The Over-Break System

Chapter 393 Tribulation Quest Cynrik (2)

- Slot 1: Tier-3.5 Cold-Steel Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 2: Tier-3.5 SunFlare Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 3: Tier-3.5 Dark Infused Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 4: Tier-4.5 OmniPoison Infused Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 5: Tier-4 Lightning Infused Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 6: Tier 4 DarkFire Infused Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 7: Tier 4 DarkLightning Infused Hidden Blade.-

- Slot 8: Tier-3.5 Cold-Steel Chain Dart.-

- Slot 9: Tier-3.5 Cold-Steel Collapsible Grapple.-

- Slot 10: (4) Tier-4 Omnipoison Gas Pills.-

- Special Skill 2: Multiple Blade Shot - The Wearer can fire up to six of the chambered hidden blades by infusing Mana into the firing mechanism. The range and power of this attack depend on how much Mana is expended.-

- Special Skill 4: Cable Shield- The Wearer can utilize the cables meant for the Grapple shot to cover their body in a wire armor capable of sustaining a single attack from a Peak Tier-4 existence.-

- Special Skill 5: Locked Grapple Shot Whip- Instead of immediately retracting the cables attached to the grappling hooks, the User can choose to retract them the desired amount before locking them in place to be used as a whip.-

-Damage Based on DEX and AGI Stat.-

-Special Skill 6: Omnipoison Gas Pill Bomb- Using the ejector mechanism built into every chamber, the User can expel a single Gas Pill Bomb. Upon impact with a hard surface, the pill will explode, creating a 10x10 meter Omnipoison Gas cloud.-

Glancing over all the new things and gear attached to his Assassins Tools, Cynrik couldn't help but feel pleased with himself. He had spent countless hours designing and building modified versions over the last few months, but it wasn't until the parts came in after being finished by Jessup that he could assemble it all.

Compared to the previous versions, Cynrik considered this his magnum opus, the MK7, which he was currently wearing on both wrists.

Still, the one thing that unsettled him was he had yet to gain all the bonuses that should have come with his newly engineered tool. But this was cleared up by Tobs, who at the time of completion informed him the rewards were so large that he wouldn't be able to handle the increase due to only being Tier-2, and he would have to wait until he Advanced to Tier-3 to receive them.

Reaching down and adjusting the rest of his equipment, Cynrik quickly checked everything from top to bottom to verify that his gear's durability was maxed and ready for combat.

- Shadow Cold-Steel Shin-Guards -

-Tier 3.5: Special Grade-

- Classification: Formfitting Under Armor -

- A custom-made Chainmail armor meant to be worn under a set of armor, a modified version of the original design created by Cinyah Jetlensr, updated by Cynrik Jetlensr, and forged from seven ore Cold-Steel, by Famed Blacksmith and Runist Jessup Pinhurst. The Runes inscribed on each chain-link have been tailored to handle Dark, Wind, Fire, and Lightning Mana. Comfortable and lightweight. Its smoothed links make it so the metal won't pinch the Wearer's skin.

- +100 DEF-

- +100 VIT.-

-Durability 15000/15000

- Ability:+ 10% Damage Buff to Dark, Wind, Fire, and Lightning Affinity Skills-

- Shadow Cold-Steel Shin-Guards-

-Tier 3.5: Special Grade-

- Classification: Mana Infused Shin-Guards -

- A custom-made steel plated shin-guard, a modified version of the original design created by Cinyah Jetlensr, updated by Cynrik Jetlensr, and forged from seven ore Cold-Steel, by Famed Blacksmith and Runist Jessup Pinhurst. These guards have been inscribed with Mana allocation runes containing Dark, Wind, Fire, and Lightning Mana.-

- +50 DEF-

- -100 AGI-

- Durability 10000/10000-

- Ability:+ 15% Damage Buff to Dark, and Lightning Affinity Skills, +10% Buff to Wind and Fire Affinity Skills.-

-Hooded Midnight Draco-Flame Coat -

-Tier 4: Special Grade-

- Classification: Mana Infused Duster Jacket -

- A custom-made jacket designed by Cynrik Jetlensr and Crafted from seven Cold-Steel ore and Adolescent Shadow Dragon Hide by Famed Blacksmith and Runist Jessup Pinhurst. This jacket contains Mana allocation runes containing Dark and Fire Mana. The materials and runic inscriptions on the coat allow it to store large amounts of Darkness Mana particles.-

-Lightweight, highly flexible, impact-proof, and most of all, Fireproof.-

- +250 DEF-

- +100 AGI -

- +100 DEX-

- +100 INT

-100% FIRE Resistance.-

- Durability 35000/35000-

- Ability:+ 25% Buff to Dark and Fire Affinity Skills.-

- Special Skill: Mana Flight – By infusing a minimum of 4500 MP of equal parts Dark and Fire Mana, the Wearer can produce two Mana construct wings from behind their shoulders capable of sustaining flight for up to 20 minutes.

-The speed and height these wings can take the Wearer depends on several factors, such as Weight, Purity of Mana, constant flow of Mana, and so on.-

Although the shin guards and under armor looked highly similar to his previous gear, the coat was vastly different. Gone were the pauldrons reminiscent of a specific one-winged angel, and in its place were thin Drago-Hide shoulder guards that hugged his collar and shoulder blades perfectly.

Moving away from the previous motif, Cynrik drew upon a mixture of two different themes, DMC's Dante and SAO's Kirito, merging their two coats and adding a massive amount of runic inscriptions, and voila, the Midnight Draco-Flame Coat was born, slap an Assassin's hood on it, and Cynrik couldn't be happier.

