The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 455 #EMMANewAD

Chapter 455  #EMMANewAD

[WOW. Astrid Townsend really became an ambassador of EMMA.]

[I know people will say that he's just a rookie, but doesn't EMMA suit him freaking well?]

[When is this perfume going to be sold? I will definitely buy it!]

[LOL what's this? Is EMMA's standard finally turned to dust? Hiring a rookie as their ambassador, do they really think he will sell this perfume or whatever? Maybe your company will go bankrupt because of your stupid decision.]

- [Shut up. Loser.]

- [It will sell because I will buy it!]

- [You're a troll.]

- [You know, saying that EMMA will go bankrupt, no one will take you seriously.]

[But where is Brother White? I'm waiting for his comments.]

- [True. I'm waiting for him to lambast those people bashing Aster.]

- [Right? He always says the most interesting things.]

- [It's not just that. Everything he says actually made sense. Like, if you're one of the people he's criticizing, you would feel like you're being slapped in real time.]

- [Isn't that just because they're guilty?]

- [But really, where is he?]

Seeing comments looking for Wulfric, Astrid didn't know if he should laugh or cry. If he didn't know that the other was currently in the middle of some important mission, he might also wonder where he was. But since he knew, he would be more surprised if he saw a comment from the other right now.

In fact, it's already quite surprising that Wulfric was able to contact him and even post something on [Cyberspace] when he guested on [New Star]. But it's probably because the mission the other was on was just starting, so he had more free time then.

Astrid liked EMMA's post and reposted it.

Astrid Townsend v: Thank you for welcoming me! I am very grateful and honored for this opportunity to work with EMMA. To return your trust, I promise to do my very best as your new ambassador. ^^

After posting that, he closed his [Terminal] since he was no longer interested in looking at the comments. He had already seen that. Just like what Ellis said, most of the comments were positive. Of course, there were negative ones. But that's unavoidable. Hoping that he wouldn't receive any bad comments was just impossible.

Being in this industry, he should already expect that there would be people who wouldn't like him, no matter what he did. And besides, things like that wouldn't really affect him. Unless, of course, those haters went out of their way to approach him and attack him or something. There's also the thing of making up rumors about him. But that one could be easily fixed.

Overall, antis, haters, they're just an existence that wouldn't really post a threat to him. So, why give them more attention than they deserved?

As he stood up, planning to make a snack for him and Reas, he wondered once again just what Wulfric was doing now.


So, what was Wulfric doing now?

The spacecraft he was in finally arrived at its destination. An underdeveloped planet that was just a few grades better than a Lawless Den. This was the place where the mercenary group would take the people who were about to be sold off and transfer them to the next destination.

The real start of the mission was once they left the planet. Which would most likely happen tonight.

And this annoyed Wulfric a lot. Because it meant that he wouldn't be able to watch the premier of Aster's first TV drama. It was even more annoying when he thought that they were supposed to arrive here yesterday. But because of some problem on this side, their arrival was postponed for a day.

Now, he couldn't even check his [Cyberspace]. Although he looked like some irresponsible bastard, he still knew when and where he should do his job properly. And right now was one of those times where he's a soldier and not just, well, himself. In short, he couldn't just be aster's number one fan right now.

No matter, once this was all over, he would definitely binge watch and stream Aster's drama from morning till night.

But what our fanboy here didn't know was that people in [Cyberspace] were going crazy over an advertisement video that he had no idea about. Once he knew, what do you think he would do?


Casey smiled widely as he looked at the number of engagements on the topic of #EMMANewAd #EMMAEros and #AstridforEMMA. He had already watched the ad a few days before. The moment he saw it, he knew that it would be a big hit.

Those executives who tried to dissuade him into making Astrid their new ambassador must be feeling really annoyed by now. Especially those who tried to sabotage this project just to prove their point that Astrid did was no good for EMMA. If not for his intervention, maybe those people had already succeeded.

But now, with the ad finally released like this, and EMMA's official account welcoming Astrid, those bastards could no longer do anything. And they just have to accept the fact that this campaign would definitely be one hell of a success.

It seemed that he had to get ready for the additional fees EMMA had to pay once they extended Astrid's ambassadorship contract.


Nicol stared intently at the projector screen. He had been watching Brother Aster's ad for a number of times now. He was simply just amazed by it. Every time he saw Brother Aster on the screen, it's like he's not the Brother Aster he knew. Which made it even more amazing. And just in this one video ad, it's like he was watching three different Brother Aster.

Really, how could his Brother Aster be so amazing?

He was about to watch the ad once more when someone suddenly spoke from behind him.

"Nikki, you've been holed up in the entertainment room since after lunch. What are you doing busily here?"

Nicol almost jumped out because he was too surprised. When he turned around, he saw his grandpa looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

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