The Over-Break System

Chapter 411 Tier-3 Evolution Gabby (2)

-Your Stat Cap has increased to 5400 points.-

-You no longer can use Standard Essence to Increase your Level; you are required to use a higher form of Energy, SPN Stage Essence.*SPN-XP*-

-One point of SPN-XP is equivalent to 10k Essence.-

-The conversion of XP to SPN-XP can be done, but it is time-consuming and must be done within the SOC.-

-Your Beast Partner has undergone a Baptism of Mana and has grown alongside you.-

-Your Beast Partner's stats have increased by a modifier of 1.5.-

Snuggling Milo against her cheek, Gabby's eyes went wide with shock and awe as she read through the notifications, especially when she got to the last two lines about Milo.

Gently pushing her kitten away and looking at his confused face at arm's length, Gabby scrutinized Milo to see if there were any noticeable changes other than the color of his fur. But after a solid 30 seconds of this, she came up empty.

"Mama? Is everything ok? Why are you showing me a weird face?" Milo asked with his cute childish voice.

"Hmm, apparently, you underwent something called a Baptism of Mana, and I was checking to see if you had changed physically other than the color of your fur. Do you feel any different?" Gabby asked as she brought him back to her bosom and gingerly hugged him.

"Em, I guess I feel stronger now? Mama, can't you check my statty thingys? I remember Meanie Cyn saying I won't have a window thingy like you guys until I reach Tier-3." Rubbing his head against Gabby, Milo squeaked out his answer as he nuzzled against her for warmth.

"Hehe, silly Milo, I was just about to do that. Don't forget; it is called a Status Profile and Stats. I wanted to know if YOU felt anything different first." Gabby quickly opened up Milo's Status Profile while rolling her eyes at his antics.

: Status :

: Milo :

: Smilodon-Thṓs Male :

: Age-0:

: Tier-2  :

: Level: 30 :

: Essence(XP): 0 :

: Distribution: 4 STR, 2 DEX, 2 AGI, 2 INT,4 VIT :

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 4 :

: Mana Body  - Tier-3:


: HP 110,400/110,400 :  80 Per Point

: Mana 16,740/16,740 :  20 Per Point

: Stamina 41,100/41,100 : 30 Per Point

: Stat Points- 0 : (25 per level)

: Skill Points- 110 : (2 per level)

: Strength- 1455 :

: Dexterity- 900 :

: Agility- 1050 :

: Intelligence- 772 :

: Vitality- 1455 :

: Mind- 815 :

: Affinity- :

:(BG)Terra-Tier-3 (Adept):

:(BG)Chloro-Tier-3 (Adept):

:(SEC)Hema-Tier-3 (Adept):

However, the results of her investigation caused Gabby to freeze in place and nearly drop Milo.

"What the HECK! MILO HONEY! YOU, YOU, HOW?" Gabby screeched as she read through how massive a 1.5 times modifier was on paper.

She first noticed that Milo not only had a Mana Body, but his Codex had increased in Tier, from 2.5 to Tier-3. To top it all off, his Stage had increased from three to four.

Next, she saw that Milo's HP had broken through 100k thanks to his Resource Modifier, and his STR and VIT stats had shattered the standard 1200-point Stat Cap entirely.

Lastly, her eyes finally fell on her kitten's Affinities. For starters, everything had increased by 2 Tiers, from Tier-1 to Tier-3, and then from Beginner all the way up to Adept.

With her lips curling up in a bright smile, exposing her pearly white teeth, Gabby planted several kisses on Milo's forehead before praising him for getting stronger.

Meanwhile, in her heart, she was chanting a line repeatedly.


Although confused by how strange his Mama was acting, Milo wasn't one to say no to forehead kisses and rubbies, so he simply allowed her to do as she pleased until Gabby finally calmed down.

Once she had, Gabby explained the changes in his stats in a way he could understand. Still, after a few minutes of only causing him a headache, she inevitably gave up, sat down, placed Milo in her lap, and finally examined her updated Stats.

