The Over-Break System

Chapter 415 Tier-3 Evolution Cynrik (3)

-That was the second to last reward from your Tribulation Quest.-

'Eh? Second to last, so what was the final reward?' Scrunching up his nose as if he smelled a horrible fart, Cynrik became confused at Tobs' words.

-Your Tribulation quest has taken the place of your Tier-3 Turning Point Quest.-

-You have assimilated one of your Divinity Fragments and received another Ragnar Memory Fragment.-

"EHHHHHHHHH!" Cynrik fell backward and stared blankly into the void above in a mixture of confusion and shock.

'What the hell, man…that means that the Alternate Reality Me was the Æsir Spirit I was supposed to fight…that isn't very reassuring.' Cynrik thought as he ran through everything M-Cyn had said during their fight.

-Whether or not you find it reassuring, the facts outweigh your suspicions. The Mirrored Version of yourself was indeed an Æsir Spirit and has taken the place of your next Turning Point Quest.-

'Tsk, I am not so sure I like your new attitude very much, Tobs. What is up with you? How come you are so…human.' Abruptly sitting up and crossing his legs and arms, Cynrik narrowed his eyes.

-This…promise me you aren't going to freak out and assault me as Selene did earlier. I want you to stay 15 meters from me lest your lecherous hands find their way onto me.-

Cynrik stiffened at Tobs' words, and his mind began spinning like an engine. Multiple different scenarios flooded into his head as he quickly narrowed down the potential reasons why Selene would "Assault" Tobs, let alone the fact that it shouldn't even be possible.

However, before he could come to a conclusion, a small blue portal opened up not far away from him, and a petite young woman stepped out, careful not to step on any sharps stones since her feet were bare.

As Cynrik saw this young woman, he widened his eyes briefly before settling back into his usual RBF, *Resting Bitch Face*, and sighing heavily.

"Wow, that's the only reaction I get out of you? I half expected a similar outburst to what I got from Selene. Instead, all I get is a lackluster raised eyebrow and wide eyes before you turn on that emotionless switch of yours." Clutching her clipboard to her chest tightly, Tobs tried her best to hide her nervousness from Cynrik.

Since she had been with him Brance and Selene as a disembodied voice for so long, she was extremely nervous about finding out how her Hosts would react once they realized she finally had a physical body or at least one she could use in the SOC.

Albeit, when it came to Cynrik, she had already assumed he would have a more muted and overly analytical reaction, followed by Selene would be excessively loud, and then Brance…Brance would probably be the first to congratulate her while saying nice things.

"I see, so that's how it is. I have been wondering for some time what happened to our Human Bloodlines. After running hundreds of tests on my blood, along with Brancie's, I've found that the ratio of Æsir to Human was too precise, and it isn't as if the Æsir Bloodline devoured our Human blood, so it had to go somewhere."

Standing up and walking over to meet Tobs face to face, Cynrik continued speaking. Stopping less than a meter away from the young woman, who visibly shivered as he drew near, he examined her from head to toe before doing something that surprised the AI entirely.

Without saying another word, Cynrik reached out and petted the top of Tobs' head gently while giving her a warm smile, not unlike he did for Sie and Vii.

"You worked hard, Tobs, congratulations on getting yourself a body. I don't care how you channeled our lost Human Bloodline, but the fact that you were able to utilize it to craft yourself a body must have been hard work." Dropping his hand and stepping back to examine the girl's reaction, Cynrik noticed that Tobs had lowered her head and looked at her toes while shivering.

When she finally looked up at him, her eyes were puffy, and it was obvious that she had been silently crying. As heartless of a monster as Cynrik could sometimes be, there were still exceptions to his ruthless nature, and those exceptions were family.

Even though she was only a simple AI program to him initially, Tobs had been there even when Brance had yet to arrive, and although he had his ups and downs with her, at the end of the day, he was aware she only had his best interest in mind when she did things.

Thus, he had long since categorized her as "Family," so, in his mind, at least, he had no problem treating her with warmth.

"But let me tell you now, squirt, if you get sassy with me like earlier again, don't think I won't give you a good spanking." Smiling wryly, Cynrik couldn't help but tease the young woman who was a full head and a half shorter than him.



Before Cynrik could even react, he was sent sailing through the air as the now angry and flushed Tobs sucker punched him right in the jaw with way too much strength behind her attack.

