The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 346: Can’t Write This In The Book

Chapter 346: Can’t Write This In The Book

“Oh? Hey, they’re back already. Heh, and look at all your faces — something nice happened to your attitude out there, eh?”

Bruce, carefree as ever, greeted us after seeing that we had completed our party quest. Looks like Blazer is finally back, too; he’s talking with Ryan about some stuff.

Although they had faced quite a bit of difficulty, Reyna, Adolf, Natsu, and Shiny managed to defeat the S-ranked target. This success is sure to give them a boost of confidence in their coming adventures, and also teach them to be more vigilant when they’re up against higher-ranked monsters.

Now that I think about it, I’ve had to learn those lessons the hard way in the past. And I should also keep in mind that the latter point is sure to keep recurring in the future.

“We have successfully completed the mission, Leader, Chief.”

“Hmm, it seems that you have gained some good experience from your short time with Sir Asley.”

“Yes, his leadership was most wonderful.”

Reyna smiled happily, and Ryan subsequently did so as well.

I’d prefer that they don’t compliment me while I can still hear them from right here, though. As happy as I am, it’s making my whole body feel itchy.


And like clockwork, here comes Pochi with her obnoxiously contrarian comment.

“Miss Reyna!? Are you sure you’re all right? My Master didn’t do something strange to you, did he? Master! What have you done to her! Cast a healing spell on her, quickly!”

“Do it yourself.”

“Ah, that’s right! I CAN cast one, too!”

And so Pochi got googly-eyed as she started drawing a Spell Circle with her tongue. Reyna was no longer paying attention to her, though, and was instead talking to Betty, probably asking for fighting tips as I had advised.

“C’mon, Adolf, you too.”

“Ah, y-yes!”

I gave Adolf a pat on the back, and he bowed to me before trotting over to Bruce. Then Bruce tapped on his own chest and seemed to agree to talk — about something, but that ‘something’ should be easy enough to guess.

I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

Blazer and Ryan walked up to me; the former gave me a pat on my shoulder, and the letter bowed to me without saying anything.

“Thanks for the help, Asley.”

“Wish you would have at least asked me about it before sending us on our way, though.”

I said that not to Blazer, but to Ryan — since the former had not been here when I got put to work anyway. Ryan promptly cracked a dry smile and answered,

“Ahahaha… We just thought it would better fit your style for the task to be right in your face, you see.”

Man, he really said something really nostalgic there. Back when he had ‘recommended’ that I went to the Magic University, he did also tell me about it at the last minute. Hell, he even told that furball of a dog BEFORE me — so much earlier that she had gotten packed up before I even knew about it.

…And speaking of the dog, her attempts at casting healing magic on Reyna are obviously ineffective.

“Hah… well, I’m glad I was helpful.”

“I’ll be sure to thank you properly sometime later.”

“Hey, this is nothing. You guys have helped the Pochisley Agency a whole lot — I can do stuff for you guys too, once in a while.”

“Oh yeah? I’ll let you keep doing stuff for us, then.”


Blazer said what he had with a face so straight, I couldn’t help but think he wasn’t joking.

I DO owe everyone a lot, so much that I don’t think I can repay it all in their lifetime, but I never thought I’d be outright told about it like this. Man, Blazer REALLY has gotten accustomed to being the leader. Maybe I’ve spoken to him too carelessly.

“Blazer, I did a good job too!”

“Yup, Blazer, both Natsu and Shiny did great. Be sure to praise them, yeah?”

“Sure thing.”

Blazer said just that and put his hand on Natsu’s head. Natsu pulled her head back and forth as if she was rubbing it against snow, and happily grabbed his hand.

These two sure get along really well, huh?

“And now that Sir Asley is back, shall we be on our way?”

Haruhana said as she grabbed my right arm. 

Uh, where exactly are we going? Did they pick out another interesting party quest for us to do?

“Yeah! Let’s go, let’s go!”

And now Mana grabbed my left arm. Hmm, so it’s a party consisting of me, Haruhana, and Mana? Just three? Will that be enough for a big target?

While thinking about that, I felt a gust of wind hit my back. I had to twist my neck around to look back, and I saw that Lylia was grabbing an edge of my mantle.

“So… a party of four?”

In a corner of my eye, I saw Bruce laughing at me, one hand pointing at me and the other holding his own belly. I have not even the slightest idea why he would be doing that.

