The Over-Break System

Chapter 372 Preparations for the Tier-3 Evolution (3)

– Requirements for Tier-3 Evolution.-

-Primary Level Capped.- (Complete)

-Primary Class Level Capped.- (Complete)

-Sub-Class Level Capped.- (Complete)

-Body Strength Tier-3.- (Complete)

-Tier-3 Codex.- (Complete)

-Minimum 10k Mana Pool.- (Complete)

-Two Stats at 1500 or Higher.- (Complete)

-All Stats minimum of 65% to Cap *1137*.- (Complete)

-Origin Affinity at Tier-3.- (Complete)

-Additional Resources Required for Evolution.-

-2 Tier-3 Efficiency Boosters.-

-5 Tier-3 Metabolism boosters.-

-1 Tier-3 Evolution Stone Piece.-

-1 Tier-3 Dark Affinity Stone Piece.- (Acquired)

-1 Tier-3 Fire Affinity Stone Piece.- (Acquired)

-1 Tier-3 Wind Affinity Stone Piece.- (Acquired)

-1 Tier-3 Lightning Affinity Stone Piece.- (Acquired)

-1 Tier-3 Affinitieless Affinity Stone Piece.-

-???- (Reward from Trial/Tribulation Quest)

-Upon 50 percent completion of your Tier-3 Evolution, the process will be halted, and you will need to move to the proper facility to receive your Trial/Tribulation Quest. Once you have succeeded in finishing the Quest, you will receive the final item necessary to complete your Evolution.-

Releasing a Groan as he stretched out his back, Cynrik scrolled through the long list of requirements and materials necessary for his Evolution and clicked his tongue upon spotting the hidden reward from the Quest.

‘Of course, there has to be some weird shit that will play a crucial part in finalizing our Tier-3 Evolution.’ Throwing his hands up in defeat, Cynrik activated [Shadow Leap] and melted into the Shadow Realm to catch up with Brance and Selene before they got too far away.

When the notification popped up in Brance and Selene’s vision for their Tier-3 Evolution, they had already left the Cavern of Dorms and paused in their tracks to read the sudden pop-up floating in their eyes.

“Big Brother must have requested the info be sent to us; well, on the upside, I have everything cleared for the requirements; how about you?” Stepping off with his right foot, Brance continued walking towards the Headmaster’s Skyscraper of a building that was visible in the distance.

“It’s the same for me; I barely scraped by with my MIND and INT stats, though. It’s good that your brother had us eliminate the spread of creatures that we did, or else I would have fallen short of the 65% requirement.” Pulling up her hood as she stepped into the bright sunlight, Selene thought back to her time in the Egress with the party.

Contrary to the times she had entered previously with a party organized by her Shebitch of a Mother, the way Cynrik did things was vastly different. Instead of just brute forcing their way through the dungeon-like Egresses they entered, slaughtering everything in their path, Cynrik had detailed specific creatures they needed to kill along the way.

His reasoning for doing it this way was simple. They weren’t hurting for money like regular Divers, who would go after anything that moved so they could sell the scavenged resources for money, and instead, Cynrik’s only goal was gaining kill rewards in the form of Stat points and XP.

At first, the other members of MyrkLys were amazed by how much Cynrik had prepared, but as time went on, they slowly became numb to how much Cynrik knew. No matter which Egress they entered, a fully fleshed-out plan of attack was presented, along with each of their roles and a few tips on what to look out for, turning what should have been a challenging experience into a cake walk for Brance, Selene, Benny, and Gabby.

Only Melody struggled, but after a couple of weeks under their Demonic Hellion of a Leader, she too fell in line and could keep up and execute her role without a hitch.

“We have our Affinity Exclusive stones, all we need to do is get the other resources from the Headmaster, and we can begin the process.” Appearing two steps behind Selene from an inky black spot, Cynrik popped out of the Shadow Realm and spoke his thoughts.


Thump Thump Thump.

Completely caught off guard and startled so bad that she “kyaa’d,” Selene screamed angrily, spun around to face him, and began pounding on Cynrik’s chest with balled-up fists that felt like taps instead of actual attacks. So much so that they didn’t even register a damage notification.

After all, Selene wasn’t trying to hurt her boyfriend and was merely venting her anger at him. Realistically, with her 1628 STR, which was grossly higher than Cynriks petty 1250, Selene could have done severe damage to him, just like Brance could, but at the end of the day, she was only startled and not actually mad.

“Knock it off; you two are drawing too much attention.” Rolling his eyes and not wanting to be seen with the flirting couple in public, Brance walked off, leaving the two Dark Affinity users behind.

“Tsk, what got into him?” Shooting a strange glance in Brance’s direction, Cynrik pulled up the hood of his uniform, covering his head and shrouding most of his face in darkness.

“He probably just misses Gabby; you know those two have been practically inseparable since the Michael incident.” Shrugging her shoulders before looping her right arm around Cynrik’s elbow Selene spoke with an endearing and motherly tone like she was treating Gabby and Brance as her children instead of Brother and Sister-in-law.

