The Over-Break System

Chapter 437 The Skill Created Through Hard Work, Lots Of Theorizing, And Insanity

Without looking back at his disheartened girlfriend, Cynrik slipped into the familiar negative world known as the Shadow Realm and soon touched down on the branch of one of the shadowy trees that dotted the realm as far as the eye could see.

Quickly finding a decent position on the branch he was standing on, Cynrik collapsed on his butt and leaned his back against the structure.

"Balance my ass; this is no better than stacking the deck in favor of Native Vinestrians," Cynrik complained to no one in particular.

"Seriously, just when I think I am getting ahead, everyone else gets advantages I cannot foresee. DAMN IT!" Erupting in muddy four-colored Light that seemed severely out of place in the Shadow Realm, Cynrik slung his left arm forward and created a whip of pure condensed Mana, which cracked loudly upon impact with the branch he was propped up on.



After the third impact, the branch could no longer withstand the damage and exploded into dusty black particles.

"If it's not those asshole Gods, then it's the CSH. When will it stop? When will I be able to break the cycle of being someone elses pawn?" Feeling the tremors making their way through the shadow tree, Cynrik stood up and hopped to a different structure.

"As if it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't keep Brance in check if something went wrong, now I have to worry about Benny going rogue someday. There's no telling how bleak our future will be, and if I can't devise contingency plans for every scenario, I will be caught with my pants down if something goes wrong."

"Fuck, when the hell did I become Batman…the more I think like this the more I understand his reasoning. If everything goes to shit, he took it upon himself to have contingency plans to stop every League member. Only things are ten times worse in reality."

"There are hundreds if not thousands of beings on the level of someone like Superman on Vinestra, and if my team continues progressing the way they are, there will be another 6, myself included."

As he spoke, Cynrik began pacing on the branch as he chewed on the skin between his nail and left thumb.

"Benny's new copy skill is nuts, and to make matters worse, only he knows the limitations of that Skill. If it came down to a fight, my only hope of winning would be to eliminate him as quickly as possible. I can't let the fight drag on for too long, or else it won't be long until he can perfectly recreate my Blóðrauðr Banamaðr Forms."

"And then there's Brance, setting aside the apparent type disadvantage, that tower of his presents a massive problem. Still, I should be okay if I stay outside his teleportation range and keep on the move while blasting him from a distance."

Snap, snap, snap

While he continuously paced and mumbled aloud, Cynrik started snapping his finger and manifesting different colored orbs of Mana to temper and adjust to the feeling of using Mana Manipulation.

"Then there's Gabby; that Ancient Magik crap is bound to be insanely powerful, but if the idea I am forming comes to fruition, it, too, won't be much of a threat to me, aside from dealing with the annoying language that rattled my brain when she talks."


Once he finished theorizing about dealing with Gabby, Cynrik threw out his left arm toward the never-ending expanse of the Shadow Realm and unleashed tens of glowing orbs, which soon detonated like miniature nuclear explosions.

"The only one I don't have to worry about is Selene, and that is only because of that pesky soul mate bullshit forced on me by Odin. Sigh, why can't I just live a peaceful life where I don't constantly worry about everything that could go wrong?" After making that statement, Cynrik spun on his heels and observed the damage he caused with his experimental attack.

With a thought and a kick on the branch, he dashed out into the zero gravity area of destruction and observed the results of his seemingly random attack.

"Still not enough; the nature of Umbra particles is the destruction of Light. Unlike Selene, whose Shadow particles are the absence of Light, mine not only swallow Light Mana but literally every other surrounding particle to use as fuel." Clicking his tongue and waving his hand, Cynrik manifested a pitch-black sphere of pure Umbra Mana.

"At first glance, I believed this particle to be similar to Anti-Matter, but it lacks the three essential components, radioactive decay, super high temperatures, and particle collision. Two of those things I can recreate by using my Fire Affinity and my familial Ability [Mana Manipulation], but finding a way to generate radioactive decay seems not only impossible but also improbable."

Waving his hand and splitting the floating black orb into four smaller spheres, Cynrik slung his arm out like a baseball pitcher, guiding the four orbs toward a distant structure.

Right before the four orbs made contact, he twisted his left hand, causing the orbs to individually rotate on top of orbiting each other. A millisecond before impact, the four spheres smashed into each other while glowing in blue and black Light.


The result was even more catastrophic than if Brance fully charged five [White Dwarfs] with Mana and made them hit the same target. Unsurprisingly, before the dust could even clear and Cynrik could examine the outcome, his effort and experiment bore fruit in the form of a notification from Tobs.

-You have created a new skill by combining the knowledge of another world and your theoretical intelligence. Since this Skill is entirely new, as its Creator, you have been allowed to name it by the Central System Hub.-

"Umbral Tailed Beast Bomb!" Seeing the notification he wanted, a smirk crept unto Cynrik's lips, and without hesitation, he named the Skill.


