The Path of Ascension

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Matt smiled as Aster boldly dragged her Magma Otter friend Cameron onto the ship. Her bond, a short, nervous-looking woman, following behind like she expected to get turned away at any moment.

Kelly, the small Lightning Finch, laughed at the display. Well, it's good to see someone hasnt changed even a little bit.

Cameron huffed even as she pulled herself free and fixed her shirt and pants. For a stupid ice rodent, you think you would know how to chill out. I said I was coming, I just needed a few more minutes to finish my paperwork. Some of us have jobs beyond sitting around and looking pretty.

Cameron turned to Liz and Matt, and realizing what she had implied about them, flushed a little. She was clearly going to apologize, but she was slower than Aster, who smacked her with her tail and threw a fist into the air. So you admit I look good!

Cameron worked her jaw and slowly said, It is an expression that bears no resemblance to reality in your case. Shoving Aster to the side and into Kellys arms, she nodded to him and Liz. It's good to finally meet you two. I have heard so much about you from Ice Pop over there. It's also very kind of you to invite all of us to the ceremony. There are a billion and one people ahead of me on the guest list, so being able to bypass it is a dream come true.

Matt took the proffered hand and returned a genuine smile. Think nothing of it. Mom and Dad have a box reserved for them, and you wouldnt believe how big it is. Also, they arent even using it.

Liz nodded in agreement as she took Camerons hand. Really, we should have done this a while ago, we just needed the break after being on The Path for so long. And this is the perfect time to get everyone together. A small, wicked grin flirted at the edge of her lips. I hear youre a fan of Torch?

Camerons grin turned a little stiff as she shrugged. I can be honest and admit that I thought that this set of Ascenders wouldnt manage it. Really, Im here to network. I asked Aster and she said that was fine? There was a lilt to her last sentence that made it clear she was asking for Lizs permission.

Liz waved it off with a wicked grin. When the ceremony is over, Im sure people will be crawling over each other to talk to you when it's clear you know us. It's usually a thing we hate, but if you can work that angle, feel free to do so. Aster trusts you, so you must be good people.

Matt had to bite the inside of his cheek as Liz glossed over just why people would be so intent on meeting their friends. For now, theyd assume it was because of their connection to Mara and Leon, which wasnt false, but with retrospect, it would come across very differently.

They had been doing that with all their friends as much as possible, and Cameron was just the latest victim of the small prank.

Matt was currently losing to both Aster and Liz, and jumped at the opportunity to score a point on the back of Lizs comment. If you find yourself overwhelmed, you can always just shout our names, and people will probably leave you alone. I hear you wanted a position on a noble's council. If you play your cards right, you can probably skip right to that part.

Cameron smiled but waved that suggestion away. While I one hundred percent intend to network, I dont want to get to my dream position solely through any highly placed connections. How can I be a good leader if I havent done the job of those who I lead? Still, the networking will make everything smoother.

Matt smiled as they walked into the large shuttle. It was Leons personal ship, having won a bet against Mara for the opportunity of showing off to their friends. Cameron was the last of the people they were picking up, as she had been the farthest one out from the central Empire. If they had had to use their own ship, it would have taken close to a decade to cross the distance, but with Leon's ship and personal pilot, the whole trip only took two weeks.

More importantly, the ship carried Harper inside, who was acting as their personal bodyguard until the ceremony was concluded and their real identities were revealed. It had only happened once, but a Republic Pather team, or Contender team to be specific, had died in between reaching the peak of Tier 24 and their ceremony, and no one would let that happen again.

As they took off from the planet's surface, Aster tried to pester Cameron and her bond, but the two were more interested in Liz and Matt. Still, the pestering settled down the human woman.

When they entered the living room they found Roody, Leia, and Lauren, the lion trio, and Juan, a stone elephant, sitting on a couch and laughing as they watched one of the movies about Quill and Torch.