“Sure, if you say so,” allowing his right arm to be held by Selene, Cynrik guided her toward the Headmaster’s Tower, and after catching up to Brance, the three walked in silence through the bustling Academy town without stopping to sightsee.

Thirty Minutes later, the group made it to the towering building, through security, up the elevator to the top floor, and reached the door to Headmaster Rivia’s office.

Stepping forward, Cynrik knocked three times and stood waiting for a response.

“Enter,” which came half a second later.

“Yo!” Swinging the door open rudely and observing the other three members of his party sitting opposite the Headmaster, Cynrik strode into the room like he owned the place, much to the chagrin of Headmaster Rivia.

“Yo my ass Ivar, what the hell took you three so long? I know you needed to pick up the resources you left at your Dorm, but that doesn’t take two and a half hours to complete.” Raising an angry eyebrow and waving at the three to sit, the veins on Geralt’s temple pulsed as he spoke.

“My bad, I had to dig through half a dozen Pocket Accessories to gather all the stones we needed, plus we had to swing by one of the stores to buy my Lightning Affinity Stone Piece.” Narrowing his eyes and noting how the Headmaster’s memories had been altered, Cynrik came up with a bullshit story on the fly that matched the narrative Geralt had offered.

“You need to learn to be more organized, Darling; can’t you see we’ve kept the Headmaster and the others waiting for too long? If you took my advice and categorized all our loot in an organized manner, we wouldn’t have wasted so much time going through our dozens of Pocket accessories to locate all the Affinity Stone Pieces.” Following Cynrik’s lead, Selene chided, released his right arm, and playfully smacked his shoulder.

“Yeah, my bad, I will rearrange everything when we get back home,” gritting his teeth with his left eye twitching, Cynrik felt the urge to punish Selene. If anything, SHE was the most unorganized person in the party and seeing her take the liberty of throwing him under the bus, Cynrik swore in his heart he would get back at her later…when they were in the privacy of his bedroom.

“Forget it; you are young; even if you are over-prepared 99% of the time, mistakes are bound to occur; take a seat so that I can distribute the resources you need and explain the Passing Down Ceremony.”

Waving his hand, Headmaster Rivia sorted four piles of items on the large mahogany desk. One of the Tier-3 Efficiency Boosters, one of the Tier-3 Metabolism boosters, one of the strange spherical pills, which Cynrik knew to be the Mental fortification pills, and lastly, was a pile of six Clear colored golfball-sized stones.

“All right, these are all the resources I can give you. Everyone should take two efficiency boosters, five metabolism boosters, four mental fortification pills, and one Neutral Affinity Stone Piece.”

Instead of abiding by his command, the heads of Brance, Selene, Gabby, Benny, and Melody turned to their Leader for confirmation, making Headmaster Rivia frown.

‘What, am I chopped liver? Why are they looking to Ivar as if he is higher up on the food chain than me?’

“Go for it, take only what the Headmaster said, and don’t forget to thank him for his generosity.” Dropping his hood and revealing a smug smile, Cynrik nearly broke out in laughter as he watched Geralt’s face fall.

‘I have trained them well, haha; they won’t take candy from strangers; how dare you try to get a leg up on me by acting like that, how petty of you.’ Cynrik’s smug grin seemed to say as his eyes met Geralt’s.

Brance was the first to retrieve his materials, followed by Gabby, Selene, Benny, and Melody in that order. Once everyone had pocketed the free resources and cheerfully thanked Geralt, only then did Cynrik step forward and grab the leftovers while ignoring the Mental Fortification pills entirely.

“Hm, Ivar, you should really take the pills,” raising an eyebrow and shooting the boy a weird glance, Headmaster Rivia chided.

“They aren’t necessary for me; 123 willpower makes them obsolete; plus, I have been through higher levels of pain than my entire body practically turning inside out; I will be fine without them.”

“Honestly, aside from myself, probably only Melody would be able to complete the Evolution without the aid of the Mental Fortification pills since she has 87 Will Power, but I plan on having her use them just in case.”

Hearing this, Geralt sighed and felt the urge to strangle the boy for the millionth time today.

“Listen here, although the minimum WP standard for the Tier-3 Evolution is 100 points, I don’t advise you to push your luck. One slight moment of weakness can cause the entire process to fail. Take the fucking pills, Ivar, and stop this bullshit.” Slamming his fist down on the desk and swiping the back of his hand in Cynrik’s direction, Headmaster Rivia fired the remaining Mental Fortification pills directly at Cynrik’s head.

As he saw this coming, Cynrik reached out and caught the four pills before revealing them with a flourish of his left hand. Resting neatly between his fingers were all four pills.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll consider your advice, but I’d prefer to do the advancement without the aid of these things. I see it as a way to further temper my Will Power stat.” Rolling his eyes, Cynrik stored the four pills in his inventory before sitting beside his brother.

“Now then, can we please get into the explanation of how the hell we do this whole Passing Down Ceremony thing?” Leaning back in the comfortable chair and crossing his arms, Cynrik gave Geralt a challenging glare earning himself a smack upside the head from both Brance and Selene


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