The Over-Break System

Chapter 365 The Results of Their Training (Final)

“I recommend you continue reading and don’t bother asking what I think you are about to ask Headmaster. There is a reason I left out certain information, and it is not something I will converse with you about, no matter how much you threaten my party or me. Also, remember that every one of us has over 5g of Killing Intent, so I recommend you let it go, lest you want to turn into paste under 30g of Killing Intent.”

Cynrik had predicted the question forming in Geralt’s mind after noticing his line of sight linger on Selene’s STR and DEX, the two highest stats on her paper. When the Headmaster looked at him with questioning eyes, Cynrik didn’t hesitate to unleash 5g of Killing Intent as a warning.

With a trickle of sweat running down the back of his neck, Headmaster Rivia kept his composure and stared at Cynrik, trying to find as much information as possible about the boy across the table with his eyes alone. But no matter how he looked at him, Headmaster Rivia could see nothing except a young human teenager. There was nothing out of the ordinary about Cynrik, or for that matter, Brance and Selene.

Other than the fact they had multiple Affinity color streaks in their hair, they looked like any other teenager he had seen in his life. However, if he removed their physical appearance from the equation and only examined their stats, it was evident that the three had Bloodlines of some sort. Otherwise, it would be impossible to break the genealogical cap of 1200 that every Human has at Tier-2.

Meanwhile, his body was beginning to feel the strain of prolonged exposure to the pressure of Cynrik’s Killing Intent. Of course, it didn’t help that the longer Geralt took to respond, the more Cynrik slowly increased the pressure until he reached his limit of 7.5gs.

Still, even with 7.5gs of pressure weighing him down, Headmaster Rivia’s body posture never changed; he stayed perfectly straight. If it weren’t for the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, Cynrik would have thought his metaphysical attack had no effect.

After a few tense minutes of silence, Headmaster Rivia rolled out his left shoulder and sliced the air between himself and Cynrik, dispersing the 7.5g of pressure like a knife through butter.

“That’s enough, Ivar; if it were anyone else threatening me, I would have splattered them against the wall like a bug on the windshield of a hovercar. You can hide your Bloodlines all you want, but your Stats give it away.”

When the words left Headmaster Rivia’s mouth, Cynrik frowned slightly but quickly masked his expression without being caught.

“You need to understand that the human race has a naturally imposed limit to how strong it can become within a given Tier, and at Tier-2, that limit is 1200 points in a stat. With this thought in mind, anyone with SS+ stats can be considered someone who has broken those limits by using natural treasures such as Mana rich plants or expensive alchemic products.”

“The only other way is having a special bloodline from ancient beasts or some other race. For example, if a child is born with one parent of Elven descent, while the other is Human, this child will have a higher stat cap. If memory serves, it should be somewhere around 1350.”

“The same applies to Draconic Descended halflings, who have a comparatively higher stat cap depending on the purity of their bloodline. That brings me back to you three.” Folding his hands and leaning forward to meet the eyes of Brance, Selene, and Cynrik, Headmaster Rivia continued.

“To reach the SSS, or SSS+ Grade, one has to not only have a bloodline with astronomically high stat caps, but they also need to have found a way to break the limits of not only the human race but also their bloodlines.”

[[What do you wanna do, Cyn? He clearly has us in checkmate. Do we tell him or continue hiding?]] Choosing not to look at his brother, Brance threw the question into the group mind link because it also concerned Selene.

[[Sigh, once again, our lack of fucking information comes back to bite us in the ass. I had previously inferred something strange happened when the Sanfords cap was revealed to be 1200, while ours was 1750, but I was in the dark about the actual grading scale.]] Fighting the urge to sigh aloud and massage his temples, Cynrik calmly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again, only to find that the Headmaster had moved on to Brance’s stat sheet.

: Björn “Ironside” Ragnarsson :

: Level: 35/35 CAP :

: Essence Pool(XP): 39,176,729 :

: P-Class (Paladin): 35 – XP : CAP

: S-Class (Basic GemSmith): 35 – XP : CAP

: Distribution: 2 Per All : (STR 11, 7 DEX, 7 INT, VIT 9)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 5 :

: Body – Tier-3, 15g Resistance :

: Credits: 877,239 :


: HP 59,200/59,200 :

: Mana 20,480/20,480 :

: Stamina 26,800/26,800 :

: Stat Points- 0 :

: Skill Points- 240 :

: Strength-  1750 :

: Dexterity- 1297 :

: Agility- 1246 :

: Intelligence- 1535 :

: Vitality-  1750 :

: Mind-  1246 :

: Will Power- 80:

: Gem Cutting:10 , XP 4200/12,814:

: Grace- 12,210 – 7.25G : (KIN CONVERSION = 814 =7.25G)

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Light-Tier-3 (Master): :Expand:

:(BG) Terra-Tier-3 (Expert): :Expand:

:(BG) Wind-Tier-3  (Expert): :Expand:

:(SEC) HolyFire-Tier-1 (Initial):

Headmaster Rivia sucked in a sharp breath before wearing a bitter smile. Brance’s stats put one thought in his mind ‘Little Monster’. However, that wasn’t all; after seeing that Brance had obtained a new Affinity, a Secret Grade one at that, Headmaster Rivia had conclusive proof that the Brothers and Selene had powerful bloodlines.