His naming sense drew a screeching complaint from Tobs, which fell on deaf ears as Cynrik merely chuckled and waited for the subsequent notifications to come through, which they did a few moments later.

- Your Skill has been registered in the official skill database after being approved by the Central System Hub.-

-The Central System Hub has generated an adequate effect and description; you may view them at any time within your Affinity Skills Tab.-

-You have learned the Tier-4 Dual Affinity (Umbral Fire) Affinity Skill: [Umbral Tailed Beast Bomb]-

-You have created a never before seen Dual Affinity Skill; as such, you have been given a reward pack from the CSH.-

-Your Umbra Manipulation has Evolved from Tier-3 to Tier-3.5.-

-Your Manipulation Mastery over Umbra Mana particles has increased from Initial to Beginner.-

-Your Fire Manipulation has Evolved from Tier-3 to Tier-3.5.-

-Your Manipulation Mastery over Fire Mana particles has increased from Initial to Beginner.-

-You have received 200 Points in all basic Stats.-

-You have received 200 Free Allocation Stat points.-

-You have received 150 Skill Points.-

-You have been awarded the Title "Skill Creator".-

"HAHAHA! OI Tobs, shouldn't I get a new title, like Balance Breaker or some shit." Laughing like a madman, Cynrik danced in the zero gravity void for a few minutes while shouting jeers at the Gods and CSH before finally calming down enough to read through his new skill description.

-Tier-4  Dual Affinity Skill: [Umbral Tailed Beast Bomb] (Umbra Fire)-

-Category: Active Skill.-

-A Skill Created by Cynrik Jetlensr by compressing and fusing two clusters of particles, one part Umbra and one Fire, into a heavily condensed orb.-

-This Skill is also considered part of Ability due to the nature of its use.-

-The User creates four orbs of Umbral Fire Mana, which can be thrown and target-locked to a preselected target's Mana signature.-

-Generating the correct manifestation of this Skill is only considered a partial activation, as even that is extremely difficult. The Second part involves rotating the sphere in a specific manner. Each of the four orbs will have a "mate," and each "mate" must rotate at a high velocity on top of having opposite rotations.  -

-The third part involves rotating both couples around a fixed point in an orbiting pattern.-

-For the final part, the two couples must be forcefully crashed together simultaneously as the two couples crash into the other pair. Doing this will create a devastating implosion as the Umbral Mana superheats due to the presence of Advanced Fire Particles. This creates a fission effect which causes a miniature black hole to form before soon dying and collapsing under its own pressure.-

-Upon the orbs colliding, a massive concussive implosion blast and an eye-searing flash of Anti-Light will be generated as the Umbra and Fire Mana Particles go out of control and contract. Anyone who views this flash, other than the skill User, has a 75% chance of being inflicted with the status effect "Impaired" for 30 seconds.-

-If the Enemy who is in the vicinity of this erupting attack has the opposing Light Affinity, they will also have a 45% chance of receiving the status effect, "Umbral Burn." This status effect is similar to "Burn," only the damage received over time is 500 HP per second. This status effect can last between one minute to five minutes depending on the power and Tier of the being's Light Affinity. If the targeted Light Affinity User also gained the status effect "Impaired," both "Umbral Burn" and "Impaired" will have double the duration.-

-Damage Calc: Based on the amount of Mana condensed into the spheres, INT, Umbra, and Fire Elemental Manipulation Mastery and Tier.-

-Cost: 2500 MP per Sphere 10,000 Mana Total. This is only the initial cost; more MP can be spent for better results.-

-Cooldown: 30 minutes.-

Upon reading the description of his new Skill, Cynrik fell backward and began cackling, seemingly on the brink of insanity.

"This…this is a fucking game changer HAHAHAHA!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, filled with awe and exhilaration.

-How…how in the fuck are you able to do that.-

Tobs asked with a hint of uncertainty in her voice, making Cynrik laugh so hard that tears began streaming down his cheeks.

"What part? Are you asking about the part where I created an absolute monster of a Skill, or how my train of thought changed on a dime?" It took some time for him to calm down and wipe the tears of laughter from his face.

-BOTH! I get that you are a lunatic who can create miracles like a mad scientist. But how the hell did you even think about utilizing Mana particles in this way? Your thoughts were so clouded that even I found it impossible to navigate the heavy depression.-

"That is easy, Tobsie; within chaos, there is organization. You know my mind as well as I do. At any given time, hundreds of thoughts swirl around my head like a storm of bees, and I have become quite good at keeping each bee in its orderly flight pattern."

"I don't bother focusing on any one thought for too long, as even I am not capable of that level of processing power…yet. However, in my insanity, there is brilliance, and through experimentation hidden behind the panic and craziness, I find the perfect idea to work through every now and then. That is how I pulled this awesome shit off!

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