: Status :

: Gabriella Sanford (Gabby):

: Title -  Perfect Clear Expert, Perfect Evolution :

: Human Female :

: Age-12 :

: Tier-3 :

: Supernatural Stage :

: Primary Class - NONE :

:Former: Tier-2 Huntress : (+7 DEX, +7 AGI Distribution)

:Former: Tier-1 Archer : (+2 To DEX, +2 AGI Distribution)

: Sub-Class - NONE :

:Former: Tier-1 Basic Potioneer : (+7 DEX, +7 MIND Distribution)

: Level: 0/50 0/100: :

: SPN Stage Essence Pool(SPN-XP): 0 :

: P-Class (None) :

: S-Class (None) :

: Distribution: 0(0) STR, 3(16) DEX, 3(9) AGI, 3(0) INT, 0(0) VIT, 3(7) MIND :

: Mana Codex & Veins Tier-3  :

: Stage 4 :

: Mana Body - Tier-3, 15g Resistance :

: Credits: 12,000 :

: Merit Points: 15,636


: HP 53,000/53,000 :  80 Per Point

: Mana 26,500/26,500 :  40 Per Point

: Stamina 26,500/26,500 : 40 Per Point

: Stat Points- 0 : (20 per level) Class (3)

: Skill Points- 226 : (4 per level) Class (3)

: Strength-  1250 :

: Dexterity- 1800 :

: Agility- 1800 :

: Intelligence- 1250 :

: Vitality-  1250 :

: Mind-  1485 :

: Partner Bond- 25% :

: Killing Intent- 722 – 6.50G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG) Tier-3 Psychic Manipulation (Initial):

:(AG) Tier-3 Chloro Manipulation (Initial):

The first thing Gabby noticed upon reading through her updates was that her Age now showed as 12. As she thought about it, she realized that it had been updated to reflect her absence while in the Egress.

The way she saw it was if it showed up on hers, the odds were it would be the same for everyone else, meaning technically, they had a second birthday now. Knowing it was useless to dwell on, Gabby moved down and noticed she, too, had something called a Mana Body and Veins.

Although confused, she knew there would be plenty of things she didn't quite understand, primarily since information on higher Tiers was severely restricted.

Upon reaching her Resource stats, Gabby's eyes glazed over while numbers flooded her mind, and she ran the math.

'53k HP, 26.5k MP, and STAM, aren't these numbers too high?' Gabby thought while zeroing in on her stats that were previously at 1000 points, primarily INT and VIT.

'The modifier…the new Tier-3 modifier was applied even though my stats were initially under the 1200 cap. That means that instead of getting 200 points at the 40 HP, 20 MP, and 20 STAM modifiers, I got 250 at 80, 40, and 40. Woah.' Ruminating on that thought a little longer, Gabby narrowed her eyes and ran the numbers on her AGI and DEX, only to realize they were increased by 1.5 times instead of 1.25, like her STR, INT, VIT, and MIND stats.

Once she noticed this fact, Gabby's mind soon concluded that she had received a more considerable boost precisely because her DEX and AGI had reached the Cap.

Sitting in silence, slowly petting Milo, Gabby concluded that her gains were indeed significant with this Evolution and couldn't help but be excited to see everyone elses, especially her beloved Brancie's stats.

"Hmmm, we made out like bandits this time, Milo; our stats are pretty high now. I wonder what kind of quests everyone else had, though; I hope everyone is ok." Gabby mused as she leaned back on her hands and looked out over the open forest covered in Amethyst Fog.


POV: Selene

-You have Passed your Trial Quest, With an SSS Rating. You will receive extra benefits upon completion of your Tier-3 Evolution.-

-Now Commencing Tier-3 Evolution.-

Selene wasn't even given a chance to withdraw her Affinity Skills as her vision spun and the most intense pain she had ever experienced ran its course through her body.

'FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!' After her consciousness shot back into her body in the Aether Capsule, Selene screamed internally as her body felt like it had been tossed into a wood chipper.

'HOW THE FUCK IS THIS SOMETHING A NORMAL PERSON IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO HANDLE?' Feeling the tears streaming down her cheeks, Selene couldn't even thrash about as her body liquified and her bones turned to dust.

-Continuing passed the 50% mark of your Evolution.-

-Commencing Breathing Mana Life Cycle.-

-Burning all Excess Essence stored in the Essence Pool.-

'Focus, focus, this is nothing; pain is merely weakness leaving the body. THIS IS NOTHING! COME AT ME, YOU OW OW OW OW FUCK!' Having gone through several Evolutions and a childhood filled with physical abuse, Selene toughed her way through the pain like a champ and even went so far as to mentally curse the CSH hundreds of times in a matter of seconds.

'Everyone else is UGH, going through, FUCK, the same MOTHER FUCKING PAIN AS YOU, SELENE! STAY THE HELL AWAKE; THE SECOND YOU PASS OUT, IT'S ALL OVER!' Pumping herself up with powerful speeches, the minutes ticked by as Tobs narrated every notification, which fell on deaf ears until finally, the pain ceased, and Selene collapsed onto the ground in her SOC.

-Breathing Mana Life Cycle has been completed 90 times.-

-Your Mana Body has been entirely constructed.-

-Zero Flaws or Anomalies found with Mana Body Construction.-

-Transferring Host to their Sea of Consciousness.-

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