Matt had to stop himself from gritting his teeth at the outrageously long monologue Quill was giving on screen. Lauren was slightly drunk and openly mocking the lines by repeating them in an overly high-pitched voice.

Upon seeing them enter, Juan and Roody called out to Cameron.

And she's here!

Couldn't you have picked somewhere farther out so we can spend more time here?

The magma otter rolled her eyes. Forgive me for being born in the boonies and not deep in chaotic space.

That got everyone laughing and Cameron dragged her quiet bond into the recessed seats, immediately grabbing a plate of food out of Juans hands and digging in.

Ok, this is actually really good. Turning to Aster, she poked the sulking fox. You didnt say that you had a good chef on board. I would have come sooner if you had.

Aster started mocking Cameron, but her bond Julia perked up as one of the wait staff came and handed her a plate of finger food.

Oh, my favorite! Thank you.

Her smile was small and shy, but she seemed genuinely grateful at the surprise meal.

Knowing how overwhelming this could all be, Matt nodded to her. We have two Tier 35 chefs onboard, one of whom is even Talented. If you have any foods you have ever wanted to try, just message the ship's AI, and they will take care of it for you. If not, they will just give you the foods you like.

Julias eyes unfocused as she interacted with her AI, and Matt turned as Katherine and Kyle entered the living room. Matts old friend had been utterly smitten with Asters classmate for the past weeks, and much to Asters delight, the girl actually reciprocated. Katherine apparently had broken her bond, something Matt couldnt help but wince at, but Asters enthusiasm at seeing her friend getting along so well with Kyle was contagious.

Plus, he was happy for Kyle. He shot the man a wink, and got a grin in return. The duo hadnt been seen since breakfast, and Matt swept over to see how they were doing.

Katherine gave him a big smile of her own, giving Aster a pulse of excitement that spiked through their bond, and offered Matt a piece of dried fruit. Matt met her smile with his own and took the proffered treat. How are you doing, Katherine? Nobody is bothering you, are they?

He put on a gruff voice as he pretended to glare at Kyle, who grasped his chest like he had been stabbed in the heart.

Katherine smiled as she shook her head and bumped Kyle. Im doing great! I really have to thank you for coming all this way to get us. We never could have made it otherwise.

Matt nodded, knowing what she meant. Everyone and their mother is heading to the capital and clogging all the teleporters and passenger spots to the ceremony as if it was an ascension. Shit, its even worse than it was at Yellows Ascension, and that had a Pather tournament happening at the same time.

He was quite miffed at the fact their ceremony was being turned into such a spectacle. Part of it was deliberate propaganda from the Empire, who wanted the mid-war morale boost, and another part was the incredible rarity of two groups completing the Path of Ascension so close to each other. Everyone who hadnt been able to reach the Capital for the last one was treating this as their possible last chance.

As Katherine was agreeing with him, Fen and Bowyer and Arya his first bonds, Bow and Arrow, having since taken more normal names entered with Azure in a small dragon form crawling behind them, chased by June and Barry.

She still hadnt reached Tier 15, but with Fen off the Path, he was able to get outside help, and one of the dragon clans trying to win favor with the unaffiliated dragon had loaned her a ring that would let her change size at will. June and Barry were a Shadow Sparrow and a Light Butterfly respectively, and looked to be losing a game of tag with the small dragon, but they were all having fun which was the important part.

It had been good to catch up with Fen, and Matt made a note to be better about keeping in touch with him going forward. Friends from before he was famous for completing The Path or connected to his royal in-laws would be a scarce commodity going forward.

Matt leaned against the back of one of the couches as he conversed but watched as Alyssa entered. That had been a contentious invitation of Asters, who wanted her business partner to come to the ceremony. Liz had grown past the grudge she had with Alyssa, but the now immortal peacock still acted uneasy around his wife, and their interactions were always entertaining, at least for Matt.

Alyssa was chatting with Tara and Annie, who were without their other halves for the moment. After a quick scan with his spiritual sense, Matt found Conor and Emily sparring against some of the wait staff.

