The Omnistore System

Chapter 191 Truth and Sweet talks

Chapter 191 Truth and Sweet talks

"What are we gonna do now?" Kevin asked as he got out of the car.

"Nothing much, just going to have a small party with all the party members going there and some other people," Keith replied as she also got out.

Kevin nodded and looked at the large building in front of him. There was only this one around this area, as it was outside the city and surrounded by dense trees, not quite like real jungles, but still quite dense.

The building had a military look to it, with dark green-colored walls and slightly different colored windows, giving off a military vibe.

On the gate, the name "Demtia," which was the surname of Keith and Keyana, was displayed.

Many armored individuals were coming in and out of the building, appearing strong with their burly bodies. However, upon closer inspection, Kevin noticed that they were all at the Meridian Linking stage and had only linked about ten or so Meridians, with a few exceptions with higher numbers, although not as many as him and Keith.

There were a few individuals with more than 140 Meridians linked and 200 opened, respectively.

"Let's go, Keyara wanted to meet you," Keith said and guided him inside the building to meet Keyara.

Inside, Kevin noticed some highly advanced-looking weapons and equipment. They didn't appear to be normal guns, as they had crystals inside them of different colors. He even saw a crystal that resembled the Spiritite Crystals he used to mine at the mine.

In addition to modern weapons, there were also various cold weapons in the vicinity. Almost every person seemed to carry some type of cold weapon, with many of them favoring blade-type weapons. However, as Kevin observed them, he couldn't help but feel satisfied. His own weapon appeared to be of superior quality compared to the weapons these soldiers like cultivators were carrying.

"Hey, Keith, why are you so into military stuff and all the things here? I mean, this is your home, right?" Kevin asked, looking a bit puzzled.

Keith chuckled at the question and responded, "Yeah, this is my home. I've spent most of my life here. As for the military stuff, my father had a background in the military, and he established the Demtia Guild. So, there's a bit of a military environment here, and my sister has kept it going."

Kevin nodded, taking in her response. "So, how was it living in this environment?"

Keith pondered for a minute and then replied, "Most of the time, it was quite normal, well, if you consider waking up at 4 in the morning and going to bed at 8 at night, training for 6 hours a day, studying for 3 hours, and cultivating the rest of the day normal. But it was still better than some other cultivation families."

Kevin couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness upon hearing about Keith's childhood. He thought to himself, 'No wonder she has those weird fetishes.' Reflecting on her armpit fetish, the watching someone piss fetish and including the one he don't know. He attributed it to the stress she endured from rigorous training and study.

"It seems really hard," Kevin said, trying to empathize with Keith.

Keith, however, didn't appear sad or in need of sympathy. She replied, "It was tough when I was a child, but I got used to it as I grew up."

Kevin couldn't help but feel even more sorrowful for Keith. He was a naturally lazy person, always seeking to stay in bed unless it was absolutely necessary. He had a unique approach to his own laziness, managing to be creative while avoiding strenuous activities. He firmly believed that children should be allowed to be lazy, considering it a privilege of childhood. In his view, kids should have the freedom to sleep in until the afternoon or evening, as they have no responsibilities akin to adults who need to work, earn money, and socialize. Unfortunately, many parents fail to understand this perspective.

Well he wasn't a parent, and thus, couldn't fully understand the complexities of parenting. So he stopped thinking about this thing and soon they reached a quiet section of the building, where no one was in sight, a sense of calmness filled the air, much like what Kevin had experienced in Benvar's cultivation store.

"We're here," Keith said with a smile, pointing to a door that was slightly larger than the other doors in the building. She continued, "Go on in; she wants to talk to you alone."

Kevin looked puzzled and asked, "Why can't you come with me?"

Keith shrugged her shoulders in response and said, "Who knows? If you find out, let me know, too."

With a sigh and a final inquisitive glance at Keith, Kevin proceeded to the door. As he crossed the threshold and entered the room, a tranquil and soothing energy enveloped him, leaving him with a sense of serenity and clarity. It was as though all the mental clutter and distractions that had preoccupied his thoughts just moments before had been swept away.

The room seemed to have a calming ambiance, reminiscent of his visits to Benvar's family shop but amplified to an even greater degree. The energy in the room felt pure, like the stillness of a pristine lake. Kevin's senses sharpened, and he felt more attuned to his surroundings, almost as if the room had a meditative influence on his state of mind.

His gaze swept across the room, settling on the focal point, where a woman with striking golden hair sat behind a desk. She greeted him with a warm and inviting smile, a smile that carried the weight of familiarity. Her eyes, like twin sapphires, met his gaze with a combination of recognition and curiosity. In a calm and composed tone, she addressed him, "We meet again, Mr. Morrison."

"Yeah, it's a pleasure every time," Kevin replied with a smile as he walked toward the table where Keyara was seated.

"You talk really sweet, Mr. Morrison," Keyara remarked, her own smile mirroring his. Kevin beamed with pride and replied as he stood near the table, "Well, what can I say? Some say I speak sweet, but it's just the truth. Like now when I say you're beautiful, that's sweet talk. But when I say I would die to see your beauty again, that's the truth."

Keyara chuckled at his response and, still smiling, asked playfully, "Did you also use that sweet tongue to get into my sister's pants?"

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