The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 362: A Speech

Chapter 362: A Speech

Despite the ‘slightly’ rough start, Asley and Pochi managed to address the audience well enough. Every single mage in the audience could perceive just how much arcane energy they carried, so it was not as if their reputation was ruined… or at least not yet.

The next person to address the audience was Irene, formerly one of the Six Archmages and the current leader of the Resistance.

From Asley and Pochi’s perspective, her speech was so different from her usual character that the two could not help but turn to look at each other.

“I am Irene, former Archmage. I currently lead the Resistance in an effort to destroy the darkness that plagues the War Demon Nation.”

Those words alone raised quite a commotion among the audience. Being an Archmage, Irene’s name was one that transcended borders — especially because it was public knowledge that she had been the one to invent the Teleportation spell, even though it was actually Asley who had done it.

Irene went on to explain everything: the Devilkin that had been building their ranks within the War Demon Nation, and those in a higher power than the Duodecad — Ishtar of the Black, Lloyd of the White, and the elusive Grey.

Naturally, a large part of the audience consisted of mages originating in the War Demon Nation — and many among them were aware of the existence of those authority figures.

“This individual called ‘Grey,’ a Devil wearing the skin of a man, is the one currently ruling the War Demon Nation. We have amassed our forces in order to try and eliminate this threat.”

However, not many knew that two of those three — and Billy, the overall leader of the Duodecad — were actually Devils in one form or another.

Irene’s explanations continued, covering all the relevant events so far and the fact that the Devil King’s resurrection was imminent.

“This classroom is open to all capable mages. But let us make this clear: we won’t force you to believe anything. We won’t even insist that we are correct. Even if you think the whole story is nothing but a baseless conspiracy, we will neither affirm nor deny your beliefs.”

Some people accepted the truth head-on, while others were not able to handle it.

Exactly because she understood that, Irene made it a point to be fully honest with them.

“However, we have people who might better convince you: two of the Holy Warriors who have fought the Devil King in millennia past!”

Yet another commotion broke out among the audience.

Lylia, the fighter, walked onto the stage. And standing up behind her was the magic classroom’s Head Professor, Asley, looking quite apologetic.

“An Elf…!”

“Dark Elf!”

Those who looked at her ears instantly recognized what she was.

The Elves, better known as Dark Elves, were publicly believed to be extinct… and in fact, no human nation had interacted with them over the past two thousand years.

The surprise among the audience was but an inevitability.

“My name is Lylia.”

At least a few people were surprised by that name alone. There were many legends attributed to the Holy Warriors, but not many of them actually mentioned their names. Still, the name ‘Lylia’ certainly had been recorded in the ones that did.

“And these two… I know them as the mage Poer, and his Familiar, Shiro. Together, we have worked to defeat Devil King Lucifer approximately five thousand years ago.”

The commotion escalated further.

There was a big difference in reactions from two kinds of people: those who were already familiar with Asley, and those who were just hearing about this whole thing for the first time today.

Then, Asley finally stepped forward.

“Each of us is able to be here today through different means of transcending time. And with that, I have brought the antiquity’s secret art, the Limit Breakthrough magecraft, to the current era. We intend to use it to elevate the strengths of those who fight for the good cause. However, that alone will not make us a match for the Devilkin. In fact, Gaspard, the one disguised as Grey, already possesses strength comparable to the Devil King himself. Hero Giorno is no longer with us, and we Holy Warriors no longer have our Divine Blessings, thus our options are limited. I believe this magic classroom to be one of those options.”

Asley was interrupted by the voice of one of the people who could not handle that.

“You expect us to just believe that!?”

The voice echoed from somewhere within the venue.

Asley did not look at that person’s face, and neither did Lylia — because they had already seen this reaction coming.

The last time the Devil King arrived, less than a hundred adventurers were there at Sodom.

In other words, less than a hundred people had actually participated in the decisive battle. So many others had turned a blind eye to reality, and simply wished that ‘someone else’ would come along and get rid of the threat for them.

Those who objected to the information presented now were simply showing their natural emotions. They were looking at a hypothetical future, hoping that things were not actually as described.

With that exact thought in mind, Asley proceeded to release the arcane energy that laid dormant in his body.


