The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

[Shout out to Cesar M., William T.N., Danny Y., Jack W., Chase L., The Real Cacto, and Dwhateverprof!]

Lucky 383

There was soothing music played by the band they hired. Tables were set up all around with food from different regions. 

Overall, the atmosphere seemed relaxed and calming. However, some people could not help but look at the stage where the three thrones stood. 

These thrones represented power. DemiGods were powerful beings. All over the world, the total number of DemiGods didn't even reach 100. 

They were rare warriors who survived the Tribulation and became a higher being. 

In fact, every country was willing to sacrifice its resources just to recruit a single DemiGod. 

Even Dellia had only four DemiGods on its roster. 

The first was Esmeralda, the second was Bronal, the third was Donald, and the last was Mark. These four were the reasons why Dellia remained strong. 

'Although I have heard that Dellia has contracted a few DemiGods. They are always silent and no one knows their identities.'

Since Calix came from a military family, he had heard some rumors. In his opinion, Dellia was hiding its true strength. Of course, Junian and Ancas did the same. 

'If there was a real war, those hidden masters would show up.'

Calix clearly understood. 

To be honest, his thoughts about war were complicated. He preferred peace than destruction. 

He could talk to Esmeralda and convince her to end the hatred, but he didn't dare. He let the woman decide. 

The conflict was not simple, it was a few hundred years of resentment. It's hard to forget.

He sighed and turned his attention to the party. He saw many people and all of them wore masks to hide their identities. 

However, because of his strong senses, Calix could tell that every one of them was dangerous. 

'... Let's see.'

Since they were wearing masks anyway, Calix thought that wearing a monocle would not break the aesthetic. 

When he put on the monocle, every hair on his skin stood on end in fear. 

A deep, dark crimson aura hung over the banquet. He even saw some people with black auras, the highest level. 

Especially the three thrones. The three people sitting on the thrones had black auras.

'They are indeed criminals.'

He didn't know the exact crimes they committed, but seeing their auras was enough to understand how bad they were. 

Calix looked away and took off the monocle. It was useless anyway. Everyone at this party was a criminal. 

"What are you doing?" 

Shoujo frowned beside him. She saw Calix acting strangely, wearing an old monocle and taking it off.

'Is that the monocle he got from the antique shop?' She was confused as to why he was using it. 

"Nothing. I just know this place is dangerous." He whispered so that only the two of them could hear. 

"Heh, you just realized that now?" She giggled. 

"Maybe some of you are confused as to why we are announcing a party in Junian. We have a few reasons, but the most important one is the suggestion of our newest member."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened to the person on the left throne. He had long ears, red eyes, and short brown hair. He was a descendant of Elves. 

His name was Earthshaker Barathros. A DemiGod who could cause earthquakes and change the topography of a city. No joke, he did change the topography of a city. 

'Newest member?'

If there was one thing that caught their ears, it was those two words. What does it mean?

"We found out that there will be a war in the Eastern Continent and we want to use this situation to make money." Barathros chuckled. 

Shoujo and Calix looked at each other. They immediately realized the Triad's intentions.


The Triad held the underground society, but they also had a 'legal' business, such as mercenaries. 

If they were right, then the Triad would contact the other countries once the war officially started. 

The other two people on the thrones held their tongues and let Barathros speak. The half-half-half(?) Elf liked the attention anyway. 

"Before that, we will announce that the Triad has accepted another person into our organization."

When Barathros said it, the room began to fill with noise. Everyone realized the importance of this news. 

A few seconds later, a woman with a blindfold covering her eyes entered the stage. She was assisted by two people. 

Everyone looked at the blindfolded woman. From her appearance and aura, everyone realized that her identity was not simple. 

"Lucky... We must proceed with caution. Lucky? Are you listening?" 

Shoujo turned to him and found Calix staring at the blindfolded woman. 

No, to be exact, he was looking at the person next to the blindfolded woman. He recognized her even though she wore a mask. After all, the bat she was holding was quite obvious. 

"... Athena." He muttered weakly. 

Actually, Calix felt the weight in his heart lift after seeing her. At least he found out that Athena was okay. 

'But I don't know why she is here. What is her relationship to the blindfolded woman?'

"Hey? Are you even listening to me?" Shoujo leaned closer.

"Yes. I can hear you."

"Good. We have to be careful. This information is important, the Triad could do something to us if they find out that we are spies."

Their mission was to find out the reason why the Triad held a banquet in Junian. Now they got a valid answer. 

Another person had become a part of the Triad.

'Wait, Triad means three, right? Does this mean that the name of their organization will change? Will it be Tetrads or Quartets?'

"Don't worry, the name of the organization will not change. It will only cause confusion."

Barathros answered as if he knew what they were thinking about. 

The blindfolded woman stood on the stage and introduced herself. This banquet housed dangerous criminals and everyone was strong. Of course, she had to show some respect. 

"You can call me Medu, or Madam Medu. As you expected, I'm a DemiGod."

When she said that, everyone's gossip became louder. Another powerful being had appeared! 

The Triad already had a strength that could rival a country. Now that another demigod had joined their ranks, it could cause a disturbance. 

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