The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 760 - 760 Villagers in the Magicless Area

760 Villagers in the Magicless Area

A village in a place where magic can’t be used? In a world where everyone thought that magic is everything? Extremely suspicious.

There are people there. Only around ten houses. And I can only see ten people inside. Ten muscular people. Six men and four women.

“Well, there are ten people there. Ten muscular people. I guess that’s to be expected if they want to live here. They could be bigger than the muscular guards in Mellian under Hill,” I said.

“Nice!” Victoria replied. The earring on my ear just spoke.

“What should we do then? Fight them?” Shelia asked.

“Let me confirm first if they are master level mages or not. Because if they are just people who trained a lot, they won’t have enough strength to be here seeing how strong the monsters nearby are. And it’s possible that they are related with the cult,” I said.

This time, I checked on their face. If they are master level mages, they should be able to sense me looking at them.

When I look into the head of one man, he quickly turned his head to me. he noticed me. And then he quickly tries to alert other people.

It would be bad if they noticed me from his warning since they might not react once I look at them later. So I quickly scanned them all. And all of them noticed me before the previous man finished alerting the others.


“Wow. All of them are master level mages. Living here and getting that much muscles must mean that they have a lot of experience in close combat. If they leave this place, they could be a big problem,” I said.

“Are they from the cult?” Victoria asked.

“I don’t know yet. Let’s just go there and ask them about it since they already noticed us anyway,” I said.

Those ten people gathered at the entrance of the village closest to our location. And they have shabby spears and knives as weapons. I think they made it themselves.

The knives look just like any normal kitchen knives. And the spears are just long poles with a blade attached at one end of the pole.

They can just ask a blacksmith if they want a weapon. But seeing how it seems like they made those spears by themselves, I don’t think they have any connection with the outside world. At least not enough for them to ask someone to build them weapons.

Maybe they are not related with the cult. Because if they are, they should have at least enough connection to someone who can provide them with at least iron weapons. But those spears and knives are not enough to be called as weapons. They are too shabby.

Well, unless I’m the one who use them.

“Shelia, they are waiting for us. Let’s greet them,” I said.

“Do you think they’re strong?” she asked.

“Stronger than average at least. But I don’t think that they are stronger than you. Just be careful since your regeneration won’t work in this place. Don’t get hurt,” I reminded her that in this magicless area, her regeneration ability doesn’t work.

She tested it just by prickling her own finger with a needle. And it didn’t heal as fast as usual.

But she’s still stronger than most people. She should be fine fighting just ten people.

“Halt! Who are you and what is your reason in coming here?”

One of the ten people, who seem to be their leader, asked our identity. I’m wearing a mask now so that they won’t recognize me. Though I don’t think any of them know who I am. This is our first time meeting them.

Ten people who are strong physically and are master level mages. It will be dangerous if they leave this place and create chaos.

If they are with the cult, let’s kill them before they have the time to leave this place and use magic. If they are not with the cult, let’s try our best to get them to join us.

“Can’t you see this mask? I’m trying to hide my identity here,” I said.

“Why are you trying to hide your identity?” their leader asked.

“How long have you isolate yourselves in this place with no connection to the outside world?” I asked back.

“Answer my question first!”

“My answer depends on your answer!”

They look confused. Maybe it has been so long since they met anyone from the outside.

“You mean you’re going to lie depend on our answer?” the leader asked me again.

“No. I will decide what to tell you depend on your answer. I will keep important information to myself depend on your answer,” I said.

“Then we have nothing to tell you. Leave or we will kill you!”

No exchanging information? How stubborn.

“Shelia, break their spears. And they should be able to withstand at least a few kicks from you. But seeing how they’re here, they might have a great teamwork as well to be able to defeat the monsters. It could be a good training for you. Just be careful and don’t kill them,” I said.


As soon as she said that, she leaped toward them and a fight started.

Surprisingly, the person she attacked was quick enough to block her kick with her spear. And the spear got destroyed.

Shelia quickly attacked her again and knock her down. She’s still conscious, but if she stands up now, she will get hit again. She understood that so she just stay still on the ground to take a moment to rest.

“She’s strong! Be careful!”

Now the rest are surrounding Shelia. While the woman who got knocked still resting and trying to recover her stamina a bit.

Well, she has fractured ribs. If she just rest a few days, with her strength as a master level mage, she will heal naturally. But if she still choose to fight, her pain might get worse.

Shelia used this chance to train her kicks. Since she rarely use kicks to fight, being surrounded and only fight with her legs is something new for her.

She got hit once in a while, but the wounds are not that deep. Even if she can’t use her regeneration ability, they can still heal naturally.

But their teamwork is very good. Proves how much experience they have fighting together.

But Shelia’s raw strength is stronger. And they also don’t seem to have experience fighting together against human-sized enemies.

That’s right. Most of the monsters we fought here are huge. So they don’t really have experience fighting smaller enemy. And Shelia is just like any ordinary female human right now. I bet they don’t expect that she’s a werewolf.

Three other people are already down. Leaving only six people still fighting Shelia.

Right now, their position have changed. I’m outside the village, Shelia inside the village, and the ten people including the injured ones are between us.

I know what they’re planning to do since they keep glancing at me. Do they think that I won’t notice?

Then four people attacked Shelia at the same time.

“Capture him and use him as a hostage while we stall for time!”

The six people including those who were down then run at me.

Two people are restraining me while the rest are pointing their knives at me since their spears were broken.

I told Shelia to not break the knives since they might be used for them to dismantle the monster the hunted for food and for cooking. I’m just being kind.

But if a knife is pointed at my face, there’s no way I would stand still.

“Stop fighting or we will kill him!”

“Do it if you can! He’s much stronger than me!” Shelia replied.

I just spread out my arms and the two who were restraining me loosen their grip and lost their balance. Then I flicked the knives in front of me. Breaking them all easily.

“Well, now that we know who is the strongest here, shall we go back to exchanging information? Without fighting if possible,” I said.

The ten people quickly gathered together. Then they each reach their pocket and eat some sort of small fruit.

“You made a mistake. You should have killed us right away,” one of them said.

Is eating fruit something amazing? Well, Pear-y Fruit is kind of amazing.

And I don’t think I have seen that type of fruit here. So I grabbed one from the one who restrained me. He’s still looking for it thinking that he lost it somewhere.

“Looking for this? Just what kind of effect does this fruit have... oh, wow! You can use magic here.”

Once they ate the fruit, I can feel something changed. They can use magic now in this magicless area.

I see. So if you eat this fruit here, you can still use magic.

What if I wear the Magic Restricting Collar and eat one? Will I still be able to use magic? If so, then I need to inform the others about this fruit.

What should I call it? Magic-y Fruit?

“Now that we can use magic, there’s no way we would lo—se?”

Before their leader finished his words, I quickly move and knock out the other nine people. Leaving only him standing. And I’m right behind him.

“Still think you can win? All I need is information and you can live. That’s all,” I said.

“...I surrender.”

Well, that’s that. Next is exchanging information. I hope none of them are with the cult.

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