The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 70: (1): The Beast Tide Erupts

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Under the formidable self-healing power of the Little Strong Gu, Long Xuan's injuries were almost completely healed.

During these three days, he didn't write anything, but he still gained some insights.

At the very least, he learned that this Gu recipe not only required nine peak-grade spirit insects but also corresponding body parts from nine types of spirit beasts.

For example, since a dragon's horns resembles a deer, the recipe must include deer antlers.

Since a dragon's scales resemble a fish's, the recipe must include fish scales.

Since a dragon's claws resemble an eagle's, the recipe must include eagle claws.

Moreover, these beast materials cannot be from ordinary spirit beasts; they must come from rare spirit beasts and specifically from beast kings.

Materials lacking the aura of a king are unacceptable.

Given this, how could the price be cheap? Collecting materials from nine beast kings is costly enough to make one spit blood, not to mention the nine peak-grade spirit insects.

Long Xuan felt his scalp tingle. It was incredibly expensive; he hadn't even listed a few materials, and it was already so costly. By the time the Gu recipe was completed, he might have to exhaust half of his little treasury. Long Xuan's face looked more miserable than crying.

Since his injuries were almost healed, Long Xuan decided not to stay in the tree any longer.

He needed to return home to continue working on the Gu recipe in peace and quiet, without interruptions.

Here, he had to be constantly on guard, which severely distracted him. This was not a suitable place for research.

Just as Long Xuan was about to descend from the tree, he suddenly saw a leopard climbing a nearby tree with prey in its mouth. His pupils contracted instantly.

Whoever told him it was safe to climb a tree in danger, he promised not to beat them to death.

Therefore, Long Xuan didn't dare to move. He didn't even dare to take a deep breath, fearing the leopard might notice him and see him as prey.

This was a tree-climbing spirit beast. If it targeted him, he would have nowhere to run and might have to use another energy blast.

He dared not make a sound, as many spirit beasts have hearing dozens or even hundreds of times more acute than humans. He couldn't afford to take the risk.

Not until the leopard had eaten its fill and lay down on the tree trunk to sleep did he feel relieved. Carefully, he climbed down from the tree and fled the area.

Along the way, his Eye of Heavenly secret remained active.

His Eye of Heavenly secret could spot spirit beasts from a great distance, allowing him to avoid danger in time. Unlike other rogue cultivators who might stumble into a spirit beast's sensing range, he could avoid such peril.

The Eye of Heavenly secret was a tremendous help, combined with his golden finger, allowing him to avoid more than ninety percent of the dangers in the forest.

But this also made him bolder. He was currently creating a Dragon Gu recipe that required nine peak-grade spirit insects. Collecting them all step by step would take an indefinite amount of time.

Therefore, he had to take risks and try to hunt spirit beasts.

In the forest, he was certain to find peak-grade spirit insects. His golden finger was practically a cheat in this world.

However, finding the exact type of peak-grade spirit insect he needed was still a challenge.

This world has many types of peak-grade spirit insects, and finding the specific kind he needed was not easy, even with his cheat.

It took him a full month to find one.

During this month, he encountered numerous spirit beasts carrying spirit insects, including several carrying peak-grade spirit insects.

But none of these peak-grade spirit insects were of the kind he needed, and given the strength of the spirit beasts, he wasn't sure he could defeat them. He dared not take risks and left without hesitation.

His nature was such that his life was his top priority. No matter how great the treasure in front of him, he wouldn't risk his life unless it was one hundred percent safe. He wouldn't consider anything with even a one percent chance of danger.

After searching for a month and just as he was about to give up, his efforts paid off. He discovered a spirit beast that perfectly met his criteria.

His Eye of Heavenly secret brightened upon seeing the spirit beast, and Long Xuan quickly approached. Finding a peak-grade spirit insect after a month was no easy task.

In the vision of his Eye of Heavenly secret, a large emerald green fish was sunbathing by the shore.

The fish was as tall as a person, covered in emerald green scales. It had two large, powerful pairs of fins that supported it on land, a prominent underbite, a fierce expression, and an imposing presence.

This was the fish species he was looking for, known as the Great Dragon Fish. Through repeated attempts, he found that the Dragon Gu recipe required the parasites of the Great Dragon Fish; no other fish would do. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone through so much trouble, taking a month to find the target.

Moreover, there was a peak-grade spirit insect perched near the spirit core of this Great Dragon Fish. It was truly heaven's blessing.

Long Xuan was thrilled. As he approached the target, he moved cautiously, ensuring his footsteps made no noise to avoid scaring the fish back into the water.

Once the Great Dragon Fish returned to the water, capturing it would be as difficult as catching a fish in the ocean.

Finally, hiding behind a large tree to obscure the fish's view, Long Xuan began to think about how to capture the Great Dragon Fish.

This Great Dragon Fish was a peak first-rank spirit beast, comparable to a peak Spirit Gathering master.

With his Ten Absolute Body, Long Xuan could fight across ranks, giving him the strength to battle the Great Dragon Fish.

However, his overly cautious nature took over. Although he had the strength to fight it, what if something went wrong?

In equal rank situations, spirit beasts were stronger than Gu masters. How could he treat it like an ordinary peak Spirit Gathering Gu master? What if he couldn't win, or the fish simply fled back into the water?

Long Xuan had a thousand "what ifs" in his mind.

In his view, there was no such thing as a one hundred percent certain battle. To date, all his opponents had thought they would win, taking every possible precaution, yet what was the result?

Their graves were overgrown with grass, and some didn't even have graves.

Thus, Long Xuan didn't plan to recklessly charge in. The biggest difference between humans and beasts was intelligence, and he intended to use the most secure method to resolve the battle, taking no risks. Even with a ninety percent success rate, he wouldn't take the risk.

After thinking for a while, he realized he didn't have much to use. The Origin Realm was out of the question, as it was a beast king with a higher realm than his.

After much consideration, he finally placed a large jar of distilled wine on the ground, then hid in a concealed position in a tree.

Spirit wine contained immense spiritual power and had the effect of a spiritual pill, making it highly attractive to spirit beasts.

Especially this jar of spicy wine, which had the effect of permanently increasing strength. Its allure to spirit beasts was enormous.

Moreover, this was the strongest of his four types of wine.

Even though the Great Dragon Fish was large, if it drank this jar of wine, it wouldn't stand a chance. Even the wine Gu Little white couldn't handle the strength of distilled wine, let alone a spirit beast.

If it drank the wine, it would certainly get drunk, and then the Great Dragon Fish would be at his mercy.

Even if the fish restrained itself and didn't get drunk, leading it away from the water would still count as a success.

Fish were best at fighting in water, so he needed to keep it away from the shore. Fighting inland would significantly reduce the combat effectiveness of a fish, giving him a much higher chance of victory, even in a direct confrontation.

This would also prevent the fish from quickly escaping back into the sea if it lost, making it a win-win situation.

Fearing the spirit wine alone might not attract the Great Dragon Fish, Long Xuan also placed honey and a large number of spiritual pills on the ground, including Gathering Spirit Pills, before hiding back in the tree.


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