The Over-Break System

Chapter 403 Trial Quest Selene (2)

The days began to bleed together, and as time passed in the hellacious war against the Abyssal Demons, Selene not only perfected her slaughter craft but also garnered quite a bit of attention from her Allies. Well, would-be allies, considering she wanted virtually nothing to do with them.

Having spent roughly six days since coming to the Battlefield, Selene had aggressively analyzed the contents of her Trial Quest, practically beating an already dead horse to a pulp.

The result of her efforts was that there was zero point in joining the military and gaining exploits. Sure, technically, she was thrown in and given a rank by the Passing Down Interface; however, it was wholly unnecessary and frankly against her combat style to rely on the numerous weaker comrades tossed her way.

Instead of getting into formations and listening to orders passed down by "superiors," Selene preferred to move freely across the battlefield like a silent reaper, slaying one Abyssal Demon before moving on to its friends. It also saved her the trouble of dealing with the seemingly never-ending supply of fuckbois who wanted to court her.

Over the past few days, there had been no end to the line of warriors trying to get into her pants, and after even attacking a group of them, she had made her point of view well known.

"Stay the fuck away from me, or I will castrate you before torturing you to death." Mind you, these words only applied to the Male soldiers, and Selene was much more tolerant around other females. Still, at the end of the day, it didn't matter to her because, in her mind, they were all figments created by the Passing Down Interface and the CSH.

Regardless, interacting with the other soldiers was out of Selene's control. After the 3rd day of endless slaughter, she was called into the commanding officer's tent, was promoted, and given a group of 100 soldiers, which was her command responsibility.

The following day, when she reluctantly showed up at the meeting point organized by the Officer, Selene was dismayed to find that she was now in charge of a hundred Tier-2 beings, all of which were weak in her eyes. In contrast, when the 100 beings spotted their new Commander was the "DarkSpear," the nickname she had gotten from the masses, they couldn't help but become overly excited.

Sighing internally and realizing her people wanted a speech of some sort, Selene couldn't help but miss her boyfriend. Until now, it had always been Cynrik taking charge of everything, from the planning to distributing tasks; the members of MyrkLys hadn't realized how reliant on him they had individually become.

In the case of Selene, who viewed Cynrik as her muse, her foundation, having been thrust into a situation where she had to speak in public, Selene struggled to find the right words.

"Listen up, I am sure you guys have seen how I work on the battlefield, so I won't patronize you with fluffy words. This is war; in war, it's kill or be killed. I can't promise everyone will make it back in one piece, nor can I promise you an easy battle." Looking out over the 100 expectant pairs of eyes locked on her, Selene almost shivered but continued speaking.

"What I can promise you, at the very least, is a glorious death. But not before taking down the bastards who stole your lives. I keep a fast pace and never stop moving due to a skill of mine, so if you find yourself unable to keep up, group together and deal with the opponents as a unit."

After that came a wave of endless bloodshed, and here, three days later, Selene had only lost four of her soldiers. Not only did she obtain the lowest casualty rate when it came to her soldiers, but thanks to her fighting style, every one of the beings placed under her command had grown significantly, with the majority reaching the Peak of Tier-2.

There were rough patches here and there, especially when battling Tier-4 individuals. However, Selene had come through thanks to her training and being completely OverGeared, thanks to Cynrik and Jessup.

With yet another harsh day of combat under her belt, Selene retreated behind the safety of the demilitarized zone. She entered her tent before stripping off her armor and cleaning it as usual. Once that was complete, she pulled up her Kill Tally and sighed.

-Current Kill Tally.-

-Tier-1 Abyssal Demons: 5000/5000.-

-Tier-2 Abyssal Demons: 2485/2500.-

-Tier-3 Abyssal Demons: 433/500.-

-Tier-4 Abyssal Demons: 8/10.-

Six days of grueling combat had seen Selene slaying thousands of Abyssal Demons, and now that there was only a single day left in the Trial Quest, Selene couldn't help but get nervous. Killing 5k Tier-1 Demons was simple, and even Killing off Tier-2's wasn't much of a challenge. Still, as the days dragged on, Selene found herself venturing deeper and deeper behind enemy lines solely to locate the higher Tiered Abyssal Demons.

And now, with less than 24 hours on the Timer, she still needed 15 more Tier-2, 67 Tier-3, and 2 Tier-4 Abyssal Demons, meaning tomorrow morning, she would have to venture deeper into the enemy army than ever before. Heaving a sigh, storing her equipment, and laying down on her cot, Selene stared up at the ceiling of her tent, lost in thought.

'Man, it sucks that I don't get anything from killing Abyssal Demons; just thinking about all the lost Stat points and XP drives me nuts.' Selene thought as she held up her hand and looked at her palm.

'I wonder how Cyn is doing. Knowing him, he probably did something stupid like picking a higher difficulty rating and is stuck facing an insane opponent.' The thought of her boyfriend's frantic face made Selene giggle lightly before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The sounds of battle flooded the surrounding barren wasteland for hundreds of kilometers as the ground was soaked in a mixture of crimson-red and grey blood. While the beings who could fly fought in the sky, the lower Tiered beings fought tooth and nail in blood and corpse-filled mud.

-You have killed an Early Tier-4 Abyssal Demon Captain.-

-Your Kill Tally has been updated.-

-You have killed a Peak Tier-3 Abyssal Demon Lieutenant.-

-Your Kill Tally has been updated.-

Selene's Spear shot forward, spinning around and continuously moving forward while shrouded in a shadowy black mist. With each thrust, a squishy sound could be heard as her opponent's body hit the ground, not even a second later.

'That's two more High Tier's down,' Selene thought as she jumped into the air, shifted into Dark Mana Particles, and traveled further behind enemy lines.

It had been 14 hours since she and her troops reentered the battlefield, and to say things were going well would be a blatant lie. From the get-go, something was off about the intensity of today's fights. Selene could tell that the Abyssal Demons were fighting with an odd level of Vigor as if things were finally going their way, and before each of them fell to her Spear, they would look to the sky and smile with their creepy pointed teeth.

'They know something we don't, but what in the fuck is it?' Traveling 20 meters in the air around the battlefield, Selene scanned her surroundings, looking for the last Tier-4 Abyssal Demon required to complete her quest.


Suddenly three concussive explosions occurred high above her position, forcing Selene to get lower to the ground in fear of taking damage, even in her gaseous state, from an unknown and way too powerful entity.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Selene located a platoon of Tier-3 Demons helmed by a single Tier-4, but instead of rushing in, Selene stopped and frowned.

'Fuck, that one is too strong for me to handle.' Watching the movement of the three-meter-tall Abyssal Demon, Selene couldn't stop the bitter thoughts from entering her mind.

The previous 9 Tier-4 Demons that had fallen to her Spear were all Early Tier-4, thus freshly out of Tier-3 and hadn't had enough time to adjust to their new powers.

With that factor on her side, Selene resorted to sneak attacks and several tactics she had learned by observing Cynrik and racked up the necessary Kill Tally.

However, the one she had found just now moved too fluidly and rapidly released one Affinity skill after another with minimal effort, a sign to her that this one had to be Mid-Tier-4 at the very least.

Glancing at the Timer in the corner of her vision with her metaphorical eyes, Selene sighed. There were only 15 minutes left in the Trial Quest, and she had found herself in a do-or-die situation.

'Fuck it, full power time,' steeling her resolve, Selene rushed forward, deactivated her [Void Shift], blindsided the Demon with a sweeping slash of her Spear, activated [Void Domain], followed by her Húðflúr and Æsir Mode. It was time to use every tool at her disposal.

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