They had been there for the last seven hours, having asked Matt to keep them full of mana with his Concept. He was happy to do that, but made a note to pull them away from training for dinner this evening. This was meant to be a fun opportunity to hang out with their friends for possibly the last time until the war ended.

Even Melinda and Mathew would be showing up for the ceremony, though they wouldnt be able to stay for long, according to Mara.

The two weeks it took for them to reach the Capital were some of the most fun Matt had in recent years.

Asters friends had merged with their other friends almost seamlessly, and it made the ship quite lively.

Things were both hectic and amusing as they entered Mara and Leons estate on the Capital, as Samantha and Vinnie ribbed Liz for where she grew up. The ribbing eased the atmosphere almost as well as Mara and Leon being their usual goofy selves.

Most everyone was a little standoffish with the two royals at first, with the notable exception of Katherine. She wasnt trying to suck up to the royals, something Matt was grateful that none of their friends did, but caught on that the duo really were as wacky as they put on and happily enjoyed their antics.

Cameron, on the other hand, acted completely unsure of how to deal with two of the strongest people in the Empire being so open and informal, to such a degree that a Mara clone had to turn into a bird and start nesting in the magma otters hair to get her to relax. It worked mostly.

As much as Matt wished they could just hang out with their friends for the whole two weeks, that just wasnt possible, and he, Aster, and Liz were pulled away for a million and one different meetings.

Some of them were military-related, where they explained how their positions would work in the existing military structure. They would immediately become Captains, and while the rank was real, they were to understand that they should keep their good ideas to themselves until they actually understood how the military worked. Matt had no issue holding back and said so, which didnt set the Colonel who did the explaining at ease.

Even worse than hours of lectures and slide shows were the costume fittings.

Matt asked more than once why they needed to be there when the Empire had their sizes, but he was never given an actual answer beyond reasons. Knowing this was part of the job, he kept his complaints internal.

It was slightly easier, thanks to the outfits they were given.

He could admit to feeling a massive swell of pride whenever the three of them donned the utterly legendary robes of an Ascender for test-fittings. Until that moment, actually completing the Path had felt almost abstract. It had been a part of his life for so long, and hed fallen into basically taking their completion for granted, but now it was all crashing into him at once.

He was an Ascender.

He could tell that Liz and Aster underwent the realization at nearly the same time as him. A Tier 5 might have collapsed in a faint, a Tier 15 may have had their heart race and their breath grow shallow, but as Tier 24s, only their eyes widened and shock rippled through their spirits.

It was really happening. Genuinely, truly happening.

He hadnt been this nervous about getting married. But there they were, in robes of red, ice-blue, and black respectively, in a cut that nobody could ever mistake. Even wearing something too similar ran the risk of legal trouble, because the image of an Ascender was absolute.

A tunic, just barely above knee-length, held in place by a wide belt, covering a more closely-fitting undershirt and pants, shin-high boots, all framed in and by a long, darker-colored draping robe with billowing sleeves that could change in length between stopping just before their wrist or fully enclosing their hands. It was formal, but with the exception of the outer robe, clearly designed for action and movement.

It was the outfit of an Ascender. Associated with none but a select few. The mantle granted to the best of the best. The title he had been pursuing for functionally his entire life.

He had made it.

No, that wasnt right.

They had made it.

The night before their ceremony, Matt, Aster, and Liz lay on the roof of the estate and just silently sat there. Luna, Kurt, and April were there, but they were just as silent as the three of them were.

Tomorrow, nothing would be the same, and all three of them knew it.

They had worked so hard for this.

At one hundred and seventy-nine years, he had gone farther than most people did, but it felt like his adventure was just beginning, despite all of that.

He wondered what his parents would have thought about him at this moment and wished that he could go back and change the past, but knew that was impossible. Even then, that thought wasnt too rough on him, as he had his first Minkalla life to pull from and knew that they would be proud of him and his accomplishments. They would have been proud of the difference he could make.

