The Peak of Alchemy & Martial

Chapter 20

C20 – Shopping

Strolling down the bustling streets of Silkbarrow, a dashing young nobleman was accompanied by a strikingly beautiful young lady.

“Brother, look, sugar-coated haws!” Yun Tiantian’s eyes were glued to the treat, her mouth practically watering.

Yun Haoyan chuckled and inquired, “Uncle, how much for a stick of sugar-coated haws?”

“A bargain,” replied the elderly vendor, promptly handing Yun a stick. “Just five copper coins for this one.”

“Keep the change,” Yun Haoyan said, offering a piece of silver.

He had no copper coins on hand and preferred not to carry them, opting to pay with silver instead.

“Thank you kindly, Young Master,” the vendor said, beaming with gratitude as he bowed in thanks.

“Here you go!” Yun Haoyan passed the sugar-coated haws to his sister.

Yun Tiantian eagerly accepted it, grinning. “Thank you, Brother! You’re always so good to me.”

“Didn’t I give you a Spirit Stone yesterday? You can buy your own treats from now on,” Yun Haoyan teased.

He had sold some Qi Gathering Pills the day before and had given his sister a few medium-grade Spirit Stones.

“Hmph, but Brother’s sugar-coated haws taste the best. The ones I buy myself are never as good,” she pouted. “I just love it when you buy me snacks.”

“Alright!” Yun Haoyan laughed heartily. “From now on, I’ll buy all the treats for you, how’s that?”

“You said it—no take-backs!”

“No take-backs. A gentleman’s word is his bond,” Yun Haoyan assured her.

“Look, there’s a clothing store over there. Shall we check it out?” Yun Haoyan suggested, pointing to an opulent-looking shop.

“But their clothes are so pricey,” Yun Tiantian said, her eyes alight with longing yet tinged with hesitation.

Yun Haoyan took his sister’s hand and led her straight to the boutique.

“Don’t worry about the price here. I’ll take you to Ambercoast soon where they have even more stunning clothes.”

“Little lady, you’re so pretty, you need beautiful clothes to complement your beauty. Here, we have plenty of gorgeous outfits that would be perfect for you.”

Upon entering the store, Yun Haoyan and Yun Tiantian were greeted by the shopkeeper, who immediately started showing Yun Tiantian around.

This boutique was known for its upscale clothing. In all of Silkbarrow, it boasted the most opulent and expensive garments.

The steep prices meant few customers could afford them, leading to sluggish sales.

Hence, the shopkeeper’s eagerness.

“How about this dress?” she asked, presenting a sky-blue gown to Yun Tiantian.

The gown was a vibrant shade of blue with meticulous craftsmanship, clearly the work of a renowned designer.

“It’s crafted from the fur of the Azure Hare, a third-grade Devil Beast. The fur is incredibly soft.

Plus, garments made from Azure Hare fur are warm in winter and cool in summer, offering supreme comfort.”

“How much does it cost?” Yun Tiantian was visibly smitten with the dress; girls can seldom resist the allure of beautiful clothing.

The shopkeeper didn’t answer her question directly but suggested, “Why don’t you try it on first? We can talk about the price afterward. If it’s not the right fit, I’ll find another one for you.”

“Okay!” Yun Tiantian was genuinely fond of the dress, and trying it on was free, after all.

Moments later, Yun Tiantian emerged from the fitting room, adorned in the sky-blue dress, complete with two Flowing Clouds Bracelets.

Her youthful purity shone even brighter against the blue, radiant and striking, capturing the essence of her girlish charm.

“Brother, do you like this dress?” Yun Tiantian twirled, seeking his opinion.

“It’s beautiful!” Yun Haoyan affirmed with a nod. His sister was naturally beautiful, but in this sky-blue dress, she looked absolutely enchanting.

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