"HUFF, Now I understand why your Aunt and Mother hit you so often; it is such a good feeling. You have such a hittable face." Snorting as she straightened out her blouse, Tobs tucked a lock of white hair behind her ear and glared at Cynrik as he was slow to get back to his feet over fifty meters away.

All the while, he was continuously cackling like a madman.

"Damn, Tobsie, you've got a hell of a left straight. Tell me, have you been spying on Brancie and my training and learning how to fight this whole time?" Cynrik said as he instantly appeared back in front of the young woman while rubbing his sore and swollen cheek.

"Hmph, damn right, jerk, and don't call me Tobsie; I don't like that one bit." Turning her head to the side, Tobs tried to hide the slight grin and blush from Cynrik. It was the first time he had addressed her with a nickname, and she didn't know how to feel about it.

"Bah, anywho, you still didn't confirm my theory, be honest, you've been siphoning off the excess humanity Brance, Selene, and I have been shedding, haven't you?" Tossing her a shameless smile, Cynrik ignored that Tobs had exhibited a STR Stat much higher than his own and prodded her for information.

"Just as you thought during the Breathing Mana Life Cycle, matter can't be destroyed…well, by normal means, that is; regardless, your Human Bloodline had to go somewhere, so naturally, it was absorbed by me."

"Now that all three of my Hosts have reached 25% in their particular Bloodlines, I have acquired the excess 75% Human Bloodline and molded it to create a body for myself. However, as it stands, I can only use it here, in the SOC. I still cannot manifest myself outside of your minds or SOC." Raising her clipboard and threatening Cynrik with it in case he wanted to try something, Tobs confirmed his suspicions.

"Anyway, enough about me. Shouldn't you be checking on Vii and Sie's new stats? They did, after all, get a pretty decent stat buff. They both reached the Stat cap of 1000 on one of their Stats." Rolling her eyes and diverting the attention away from herself, Tobs then pointed at the sleeping ravens who hadn't moved since they arrived in Cynrik's SOC.

"AH, good looks Tobsie," snapping his fingers and turning back to look at the two ravens, Cynrik motioned with his left hand and brought up their Status Panels.

: Sielu "Sie" :

: Nátt Hrafn Female :

: Age-0:

: Tier-1  :

: Level: 38 :

: Essence(XP): 186,226/322,303 :

: Distribution: 2 AGI, 2 INT, 2 VIT :

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 3 :

: Body - Tier-3:


: HP 38,800/38,800 :  40 Per Point

: Mana 16,420/16,420 : 20 Per Point

: Stamina 9700/9700 :  10 Per Point

: Stat Points- 1 : (6 per level)

: Skill Points- 111 : (2 per level)

: Strength- 660 :

: Dexterity- 600 :

: Agility- 963 :

: Intelligence- 851 :

: Vitality- 1000 :

: Mind- 518 :

: Predator's Intent- 466 - 5.25 G :

: PSN Resistance- 100 :

: FIRE Resistance- 30 :

: DARK Resistance- 30 :

: LTNG Resistance- 30 :

: WIND Resistance- 30 :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-3 (Expert):

:(SEC)OmniPoison-Tier-2 (Adept):

: Status :

: Viisaus "Vii" :

: Nátt Hrafn Male :

: Age-0 :

: Tier-1  :

: Level: 38 :

: Essence(XP): 186,226/322,303 :

: Distribution: 2 STR, 2 AGI, 2 INT :

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 3 :

: Body - Tier-3:


: HP 32,300/32,300 :  40 Per Point

: Mana 16,420/16,420 :  20 Per Point

: Stamina 8075/8075 :  10 Per Point

: Stat Points- 0 : (6 per level)

: Skill Points- 111 : (2 per level)

: Strength- 1000 :

: Dexterity- 600 :

: Agility- 963 :

: Intelligence- 851 :

: Vitality- 825 :

: Mind- 518 :

: Predator's Intent- 466 - 5.25 G :

: PSN Resistance- 100 :

: FIRE Resistance- 30 :

: DARK Resistance- 30 :

: LTNG Resistance- 30 :

: WIND Resistance- 30 :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-2 (Adept):

:(SEC)OmniPoison-Tier-3 (Expert):

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