Tomorrow, everyone would know that a nobody from Lilly had done the impossible, and completed The Path of Ascension. A random orphan kid, standing amidst figures of literal legend.

The last few hours of nighttime passed with unnatural quickness. Matts mind was so packed with thoughts and concerns he couldn't even pinpoint a single coherent thought he had formed the entire time. Still, as the sun started to peak over the horizon, Matt could feel it wash away all of his concerns and worries.

Sitting up, sliding Liz and Aster off where they laid on him, Matt stood up and stretched, bones and muscles popping and pulling.

Opening his arms, Matt pulled Luna into a hug. Thank you. We wouldnt be here without your guidance and drive.

Lunas expression was flat, but there was a teasing tone in her voice as she said, You were acceptable.

Snorting Matt pulled Kurt into a similar hug and said, Thank you, Kurt. Your silent support has been pivotal in making me the swordsman I have become. Who knows, by the time the war is over, I might be able to hear you sing myself.

Kurt grinned, scribbling out a response. Not sure youll even get the chance to advance until after the war, but I'll hold you an entire concert when you reach Tier 35.

Pulling April into a hug, he laughed as an errant thought came over him. You are going to kill it as a Trainer. You really did great with us despite Luna running you ragged.

April snorted. My promotion is a rumor at best. Ill need to spend some more time in the liaison mines before I can advance my career. But thank you.

Liz and Aster took a few more moments to thank their management team, but by the time they finished, the sun was fully over the horizon, and Matt took both their hands as he activated the band on his wrist that pulled them back to their rooms where they could get changed.

It was time.

Time to finish the Path of Ascension.

Time to show the realm who they really were.

Time to really do something to change the Empire.

Time to play one last prank on their friends.

Meeting up with everyone for breakfast, they acted like they would be joining them in the guest booths and so got ready with throwaway outfits.

Even using Mara and Leons reserved box didnt fully exempt them and their friends from waiting in line, prompting a few good-natured groans. Mara, currently in the form of a fiery chicken perched on Lizs shoulder and only visible to the three of them, fluffed her feathers in amusement.

And here I thought that wed be able to just, you know, go to the box? Like come on, dont they know who you guys are? Vinnie elbowed Matt.

Liz chuckled, If only you knew how often that phrase is thrown around here. Its pretty much meaningless at this point.

Were definitely notable, Matt agreed, Which puts us somewhere in the top million attendants. But hey! Were not going to be late at least, thats why we got here so early.

It doesnt even start until sunset! Conor moaned. I thought when you said to get here at dawn, that meant wed be like hanging out in the VIP lounge or whatever, not that wed need that long to get inside!

Look, I dont get to make the rules. Thats my uncles job, Liz shot back with a grin. Just be glad that our seats are reserved, and that were in the express line. Some people have been queuing up for the past month, and they wont even be in the same room depending how you count it, anyway.

Aster frowned. Actually, I think I heard something about the earliest lines forming what, a decade ago, when it was reported they made it to Tier 24? The general admittance doors have been open for at least a week at this point, I do know that.

Well when you put it that way, I guess its not that bad, Conor conceded. But still!

Look guys, its going to be fine! We arrived with plenty of time to spare, just you wait and see.

As if on cue, a man in a staff outfit approached them. Given the way Mara was grumbling, it was probably Leon in disguise. He deferred respectfully, but still delivered the bad news. Excuse me. The Madam and the Sir requested your presence to deal with a small issue that they can't come back for.

Aster, just getting into a debate with Cameron over what counted as a line starting, groaned, Can you two deal with it?

The staff member shook his head. Im sorry maam, the request was for all of you. I was told you would be able to meet back up with your friends before the ceremony.

Liz groaned as she stood up and declared. This had better not take long.

Trying his best not to burst out laughing, Matt groaned, Now you jinxed it and it's going to take forever.

No, I didnt!

Lizs protestation was drowned out by everyone else who corrected her with various versions of, Yes, you did.