Unlike the Brothers, who were in the dark about the extreme rarity of SEC grade Affinities, Headmaster Rivia had been around long enough to have memories of the last being to step forward and reveal the existence of his Affinity.

It has happened a few times in the past, and those beings not only rose in the power rankings rapidly but were highly sought after. The Name Secret Grade had become synonymous with devastation and extremely powerful skills, and staring at the HolyFire in Brance’s Affinity list, Headmaster Rivia shuddered at the boy’s future prospects.

One did not stumble on an SEC grade Affinity either; it was something that had to either be passed down or acquired through powerful bloodlines. And with this information, Headmaster Rivia could determine that not only did Brance have a powerful lineage, but it was one of the Holy/Light Affinity, narrowing down his questions even further.

Entirely numb by the high numbers he was viewing, Headmaster Rivia already had conclusive evidence that all of the grades each member of MyrkLys had achieved was authentic.

Letting his head cool down, he calmly placed Brance’s paper down and took a moment before diving into the final sheet handed to him, the one with Cynrik’s stats.

: Ivar “the Boneless” Ragnarsson :

: Level: 35/35 CAP :

: Essence Pool(XP): 40,270,482 :

: P-Class (Rogue): 35 – XP : CAP

: S-Class (Tamer): 35 – XP : CAP

: Distribution: 2 Per All : (11 DEX, 9 AGI, 7 INT, 7 MIND)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 6 :

: Body – Tier-3, 15g Resistance :

: Credits: 80,000 :


: HP 39,200/39,200 :  40 Per Point

: Mana 41,790/41,790 :  20 Per Point

: Stamina 19,600/19,600 :  20 Per Point

: Stat Points- 0 :

: Skill Points- 811 :

: Strength- 1250 :

: Dexterity- 1750 :

: Agility- 1750 :

: Intelligence- 1600 :

: Vitality- 1250 :

: Mind- 1600 :

: Will Power- 123 :

: Gem Cutting:0 , XP 10/100:

: Luck- 45 :

: PSN Resistance- 25 :

: Killing Intent- 919 – 7.50G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-3 (Master):

:(AG) Fire-Tier-3 (Master):

|:(SAG) Lightning-Tier-2.5 (Expert):|

:(BG) Wind-Tier-3 (Expert):

Headmaster Rivia had a solid grasp on how the brothers were as powerful as they appeared for the first time. The key takeaway was their Distributions. “2 For All” was just as rare as that SEC Grade Affinity. With that kind of Distribution, it was much easier for the brothers to keep their Stats clustered together.

The only thing left up for interpretation was how many Free allocation stat points the two of them received per leveling. Still, since that information wasn’t documented, Headmaster Rivia could only theorize and guess.

Looking at the stack of papers with the members of MyrkLys’s actual stats, Headmaster Rivia tossed a glance at the official gradings collected by the medical exams.

Student Ivar Ragnarsson,







Student Selene Nilsson,







Student Björn Ragnarsson,







Student Gabriella Sanford,





Vitality- S


Student Benjamin Sanford,







Student Melody Garland,







“It’s no wonder so many spies have attempted to and successfully infiltrated our Academy; with stats like these, you six would easily be considered at the top of this country’s best seeds, geniuses in your own right.”

“What can I say? I am good at planning. Between my intensive training regiments and my stat builds, everyone has reached an acceptable level and is ready to Evo to Tier-3.” Shrugging his shoulders and dismissing the assassination attempts and info-gathering squads, Cynrik brought up a topic he desperately wanted answers to.

“Headmaster Rivia, I have some things I want to discuss with you. As you know, we are only first years and aren’t privy to certain levels of data that would otherwise be readily accessible to beings in our Tier.” Cynrik started.

“If you pair our lack of knowledge with our lack of time, I haven’t been able to hit the library to get the proper intel, starting with why we didn’t get access to the prestige system after reaching the Primary Level Cap.” Leaning back in his chair, Cynrik noticed Geralt’s rapidly changing facial expressions and smiled internally.”

“That…sigh, I keep forgetting that you aren’t a third-year student. Generally, this information is covered at the end of third-year classes, but seeing as you six are already on the cusp of your next Evolution, I suppose you should know.”

“We have previously discussed the topic of Stages or Realms, but at the time, I didn’t go in-depth. Each Stage is further broken down, with the Tiers categorizing where you are in the classification. Each Stage has three steps, and the first two steps have access to what is known as the Prestige mode.”

“However, things change once you reach the end of your current Stage. Gone is the prestige mode, and in its place is a Trial or Tribulation quest. After obtaining the necessary resources to Evolve, the CSH randomly generates a unique quest that needs to be completed to finalize your advancement. These quests maintain balance in the world and are given every time a being wishes to advance their Stage/Realm.”

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