The Omnistore System

Chapter 74 Training Partner

"Hi, Miss Keyana. I hope you don't have any problems coming here?" Kevin greeted with a warm smile.

"No problem at all. I just thought it might be a bit bigger," she replied, casting her gaze around the store.

Beside her, a newcomer had joined Keyana. The woman was of similar height, perhaps slightly shorter, with a muscular build that resembled Sia's. However, due to her stature, she had a striking presence akin to a model. Her hair was buzzed short, and her outfit consisted of tight pants and a black denim jacket, complemented by multiple earrings on one ear. Her overall appearance exuded a contemporary and edgy vibe.

Keyana introduced her sidekick, saying, "This is my sister, Kieth. And Kieth, meet the person who made sure we survived that den adventure," she said, introducing the them.

Kieth had a similar wild beauty to her sister but presented it in a more modern way. While Keyana emanated a savage elegance, Kieth carried a modern and fierce aura.

In Kevin's mind, thoughts drifted with a tinge of desire. 'But all in all, I really like to fuck her.' He extended his hand toward Kieth and offered a polite smile. "I hope Miss Keyana has spoken well of me?"

"Keyana has indeed shared many things about you, Mr. Morrison. I can't thank you enough for your generosity," Kieth responded, shaking his hand. As she did so, her jacket sleeve shifted slightly, revealing a tattooed arm.

Kevin's gaze shifted to Keyana, and he continued, "Now that I look at you and your sister, Miss Keyana, I can't decide who is more beautiful – you or your sister." His smile remained genuine.

"Is there even anything to decide? Of course, I am more beautiful than her," Keith asserted, prompting a chuckle from Keyana.

However, after a moment's glance at Sia, Keith inquired, "She?"

"Oh, Sia is my employee. She takes care of the store in my absence," Kevin explained. Sia nodded, her excitement to cultivate further stirred by the presence of these formidable women. Kevin had informed her about Keyana's realm, and she was eager to witness their interactions.

Kevin himself was uncertain about Keyana's strength, but he could sense a potent Yin qi in her body, characteristic of a foundation realm cultivator like Samira, though Samira was considerably stronger.

As for Keith, Kevin estimated that she was likely at the late stage of meridian linking. 'She seems to have opened at least 80 meridians,' Kevin speculated internally.

"I would love to chat more, but Mr. Morrison, could you show us the items before we engage in further pleasantries?" Keyana requested with enthusiasm.

"Of course. Sia just packed them, and you're welcome to inspect them," Kevin replied, placing a medium-sized metal briefcase on the table.

At the sight of the briefcase, both sisters exchanged surprised glances. Keyana then asked, "Did this box come with these items as well?"

"Usually, no. But for esteemed customers, we like to express our appreciation," Kevin explained, surmising that they were well aware of the functions hidden beneath the grey metal surface of the briefcase.

"Thank you, then." Keyana opened the briefcase, and both of their faces lit up with amazement.

With a gulp, Keyana promptly closed the case again, wary that someone might catch sight of their valuable contents.

"To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure you'd be able to provide us with 25 immortal-tier potions, but here we are... I'm at a loss for words on how to thank you," she admitted, clearly moved.

'Okay, hear me out. You could totally strip down and chill on the bed with your legs wide open... but yeah, maybe that's a bit too much,' Kevin chuckled to himself before continuing, "So, here's the deal. I'm thinking of getting some action hunting monsters to amp up my combat skills before hitting Chernobog's den. But I'm a tad worried about getting banged up. So, what if you hook me up with a hunting buddy? Just one person to tag along, nothing crazy. I'm planning to hit up the cultivation grounds near our turf, so it's not like I'm diving into the danger zone. And hey, I won't be a cheapskate – I'll make it worth their while."

Keyana glanced at her younger sister, who gave a quick nod. Taking that as a green light, Keyana grinned and said, "Sure thing. No need to worry about payment. Keith here will be your training buddy. She's a solid fighter and can help you level up your skills."

"Sounds awesome!" Kevin's excitement was evident as he turned to Keith. "So, Miss Keith, how about tonight? I'll shoot you the meeting spot and the hunting ground details. Or if you're up for it, you can suggest a good spot for us to sharpen our skills."

Keith nodded, her buzz-cut hair adding to her tough demeanor. "Sure thing. But before we set the plan, let's chat about your weapon preference and fighting style. This way, we can pick the right monsters to train against. Oh, and how many days are we looking at?"

Kevin thought for a moment before replying, "We've got a ten-day window before the den expedition. How about we train for six days? That leaves us with four days to gear up for the den."

"Sounds like a plan. And if are you free now? How about we hit some shops to gear up for your training?" Keith suggested.

"Absolutely, let's do it. But before that, let's wrap up this transaction," Kevin reminded them, signaling for them to settle the payment.

"Sure thing." Keyana tapped on her smartwatch to transfer the payment. Kevin's watch chimed, revealing a substantial 7.5 million units added to his account, leaving behind a respectable 2.5 million units.

"Alright, things are in order here. Sia, take care of the store while I'm gone, and keep practicing your cultivation technique, okay?" Kevin instructed, not waiting for her reply. He then turned to Keyana and her sister. "Let's hit the road."

Both of them nodded in agreement and bid goodbye to Sia with smiles, receiving the same in return. During this interaction, Keyana couldn't help but think, 'So the cultivation technique was for her.'

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