And why is Lylia grabbing my mantle like this, though? It’s like she’s treating me like a pet, with the reins in her hands and stuff.

I do appreciate how she’s not pulling on it, at least, but why even grab it in the first place if she wasn’t going to pull? Uh, excuse me, Lylia? Why do you look so scary? You’ll end up with wrinkles around those beautiful eyes of yours, you know.

“Hehehe, now, this way!”

“Yeah, yeah, hurry up!”

With me pulled along by the two happy girls to my sides, we left the Adventurers’ Guild. Lylia followed right behind us, exerting tremendous pressure on me. I wonder if this pressure will get to the two others as well, and if they’ll be able to handle it.

Pochi came along, too, walking to the right in front of me… and giggling as she flapped her mouth. Is she telling me to lip-read? Hmm, let’s see here…

[“Girls are stronger than you think, sir.”]

Well, true, all these girls around me ARE strong. Hell, the lady holding my ‘reins’ behind me is probably the strongest person among our whole group, period. Pochi herself is no slouch, either.

Why’d she do that, though? Why go through all that trouble to make me lip-read when a simple Telepathic Call would have sufficed?

Nope, I don’t get it.

We walked on — not out the city gates, but in the direction of the city’s central district.

Eventually, we entered a district full of mansions, each contained in its own plot of land. 

It’s impressive how oppressive the atmosphere here is, considering we’re at an open crossroads. Could this be another characteristic of the T’oued culture?

“This way, Sir Asley.”

Whenever Haruhana turned to me, a certain fragrance tickled my nose, making me feel weak.

Am I the only one who’s weak against this kind of perfume that girls seem to like? Or, maybe, the only smell I’m immune to is Pochi’s stink of the great outdoors.

No no, I CAN’T be the only one weak to this. All men have to be, too. Ngh… I’d like to write that down in my book, but both my hands are restrained right now. If I pass the Drynium Rod in my right hand to Pochi, maybe I’ll get a chance to write — but then Haruhana will probably grab my hand instead of my arm.

Mana and Haruhana, noticing the troubled look on my face, asked me,

“Hmm? What’s wrong, Asley?”

“Is something the matter?”

And then there’s Lylia…

“Keep walking.”

…Totally treating me like livestock.

In a corner of my eye, I see Pochi rolling around on the ground, laughing. Ugh, for some reason, she’s making me feel extra annoyed today. And why am I unable to say anything despite being surrounded by girls like this? Usually, I’d be able to talk to them just fine, like back at the Guild…!

“Ah, no, it’s nothing.”

“Oh, I know that’s not true.”

“That’s right. You only make that face when you’re having a problem, you know.”

“Yeah, what they said. Well?”

Looks like Lylia didn’t have anything to say herself, since the two others had already covered everything. That’s what the look on her face suggests.

Still, I’ve noticed that she’s become more laid-back these days. Back when we fought Lucifer, she probably never would have talked like this. I’ve been told that she’d been sealed in that Crystal a few decades after that, so she must’ve mellowed down during that gap.

“T-thanks for… worrying. But I’m really all right — I can take care of myself.”

“Oh really? Well, you better tell us when you’re actually in trouble, yeah?”

“We’ll always be ready to help!”

“All right, keep walking…”

What does Lylia actually want from me, getting all aggressive like that? Well, anyway, it’s a great feeling, knowing that I have friends who care about me. Unlike that so-called Heavenly Beast rolling around on the ground over there. 

And so we kept walking, eventually reaching a particularly large mansion on an edge of the central district. It’s not tall, but certainly WIDE. This is yet another difference in culture, I suppose.

“Oh, you’re finally here.”

And then Reid came out to welcome us.

“Huh? What are you doing here, Reid?”

Come to think of it, I never saw him back at the Adventurers’ Guild.

“What’re you talking about? C’mon, get inside — everyone else’s already in there, you know.”

I took off my boots and followed Reid inside. After a short walk, we entered a spacious hall, and I finally understood exactly what Reid had meant earlier.

Everyone — all the members of Team Silver from back at the Adventurers’ Guild — are already sitting here.


“What, so you never caught on? I asked Haruhana and Mana to take you on a detour — you know, because I wanted to surprise you.”

Reid rubbed his nose with his index finger.

A surprise, huh? With what, exactly?

Blazer proceeded to stand up and look at me.

“Welcome, Asley. How do you like our new house?”

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