Fortunately, all of the many people gathered here were those who had extensively pursued the arcane arts. They all could sense the extent of Asley’s power.

Still, knowing the extent of that power and feeling it right on the spot were two different things. The surge of energy sent chills running over all of the audience’s bodies. Faced with a force the likes of which they had never felt before, everyone held their breaths as if their hearts were forced to skip a few beats. Even Irene and Warren were sweating.

And then everyone was relieved when this overwhelming aura was disengaged.

“…Do know that, even with this much power, I could not win against the Devil King alone.”

Then everyone understood — from looking at Asley’s genuinely troubled face.

They understood more from that face than his despair-inducing words.

That the responsibility on his shoulders was unimaginably heavy.

Once they realized that, their objections disappeared. Still, one question remained… and the first one to do something about that was none other than Asley’s very first student.

“So what can we do… to defeat the Devil King?”

Lina raised her hand and asked Asley the question — a question that just about anyone would like to ask.

This surprised even Warren.

It was so simple that even a child could have asked it. However, there probably were only a few among the crowd here who actually would say it out loud. The surprise stemmed from Lina’s audacity to actually ask it right here, right now.

Asley and Pochi, all four eyes wide with surprise, looked at each other and cracked the same dry smile.

Then Asley turned his gentle gaze to Lina…

“I think this magic classroom is the place to think about it. Together.”

…And he gave her his honest answer.

Before long, the rain stopped and the sun shone through the gaps in the clouds.

As if brightened by this new light, Lina smiled and said,

“Yes, sir!”


After the commencement ceremony of the magic classroom, Asley explained to the audience that the actual studies would begin the following day, and then relaxed a little as he took his seat on the stage. In the end, not many people expressed their wishes to pursue their studies here, and those who did were now talking with one another, exchanging greetings, especially with those whom they had not met for a long time. In the meantime, Asley took this chance to rest his weary mind.

But then Irene called out to Asley in her usual tone,

“That was a fairly decent speech by your standards.”

“Oh, give me a break. I already had my hands full before I even got up here, you know.”

Irene sat next to Asley as the latter kept his head drooped down.

“Well, it’s not like I expected anything better than that. Most of them probably wouldn’t even show up tomorrow anyway. What’s important is that we give proper guidance to those who DO.”

“Ugh… I think my stomach is starting to ache…”

“Oh, we’ll squeeze every bit of work we can out of you, Professor Asley!”

Irene cracked an ear-to-ear grin and gave Asley a pat on the back.

Asley glanced at her with a shade of doubt and asked,

“You seem to be in a… way better mood than usual.”

“No, not really. I’m just happy that I can FINALLY steal all your knowledge… LEGALLY!”

Faced with Irene’s unrestrained bluntness, Asley could not help but laugh.


“At any rate, this magic classroom is shaping to be something quite interesting.”

“What, because anyone could try to become a lecturer if they only applied? I already know the conditions you set, you know — by those standards, even Natsu and Lala could qualify just fine.”

“Well, it depends on the person, of course. Things like new magic spells are actually easy to learn and practice to usable levels — it’s just that one person’s know-how normally would not be shared with others. But we’ll be doing it here — though I can foresee the more stubborn people being stingy about what they offer.”

Irene shrugged at her own remark, prompting Asley to chuckle.

“Knowledge is nice and all, but they need training, too. Sometimes, just having the know-how wouldn’t do you any good, you know.”

“Yeah, like when we all tried to fight against your Split Invocation… Look, if you’re going to teach that, you have to call me immediately. Got it?”

“Miss Irene, you’re able to use it already…”

“Yes, but what I want to see are the student’s reactions to it.”

“That’s… pretty creepy.”

“Oh yeah? But it’s times like these that divide people into two types: those who say they can’t do it and give up, and those who show their determination to keep trying. I’m looking for the latter kind of people, that’s all.”

Irene’s explanation rendered Asley agape with surprise.

[Good God, she’s a natural at being a leader of the people…]

And so Head Professor Asley’s magic classroom was in session.

This educational institution still had many barriers to get past, but it was sure to be a place that would take Asley, Lina, and all the others to greater heights.

“Wait a second… Warren!? Did you lie to us when you said it was going to be a rehearsal!? Warren!? Are you listening to me!?”

…And of course, that included Pochi as well.

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