The Omnistore System

Chapter 94 Making Memories With Venice

'Does he really have a girlfriend like her?' Keith wondered to herself as she glanced at Kevin's back while he casually scrolled through his smartwatch lying beside her.

'If he can pull it off, why can't I?' She couldn't help but question it. After all, Kevin, in her opinion, was just an ordinary guy with a dash of humor and, well, a total pervert. How had he managed to snag a girlfriend?

'Does being a pervert actually work wonders with getting girls?' Keith pondered. Then, the video Kevin had shown her a few minutes ago replayed in her mind.

'Damn... now I want one too... a girlfriend who'd send me spicy videos of herself... that would be something,' she thought, her excitement building at the idea of having a girlfriend like Kevin's.

'But... I need his help... why won't he spill the beans on how he got them? did he have some charm technique or what, I remember Keyana saying about that he is a dual cultivator, is it the reason he can have a girl not me or it's simple because his dick', She frowned, growing increasingly irritated as she stared at Kevin. "Hey pervert... I mean, Kevin..."

"Yeah?" Kevin responded nonchalantly.

"Spill the beans, man. How did you score her?" Keith asked, her expression now more serious.

"You're still hung up on that?" Kevin sounded genuinely surprised as he turned to face her.

She nodded, determined. "Yeah, spill."

Kevin gazed at her for a moment and then cracked a slight smirk. "Well, it starts with my... dick, of course."

"Don't be coy; tell me the real deal. I don't think your... dick has some kind of magical grip on women's minds. Just tell me how you get them to send those spicy photos and videos," she said, her cheeks turning a shade redder.

"It's straightforward—have a good time together, means fuck her good, then pop the question for some extra fun. Bam, they send it," Kevin explained, grinning.

"As if it could be that simple," Keith retorted, clearly skeptical.

"Yeah, it's not that straightforward. You've got to satisfy them... completely, and sometimes even more, to make them bend over backward for you," Kevin added after a moment's thought.

"And you pull that off?" Keith asked, still unimpressed.

"Yep, no doubt. Why else would I have more than one of them on speed dial for a late-night rendezvous?" Kevin replied, smirking.

"You've got more than one?" Keith's eyes widened in shock.

"Hey, keep it down; we're in a jungle. And why the surprise? Can't you see how dashing I am? I should have a fan club, but, alas, I've got three on a regular basis, and one is still in the training camp," Kevin said, contemplating his chances with Samira.

"What do you mean by 'three on a regular basis' and 'one in training'?" Keith asked, still bewildered.

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"Well, like I said, with three girls, I can have fun whenever I feel like it, and with the fourth, it's a work in progress. I've got to make some moves to seal the deal," Kevin explained, considering the best approach.

He knew he had three more opportunities to win over Samira, it's not like he can't charm her do to it sometime more but he had a nagging feeling that it might become even trickier after that.

"You've got three girls on speed dial for some fun?" Keith asked, her expression one of disbelief. "I don't believe it. Show me their pictures with you, butt-naked, if it's true," she challenged, still skeptical of Kevin's claims.

Kevin grinned mischievously and said, "Let me show you something even better." He made his holographic screen visible to her once again, revealing a selection of video titles with tags like "making memories with Venice" and others along those lines.

"So, Kevin, what's your preference in their looks? Beautiful, beautiful and cute, beautiful and mature, or beautiful and mature?" Kevin casually inquired before diving into the videos.

Keith took a moment to think and then replied, "I'd go with beautiful and cute."

"Sure thing. Let's check out this one featuring Venice. But before we dive in, let me give you a sneak peek with a picture of her. She's pretty cute—check it out," Kevin suggested, opening a photo of Venice.

Keith examined the picture, taking in the image of a slightly plump woman who seemed to be around her own age. Venice had a youthful face with black hair and hazel eyes that gave her an endearing look. Her fair skin made her appear like your average, somewhat adorable housewife, complete with rosy cheeks and small, pink lips.

"Yeah, she's cute," Keith agreed. However, as she scrutinized the image further, she noticed something unusual. Venice's face was flushed, not from blushing, but more like she had been sweating. Her forehead and cheeks glistened, and her white, clean neck was slightly damp. She also observed that Venice's eyes appeared somewhat teary, and her lips were slightly parted and moist.

Her mind began to wander, imagining the events leading up to the photo. However, the background of what seemed to be a bus ride brought her back to reality. 'No, they couldn't be doing that in a public bus.'

Keith remarked, "She does look a bit older than you."

Kevin closed the photo and responded, "Yeah, she's in her mid-thirties or something. Perfect MILF material, right? Plus, she's married, which adds to the excitement."

"She's married?" Keith exclaimed in surprise. She continued with a hint of concern, "Doesn't that mean she's cheating?"

Kevin chuckled casually and said, "Well, she's got her own story. Let's not get into that right now. Let's move on to something more entertaining." He then proceeded to play the video titled "Making Memories with Venice."

As the video began to play, Keith swiftly turned her eyes away and casually asked, "Why are you showing me a video of your dick?"

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