Similar to Kirio's Blackwyrm  Coat, the MDF Coat sported several straps. Still, the cross-body strap with a unique and dangerous x-shaped plate was the most impressive. Instead of the tacky and lame oversized fidget spinner of a breastplate named "The Heart of the Relic" that Kirito wore, Cynrik's plating covered his heart, and he had four gems, one for each of his Affinities.

The extra protection over his heart and the possible instant transfusion of Mana from the gems gave him an added layer of protection and an additional tank if he ran out of Mana.

The coat extended to his ankles, and even if it didn't look like much, it not only boosted him significantly in several stats but also gave him the much-coveted flight capabilities. When Mana was pumped into the back of his shoulders, Cynrik could create a pair of demonic BlackFire wings.

When he had shown off his new coat and wings to the other members of MyrkLys, everyone, excluding Selene, teased him for days, praising him for finally taking the final step into edgelord territory.

Only his girlfriend found him dashing and sinister looking, but most of all, "fucking hot."

While the new armor was top of the line and impressive in its own right, the true highlight of Cynrik's new equipment was the two extended-length kodachi, which had assumed their rightful positions over his right shoulder and on his right hip.

- Shadow Cold-Steel Quad-Elemental Extended Twin-Kodachi (F)-

-Tier-4: Special Grade.-

- Classification: Extended Runic Kodachi (61cm, 69cm) –

- A pair of matching black, single-edged, slightly curved swords; the longer blade is meant for use with the dominant hand, while the shorter is intended to be wielded with the non-dominant. Designed by Cynrik Jetlensr and Crafted from seven ore Cold-Steel, by Famed Blacksmith and Runist Jessup Pinhurst. The handle is wrapped with Shadow, Blaze,  Lightning, and Wind Draco hide, and the kashira (pommel) and habaki (ring guard) are forged from Shadow Draco bone. The blades are inscribed with Runes that can be infused with Dark, Fire, Wind, and Lightning Mana.

- +150 AGI.-

- +150 DEX.-

- +150 INT.-

-Ability: When wielding both at the same time, + 35% Buff to Dark and Fire Affinity Skills, +25% Buff to Lightning and Wind Affinity Skills.-

-Special Passive Skill: When wielding both at the same time, +45% increased Critical Rate.-

-Special Passive Skill: When wielding both at the same time, +45% Critical Damage.-

-Special Skill: (F) ???.-

Resting his right palm on the hilt of the longer blade, Cynrik couldn't help but feel nostalgic. Although he had been using the two swords for the last couple of weeks, he had gone months without them and having the newly improved and reforged kodachi back where they belonged gave Cynrik a sense of satisfaction like no other.

His gear was finished by a pair of Draco hide pants and tactical combat boots. But the benefits of wearing his equipment didn't stop with their basic properties. The coveted Set Boost was the one attribute Cynrik and Jessup strived for by creating his equipment set.

-MyrkLys Assassin Set: Epic Ranked.-

-1 piece: 50% buff to Movement Speed.-

-3 pieces: 25% buff to Crit Rate.-

-5 pieces: 25% buff to Crit damage.-

-7 pieces: 25% buff to all basic stats.-

The set was broken down as such, the shin guards counted as one piece, the coat was one piece, each Assassin's Tool and Kodachi counted as a single piece, and his chain mail took the final slot. Although 25% may not seem like much, one has to remember that Cynrik's stats are already passed 1000 points, and the higher they climb, the more insane the boosts would get.

His new equipment's sheer ultility and power increased Cynrik's ability to fight superior opponents easily. The deficit was so different now that if he were to come up against the spies some time ago, he would have obliterated them solo.

The best part was since every piece of his new gear was over Tier-3, they would last him well into Tier-4. And when they fell short of his prowess, it wouldn't be challenging to reforge and rework every piece to increase it to a higher Tier. The only question is how long he could do so.

There was no doubt that his present gear would not withstand multiple reforges without falling apart, but by that time, Cynrik assumed he would have already found an answer to this problem.

Adjusting his fingerless skintight nano-fiber undershirt around his palm, Cynrik smiled at Sie and Vii before directing his attention back toward the difficulty settings.

'Realistically, my safest bet is, of course, the Master ranked difficulty; however, I would be lying if I said I don't want to try facing a stronger version of myself. Just the thought of having to work through that puzzle has my mind spinning with excitement.' Cynrik thought as he rolled out his shoulders to adjust to wearing his leather gear.

'The real question, though, is how exact the Mirror image of me is. Could I, for example, get a sneak peek at new skills, techniques, or even Affinities I don't yet have? If that is the case, then there is no doubt I should choose Legendary.' Bringing his hand up to his chin, Cynrik swayed left and right in thought.

'The only downside I can scry is that I will likely fail in my advancement. Decisions, decisions, man, I fucking hope no one is dumb enough to jump headfirst into the Legendary difficulty. It is a trap; oh well, if they do, I will make them suffer with more hell training.' Making up his mind, Cynrik nodded at Sie and Vii before pressing the Grandmaster Difficulty.

-You have selected the Grandmaster Difficulty, adjusting the settings and parameters for your Tribulation Quest.-

-Tribulation Quest: Mirror's Image.-

-Confident, cocky, intelligent, and arrogance are all attributes necessary when fighting tooth and nail to become the best. However, these aspects of yourself have become a wall you must pass to advance. As such, your Opponent for this Tribulation is yourself. Your Opponent will be set to Level 35/70 in all Classes and the Primary level of Tier-3, and you will have four hours to defeat them.-

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