The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 703

Chapter 703: This Time, It’s the Werewolves’ Turn

It has been three days since the staffs of the inn I stayed became our spies. They have been gathering girls from other inns from the outer part of the base and talk to them about my plan to get them leave this place.

I spied our new spies to see if any of the people they are communicating with have other plans or not. But seems like it’s true. They are community of victims because their parents are with the cult. None of them shows other reaction other than relief.

Though some of them are actually smarter than the rest. Although they felt relieved, they also doubted us.

“How will that person save us all? There are too many of us. Even if he’s a summoner, there must be a limit. It’s impossible for anyone to bring too many of us at once.”

That’s what the smarter people are thinking. They’re right though. Normally, no summoner can do what I can do. It’s all thanks to knowledge of the past and also Victoria’s ability to make clones of herself.

My plan would be for me to return to Tatrama first. Kayla has built a shelter in the forest near Cassau where I can bring all the people I will bring over first. I will go there after the summoners who will bring people to and from Monsters World return to Earth.

After that, I will open multiple portals on several marked locations with Blobbies while I’m still in the shelter. Those people can return all at once with so many portals opened at once.


At each of the location, I will have one girl from the inn I stayed to lead the others. They can be trusted more than me.

That’s the plan to bring them back to Earth. As for capturing the important summoners, I have no idea other than using brute force.

It was easy to get the girls who will be our spies to obey after they know that I was the one responsible for the two raids before. And I told them that there will be more raids in the future.

Today, they have chatted with almost all the staffs of other inns in the outer area of the base. And today is also the day that I asked the werewolves to raid this place.

I hope the werewolves won’t enjoy the fight too much. They have to escape since even just one of them is important to me. After all, they have trained enough that even one of them are strong enough to be a match against an artificial master level mage at least.

Well, I heard that some female werewolves have given birth to some werewolf babies. But I can’t wait too long until they grow up. I want to get rid of the cult sooner.

The spies told everyone they have been communicating with about how there will be another raid tonight. It’s not just to control the people so there won’t be anyone staying at the outer side of the base anymore. But also to see if the secret will get leaked or not.

If someone leaked the secret to the cult, the raid won’t happen. They might get stopped before they could enter the gate.

I have informed the werewolves that if the raid got exposed too soon, they need to escape. But now that they feel like they have become stronger, I’m sure that one or two of them will disobey me and choose to continue fighting instead.

Well, I’ll leave them to Shelia and Jack. Those two are the strongest werewolves and I’m sure the other werewolves will obey them more.

Sigh... I feel like I no longer have the dignity of a Werewolf King. Maybe in the future some of them will start a coup. Maybe I should give them another lesson to not make a mess with me.

The girls know that there will be a raid tonight. And they all just stayed at the inn together while serving the customers.

As for girls at other inns, they all seem afraid. They can’t believe that someone who is not a tamer has the power to control so many monsters. So some of them are going closer to the middle area in the pretense to talk with other girls. Though I had the spies to told them to not inform other people no matter what.

So far, none of them acted out of line. But I don’t know about the girls in the middle area. They seem to be in a safer place.

Just like the women in the outer area, they are all beauties of high quality as well. But the rate to pay for them is much higher than the girls in the outer area. I wonder why?

And since they are in a safer location, the chance of them leaking the secret is much higher. That’s why I told the spies to only inform them later on.

The raid soon started. Led by Jack while Shelia who can control her desire the best is watching them from behind. Making sure that no one is acting out of line.

The fight started. And one by one, expert level mages are dying.

The advanced level mages were running away instead of fighting. And in the end, they got killed by expert level mages who found them to not fighting back.

Right. I forgot that this is how the cult is.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe after the raid, instead of the outer area to be empty, there will be more people instead.

But I don’t think that’s the case. Because if they are in the middle area or deeper, they can be more prepared than those in the outer area.

And I have seen something during the second vampire raid. There are people looting money from the fellow cult members who died, or even money from the destroyed building. I guess people will still prefer the middle area instead.

But now thanks to the outer area being emptier than before, the werewolves can easily get deeper into the base. But that means they will face master level mages soon.

I told them that no matter what, they have to act afraid and retreat in the face of master level mages or the people here will think that master level mages won’t be enough and they will all abandon this place.

I’m here to kill as many people as possible. I can’t let them all escape.

The werewolves have no reason to attack this base. Although they eat meat, they won’t eat human meat. But to make sure that that’s what the werewolves wanted, I asked them to kidnap some people while retreating. And pretend that they let go of them when they are retreating and only leave bringing out only a few of cult members.

They did as I said. And as expected, only a few of them wanted to fight master level mages and stayed behind.

In the end, those overconfident werewolves lost their limbs and retreat in shame. Though those limbs will be regenerated later.

I checked the surrounding and the werewolves truly didn’t attack anyone inside a building even if they are not the girls. I guess that’s enough to make them believe that the werewolves are under me.

Though it’s not over.

While the werewolves retreated, the vampires return. The werewolves retreated to the opposite direction of where the vampires are coming from.

I didn’t tell them to attack. They just come on their own.

I don’t want to be seen to not doing anything, so I pretend that I’ve been knocked out by a werewolf while actually I’m checking the situation.

The vampire attacks are worse than before because Arin and the others are not here. Only the male vampires who were charmed by Arin.

In the end, they caught some people and left while some vampires died.

I pretend that I have just regained my consciousness and helped the others. I can see the important summoners are still there and they didn’t retreat at all.

That’s good. Though I can’t get the monsters to raid this place too often.

Maybe next time, it will be next week.

“Why did we get attacked so often nowadays? How?”

While I was carrying a corpse of a cult member to get rid of it, someone is complaining.

There were no answer at all. Until the master level mage who was in charge of fighting the vampires in this place replied.

“What do you mean why? This is a world where summoners get their familiar from. There are more monsters here than in our world. Of course if they know that there are humans here, they will attack. They are creatures who fight other monsters. Why wouldn’t they attack us humans? Just continue with your job,” he said.

“But this is too much! I don’t want-”

Before he finished speaking, the master level fire mage grabbed him by his neck and broke it. The complaining man died in an instant.

“Anyone else want to complain?! No? Then do your job!”

Slaves. These people are slaves. But I don’t feel pity for them since they are still with the cult. So it’s fine to kill them.

After pretending to help, I hide somewhere empty and move to where Shelia and the others are. I returned them back to the village while I used portal directly to the inn I’m staying.

I guess it’s time to wait again. It’s still not the time to destroy this place.

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