The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 920: impoliteness

  Chapter 920 Disrespectful

  Wang Shipu held his breath and cut the pulse for a while, his fingers seemed to be roasted in the fire, and he retracted suddenly, a little unbelievable.

   "Empress, how do you feel now?" Wang Shipu's voice trembled as if he was sifting chaff all over his body.

  When Xuantao heard this, she didn't care about anything and opened the bed curtain. Seeing that Xie Zhiwei's face was pale, and the sweat on his forehead fell like rain, he was so frightened that his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

   "Mommy, mommy, what should I do!" Xuantao, a big girl with yellow flowers, was so anxious that she couldn't help herself when encountering this kind of situation.

  Nurse Qiu burst into tears, but Wang Shipu said, "Go, go and invite the emperor!"

  Xie Zhiwei said, "No, there will be a court meeting today..."

   Before she finished speaking, Lu Yan was already outside the door, "How is the empress?"

  Lu Yan’s voice sounded very soft on the surface, but it revealed a kind of coldness in his bones. Wang Shipu hurriedly scrambled out and knelt on the ground, "Report to the Governor, Your Majesty, your pulse is really dangerous!"

   "You go in and have a consultation together!"

  Xu Yi and the others came in, and went to Mingjian after cutting the veins.

  Xie Zhiwei breathed a sigh of relief, she pulled out a silver needle on her left wrist, and slowly closed her eyes.

The fetal movement is still there. Before she had time to eat this morning, her stomach began to rebel. Through a thin layer of underwear, Xie Zhiwei could see a small bulge on her belly from time to time. She couldn't help touching her belly lovingly , Comforting in my heart, "Good boy, mother will eat soon!"

   I don't know if it's the mother-child connection, but the restlessness in my stomach finally calmed down.

   "Mysterious peach!" Xie Zhiwei shouted.

Xuan Tao rushed in, seeing that Xie Zhiwei's spirit had improved a lot, she finally felt relieved, Xie Zhiwei waved to her, she leaned over, Xie Zhiwei said in a low voice, "Go and tell Mr. Lu, just say I'm fine. You sneak in and bring me some food."

  Xuan Tao was taken aback, but soon understood, she was relieved, but when she went out, her face was still full of sorrow.

After a while, Xuantao came in, followed by Lu Yan, Lu Yan walked to the bed and glanced at her, Xie Zhiwei smiled embarrassedly, he closed his eyes, although it was a false alarm, since it was " False alarm" is much better than being really surprised.

   "Big brother, I will leave the rest to you!" Xie Zhiwei said.

   "Understood, don't make such a fuss in the future." Lu Yan said.

  Xie Zhiwei nodded obediently, a rare smile appeared in Lu Yan's eyes, and then he turned and went out.

   "Have you figured out a way?" Lu Yan's icy voice sounded, "The empress is fine, but since yesterday, she has been restless again and again. You can't think of a good way?"

  Wang Shipu received the deepest kindness from Xie Zhiwei. He was really anxious and trembling, "The prescription that the Empress Empress took yesterday has a good effect. In my opinion, why don't you use that prescription and take a dose first?"

  Lu Yan was noncommittal, looked at Xu Yi, Xu Yi lowered his head, and a drop of sweat rolled down from the tip of his nose. If it turns out that the womb is not guaranteed, he, the judge of the imperial hospital, may not be able to save his life.

   However, he was also very puzzled, how the empress survived such a dangerous situation yesterday, since she was already well, and she rested for another night, it is reasonable not to dare to be so dangerous.

  Lu Yan's eyes became colder, and he said to Mi Tuan, "Go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony and tell the emperor that the empress's fetus is unstable and her pulse is dangerous."

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Empress Dowager stood in front of the steps, leaning on a dragon-headed crutch. Naturally, she would not reprimand the emperor in front of all the officials, and said to Shoufu who was kneeling on the ground, "Don't call the Empress Dowager Aijia! , who sealed the Empress Dowager of the Ai Family?"

  Xie Tiao touched his head to the ground, although he was kneeling on the ground, his back was arched, but it was like a mountain.

   "Empress Dowager, no matter whether you admit this identity or not, you are still the grandmother of the emperor and empress. Since the generations of grandparents and grandchildren have been determined, why should you care about one identity?"

Xie Tiao raised his head, "The Empress Dowager returned to the palace. The Empress Dowager did not rush back from Xiangshan to pick her up because of her pregnancy. This way, I can calm down."

   "What do you mean? You mean that the Ai family punished the queen yesterday, which led to the unstable fetal position?"

   "I don't mean that, I have already said that it is God's punishment! As a grandson's daughter-in-law, if you don't obey filial piety, you will naturally be punished by God!"

A censor stood up, "Xie Shoufu, I don't agree with what you said about not obeying filial piety. At this moment, the emperor's heir is the most important thing. The emperor has been married for four years, and now he will have a son. This is the foundation of the country, and it should be very important." Important matter. Since ancient times, the empress dowager should be more lenient to the empress empress at critical moments."

  Sitting on the dragon chair, Xiao Xun was taken aback when he heard this, and looked up at the censor. He didn't recognize him, but since he was speaking for Mei-mei, he must not be a bad person.

The empress dowager was so angry that she supported the pillar on the steps, her body swayed, she glared at Xie Tiao angrily, "Which family's daughter-in-law doesn't carry on the family lineage, now it's all right, the emperor has been married for four years, and only then has this bloodline , Is this a great contribution?"

   "If you go back to the empress dowager, the empress dowager is pregnant, so you have made a great contribution!" The censor is also a strong man, raised his head, and stared at the empress dowager Yin with piercing eyes.

   "You, you..." The Empress Dowager couldn't help looking for supporters among the courtiers, and her eyes fell on Zhang Minghe involuntarily.

  Zhang Minghe sighed secretly, and had no choice but to walk out of the queue, "Your Majesty, the imperial censor was rude to the Empress Dowager, and I think that the Emperor should punish him."

  Xiao Xun raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhang Minghe, then said calmly, "Where is the impoliteness?"

At this moment, Mi Tuan had already walked in quickly. He stopped at the door and looked over anxiously. Xiao Xunteng got up, and Mi Tuan immediately knelt down on the ground, "Qi Zou the emperor, the empress's womb is unstable, the imperial physician Diagnosis, the pulse condition is very bad!"

  Xiao Xun's expression changed drastically, his handsome face was pale, he couldn't care about anything, he rushed down from the dragon chair, and ran out.

   Xie Tiao hurriedly got up from the ground, and was about to go there. When he reached the gate of the hall, he remembered that this was the palace, so he couldn't help but stop.

   "Master Xie, please come with us!"

Zhima came over, saluted Xie Tiao, and led Xie Tiao to the direction of Kunning Palace. Xie Tiao knew that this was the harem, and it was wrong for him to go there, but he recognized that this was the personal **** in front of Lu Yan, so he went Asked, "How is the empress?"

   "The empress only used a bowl of porridge and two flower rolls." Sesame looked around and said in a low voice.

  Xie Tiao paused, looked at Zhima in shock, Zhima stretched out his hand and said, "Master Xie, the empress is in danger, please come with us."

   Today's update!

   Let me explain again, because it is about to end, and the ending is not easy to write, so I will make less and more. Everyone who has a ticket is still holding a show.



  (end of this chapter)

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