The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 81: (1): Creating a Unique Body Refining Technique

"Split up and chase! Don't let any of them escape!" Feng Si shouted, sneering as he pursued Long Xuan.

The others each chose a target and chased after them quickly. However, there were only four of them against Long Xuan's group of five, so one person would inevitably slip through the cracks.

The last person glanced at both Di Xin and Li Laodao and ultimately decided to chase the fastest one first, thinking the slowest one wouldn't get far and could be dealt with later. Thus, he pursued Di Xin.

Seeing this, Long Xuan couldn't help but marvel at Li Laodao's luck. If the pursuer had chosen him first, he would be doomed. But instead, But he chose to chase Di Xin first. DI Xin was a master of the Marrow Cleansing Stage who was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. If he chased her first, he would forget about resolving the battle in a short time and might end up capsizing in the gutter.

This choice would prevent the pursuer from having any chance to deal with Li Laodao in the short term.

However, Long Xuan had to focus on himself for now. Looking at the murderous face behind him, he felt a shiver of fear. "Is this grudge really that deep? So what if a brother and a cousin died? Is it worth it?"

Long Xuan increased his speed, using his treading The Stars technique for the first time in this world. He moved like a shooting star, even outpacing Feng Si, a master at the Marrow cleansing Stage.

"How is this possible? How can he run so fast?" Feng Si was astonished. A cultivator at the Spirit Gathering Stage was outrunning a Marrow Cleansing Stage master, which was unimaginable to him.

But Feng Si wasn't worried. He preferred to be cautious and had set many traps along their return path. Though the traps might not be very powerful, they were enough to slow them down. If he hadn't seen them standing still for a long time, he would have continued to lay in ambush.

However, when he saw Long Xuan running on the tips of grass like he was flying, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Running on grass tips? Are you kidding me? How did he do that?"

Long Xuan smirked inwardly. With the Eye of Heaven's Secret, the traps ahead were child's play to him. But his face changed when he saw Feng Si take out something familiar.

Feng Si smiled mischievously. If Long Xuan thought he could escape so easily, he was gravely mistaken. Feng Si had prepared for this. He took out a dreaded Weakening Gu from his worm bag, capable of restricting both the cultivator's and Gu insects abilities. Knowing Long Xuan had a Gu insect that could slow down enemies, Feng Si had spent all his resources creating the Weakening Gu specifically to counter such abilities.

Under the Weakening Gu's power, all Gu's abilities would be significantly weakened, and their domains compressed. Though creating the Weakening Gu drained his resources, it was worth it for revenge. Without facing a peer, it was more than enough to deal with a Spirit Gathering Stage cultivator.

When Feng Si took out the Weakening Gu, Long Xuan's speed began to decrease rapidly, and the distance between them quickly shrank. Feng Si's sneer grew as he saw Long Xuan fumbling with his insect bag, likely trying to use the slowing Gu . But to his surprise, the gu didn't appear.

Suddenly, Feng Si noticed a small green dragon on his Weakening Gu's back, biting its neck. His eyes widened in disbelief. "What is this? When did it get there?" he shouted, quickly reinforcing his spiritual armor, consuming more of his energy to enhance his defenses against this mysterious creature.

Enraged and desperate, Feng Si struck at the green dragon with all his might, only for it to vanish before his hand could hit. The creature had already teleported back into Long Xuan's insect bag, completely evading Feng Si's attacks.

Long Xuan closed his bag, looking back disdainfully. "Taking out such a fragile thing, don't you know Dragon Gu is known as the nemesis of fragile creatures? Why chase me only to lose another precious Gu insect?"

Without the Weakening Gu's restriction, Long Xuan's speed surged, leaving Feng Si far behind. A Marrow cleansing Stage master failing to catch up to a Spirit Gathering Stage cultivator was absurd. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Feng Si roared, madly attacking the grass and trees around him in frustration.

After a while, he stopped his rampage, panting heavily. He looked in Long Xuan's direction one last time before reluctantly turning back. Though he had lost Long Xuan, he vowed not to let any of his companions escape.

Soon, he regrouped with one of his red-clad companions. "Did you kill that person in the most brutal way?" Feng Si asked coldly.

The man looked embarrassed, "Something unexpected happened. That person got an extraordinary inheritance, obtaining a magical boat I couldn't catch up with."

"So... You lost them!" Feng Si's eyes widened in fury. "What? You, a marrow cleansing Stage master, let a Spirit Gathering Stage cultivator escape? What were you doing?"

On the other side, the little medicine boy looked back from time to time at the man in red who was always hanging behind him, his expression full of tension.

From time to time on the way, he encountered traps set by them in advance, but he relied on the undying ability of Little Strong Gu and forced his way through.