Matt very carefully nodded. Well make it work. Besides, dont they know who we are? I bet theyd postpone the ceremony rather than let us be late, he joked, earning a few chuckles.

Liz splayed her hands in agreement, But of course, my mistake. Itll be fine! Well see you soon, as soon as were done with whatever this is.

As they walked out the door, Aster jammed her elbow into his side. That was way too close. You cant spill it this late after I worked so hard not to spill everything to my friends.

Liz, on the other hand, snorted. Oh come on, Ive waited my entire life for this. Mom and dad are going to be recording their reactions, and I cant wait to watch the realizations hit them as we enter.

Once they were out of view of everyone, their guide waved his hand and opened a lightning-edged portal for them. A massive foyer awaited on the other side, a vaulted ceiling studded with glimmering stars and a polished, pure white floor.

Mara fluttered off of Lizs shoulder as they stepped through, and the portal snapped shut behind them, leaving them in the almost deafeningly silent foyer. It was a place Matt had heard about but never seen in person, and a massive, arched hallway raced off into the distance before him.

Matts spirit turned over in nervousness, but he took Aster and Lizs hands in his own as they began their approach.

Together, there was nothing they couldn't handle.

The hall stretched on as far as they could see, but they took their time.

This was a hall of history.

The first statue was made of Moonless Onyx, depicting an evil-looking man twice the size of Matt, armed with a sword radiating malice and a cloak made of shadows and tinged with red light. His statue, despite being perfectly illuminated, was still shrouded in perpetual darkness. His glare pierced their very spirits, as though daring them to defy him and promising them a painful end for that foolish choice despite having ascended eons ago.

Damien Duskblade, the first Ascender. Arguably, he hadnt even been an Ascender, by sheer dint of there not being anything like the Path of Ascension when hed lived.

As a disgraced noble heir from what would one day become the Sects, he had defied the odds by reaching Tier 25 by the time he turned 200 with utterly no assistance. No managers, no rift priority, no tax breaks, nothing.

Some people said he could utilize the Talent of anyone who died on his sword, others claimed he could kill anyone with a single touch, yet others claimed he grew stronger, faster, and tougher with every attack he ever landed across his entire life. Everyone agreed he was a force unmatched by anyone, and his actions had reshaped the Great Powers. It was him who all Ascender programs sought to imitate, the template which they all followed.

A template which the three of them had met.

Girish Lightfoot, the first Empire Ascender in Dewdrop Opal.

Omari and Kaya, Doom and Gloom, the second set of Empire Ascenders immortalized in resplendent Silver Starlight and First Dawns Gold.

Down the vaunted halls they walked, passing statue after statue of larger-than-life figures. Of legends. Men and women whose images would last forever. Then they reached recent history.

A statue of a dragon stared down at them, so lifelike that Matt was half-convinced Lila herself had replaced the Consecrated Sandstorm Stone visage, roaring defiantly as streams of sand perpetually swirled around her. A draconic aura pressed down on them, but they remained unbowed. Scales and claws gleamed eerily in the light, thirsting for blood even now.

Then came Duke Waters, or Aiden Waters, Matt supposed. Bubbles of air shimmered around his Benthic Lapiz statue, and though his face was stoic, there was an undeniable sense of glee emanating from his stature, as though he was about to burst out laughing maniacally at any moment. There was an arrogance and confidence Matt wasnt used to seeing in the man, but it could only be described as fitting given what could only be the unbearable weight of the ocean settled upon them as they passed him.

Then there was Zack and Allison, Light and Shadow. Their peers, he realized.

Shadow was literally shifty, her exact position appearing to move slightly every time Matt looked at her. She wore a manic grin, practically daring them to just try and fight her. Lights gaze instead felt like being put under a microscope, kind of like if Luna had been intent on killing them instead of training them. His expression said that hed already figured out a half-dozen ways to kill them all, and was simply deliberating as to whether they were even worth the effort.

He couldnt help but wonder who would win that fight.

