The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 738 - 738 They are Exploring Dungeon

738 They are Exploring Dungeon

“Why are you guys exploring dungeons?” I asked the two people in front of me. Angela and Kron.

After my business with the people I brought from the lawless country is over, I asked Claudia where Angela and Kron are. They’re supposed to be there in case the master level mages from the lawless country wanted to fight back.

Well, in the end, they are staying here peacefully. But that doesn’t mean it’s fine to leave them be. Celestine is the only one here who can fight the master level mages. That’s why I’m worried.

Claudia then told me that after they had confirmed that the master level mages won’t think of fighting back, she let the two of them to rest in the palace.

But those two are not normal.

While the others are still sleeping because of exhaustion, they felt that they already rested enough and ask Claudia about any dungeons nearby for them to attack.

Well, that’s just what they’re thinking. Their body obviously still feel the fatigue from the long battle.

In fact, after I entered the dungeon they’re attacking, I could see that the two of them were in difficult situation even though they’re just facing a weak golem that they should be able to defeat easily if they’re in their normal condition.

So I helped them before they hurt themselves and asked them why they’re here.


“I’m bored. I want to train more,” Angela replied.

“Yeah. Staying still in one place without doing anything is not good for us. And I have never been to a dungeon in Consenza. It’s interesting,” Kron said.

“Sigh... You don’t even remember how tired your body is and started to explore dungeon right away. That’s how you two were almost got killed by a mere golem. You two are too tired and had been exposed to Stamina Recovery magic by the angels too much. You need rest even if you don’t like it,” I said.

They are not like me. So their stamina recovered slowly. And even after moving and fighting so much, their body won’t recover easily like I do.

Maybe it’s an Aura user thing. No one other than Aura user can understand my body. Like how can I stay up for several days without getting myself exhauster, right?

“I thought I’m fine. But being this exhausted, I can’t control my magic well,” Angela said.

This happens once in a while. Her instinct is wrong. Just like how she got hurt in Rygis.

Maybe I shouldn’t tell her to trust her instinct too much. I will only be more and more worried about her if she does. I should get someone to stick around Angela so she won’t get herself hurt. But who?

I’ll just trust her a bit longer. After this event, she should realize to not trust her instinct the whole time. Though other than for fighting or to grow stronger, her instincts were rarely wrong. So if it’s to make her stronger, I will believe her.

But not this time. She didn’t explore dungeon because she thinks that she can grow stronger. She’s just bored.

“In any case, let’s get out of here. The condition of your body affect your mind and your Mana as well. If your body is tired, even if you don’t know it, you will feel it in your mind and when you’re using magic,” I said.

“Roy, do you ever experienced that? I thought that you only fight with your body so you don’t feel it that much,” Kron asked.

“Of course I felt that when I’m too tired after training myself. But unlike you, if I feel that my magic became harder to control, I let my body fight. I can do that. Rather, that’s what I’m best at,” I said.

One of my training that I have done was to exhaust my body to the limit, and fight while being tired. I dit it when I’m going to train alone or with Victoria.

This is something from Victoria’s world. And I confirm the theory using my own body.

When I tire my body to the limit, after resting enough, my body will recover quickly. And my body will also be stronger after a good rest. Albeit just slightly. But the improvement is essential to get even stronger.

I don’t know about other people, but it is the truth for my body. Though as a doctor, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. And it’s too dangerous if you’re in the wild or in the enemy’s territory, and can’t fight anymore.

The only reason I could do it was because I checked for a safe place before I trained in this way. Or when I have Victoria with me because once I’m tired, I can just let Victoria turns into my armor covering my whole body, and move me away to safety if I’m tired.

I can’t really use portal in this situation. Because the magic is too unstable.

“...Aura user is such a cheat. I want to be one too. But I guess magic is more suited for me,” Kron said.

“Well, Aura user is a cheat indeed. But know that the enemy we’re facing is someone who killed all Aura users in the past to the point of extinction. Even if I’m strong, I don’t know if I can kill that Evil God or not,” I said.

But at least I want to do it quickly. If we wait too long, I don’t know how strong the Evil God will be.

If he could reach the level at which he killed all the Aura users after in the past, my chance of winning is low.

Though one thing I know is that during the time he eradicated all Aura users, during Sonia’s and Victoria’s time, there shouldn’t be anyone who have reached the level of Aura Master like Timmy.

I’m sure that Timmy knew something about the Evil God. There’s no way that he wouldn’t know anything about the Evil God after living for so long. But he never told us anything about it.

He seriously only intended to raise another Aura Master instead of caring about the world at all.

Seeking strength or teaching other people is fine. But being ignorant is not fine. Though unless he’s strong and no one can fight him, I guess it’s fine being ignorant about the world. He can just kill anyone in his way.

“For now, let’s leave this place. Unless you want to watch me fight the golem coming here since you can’t fight,” I said.

“I’ll watch!” Angela shouted.

“Me too,” Kron also wanted to watch.

And on his shoulder, Breezy is chatting with Airy about his adventure with Kron.

They’re siblings. But they are separated because Breezy wanted a lot of adventure, while Airy just want to stick with me who is an air mage. So when they meet, not in the middle of battle, they both happily chatted about their own adventures to each other. What a close siblings.

Since Angela and Kron wanted to watch, I guess I’ll fight.

Since my body, even though my stamina is recovered, it is still tired from all the fighting. So I will only use my magic for portal, and not to breathe. I’ll just fight using Victorihammer and Aura.

The dungeon is wide. And a ten meters golem can easily fight here. That’s the enemy I’m facing.

To be honest, I also feel bored. And I’m tired of fighting powerful enemies.

So when the golem is in front of me, I swung the hammer as strong as possible without holding back. I want to feel good about myself how I can defeat strong monster easily.

I saw where the core of the golem is. All the golem, the monsters and not golem created using earth magic, has a core in it. And the golem will die if the core is destroyed.

...Though any golem created by earth mages also has a core. It’s the mages themselves.

The core is protected by metal and not rocks. But I swung Victorihammer at it and destroyed the core easily. Well, the hammer is quite big. So the golem didn’t just die. The location where core is also flattened.

Now I feel good. After fighting strong enemies for the whole day, I defeated a monster which was supposed to be difficult for any A-rank hunters to defeat.

“Right. Defeating monsters this easily is a good way to relieve some stresses,” I said.

“But you complained how we entered a dungeon because we’re bored!” Kron complained.

“That’s because you fight using magic, while I don’t. Let’s go back and this time, you two will take a rest for real. Don’t do anything stupid and just rest,” I said.

Then I opened a portal back to Cassau. Claudia already given me permission tor eturn them back since there’s no more need for them to be here.

As expected. When they return back to their own room, right after they lay down on the bed, they fell asleep. And they’re trying to push themselves by entering a dungeon?

Maybe they just can’t take a rest sleeping in the palace. At least if they’re here, they know that they can take it easy because they’re safe. That’s why I brought them here.

Now, is there anything else I should do today? I think I will also take it easy for today and enjoy myself.

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