Ever since he got the Little Strong Gu, he has been training his body like crazy, completely ignoring the cost of excessive training that would leave hidden injuries to the body. His training results have improved rapidly, and in terms of physical strength, he has surpassed ordinary people by far.

However, relying solely on physical strength to escape from a Gu cultivator in the Marrow cleansing stage was clearly unrealistic.

After all, the speed of a Gu cultivator comes not only from body refinement but also from spiritual power.

The young medicine boy was a whole major realm lower than his opponent, and it was a miracle he hadn’t been caught yet.

At this point, the man in red was going crazy. How could this little bald head run so fast? He, a Marrow cleansing stage Gu cultivator, couldn’t catch him, making his face grow increasingly ugly.

Despite his failure to catch up, he refused to give up.

For a Marrow cleansing stage Gu cultivator to be unable to catch a Spirit Gathering stage Gu cultivator was too humiliating. Returning like this would invite ridicule from his companions, and he couldn’t bear such shame.

So he gritted his teeth, determined to catch and kill the damned bald head, even if it meant breaking his legs.

Even though he couldn’t catch up, he refused to give up, always trailing behind, which gave the young medicine boy a headache. Such a persistent opponent was truly troublesome.

"No, I can’t keep wasting time with him. His spiritual power is more abundant than mine, and he has teammates who could join the chase at any moment."

"I can’t delay any longer. The longer this drags on, the worse it will be for me. I need to lose him as quickly as possible, or I’m in danger today."

The young medicine boy’s expression became resolute as if he had made a significant decision and was about to use one of his trump cards.

He prided himself on his ingenuity. Since acquiring the Little Strong Gu, he had been crazily exploring its abilities, developing many practical techniques, including one life-saving skill.

In this world, there is a miraculous escape technique called the Blood Escape Technique, which consumes blood to teleport a significant distance instantly. It’s considered a top-tier escape technique.

But this technique is forbidden because it is dangerous.

Losing 20% of one’s blood volume can be dangerous, and using the Blood Escape Technique once consumes just over 20%.

Using this forbidden technique could mean escaping but potentially not surviving afterward.

But with the Little Strong Gu, it’s different. Using the Blood Escape Technique poses no danger at all.

Others might die after using the Blood Escape Technique once, but he could use it four or five times in a row, putting a significant distance between himself and his pursuer with minimal backlash.

The Little Strong Gu paired with the Blood Escape Technique is a perfect match.

He had hesitated earlier about how many times to use the Blood Escape Technique in succession.

Using it once wouldn’t be enough since his pursuer was a whole major realm higher. Once wouldn’t be sufficient to escape the chase.

Ultimately, he gritted his teeth, decided to use the Blood Escape Technique three times in succession to disappear completely from sight and escape the pursuit.

In the next moment, his face lost all color, turning ashen, and he disappeared into thin air, vanishing as if he had evaporated.

The man in red was stunned and stopped in his tracks. What had just happened? How did the person disappear into thin air? Was this some kind of magic trick?

He was utterly confused.

Soon after, Feng Si and the others arrived, eagerly asking, "Where is he? Did you kill him?"

The man in red looked embarrassed; he had no idea where the person had gone.

Seeing his expression, Feng Si’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he shouted in frustration, "Don’t tell me you lost him too!"

"You’re in the Marrow cleansing stage! Your opponent is only in the Spirit Gathering stage, and you lost him? What were you doing? Are you useless?"

The man in red, angered by the scolding, shouted back, "What could I do? He used the Blood Escape Technique seven or eight times and disappeared without a trace. How could I chase him? You go and try!"

"Seven or eight times?" Another man in red twitched at the thought, knowing the person had the Little Strong Gu. He believed the story.

"Calm down, there’s still one more. The records show she’s terrified of cockroaches, so she can’t have the Little Stong Gu and can’t use the Blood Escape Technique to escape my brother’s pursuit."

"Maybe my brother has already caught her and is enjoying her body. If we hurry, we might catch the action." The man in red smirked evilly.

So the three of them headed in another direction. Before long, they found a headless corpse in the same clothes as theirs.

The three were shocked.

What was this? Not only did they fail to catch the last one, but they also lost one of their own lives. They couldn’t believe it.

A Marrow Cleansing stage cultivator losing to a Spirit Gathering stage was absurd enough, but to be counter-killed? Was this a joke?

Feng Si was completely devastated.

Not only did he bring four Marrow Cleansing stage helpers as a precaution, but they also failed to kill anyone and lost one of their own and a prized Gu. He couldn’t understand it.


Feng Si spat blood in frustration.

It was futile; this group was full of lucky people. Who could they catch? Going against a group of protagonists was courting death.



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