now, it kept ringing in his mind.

It kind of made him wish that the other actually didn't take the job of styling him for this night's event. When they arrived at the boutique, Aurora still hadn't decided yet if she would take the commission. But after seeing him, it seemed like he passed whatever test she had and so she agreed to style him for this event.

Astrid was, of course, very satisfied. At least, at first. But when three hours had passed and the other still hadn't decided what kind of clothes he should wear, he just felt tired. He probably wouldn't feel that way if he was just sitting while the other was deciding what clothes she should style him with. But no, in that three hours, he had been trying different clothes one after another.

One might think that he's just exaggerating. After all, how could changing clothes be difficult? But no, if one was not in the same situation, they couldn't fully tell just how tiring it was. It's like being fatigued after doing a repeated task for hours. It's not a very good feeling.

Thankfully, after those three hours, Aurora finally found clothes that satisfied her. The hair and make-up didn't take too long. Probably because the moment she found the right clothes, she had already constructed an image in her mind. And so, things proceeded quickly after that.

Now, he and Ellis were on their way to the venue of the launch party.

"Are you feeling nervous?" Ellis asked.

This was Astrid's formal event. It was not just an ordinary event, but something that's being hosted by a famous luxury brand. Not to mention that he was not just a simple attendee. He was the ambassador of the product that was being formally launched.

No matter how mature Astrid appeared to be for his age, it's only natural to be nervous at a time like this.

Astrid glanced at Ellis, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the car. The other was wearing a simple, but very chic, black suit. With her short hair slicked back, she looked really cool and handsome. As his agent, the other would accompany him to the event. That's why she also made an effort to dress up.

"Hmm, no, not really," he responded honestly to Ellis' question.

Ellis glanced at Astrid after hearing that answer. Seeing how the teenager looked relax and did not even have an ounce of nervousness on his face proved that. She chuckled. Really, she shouldn't have worried.

"There will surely be a lot of notable people from the fashion and entertainment industry attending the event, and some other high-profile people as well," she said, changing the topic. "Some of those people might try to give you indecent proposals. Remain calm, just as you are now, and let me handle it."

Astrid smiled. Because Ellis was saying in a roundabout way that she wouldn't leave his side throughout the entirety of the event. "Okay."

He knew that there's really a possibility of what Ellis said happening. He had seen something like that a couple of times during his past life. Executives giving indecent proposals to newcomers to be their plaything, and the latter accepting it to quickly advance their career.

Thankfully enough, he had never been subjected to it. Because his looks were quite average and was never something that could elicit desire from people.

But the people of this era were different. They found his average face too beautiful, just because of his hair and eye color. Seriously, if the most handsome Asian actor in his past life was the one to be reincarnated here with their looks intact, the people here might already consider them a god.

Although the people's perception of his so-called 'beauty' could help him in his acting career, it could also be quite disadvantageous. So far, he hadn't yet experienced things like that since Polaris wasn't an agency that allowed thing like that to happen. Besides, he had also been very lucky with the projects he had done so far.

Not only he hadn't encountered any perverts yet, well, besides Lance, probably, the people he had worked with were mostly amiable. He also had Ellis, who was more than ready to protect him from that.

But Astrid knew that he couldn't be forever lucky. Maybe tonight, something similar to what Ellis said would happen.

He shook his head. It didn't matter, anyway. Because he would encounter such things sooner or later. So, it didn't matter if it happened now.

With that thought, he calmly waited until they arrived at the venue of the event.


Tonight, a certain event at the capital had paparazzi and reporters flocked in front of Paradiso Grand Hotel. It's the launch party of a new product by EMMA which would be held at the sky lounge of the said hotel. It's an event where celebrities and other important figures from the fashion and entertainment industry would attend.

So, how could they not hang around in front of the hotel to wait despite the cold wing blowing? Even if they froze here, they had to take pictures!

There wasn't an official red carpet. So, every time someone noteworthy appeared, the paparazzi and reporters scrambled to take good pictures.

It was then that a black flying car stopped and parked in the area designated for guests. The first one to go down was a tall woman wearing a black suit. She walked around and opened the door to the passenger's seat. The first thing they saw was a white shoe, followed by white pants.

When the person inside completely walked out of the car, audible gasped could be heard all around.

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