The next pedestal held three strangers.

A woman carved from glinting Heartblood Ruby and hefting a spear and shield. Next to her was a man carved out of what Matt thought might be mana crystal, with a longsword in one hand and the start of a spell in the other. Next to them was a woman in Glacial Marble with a tiara tucked between fox ears and brandishing a staff. All three, just like the others in the hall, were clad in official Ascender robes, a sight that only served to make them look more alien.

He was almost compelled to reach up and try to touch his face as he looked at his likeness and wondered if his jaw was really that sharp. Or if the glint in his eyes was really that piercing, as if expecting everyone to betray him, or if the twitch of his cheek really said he was ready to end a fight even if he didnt start it.

Aster carried a distinctly vulpine and feral bearing, a warrior princess with a chilling stare and a growl on her smiling lips, snow coiling around her in gentle flurries. Her hair was immaculate, and it carried with it the impression that simply messing it up slightly would be a fatal mistake she would enjoy every moment of.

It wasnt the Aster he knew, who loved to experiment with ice cream flavors and getting her fur brushed out on their few lazy break days.

Liz stared back at him with the gaze of a hawk spying a particularly tasty mouse. Like he was nothing more than a tasty snack to an apex predator, and that she would laugh as she gutted him, using him as fuel for a pyre which would burn down entire planets. It was everything Liz didnt want to be, and had fought hard to resist falling into.

That wasnt the Liz he knew who loved to curl up with a good book and a hot tea when they were somewhere with snow. Not the caring wife who was always to be worrying for him and his issues then her own.

It was all so wrong.

Matt was going to say something when he looked back at all the other statues of the Ascenders before him.

These sculptures werent how they saw themselves, but how their enemies would see them. This was the legacy they would leave behind.

That didnt change the fact it didnt represent who he really was. The other Ascenders had probably thought of the same thing upon seeing their statues, but that realization didnt help Matt feel any better.

The hall didnt go on much further, but right before the grand doors at the very end, there was one last pedestal, this one empty. Though it was nothing but a circular slab of stone, it taunted him to step upon it, raise himself up to the level of all those he had just passed.

Matt pushed past it, coming face-to-face with a pair of wooden doors, sized for the larger-than-life statues which inhabited the hall. He reached out to knock, but the doors swung open with a resounding boom that struck him in body and spirit.

Swallowing, Matt felt like he had returned back to the time he was a child and Melinda had garnered the attention of the Emperor. Despite sitting down, the Tier 50 still managed to loom over the three of them.

Come in.

It was a simple command, but Matts legs were leaden as he took the three steps to properly enter the room.

Golden eyes met his and asked, Are you three ready? It's a little late, but I can still get you out of this. Fake your death. Let Torch, Quill, and Scoop fade away, let you just be yourselves.

Even as Matt and Liz were shaking their heads, Aster was saying, Not a chance.

Liz steeled herself. We wouldn't do that to you, Uncle Manny. We might do that to the Emperor, but not to family. Besides, I dont know if I could go back to not being Torch.

The shift between sovereign and uncle was noticeable, and Matt marveled at how Emmanuel could do that.

Yes, well, we arent all so fortunate as I, and asking is part of the process. Still, thank you three. We need all the power we can now. This is a pivotal time in the Empire's history.

Clearing his throat, Uncle Emmanuel turned back into Emperor Emmanuel. And it has thus been settled. Matthew Moore n Alexander, Elizabeth Moore, and Aster Alexander. I, Emperor Emmanual Sophron, bid you rise as Ascenders Quill, Torch, and Scoop, to defend the people of this nation from all threats, be they internal or external. From now until eternity, may you serve as a beacon of stability and hope for all who would look to you, and may your enemies tremble in your wake. It is my duty and privilege to bestow upon you the rewards and responsibilities attendant to your new role. May you stand strong beneath their weight.

Knowing the cue, Matt crunched in on his physical cultivation core and Tiered up to Tier 25.

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